
Discussion in 'Official Eleon Server' started by RexXxuS, Feb 22, 2017.

  1. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Things wont chance anymore for alpha 8. In alpha 9 we will chance some stuff around
  2. Grand forks

    Grand forks Ensign

    May 14, 2018
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    I play on the US server. I currently don't have screenshots however. Myself and Quickshot have been testing his 1v1 play field on ursa planet south pole. So far every time we use shotguns one of us becomes immortal. Meaning no damage. I wrote this In bugs but not sure if it actually got out. Besides some of the lag and screen jumping. Piddle came and checked the server out yesterday and found nothing interesting. The play field on valea planet needs a bunch of help. I hardly go there any more. The repair CV as most know will my you ship dance around like a jumping bean until you turn it off. ONLY ON GRAVITY I found this to be the case. In space it's fine. Resources depletion on repairs are constant. Uses more than required. I am current on travel, found out yesterday afternoon to fly out tonight. But I can get you the logs from my pc in due process. Thanks
    Grand forks.

    Ps. I know it's vanilla, but can I request some work on the config file and editing build for items. If I wanted to buy steel plate from a trader for a project 5 won't do nothing, need to sell like 100-1000. Etc... things like that. I think I have the spread sheet for most items and traders.
  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Just a note, the CV jumping around issue is not restricted to the Eleon server, its happening on many servers so seems a bit more complex than a simple fix.

    I didnt want to wipe the playfield yesterday incase people had bases or ships in there, and I dont think it will fix the CV jumping around issue,but might decrease lag some, Rexxxus would have a much better idea on how to handle this issue I believe.

    Maybe list all the specific changes to the config file you would like and see what Rexxxus says, that way you make it easier for him.
    Jebblue likes this.
  4. Perry

    Perry Ensign

    Jun 8, 2016
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    Ok, playing the 9 experimental, glad to see weight playing apart it adds realism. Now the networking as far as moving items around kills realism and raiding, removes the survival out of the game. Constructors pulling from one box now create a situation where one might have a factory now adding boxes for constructors, the output is a coolish idea. For constructors have the ability to pull from a base/ship would be great. Kill networks on POI, I entered a base and cleaned out the first box connected network cleaned them all out without raiding and put them in my HV without moving a step. Plus I doubt us and any Alien force would share network abilities. I added pictures to dimonstrate what I am talking about

    Attached Files:

  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    If u want that the devs take a look to this. Then post it in the right feedback topics of the experimental forum. They dont look here since its just for public eu and us server
    Perry likes this.
  6. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Taelyn likes this.
  7. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Just to give you some feedback from my side after A9 is out for a bit more than two weeks:

    Initial start:
    - inital start on Mato is now much smoother than is was in A8
    - start on M32 could be a bit harder regarding temperatures (never felt the need to do something against cold)
    - terrain wipe is happening after 14 days - this is a long time, if a new season starts. Because MANY players will try it out. After about a week, most of the surface ore junks have been collected and people start complaining that no ore can be found. Many ore deposits are also mined out. Meteorites do not help very much, because if you are still walking on foot, distances are long and finding an iron AND copper AND silicon meteorite this way is something nobody has the patience to do. The advice to use rock to extract ore only works on planets you start near a base with a constructor and the "conversion rate" is abysmal. Suggestion => terrain wipe every 7 days.

    Scenario layout:
    - 3 of 4 PVE planets are now "temperate", with Eris being the exception of being desert/volcano. I personally liked the swampy Valea very much. Perhaps we can have this as a starter planet next season, because I like the hostile environment. I think you must get a shelter pretty quick to survive the first night. I know that I suggested to have "pretty" (aka temperate) planets for PVE, because many people feel other planets depressing. But 3 seemed a bit over the top. Maybe there could be a quite cold PVE snow planet instead of one temperate. It's also good, that you cannot go back to Traders/Merc - so all starter planets have the same rule set and it avoids the problems with "personal wipe counter". But I wished, there were warp lanes between Valea/Meldo and Eris/Plys.

