A9 Feedback

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Daveroski, Feb 1, 2019.

  1. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    The survival aspect is edging towards my kind of fun.
    I do most of my initial exploring on foot. Not even a motorbike.
    Starting to feel naked without a suit so you are getting there with that.
    I would like to be able to find (or build?) a plug-in for my suit which will refrigerate a part of my inventory. Half a dozen refrigerated cells would lend to my style of play.
    Eventually, I want to carry more and so a HV is next on my list. Some kind of tutorial regarding the COM would be useful here. COM is much more important with a HV than any other kind of vehicle. While even a balanced vehicle can spend a portion of it's time upside-down an unbalanced one is quite awful.

    Those cute grasshopper-like insects have now become kill-on-sight if I am working on my vehicle because as sure as eggs is eggs one of them will wander over until it is within aggressive range and take a bite while I am busy.
    You should make their aggressive range much less - almost adjacent and give them an aggressive sound to let you know that one is about to stun you. Then perhaps I will feel less like a murderer.

    Sometimes when I get into a vehicle, things I am sure that I have turned off are turned on again. Doesn't seem to happen all the time, enough to make me question my own memory and later the game itself becomes suspect.

    The main reason. The prompt for my writing this, is the weather.
    The last time I played I had to stop because the weather was making me depressed. For many consecutive days game time, it was raining, stormy, windy, cloudy. I was starting to hate the scenery, the look of the sky and the sound of the wind.
    You are mastering the art of crappy weather. I'm English. I know crappy weather.
    However, in this game the crappy weather should be much rarer. Clear weather for most of the time.
    This will serve two functions.
    First it would reduce or eliminate the depressive aspect of crappy weather. As a change is fun and refreshing.
    Second it would draw more attention to the work that you have put into the weather system.
    It got so bad that when I had commandeered the "Old Base" as a temporary home in preparation for finding a site and building my own base, I wanted to stay indoors.
    Just like at home. Crappy weather makes one want to stay indoors.
    However in-game there is nothing to do indoors do one must endure the weather. It gets really depressing.
    It is showmanship.
    An actor or comedian can often make an excellent mark if they have a short explosive part to play in a show than if they are diluted throughout the whole of a show.
    Your crappy weather is very very good. It feels wet and miserable.
    You should aim for pleasant weather for 90% of the time with occasional blasts of crappyness. At no time should I want to take a break from a game because of the weather.
    I should be enjoying the change in the weather not praying for it to stop.
    Now I know I could use Console Commands but do you really think I should have to?

    So think of this as a compliment for something you have done very well indeed. You made it. You affected part of your audience psychologically with the weather system. Now please please please for the love of god, make it stop.


    Christianholmes likes this.
  2. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    And now a Creepy spawns inside the flooring of the "Old Base" each night.
    I have to remove blocks to get to it.
  3. Space Beagle

    Space Beagle Captain

    Oct 9, 2016
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    There is a command to see is there a spawn point in the ground, and maybe you can also report it as a bug (because it is, if it is a fresh new game).

    I agree that we need some type of starter refrigerator thing, and we already put out suggestion that Heater/Cooler mobile unit should have few 'fridge' slots for our basic starter camping :cool:
    IronCartographer likes this.
  4. TmikeS3

    TmikeS3 Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I would like to see hydration added to something we need to worry about
  5. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    And I would like to worry about my fingernails getting too long...:D
    7HzHetrodyne likes this.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Weather effects are easy enough to tweak. Looks like the bad weather on the temperate starter planet lasts 10 minutes and has a 12 or 24 in-game hour delay before it could happen again. Lowering the duration and/or increasing the delay would fix that. I think 24 hour delay on the really bad weather is a bit too short on the starter planet. If it was 48 hours then you'd get a storm only every 2 days at most.
  7. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    So you think it should rain every day?
    You live in Nevada or something?

    Besides, it went from rain to cloudy to storm to rain to storm to rain to cloudy to rain to storm. then I went to bed and in the morning guess what? RAIN again.
    It was fine for the first ten minutes or so. but it started to get really depressing after a couple of hours of play.
    For several game days it was miserable. It felt broken. and what with the creepy spawing under the house every night.. it got to be too much.. so I quit.

    A player should be able to watch a storm and it be of such a duration that the player is entertained for a while looking at the work put into it. When a player gets fed up of seeing it, you are doing something wrong.
    People tend not to get fed up with clear sunny weather but still appreciate the occasional, dare I say rare, weather change. They appreciate it more if it isn't there too often. First you kind of get used to it (which the artist doesn't want) then you grow to hate it. I'm sure the artist didn't aim for that.

  8. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I was agreeing with you and showing how the devs could fix it. :D
  9. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    SP: console (case sensitive): weather Clear
    Also if often keep accessing radiated zones it will seems that the weather is more worse than it is. Not sure they have added seasons too.
  10. Daveroski

    Daveroski Lieutenant

    May 11, 2018
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    In my original post (OP) I even wrote it in BOLD to make it stand out from the rest. Maybe the post was too long but as I am so bloody interesting I don't see how that is possible. ;)

  11. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    You did not write the command :p
    Much text too, could just suggest a starter setting regarding weather frequency or similar.
    I live in Norway, so we have weather here too :cool: Right now it is snowing and a few -C. There are no bad weather, just bad clothing ...
    elmo likes this.
  12. Scryptic7

    Scryptic7 Ensign

    Apr 24, 2018
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    I really like the new blocks in Alpha 9.4; however, there is one shape that I have been hoping would make an entrance for a very long time and, alas, it still hasn't been added. Sooooo... I would like to request it here. The only way to describe it is to take a perfect cube and to cut a slope into it but rather than cutting it from one top edge diagonally to the opposite bottom edge (which would essentially create a shape that already exists), you would cut from one top corner diagonally to the opposite bottom corner. It would be similar to the block that is 2nd from the bottom and 4th from the left in the picture of the blocks below but instead of having a triangular ramp followed by a triangular flat top, the ramp would continue upward to the top corner.

    Attached Files:

    AlbaN and geostar1024 like this.

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