Alpha 8.5 - Feedback: Retractable landing gears, turrets and weapons

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Aug 27, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    - Added retractable turrets for Bases and Hover Vessels
    - Added Base Turrets in groups (similar to CV)
    - Added retractable versions for alien sentry guns
    - Added wall version for human sentry gun
    - Added retractable version for all human sentry guns (and put into block group)



    Ian Einman and geostar1024 like this.
  2. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    I'm extra super happy about this - I wanted retractable sentry guns for ships for a long time (didn't care that much for retractable big turrets), it is so movie-like to land on new planet, pop them little buggers out & clear "landing zone" (and I want that for big SVs also :D)

    ... BUT - just like with first rollout of fantastic modular wings - your retractable sentry guns with its block are having 50 (!!!) armor points :eek::rolleyes::D

    We have to replace 1000 or 2000 armor points block with this one with 50 points!
    Is it made from plastic? ;)
  3. Isaac Dark

    Isaac Dark Ensign

    Aug 30, 2018
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    I agree.
    Also the group signals are useless, because they are lost after each autogroup.
    I would prefer 18 free signals in the control panel, each with a hotkey.
    And for beginners they can be predefined, with a "set to default" button.
    I think that would make things much easier for the programmers too.
    At the moment its not working properly, e.g. you define a "standby", which switches the thrusters and rcs off and on the other hand the thruster-button switches the thrusters into a different state, but the rcs are still off...
  4. Ranu

    Ranu Ensign

    Jun 24, 2017
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    As a result of "Added Base Turrets in groups (similar to CV)" we're now without early Base defence because of materials to build it.
  5. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    My thoughts...

    Retractable Turrets:

    - Control panel setting of "Retract on Power Down"...
    - If power is turned off to the base or vessel: The turret should retract as a normal mode of operation.
    - When power is turned back on: The turret only extends if it marked as active in the CP, obviously.
    - If power is CUT (exploding generator etc): The turret should remain exposed, since it had no proper signal and shutdown power to close.

    Retractable Weapons:

    - Some form of "never retract" control panel setting. Some ships I like exposed weapons at all times.
    - Control panel setting of "retract on power down". So they auto-retract when you power your ship down.

    All Retractable Devices:

    - Hotkey ability to extend/retract all weapons (much like you do in Elite Dangerous).

    All controllable turrets:

    - If the turret is currently deactivated, and I take control: It should activate while I am in control. Then if I let go of control, it should go BACK to deactivated mode.
    - If a turret is already activated, and I take control: It should stay activated when I let go of control, and it goes back to automatic mode.

    All turrets:

    - If the turret is being placed: It either needs a delay timer (10 seconds?) before self activation, OR it needs to be deactivated on placement.
    Ivellios likes this.
  6. Fisch050

    Fisch050 Lieutenant

    Jun 11, 2017
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    This. Definitely. I can't say how many times I have tried to fire my weapons, only to find them disabled because they are retracted. Then I am in a pickle, as I have to jump to the control panel, while under fire, to activate the weapons. I would prefer to have the weapons default on, with option to close. Right now, when I power on, they are retracted. It's easy to forget to activate them prior to going into battle (against drones, troop transport, etc.).
  7. Geneticus

    Geneticus Lieutenant

    Jun 27, 2015
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    I saw some wrecked SVs and HVs in the blueprints. It might be a better flow in the tutorial if you located a wrecked HV before you get sent to the Titan. Then a wrecked SV later as building either can be intimidating at first. Also incorporating some instructions in to the quest PDA text for which components need to be added to make it usable.
  8. Isaac Dark

    Isaac Dark Ensign

    Aug 30, 2018
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    To keep them always activated, connect them to a signal.
    I always have a "engine" button, which switches the thrusters , RCS and the weapons (sometimes unused generators).
  9. IMtz

    IMtz Lieutenant

    Sep 24, 2018
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    I designed a CV that use retractable turrets with the purpose of hide outer space turrets in planet's atmosphere and atmosphere turrets in outer space environments. The main reason of this design is remove obstructions for the activated turrets, to get more shots when aim my CV to the target. However my tests showed that turrets don't shot through retracted turrets. It seems that the tracking system always sees the turrets no retracted.
    Isaac Dark likes this.
  10. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Plastic blocks have 100hp no? :)
    Andreykl and Isaac Dark like this.
  11. Andreykl

    Andreykl Commander

    Apr 9, 2017
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    Turns out it can be used as safety measure. My HV is equipped with rails and harvester, harvester is perfect weapon against aggressive fauna and I started clicking LMB on reflex each time something is near me and ended up wasting bullets when harvester is not the selected weapon... which is most of the time since rails occupy first position in toolbar/hotbar. Retracting weapons helps with wasting bullets in my case.
    A must! But also we need ability to alter weapon ordering in toolbar... Preferably we need full toolbar control per seat (removing/adding weapons and turrets, signals and groups)
    In most non-combat cases I simply shut down reverse-thrusters to prevent vessels from decelerating and not waste (my finger's) energy on forward thrusters (I know about 'i' I just want vessel to compensate side velocity) then shut down whole vessel when I need to decelerate. Adding signals to toolbar will help with that (or at least allowing signals to read hotbar/toolbar states). And I would really like having control of some gates+lights from hotbar.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018

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