    - there are many new POI layouts that I'm still in the process of exploring, which I'm enjoying currently (although many deaths are involved :) ). The decision that NPC now may use stairs and elevators make some of the enemies more difficult and results in some strange traps: because now you are fighting in elevator blocks, they break easily which can lead to situations that you cannot leave a POI any more (until you find and destroy the core) because the elevators are destroyed. Perhaps the NPCs can also learn about "friendly" fire, so they don't destroy there own infrastructure. A POI I am doing frequently, the NPC soldiers are destroying the core of their facility regularly, which makes me smile a lot.

    - there are much less loot containers with valuable loot (as far as I can say now) on PVE worlds (not yet done POIs on PVP worlds), which I think is a good thing, because it encourages people to seach for it.

    - it is a nice idea, but I think it needs further elaboration. You get honored with Talon and Polaris rather quickly, but the only benefit is to gain trader access and you no longer get penalties for certain actions while on the faction territory. Which leads me to point I'm including the quote from above: the respawn of POIs. During A8 a lot of POIs did not respawn and you wrote the quote above. I can say, the bug is still there in A9. With the new factions the impact is even heavier: today morning I checked all PVE worlds and there is ONLY ONE Polaris POI left, that includes an NPC trader (Plys). Polaris NPC trader on Eris and Valea got destroyed maybe a week ago and haven't respawned since. I don't know if Meldo had any, but as I checked it today I could not find anything. Because the Polaris POIs also included the access to the players marketplaces, these are no longer available too on these world.
    Here is a screenshot of Valea, where the Polaris Firebase was:
    So will you let us wait again until the next major update until we get these POIs back? Hopefully not....

    I already encountered this problem with Zirax POIs - but on starter worlds, the POI wipe seems to fix this.

    In general there are many things in the A9 update, I like - but sometimes I wish your devs would take a little more time to get stuff stable before releasing it to the public.
    Taelyn and RexXxuS like this.
  8. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Not all the POIs are setup to be regenerated in the first place.
    The POI wipe only takes place on the starting worlds.

    Regeneration isnt bugged. Works fine. Just not setup on everything as i said

    Said with that i can take a look to include some more planets in the poi wipe
    Jebblue, Alatun and RexXxuS like this.
  9. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks for the Feedback @Alatun

    Quick notes:

    - I implemented the new swamp planets for many planets ( Ursa, Meldo, Valea, Mercenary Camp). So also for one Starter. Note: Temperate is technical a placeholder also for my Island planets or Swamp planets.
    - I will think about more regular surfae wipes. Every 7 days sound legit, as I also do on HWS.
    - For trading you might also visit the Galactic Marketplace
    - For POI regeneration in general I will implement now forced regenerations (if it's not too late already for the game to trigger).
    Forced regeneration means done by the EAH tool. The ingame regeneration is set for every POI, but it's too unstable for many players.
    It's quite a burden to do overall with the Alpha 9 issues, even though EAH tries to make it as simple as possible. To set it up for the 2+1 Official Eleon servers I need at least 1 hour.
    Check later again to see if it worked or not.
    Jebblue and Alatun like this.
  10. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Thanks for looking into this.

    From a player perspective you cannot tell why it did not respawn. Then please make yourself a note when designing new POIs: "every (!!!!!) POI for pvp scenario must have auto regen enabled". Don't forget the 5 exclamation marks! :)

    I don't know how you design the scenarios, but it would be helpful, if a tool would check for such "design bugs". It should give you a warning, if a POI hasn't auto regen on. I cannot imagine you want auto regen off for a PVP scenario - don't you?

    Yes, technically I could. But that's not what trading is useful for. Imagine I have a base on Eris and my water is running out. I need water NOW - I need it quickly, conveniently and safely. So I ask in global: please could someone add water into the market for X credits. If I'm lucky, I got it in less than 2 minutes. Same could happen when other resources are running out.

    Other people never enter PVP systems - they buy all stuff from market, that is not available in PVE worlds.
    Your suggestion is neither convenient nor safe - hardly anybody will do it this way.

    Some more feedback that comes into my mind: (mostly inconsistent game mechanics)

    Eris is a planet without water - how could there be "heavy acid rain". Acid always consist to a certain amount of water (otherwise the molecules cannot disassociate and there is hardly an acidic reaction). Makes no sense. What would make sense: a "heavy sand storm".

