
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. cgw 2

    cgw 2 Commander

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Quarior and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  2. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    They said it'll be in some upcoming scenario...
    It's irrelevant for now...
    Don't spoil it for Yourself...:D
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. ThumbsUp

    ThumbsUp Ensign

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Since the 8.5 update, and not fixed in 8.6 patch, our faction lists have not been working. The names are all scrambled and unreadable, plus there is no scroll bar so we can see candidates who have applied on the bottom of the list.

    Also, while we're at it. Can you add a feature to allow us to remove inactive members? If they've quit playing, they're never going to be 'IN' the same playfield so that we can click the remove button. Just give the owner the ability to remove anyone, no matter what their status, but especially those who have been inactive.
    WolfEyes and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  4. ThumbsUp

    ThumbsUp Ensign

    Dec 1, 2017
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    Since the 8.5 update, and not fixed in 8.6 patch, our faction lists have not been working. The names are all scrambled and unreadable, plus there is no scroll bar so we can see candidates who have applied on the bottom of the list.

    Also, while we're at it. Can you add a feature to allow us to remove inactive members? If they've quit playing, they're never going to be 'IN' the same playfield so that we can click the remove button. Just give the owner the ability to remove anyone, no matter what their status, but especially those who have been inactive.
  5. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Bug Report Worthy.
  6. hanrahan6

    hanrahan6 Ensign

    Sep 3, 2018
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    When using the multi-tool in repair mode, is it possible to have the blocks that are damaged "glow" when the tool is equipped? It is sometimes really difficult to see which blocks are damaged.
    shadowlid, zztong, WolfEyes and 4 others like this.
  7. Redneck Gaming

    Redneck Gaming Lieutenant

    Jun 1, 2018
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    This is a positively capital idea. Probably a nightmare to code, but of the ideas I've seen lately, this one is head and shoulders above most.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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  9. Stoickk

    Stoickk Lieutenant

    May 8, 2016
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    I don't know that this would qualify as a bug, so I'm mentioning it here. Currently, base turrets are calculating their engagement range as distance from base core to target, instead of as distance from turret to target. This is problematic because the further to the perimeter that you place turrets, the more effective range they lose. In extreme cases of turrets over 200m from the base core, drones can close to within 50 meters before the turret will respond and engage. With the current attack wave of three drones, this still results in noticeable damage to the base, and the frequent loss of turrets. I can only imagine that with the increased attack waves coming in A9, this problem will multiply exponentially.
    SergP and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  10. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    IMHO definitely Bug Report worthy. That can't be intended behavior.
    Stoickk likes this.
  11. Stoickk

    Stoickk Lieutenant

    May 8, 2016
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    I'll set up a fresh game with the turrets in place to demonstrate, and include it in the bug report.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  12. Mom Is Salty

    Mom Is Salty Ensign

    Oct 29, 2018
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    I don't know what the issue is, or where to post, but I can't play the game for some reason. It's SUPER delayed and laggy. I have wonderful net speeds and a high speed gaming computer, so any ideas what it could be?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I suggest to log into the game, open the Task-Manager and look what is running/working in the Background. It might also be that a Anti Virus Program or (if you use it) a Windows-program blocks part of the game.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  14. R4z0rbee

    R4z0rbee Lieutenant

    May 3, 2016
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    After a long time I am currently checking out the game again. When playing I tend to have a list open in the background, taking notes as I go regarding potential feedback and wishes. I am apologizing in advance since there is a very high chance some of those have been voiced over the years. I'll try to keep it compact:


    - Keep 1st / 3rd upon exiting / entering seats
    I generally pilot vehicles in 3rd person and play in first person on foot. Having to change camera mode every time gets old really fast and it would be nice if those modes are saved for on foot / seat respectively.

    - 3rd person laggy camera
    Not sure if intended but this dragging camera in 3rd person on foot makes it borderline useless for normal play. If intended, I think it could at least use some towning down.

    - HV Harvester vs meteorite / Save toolbar slot / Save weapon mode
    Wood harvesters demolish meteorites at an insane rate without any resource gain. They should just not be able to harvest them. I am sure I am not the only one who, by accident hit a meteorite with a wood harvester instead of the drill because upon exiting / entering the pilot seat, the selected hotbar device got reset.

    It would be nice if the selected tool in the hotbar as well as the mode it was in ( e.g. ground drill / rock drill ) could be kept after exiting / reentering a seat.

    - Slippery character controller
    Why is the character so inexplicably slippery ? Even the slightest slope makes you slide down as if your boots are covered with ice. I would really appreciate a lot more friction when walking / running / jumping around on foot.

    - Binding access to turrets to hotbar for individual chairs
    Probably suggested about a million times. Quite surprised its not in the game yet.

