Quick No Man's Sky review

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by ZipSnipe, Nov 3, 2018.

  1. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Me and few faction mates just picked up No Man's Sky, got it off CDkeys.com for $21 ( legit deal too)

    Anyway we started off in survival and it was pretty tough at first. Here are the pro's and con's

    The first thing you need to understand is what you need to survive. First you will need to upgrade your scanner and scan everything.

    There is co-op but very limited. Its basically good to go help one of your friends thats just starting. There is not much as far as co-op missions.

    There is very limited in game help, so we were lucky and one of our members was a seasoned player.

    Here is the worst part, you die you lose your backpack, dying sucks .

    Also storage space sucks, so you will have to learn to build a base and how to get more storage space.

    Overall the game is interesting, it is extremely grindy, you have a lot a work to do. There is stuff that is automated but you have to learn the tech so you can build the devices and I haven't even got there yet.

    This game is in no way a replacement for Empyrion but it is a good game to play while we are waiting for better improvements to Empyrion.

    Good luck all

    PS. First thing you want to do is go into the options and for the starship controls set it up like Empyrion by keybinding.
    Pyston and TastyChickenLegs like this.
  2. TastyChickenLegs

    TastyChickenLegs Commander

    Mar 17, 2018
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    I wasnt a fan at first, but now really like NMS. The lore is very good, graphics impressive and there is lots to do. So much that I am usually working five missions at the same time. Besides the survival aspect they are very different games. To me empyrion is a building game which allows for a ton of creativity that NMS does not provide. EGS is probably closer to SE but SE is way more mature in automation with the ability to make things that actually have purpose. SE is a bit of a mess though. If they implemented automation and provided a robust modding API, Empyrion would easily surpass both. Just my 2 cents.
    Pyston likes this.
  3. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Good thing you didn't do this back when NMS was first released. The latest update is what the original release should have been, basically.

    I can't emphasize this enough: "storage space sucks." The fact that you can build a grand total of 10 storage vaults on your base that store . . . about twice what 2 ships with fully open inventories can is ridiculous.
    ZipSnipe and Sofianinho like this.
  4. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Yep better off collecting ships

    I want to point out that I wish they had the terrain manipulator in Empyrion I love the way it just eats terrain, easy tunnels. And the jump drives and warp drives are sweet too
  5. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    The universe alone in NMS looks really tempting to me. But on the other hand, the lack of the ability to create and build my own designed ships really makes the game not that interesting.
    (because that's half the fun to me)

    The best thing would be to merge both games into one glorious Space exploration experience.
    Pyston and geostar1024 like this.
  6. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    yeah me and the clan mates have agree. It is what Empyrion should be and your right, it would be nice to build your own ships. The way NMS base building is something I wish Empyrion did, EGS builds bases in blocks while NMS builds in prefabs and flat pieces. It still needs a little work.

    I also wanted to point out about the back pack. I originally started in survival mode, coming from Empyrion you would think thats the way to go, well it is kinda but like I said you die you lose your stuff. But in Normal mode its a lil safer as far as losing your stuff, you can retrieve it if you die. Plus normal mode is not so grindy like survival is. In survival you constantly have to refill your air and shields, a lil too tedious for me so I switched to normal mode and like the game a lot more now.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2018
    Pyston and Neal like this.
  7. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    After a while, though, suit upgrades tend to make it less annoying. The hardest and most annoying part of survival mode is getting your ship fixed up initially; after that, you have access to market terminals, and everything becomes substantially easier. You can simply buy large quantities of the necessary elements for recharging once you have a bit of money, which saves a lot of tedious harvesting time (this is especially the case for building materials).
  8. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Yeah but the grind is just a lil too much, like I said if they had something in between normal mode and survival it would be nicer.
  9. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Also want to point out that even though both EGS and NMS use two different game engines they are remarkably alike. Especially with glitches such as terrain glitches. Same disappearing terrain that EGS does so happens in NMS. Also your base filling up with terrain. The render distance is the same as EGS.
  10. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    I have seriously though about buying NMS in the near future (or next year), since to the exploration and the (almost) infinite universe is what interests me really much.
    As i already said, the ship building aspect it the ONLY thing that keeps me playing EGS from time to time, but its mulitplayer aspect, the survival in general or ground combat are definitley nothing what i care about.
    Heck, i don't even consider Space combat in EGS even worth considering into this equation, since it is basically inexistent in its current form.

    So how is NMS?
    Never mind, i just watched a Video about it and i'm totally amazed!

    It has to 90% everything i wished EGS had, except for Ship building and crew management (which EGS will most likely never get either imo).
    Certainly worth a try.

    One thing i didn't found out yet is, is the universe a permanent multiplayer sandbox by default?
    Or do you have to enable multiplayer, otherwise you are (hopefully) alone?
    Pyston likes this.
  11. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    There is an offline setting that will prevent other players from jumping into your session (it might also disable uploading of discoveries, though, I'm not sure). I've personally never had someone enter one of my games (probably because I'm in the middle of nowhere and haven't tried to get to a place where there could be other players).
    Neal likes this.
  12. YBAX

