What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Are the Blocks around this "wall" actuall Hull outer layer Blocks or only inside? If inside you may consider to use the inner side Blocks for CE's.
    And, to be fair, nobody needs more than 1 Fridge anymore;).
  2. Ann|e Noa|m

    Ann|e Noa|m Captain

    Oct 21, 2018
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    Only 1 fridge? What crazytalk is this? :D i use at the very least 2.. often 4. And yeah.. mostly due to lack of slots, but also volume.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    For what amount of time you wanna fill up your fridge of your SV/HV? Even if I fill quite a lot of food in I would not have troubles.
    Yes, I would use two fridges also but only out of easier find stuff, like food and meds. X. Legion_2019-02-24_03-10-52.png
  4. Tyrax Lightning

    Tyrax Lightning Rear Admiral

    Jan 20, 2016
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    I remember this... it's an old bug that my Memory swears to me got fixed. I think this should be Bug Reported as a Zombie Bug back from the grave.

    To be fair, I could feasibly imagine running 2 Fridges... one dedicated to num nums, one dedicated to preservation of perishable lewt, like critter meat, wild forage, & such... for the Organizationalness. :p

    4 would probably be excessive for any needs short of a full blown Army. :p
    Ann|e Noa|m likes this.
  5. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    They are hull blocks, replacing the interior hull blocks with cargo extensions is something else I am looking into.
    Ann|e Noa|m and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  6. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    In as much as the CEs can be configured in a number of shapes, why not have at least a few shape selections for the controller to be more flexible and compatible.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2019
  7. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    I'm tired of replacing spoiled food in my starter base (postings and bug reports done several times), so now I put it on my current vessel (4 fridges right now). SP Arid start large planet, some asteroid mining to do next, then remove Zirax from the moon, leave for next system. Got so much loot that might skip some of the clustered POI's.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    It is pretty strange that so many Player seems to struggle with this "Food-Spoiling"-Issue :( and others, like me, don't:oops:.
  9. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Today I mustered some "Spirit" to proceed with the (HV) Sand Galley. Besides of some outer layers of Armor, the change of some Blocks and later the whole Texturing stuff... the Sand Galley is almost ready for being tested thoroughly. In the current configuration it is available at level 15. If the Tool Turret is replaced by a Artillery Turret the level raises to 20(?) I believe. Most of the interior is done, all main devices are in place. She's not pretty, but she's tough!
    X. Legion_2019-02-25_12-31-56.png

    More images
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    Attached Files:

  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Oh. Btw., here are the inspirational Pictures after which I brought the Beast to EGS and a - hopefully - long life:D. SG Large.jpg LandGalleonsSketches.vsm.jpg
  11. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    @Germanicus Yeah, the fridge issue is weird, but it might be connected to how I play. Use an existing POI as base, be away from the base for a long time, often many rounds around a large planet, taking down POIs, so after several days IRL with many exits, and a couple of "start previous save" (sometimes I test stuff). Happens now and then from a8, when food-processors got cooling. But then I started using those and no fridges in bases, since it did not spoil in them.
    Tyrax Lightning and Ann|e Noa|m like this.
  12. Na_Palm

    Na_Palm Captain

    Mar 29, 2017
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    your roman land galley comes along nicely!

    On my side i finished the Assault Shuttle now and put her public.

    C 9.4_2_2019-02-25_22-57-24.jpg
    Assault Shuttle "Beast"

    She has an intimidating armament, place for a team of 4 incl. pilot and
    can operate in up to 3g.

    Combined almost 11k volume in 4 CC's, 2 mobile constructors and a manual
    loadcontrol system to counter uneven loading.

    As a heavy armoured Assault Shuttle the Beast isn't meant to operate alone.
    Best to bring a friend or two with you in an agile medium fighter. The Dragon
    would be a good companion to lure POI fire away, while the Beast shred's the
    defenses down.

    Workshop link:
    ravien_ff, Kieve, victusfate and 9 others like this.
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Texturing on the Sand Galley continues - additional "Broadside" Weapons added:).

    X. Legion_2019-02-25_23-08-11.png X. Legion_2019-02-25_23-08-22.png

    Upper Deck

    X. Legion_2019-02-25_23-08-54.png

    "Belly of the Beast"

    X. Legion_2019-02-25_23-15-01.png X. Legion_2019-02-25_23-15-09.png

    Passive Light Effects

    X. Legion_2019-02-25_23-27-18.png X. Legion_2019-02-25_23-27-41.png

    The HV's Upper Deck is so build that you can shoot from cover while standing upright.
  14. Ann|e Noa|m

    Ann|e Noa|m Captain

    Oct 21, 2018
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  15. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Today in survival, I went mining for ores. Found a decent spot of copper, but suddenly there was some giant legs taking up my entire view. A local critter had joined me in the pit. So I dug it a nice path out. The beast even made it to the top of the sloped dig. It was free of the pit.

