Is this an O2 leak, or just the center of the block?

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by Earth Marshal, Sep 14, 2018.

  1. Earth Marshal

    Earth Marshal Ensign

    Aug 31, 2018
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    I have an elevator going up the center of a tower in my base. I used a bunch of the heavy windows, turned on their side, so that I had vertical stripes of windows which surround the elevator. I turned them on Y so that the windows are close to the elevator, so I wouldn't chance moving out of the elevator and breaking my leg. The corners between the windows are plugged using the Ramp Bottom C steel blocks.

    It seems to me that my base is losing oxygen, so I checked and saw these O2 indicators. Is this just because the glass is closer to the center of the tower than the center of the block is, and there's not really a leak? Or might the game interpret the fact that the O2 indicator is outside the glass as a leak?

    (and I'm still trying to understand why, on an Oxygen-rich planet, my plants won't grow if I don't have my base sealed and ventilators running.)

  2. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    General rules:
    * Every block that is set, blocks o2.
    * Window-blocks are airtight.
    * Glass-doors and (some) shutter Windows leak o2

    So you have an Elevator, surrounded by window blocks.
    This means, the Elevator has air (if there is a vent!), but regardless wether you placed those window-blocks inside-out or not they are airtight.

    What might be irritating is the fact that 'half blocks' seem to let 02 pass, but that is not true.
    They just let o2 reach this block, partly fill it, but it wont let the 02 pass - even if there is visualy a hole.

    Frigidman likes this.
  3. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Which is something that has aggravated the hell out of me ever since they put this system in the way it is.

    Two annoying issues:
    1) Flipping blocks on the outside of bases and such (like the OP has there)... you can 'stand outside and breath'. Very silly.

    2) Impossible to make thin utility tunnels deep inside a base/cv without suffocating in the middle of them :mad:

    Not sure why they didnt have a '6 side air pass' algorithm instead... where if two sides touch that are 1, then air passes between the blocks... if one side is 0... air stops propogation. Clearly the 'thin wall' and 'half wall' would have one side as 0, and the other 5 as 1 (for the straight piece).

    Anyhoooooooooo.... Seph answered the questions.
  4. Earth Marshal

    Earth Marshal Ensign

    Aug 31, 2018
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    Yes, that certainly answered my question. Thanks for the help

    Oh, and Frigidman, I've run into that issue with the tunnels. Had a tunnel made out of glass panes in a space station, and at one point there was no air. Fortunately, in my case it was only 1 or 2 blocks of vacuum.
  5. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    One could role-play it as "space claustrophobia panic attack!!!" :)
  6. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Just a quick remark on this one. If the temperatures on the planet stay within a fairly narrow margin - I forget exactly what it is - then you can grow things in fully exposed Grow Plots. However, in my experience at least, even the Temperate starter planet goes outside these bounds and less hardy plants die quite quickly, usually due to getting a bit too chilly over night.

    You do not need to provide O2 to a base on a planet with a breathable atmosphere, you just need to seal it up to maintain the correct temperature. I never provide O2 to my Temperate planet bases, never have since base atmosphere was implemented, and my stuff grows just fine.

    Personally, I always thought a sealed base should require its own O2, even on a planet with a breathable atmosphere, the base is sealed after all. However, I guess Eleon use the same principal as being able to keep your helmet on in a breathable atmosphere yet not consume suit O2 - that didn't use to be the case back during the default Akua start.

  7. I remember the good old days of suffocating on a breathable planet because you forgot to take your helmet off. Good times.

    I really do miss it, same as I miss when my handheld weapons didn't auto reload themselves. Those two changes killed a LOT of the survival feeling for me.
  8. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Heh, yeah, I got into the habit of removing my helmet while still falling in the escape pod :)

    Never was a fan of auto-reloads, I used to like managing that myself. It triggers my OCD slightly to use a weapons that's not totally empty when upgrading to the T2 or Advanced version lol.

    Germanicus likes this.
  9. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Suffocation in a cockpit on an temperate o2 rich planet too... because you didn't install o2 tanks ;)

    Er wait, or was that an issue in SE? Gah...
  10. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Or, installed them but neglected the filling part... :) I admit to doing that a couple of times. Also, as an aside, it'd be nice if the lower right panel showed O2 remaining in tanks (as a time left) as it does for fuel. I've had situations where I've gone through the O" in the tanks, yet carry plenty more, but then burn through a load of suit O2 due to not paying attention. Then of course I remember why always installing an O2 station is important...loads of large O2 bottles, no way to use them other than while sat in the ship. Cut a few excursions short that did lol.


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