    YBAX Lieutenant

    Dec 7, 2017
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    So let me tell you my story... I'm a sucker for exploration/survival/build/space games well build not that much EXPLORATION is the main thing for me then survival and off course with these two comes building too... So in the beginning I was a hard core kerbal player then I migrated to space engineers witch I liked it in the beginning... about empyrion I didn't think much and was thinking that space engineers is better but when empyrion started to grow I've seen the potential in it and bought it... let me tell you that I totally forgot about SE... witch by the way I don't have it in my steam game list anymore :) I was playing empyrion like crazy and liked it (I still like it) I was in the exploration and survival part of it.... I wanted to finish the CV to go see the other planets, I'm not that much in to the shooting part of it, it was fun for the reward, but the important part for me was the exploration part and survival aspect too, all of this in single player... (I like to kinda role play my own story) and then something happened! heard the news about No man's sky will have a big update (NEXT) Now NMS was under my radar from start but i smelled it that something is not right with it and the idea of the game is to good to be true from the beginning and to tell you the truth I played a "non official" copy of the game when it first came out and at every big update till NEXT and didn't like it that much... but oh boy that changed when NEXT came out from the shadows... Now I'm a big NMS fan and play the game a lot, basically I only play NMS for now and do check on empyrion to see how it progresses. So for me NMS has all that I wanted in a space exploration game and with the dedication that hello games are putting in the game right now it is insane!!! I mean TWO big updates in under a month!!! (ABYSS and VISIONS) the game has more variation than ever! and MODS lots of them! So this is my story and I'm telling it here because I like Empyrion too and want to see how is going foreword , If ELEON GAMES add the diversity that NMS has and a procedural universe than it will be perfect, this is my story and opinion.
    TK85 and Neal like this.
  13. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Man, this sounds almost like my own story, except that i have never played NMS.
    For what i learned about the Game by now, i'd love to play it, but there's still one thing my (light) asperger syndrome cannot ignore and that's ships.
    I really dislike the idea of one-seater ships (except from maybe short range shuttles) to explore a whole galaxy and even more improtant, i find them really (i mean REALLY) ugly. :oops:
    The idea of having to stare at these Fugly things (bulky freighters ?!? REALLY?) all the time really sucks the fun out of it to me.
    It's exactly the sotr of ship design i really hate, lol.

    Typical, now that i have found a almost perfect game for me, there one BIG thing that keeps me from playing it. I should have knew it, lol.
  14. eLLe

    eLLe Captain

    Jun 17, 2017
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    I like how look this now NMS and I love to play everyday. If Empyrion had a procedural universe and a multiplayer similar to NMS then problems with a large number of players in the big universe would be forever resolved. For me, that would be the perfect game you could play for years. NMS and Empyrion would get two almost perfect games when they took one of the other best things.
    Neal and YBAX like this.
  15. YBAX

    YBAX Lieutenant

    Dec 7, 2017
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    Yeah I know the ships in NMS are kinda ugly... but I managed to get past that... this: https: //www.nexusmods.com/nomanssky/mods/906 helped too, the ships in this mod are a bit more divers and interesting, you can have a freighter (big CV in empyrion language ;) ) and can turn that in your base of operations and use the SV's only for planetary exploration and the way game is progressing it will give one for free after the tutorial missions so no such big deal with the ships when you literally have a hole universe to explore! Think of all the planets you can see and explore! you can build huge bases everywhere and man the exocrafts are awesome too! I tell you that NMS dose scrap that itch of exploration for me big time! You should give it a go, and trust me you can find beautiful ships in NMS too and I heard a roamer that they will modify this aspect in the future with more customization of the ships and multytools. I can only imagine how NMS would be with the ship building mechanic from empyrion... man I think that will be the best game ever!
    Neal likes this.
  16. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    You know the more you talk about the awesomness of this game the more difficult the situation gets for me, lol. The moment when there are more ships (especially good looking ones) or when you can build your own designs, THAT moment i will instantly buy the game.
    That mod looks really interesting, but the ships look not that much different to the original game, to me at least.

    They (the devs) got the universe really good (i mean REALLY good!), but their ships look terrible, especially since they are mostly small one seaters* or ugly freighters... It is like they desperately wanted to spit into every star trek fan in the face, lol. (jk)

    *it's like exploring the Pacific ocean in a dug out canoe, instead of a majestic tall ship. It's possible, but it 100% lacks the awesomness and ruins the fun to me.
    (yes, i'm a StarSHIP fan)
    YBAX likes this.
  17. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    The ships are one of only a few reasons I cant get in to NMS myself. I love the galaxy... I really loved the diversity... And the game played smooth as silk for me plus looks beautiful! But... Your freighter storage is laughable at best. Freighter should have pages of storage considering its size. And ships just arent visually appealing to me. I really like building my own stuff lol. Most of us do I think.

    I think thats the ONE area empy lacks in the most is content. While it is still an alpha... Its 3 years old (Steam release anyways) and it has no mid to end game content. I think that and the lack of carefully designed systems are all that hold this game back. If NMS devs ever looked across the isle at empy or avorion and took a few pages from their books im sure it would crush those two games. It literally has everything else! Just cant build anything yourself to fly... I think that as long as the devs are filling out the framework of the game / not finishing systems that are obviously incomplete, and not adding any content, it makes them replaceable / vulnerable.

    Imagine if NMS allowed dedicated servers... With the modding thats already available to them. Sheesh.
    Neal likes this.
  18. eLLe

    eLLe Captain

    Jun 17, 2017
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    Since the next month, the competition of these two games will bring Osiris: New Dawn with its new update. Osiris is a beautiful game that is slowly getting bigger. NMS and Osiris every day are getting better and I'm surprised to Empyrion dev. still does not give us concrete things related to 9.0. I stopped playing Empyrion and mostly played NMS and the arrival of the new Osiris update I will start playing it much more than we have until now and information about the new Empyrion progress is still unavailable. We need content in the game, water physics, and a larger universe so that the game can continue to be among the best in competition.
    Pyston and binhthuy71 like this.
  19. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Well sadly I have already grown bored of NMS, its ok, its a relaxing game kinda but I moved onto the heavy brutal action of Rust
  20. Keith Hovey

    Keith Hovey Captain

    May 11, 2016
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    I love rust lol. I think a lot of us are tired of empyrion in general. When was the last time it got new "content"? I think the last two years have mostly been filling out framework.

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