    A9.4.0 wVolMass seed=627767_2019-02-25_20-04-17.png

    But then it turned right back around and climbed back into the growing pit. This time I wasn't saving its sorry hide from the trap. I finished the job and used my jet pack to make it back up to the prior ramp I had prepared. Farewell foolish beast. Perhaps I should have put it out of its misery, but I didn't need the meat and there was silicon to find.

    A9.4.0 wVolMass seed=627767_2019-02-25_20-17-49.png

    Thinking of silicon, I found the remaining deposits on the starting world. Four of the six that remained were in Polaris territory. I was hoping to make friends with them later. The other two were in Talon territory, who I had nearly upgraded from neutral status. I took the hit and mined in Talon territory. I needed that silicon!
  16. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Poked a bit into the Sand Galley and had the Idea to make a Mk.I Version...:rolleyes:. Still built for survival and defense capabilities. Maybe I extend the Cargo Hold and combine two into one CC/CE by removing the wall between them.
    X. Legion_2019-02-26_10-40-37.png X. Legion_2019-02-26_10-40-50.png X. Legion_2019-02-26_10-41-06.png X. Legion_2019-02-26_10-41-33.png X. Legion_2019-02-26_10-41-58.png
  17. victusfate

    victusfate Lieutenant

    Feb 5, 2019
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    Quick updates:
    Had a great time on HWS getting rescued from a radiation gold planet (props to Shaden and the pink eye driller). Mined a Sathium asteroid and remembered why I play with custom configs (10x faster drilling is the only way to mine)

    Played co-op with a friend on my scenario (Oblivion). My first HV was the castaway! The ssenario has heavy onfig changes which were perfect allowing all CV weapons + tools PlanetSide. He was in space tracking down asteroids with an SV (we still need a detector that works in space) and I was building up Pol faction by assaulting Zirax bases with tiny starter SVs.

    Eventually he saved enough for the Nemesis and picked me up, we cleared out all our base holdings and assaulted a Zirax cluster (Armory and a few other POIs). The CV was a glorious mean machine. Once our gracious devs determine how to balance CV weaponry I look forward to more CV action on planets. The game felt alive.

    There was a ton of fire back and forth between base turrets + ground troops vs our CV, my buddies SV (Merc all the way) and me on the ground.
  18. victusfate

    victusfate Lieutenant

    Feb 5, 2019
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    @Germanicus do you have a link to the Steam Workshop for your creations? Would enjoy trying them out in game
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  19. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    No, sorry. Both units, Eridanus and the Sand Galley, are currently on Creative for minor Configuration Changes.
    victusfate and Tyrax Lightning like this.
  20. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Just a short one, as this amused me...

    What I did in Empyrion today was have a proper scare when a Night Raptor duo ran up to the rear of my CV, triggering a signal, opening the Hangar Door and lowering the Ramp allowing them access. Yikes! There I was pottering around my CV's hangar bay in the Control Panel transferring stuff. Good job I had the where with all to notice the sound of the Hangar Door opening.

    Hopefully we'll gain more discerning signal blocks in the near future lol.

    Other than that, well, I've recently landed on the most epic Temperate planet I've seen so far. It's mostly swamp biome, based on where I've explored, with proper submerged wooded areas which look cool - just like normal terrain has been flooded. There are also some great mountainous areas, complete with Talon settlements, some scary-looking Alien Nests in the low-lands which I've not been near yet as well as night time hostiles you'd not expect a temperate world to support. Great. It's also a large planet, so there's lots of exploring to do yet.

    Additionally, something I found quite cool, was what happened when I landed my CV with the aim of establishing a local base. I'd been grounded for a while, just using my HV to bore into the mountain I wanted to found my base in, when I got a Troop Transport warning. I never knew they would find you when you're out and about like that, unless you attacked a Drone. I'd done so earlier, but it was a while ago and usually such a response is fairly quick - at least the notification is. Anyway, each Troop Transport I destroyed saw another warning - and subsequent Transport - a few minutes later. I had some fun scraps in the cave entrance which lead to my future base. Luckily my CV did the bulk of the work fending my attackers off. I destroyed every Troop Transport bar the last one, which escaped, and it's not returned yet....hopefully soon though, that was fun.

    I've not really established anything other than the odd small outpost so far, all bar one taking over an existing structure. So, I'm quite looking forward to establishing a "proper" base again. Not sure if this planet has a Patrol Vessel - difficulty level is "Hard" apparently, so I guess it might - but I'm digging in just in case....will need to find a way to hide my CV. Perhaps I'll park it in orbit.


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