Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. TK85

    TK85 Captain

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Chris Bee likes this.
  2. Bloomsfield

    Bloomsfield Ensign

    Nov 30, 2018
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    some ideas.

    1. Using stone to make stone blocks a castle or cobblestone look. this would be an early game strong construction, but also allow creative use to make old structures like ruins or primitive stone buildings.
    2. gas collection device for space. goes on CV/SV and as you move about collects hydrogen and other gases in space. dont need any gases to be in space for game but would slowly generate oxygen and water as you travel through space (maybe in nebula's).
    3. camera block. mounted cameras on cv or base which show up on LCD much like a security camera. allowing the pilot to view various angles (back down forward) great for PVP or mining.
    4. decontamination blocks to replace shower-some type of blocks that you walk into like a shower but more high tech.
    5. AI control block to put in base or CV that allows robots- robots for security and repairs (maybe even to garden).
    6. LCD's that provide ship/base info
    7>LCD's that are a real time radar map for other fields- for example on a planet you would put a satellite/radar block up in orbit then that would send radar info to an LCD in your base on the planet. this would allow early warning of invasion or let you know a merchant ship is coming.
    8. Satellites : allow small devices to act like a satellites to cover a planet or space field with radar-provide early warning or update your planet map.
    9. chaff for cv to disrupt missiles- would be a launcher block like a turret.
    10. ECM antenna -electronic counter measures-various blocks to block radar, block targeting (lower chances to hit with projectiles).
    11. Shields emitter- provide some defense against beam weapons.
    12 stealth emitter - to hide ship cant work with weapons firing.
    13. large elevator block with hanger style doors like an aircraft carrier for your cv or base.

    I think a lot of these ideas are already mentioned but thank you for reading.
  3. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    How is this fundamentally different than the concrete blocks already in-game (especially considering the range of stone textures for concrete)?

    Yes. We really need something like this, even if it's only available when seated and takes up the whole screen when viewed.

    This would also be wonderful. Ideally there would be some kind of code you could insert into an LCD that would display a particular statistic from the structure.

    Or the ability to operate smaller turrets in a point-defense mode.
    Siege Inc. likes this.
  4. Bloomsfield

    Bloomsfield Ensign

    Nov 30, 2018
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    Sorry I should have been a little clearer with the stone comment. once you have stone from drilling it could be used to directly build with a few basic blocks using the survival constructor so no water to add just using stone -would be less HP than concrete less shapes basically stone walls, and doorways. would have to have wood doors I guess but could be some very basic early game blocks. the first few days of shelter. This wood provide protection against spiders and critters.

    yes the alternative is to use concrete and set up a stone texture, but you need a constructor for that and base blocks. stone blocks would be able to lay down without a base block.
  5. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    That would require a new base-building mechanic, rather than just adding a new block type.
  6. Spirit_OK

    Spirit_OK Captain

    Jan 10, 2018
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    We need more than 1x1 elevators: 2x2, 3x3, or shaped (corner, outer wall, inner, think of 3x3 cut to 1x1's) or just elevators without railings - it could be a 1xN device with emitter on the top and a column of light (antigrav field) below, N in range of 2 to some arbitrary number. Think of classic ufo stories with a tractor beam lifting up a cow - that's an elevator :)

    Macros would be ideal. You print something like " @FuelTankValue@ " and it converts to " 83% " on LCD. Same for all dynamic parameters that could be seen on Control Panel.

    Not exactly true, some devices and the BA starter can be placed freely. It creates a POI instance (shown witn "ents" command) and governs its grid. There can be a low-tech version of core, say, a Flag, that works exact the same and allows placement of raw materials blocks, but can't be powered at all.

    That gives me an idea:
    Fully supported primitive theme, as if you're bombed back to stone age - a campfire device, made of logs, that takes logs and plant fibre as a fuel units, gives heat even in "idle" mode and converts meat to grilled meat in "active" mode; a smelter device, made from stones and campfire, that acts as a furnace, but only for iron and copper; a forge, made of iron bars, that is a crafting/repair station for some low-tech weapons; carpenter workshop, crafting station for wooden furniture and simple boxes.. Maybe even wooden scooter instead of motorcycle :)
    Bloomsfield likes this.
  7. NimrodX

    NimrodX Commander

    Dec 13, 2018
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    Automated water collector that is part of a base. Dumps water into a container as water containers, or a water tank (more complicated I suppose).

    Automated oxygen generator that sucks as needed from water container/tank and outputs to base oxygen tanks.
    Spirit_OK and zztong like this.
  8. NimrodX

    NimrodX Commander

    Dec 13, 2018
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    Smoothing mode on the T2 Drill. Flattening is good but sometimes you just want to remove the jagged parts of a hill such as if you're trying to make a berm. trying to smooth will fill mode is nearly impossible.