    - Unload weapons/turrets
    Self explanatory. Losing all the ammo when replacing turrets or smelting guns is sad :(

    - More sensitivity options
    Zooming all the way in with turrets makes your net sensitivity waaay too low, while at the same time making the crosshair jump by about 20 pixels increments on your screen. Reversly, zooming in with handheld weapons make net sensitivity waaay to high. Please consider individual sens sliders in the control options for looking sens. / aim down sights sens. / turret sens. etc.

    - HV Harvesting plants
    The HV harvester should be able to harvest plants just like you would when pressing "action key". Coming to a full stop, leaving cockpit, open HV door, pick plant, etc. etc. for every single plant you find is very tedious.

    - Changing constructor build queue order
    Also probably suggested many times. You just queued up 200 of item x just to discover you need item y more urgently. Pulling item y to the front of the build queue would be mighty handy.

    - New hud arrows blink on appearance + audio feedback
    When you pass by a meteorite for example, all you get is a tiny white arrow appearing on the side of your screen, hence easy to miss. When those arrows appear on your hud, maybe make them flashing for a second or two while playing a small bleep-bloop notification sound.

    - Smoke too black when mining
    The smoke when mining is just pitch black. I cannot even see the meteorite im mining with my HV. Not even when 3rd person and zoomed out. Please consider towning down the smoke plumes and make them transparent. I hope this is not something linked to my graphic settings specifically.

    - Device group on/off displayed by coloured symbol in header ( green , orange , red )
    I would like the see at a glance if my device groups are powered down or not without having to select them individually. Just a coloured dot next to the name in the device header list would be cool.

    - Shifting device groups / devices in hierarchy up / down
    More of an OCD type thing but I cannot stand if the devices in my groups are not listed alphabetically. I end up removing / readding the devices to groups just for them to have the right sorting order. Please let me be able to shift these up / down in the device group.

    - "Keep device selected after grouping" checkbox after assigning
    When an object has been assigned to a group, it automatically selects the next object, which is probably an ungrouped one. This can be helpful but also means if you want to name the object you just grouped ( since you can only name them AFTER you assign them to a group), you have to scroll up every time in your group list. A checkbox option in the control panel to keep the device you just grouped selected would make that process a lot easier.


    - Block picker
    No explanation needed.

    - Hold "modifyer button" for context sensitive orientation / facing
    This endless rotating of blocks when building something big will put me in an early grave eventually. Imagine you could hold down shift or alt or anything to orient the buttom ( blue beehive looking side of the bounding box ) of the block according to the surface you are aiming at.

    - Ingame shipdesigner terminal - Exclude parts from blueprints
    This is probably THE biggest reason I dont play this game as much as I would like and probably would need a thread of its own. Having to exit the server just to design a new ship in SP is absolutely unacceptable. Also, just because my blueprint has one piece that requires a material that I dont have ATM should not mean that the entire build is off limits to me. Just let us select which parts to exclude from the blueprints. Maybe just spawn a holographic wireframe of the blueprint to then materialize the individual blocks with the multitool upgrade function. The possibilities are endless, this urgently needs an overhaul IMO.


    - No HP penalty for dying
    More PVE oriented but simply dying and respawning gives you back full health without any downside, except a little bit of hunger. Dying seems a lot less troublesome and more efficient compared to finding materials to cure deseases or getting your HP back up in early game. Dying should be punished a lot more, at the very least with with less spawning HP ( 100 ? ) or even XP loss upon death.

    - Cargo space doesnt matter.
    Something very dear to me. I love making cargo vessels. Unfortunately, in empyrion there is absolutely no need for that since even the tiniest HV can carry all the materials to build an entire size class 10 CV. I think I saw some max weight on an alpha 9 sneak peek screenshot. If that this is already getting addressed, very nice.

    - Pulse laser hitscan ?
    This doesnt add up. The visual projectile appears way too slow to make this a hitscan weapon. Either the visual projectile needs to fly way faster to justify this being a hitscan weapon or, preferably, the weapon simply has a physical projectile just like plasmas, rockets etc.

    - Assault rifle T2 vs. assault rifle enhanced HS multiplier
    Why does the T2 assault rifle do 4x HS damage while the enhanced only does 3.5x ? ( tested ingame, T2 does more damage )


    - Weapon recoil / attachments ( laser , flashlight , different scopes )
    Nobrainer. I know the PVE aspect is probably not that important for a lot of people but for me raiding POI with my friends is a big part of this game. Just some simple recoil please.

    - Cargo boxes light up depending on filled / empty
    Self explanatory.

    - AUTO setting in on/off depending on filled or not
    Fridges and foodprocessors have no reason to stay powered when there is nothing inside them. Can we get an AUTO setting so they only turn on when there is something inside ? Same goes for constructors. No reason to draw power when not constructing anything.

    - Vehicle optics device
    Basically a 360° turret mounted camera that inherits a lot of visual functionality such as night vision, range finder, zoom, spotlight, etc. Bonus points if it could be extendable a few meters to peek over terrain. Currently I have to exit my vehice and look through a weapon scope if I want to look at something in more detail, which is kinda silly.

    - In-faction locking / permission system
    Easily the most important thing in this list. Why should I even consider playing MP when I cant form / join factions without running the risk of people stealing my stuff ?

    - HV SV automatic doors
    A sensor linked to a door does achieve exactly that, so why not just readd it as its own object. Why were they taken out of the game in the first place ?


    - "Weapon malfunction"
    This gets triggered way too often in scenarios where the weapons LOS is not even close to intersecting other friendly blocks. For turrets it seems to take the entire bounding box of blocks into consideration, where as the hitdetection of handheld weapons / tools seem quite accurate.

    - Alien scorpion hitbox
    Way too many parts of this creature have no hitbox at all.

    - Entering turret when surrounded by terrain
    For some reason, when my HV is surrounded by / close to terrain, it tells me that I cannot enter a turret because I need to be in a chair, even though I am.

    - Harvest amount on foot / vehicle
    HV drills only get one drop of materials, while destroying rocks with a handdrill usually drops 2 stacks of resources. Especially in early game that means hopping out of your HV to deal the final drill with a handtool if you want to maximize resource gain.

    And there you have it. If some of those suggestions are already in the game and I simply was too ignorant to notice, please let me know.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2018
    Spirit_OK and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  15. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    It looks like alpha 9 is going to make you quite happy, then. I can't wait for cargo mass and volume :).

    Any laser weapon should be hitscan, and the projectile that's rendered should be a beam (just like the mining lasers). One would think it'd be an easy fix.

    A proper bullet spread system (that incorporates recoil) would be far better than the simple RNG-based system we have now. Trying to do precision shooting right now is an exercise in frustration.

    One could argue that constructors (and especially the furnace) should draw some idle power as a consequence of keeping their internal forging systems hot.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  16. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I really like that we've added "sleep" to the came. I was among the first (I think) to suggest it. The survival tent is a great idea.

    However, there is something I don't understand. While waiting till sundown to be able to go to sleep is fine, why is it we wake-up with the sun high in the sky? As much as 2 game hours are expended by wake-up. To what purpose is this daylight stolen? Admittedly, IRL, this is normal for me. But this isn't IRL! If we can't activate "sleep" until sundown, then the sleep period should end at sunrise or be player adjustable in Options.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  17. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Whoops! sent twice
  18. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I don't know what made me decide to check O2 integrity on one of my previously oxygenated CVs, but I did. To my amazement and consternation, the ship was a vacuum except for immediately adjacent to the ventilators and 2 rooms. Both rooms are supplied by the same vent unit, However, one room is completely airtight fed girectly from the vent, while the other room is fed thru an open passage from the corridor which is fed directly from the dame vent, Only their is NO O2 IN THE CORRIDOR! The ship is highly compartmentalized with numerous vent units. I have used the airtight check and have not found any telltale leaks. Besides, to have leaks in so many compartments except for the two I mentioned seems unfathomable. I've tried re spawning the BP, restarting the dame from the menu and from the desktop, and even rebooted the cpu with no joy. I am flummoxed!

    Any suggestions would be welcome.

    UPDATE: I would say I solved the problem except I'm not sure how I did it. Checking out a saved game with a slightly earlier version of the same ship, it turned out to be air tight. I spawned the naughty version into the savegane with no joy.

    With more searching, I found a compartment that wasn't meant to have air but appears to have had a leak thru a stack of rocket launchers. I sealed the launchers and voila! the ship had air. The room was separated from the rest of the ship with an airtight bulkhead and door.:confused:

    I went back to the current game to plug the corresponding leak only it didn't work. And then it did! Unfortunately, I was trying so many things, I'm not sure what did the trick. at least I won't have to wear my helmet in the ship all the time. :D
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2018
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    There are certain blocks in game that prevent O² from flowing - I call them "Half-Blocks". Also Doors, some Airtight, some not. Staircases, that eventually have contact with the outside of the ship - some airtight, some not. Its a bit tricky to find such things and a pain in the arse.
    There are many postings referring to that issue. Btw., sometimes it is also just a problem with the amount of O²(Tanks) needed to fill the whole ship, a point that can be found in the statistics of the Control Panel.
    Here is a video of a fellow gamer named @spanj that may help you by your leak hunt
  20. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Yeah, I'm aware of those issues and was looking for them. What was interesting was when I placed airtight doors and windows to seal the one room, it was still oxygenated. Beats the hell out of me. Any way, As noted in my updated post, The problem appears to be fixed.

    Thank for the input.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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