    For the Flattening mode: Allow setting an elevation to flatten to and have it drill or fill to an unlimited degree to reach that elevation. Currently if the terrain is steep enough you have to use fill to raise it up then flatten it. This is a pain.

    Allow Flattening on T2 HV drills. Flattening a huge area with the hand drill takes too long.
    Siege Inc. and zztong like this.
  9. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I've started to build more with Carbon Composite (formerly Plastic) and I find I'd like to have a Carbon Composite Truss Block. Then I started thinking, why isn't the Truss Block form something possible with all of the classic large and small blocks? Or, stated another way, why are all Truss Blocks made of Iron?
  10. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    How about a Growing Plot - Carbon Composite? I'm not sure it is a "must-have" since we already have wood and concrete varieties on the low end.
  11. Bloomsfield

    Bloomsfield Ensign

    Nov 30, 2018
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    camouflage blocks. blocks that change color /texture to match terrain/environment I imagine its very hard to do, but a chameleon style sv or hv would be really cool. maybe a high energy cost to use and a lower radar imagine (reduced range on radar).

    An alternative might be a camouflage netting to place over sv or hv or even a small base (maybe the guns) that makes it hard to see and reduces radar image to a smaller area.
  12. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    There's a camouflage texture. Page 2, Row 2, Number 3. I hope that helps.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Camo of this kind?

  14. robin slayer

    robin slayer Ensign

    Jan 16, 2017
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    I would really like to see modular weapon systems. If you've played From The Depths then you know what I'm talking about. Basically I don't like arbitrary limits on things for the sake of "balance". Currently there has to be an arbitrary limit on the weapons you can attach otherwise you could simply make a giant brick of plasma cannons or something. The cannons don't use enough power to be a limiter and are completely self contained. I would love to see a more modular approach. In FtD there are self contained weapons (although they are kind of a joke) but the real fun comes from the modular weapons. Everything feels organic. You want a giant, slow firing cannon (like artillery) then you increase your caliber, well now you need to deal with the recoil and barrel heat. You need to build loaders that support the motorcycle sized shells you intend to hurl downrange. You have to house the damn thing; will it be spinal mounted or will you try to make it rotate? I really enjoy that and it means that the weapons balance themselves. Like yeah you can add 15 cannons but now you ship has tin foil for armor. Oh you made the armor thicker? Now it handles like a semi trailer without the truck. This plus the addition of some logical countermeasures (chaff/flare for missiles, smoke for lasers, some sort of Phalanx-ish close in weapon system maybe) and of course, the oft requested shields would easily keep me entertained for another 600 hours if not more.
  15. Voka~daemyn

    Voka~daemyn Ensign

    Mar 24, 2018
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    I want a flamethrower. WHy would I wAnT a flamethrower :D?
    To burn spiders. Also talon/talon villages because being allied with zirax is quite fun. But especially because burning stuff :>

    Or for setting other players farms and livelihoods on fire.
    I need some fire? why not add a kind flamethrower yes?

    So yeah I am fine with it being a handheld weapon or HV weapon or SV weapon because flying over someone's base just to set fire to everything sounds delicious.

    It could even be something like a fuel air explosive bomb.
  16. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I like the new boarding ramps. They're very cool. Thank you.

    I was wondering if we could have steps to match? The boarding ramp rise is 2 blocks with a run of 3 blocks, or 2/3. Our steps are either 1/1 or 1/2. Steps in the US are typically 7/11, which is very close to 2/3. This way if we have a boarding ramp lead to steps the angle won't change.

    And just as an observation, these boarding ramps might make for interesting "draw bridges" for either the Talon, or for Star Warsy Small Moons.

    EDIT: Hmm, in trying to make a hull slope to match an extended ramp, we don't have any 2/3 run blocks. Maybe boarding ramps should be 2/4?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2018
  17. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Any way we can get the new ramp blocks in 1x4x6?
    I could really use a longer one.
  18. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I've managed to arrange two of them fit together to get that combination and trigger them both with the same signal. It is kind of odd when you trigger them manually (one at a time) and that you pass through two force-fields.
    Germanicus likes this.
  19. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I actually think I would like a block or device that lets me have an escape pod like we start the game with for my capitol vessels or space stations. As it is now its kind of hard to incorporate that sort of systems
    zztong and Spirit_OK like this.
  20. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    I would like to go a step further and make those ramps available for SVs and HVs too but also bring them in different dimensions:

    2 by 3 - available
    3 by 4
    4 by 5
    why those large size? Well, imagine to turn the "ramp" by 90° and use it as a large frontal, side or rear ramp. like those Landing crafts or big transport Planes have to load or unload shipments, people or vehicles

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