    Valea also has "heavy acid rain" in swamp areas. You get damage outside, but the "native wildlife" does not. I can even setup a plant farm in the open there and my plants survive the "heavy acid rain" without any problem. Makes no sense. I think you should not get direct damage in "heavy acid rain", but your equipment should deteriorate quite rapidly. Cultivated plants that get in touch with heavy acidic rain, should die.

    The "radioactivity threat" is also not really elaborated: it is hardly a threat. While food grows in areas with radioactive fog (e.g. on Eris) you don't get contaminated when harvesting and eating such food. When setting up a plant growth plot next to anything radioactive in my base plants don't grow. Makes no sense. What would make sense, that plants grow in slightly radioactive environments (or maybe certain plants can grow) but you get contaminated when eating them. The game provides a medical treatment for radiation sickness: I never used it.

    Maybe some of the mechanics can be changed to be more "logical". Thanks for reading.
  11. Alatun

    Alatun Commander

    Jul 17, 2017
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    Thank you for fixing the respawn of Polaris trader buildings.

    I would like to address another issue that is causing increasing complaints since A9: the frequent server restarts.

    In A8 we had server restarts every 6 hours iirc. We had large planets (many class 4 and even class 5). In A9 the we mostly have class 2/class 3. When I started there was a server restart maybe every 3-4 hours. Currently when server is full, we need a server restart about every hour. Each time the announcement for a server restart appears, ppl in global show their frustration. "bah - not again" ....

    I talked to Taelyn on discord yesterday evening about this and afaik the reason for the restart is memory related. At some point the "memory gets full" and a restart is required to prevents "some kind of data corruption".

    The following questions arise:
    - What will be the future. If more players will come during this season and start building there stuff? A restart every hour is already quite annoying. If it will increase even more, which I'm assuming with more structures, it will reach a state where players will get scared off. Do you want this? What will be with A10 should this situation not improve again?

    - Why this dramatic increase in memory consumption from A8 to A9 (in imho NOT so many features were implemented, that such a memory increase is justified). Does the server code have a memory leak?

    - What can be done to prevent this becoming worse? Taelyn mentioned less players slots (but rejected the idea immediately himself).

    - Do the developers know about this? I think the official Eleon servers are a "kind of testing environment" and you should give feedback to the developers about this issue. It's not that I'm unhappy about new features, but you should keep the fun to play in mind. If new features lead to memory hogs that kill the fun in the end, you are shooting yourself into the foot.

    - Many players on this server focus on a cooperative creative playing: which means building structures as large as possible to impress others. Maybe its time to think about restrictions on structure size or similar?
  12. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    How max class for CV on server (not blueprint)?
  13. Gormuk

    Gormuk Ensign

    Feb 2, 2019
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    I have been playing on the official EU-Server for several weeks now.
    The Server is working very well, and if there are issues the team always reacts fast and fixes possible bugs.

    But one thing was always bothering me: the lack of information. Well, its more the lack of a proper source for all server-relevant information.
    Example: I was wondering what size class I am allowed to build. So i started searching the Forums, section "Official Eleon Server".
    I first found the thread "Official Eleon Server Rules", which was helpful in terms of rules but it does not contain any information.
    So I went to the "General server information" Thread. What I found was an outdated Server-information Thread which turned into an event-planning-and-asking-questions-thread.
    In the end i found out that the blueprints are restricted to sizeclass 7. But I still do not know if I am allowed to further expanse my BA after spawning the blueprint.

    What I want so say: is: I would very appreciate to see a thread which contains Server Rules and all Server Information (Wipes, Settings, restrictions).
    I'm sure that this will also help new players, and will reduce the amount of questions ingame and in other threads.

    P.S. Feel free to report any mistakes in this text. As I am not a native speaker I'm always glad to recieve some help to further improve my language skills.
  14. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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  15. Narpason

    Narpason Lieutenant

    Apr 26, 2017
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    Some of my thoughts regarding EU server in 9.6
    Overall I think the scenario is best it's ever been and heading in the right direction
    Some thing that would be welcome in aplha 10 in my opinion

    -POI updates, some Zirax buildings still use old assests (some defense tower I think,not sure of the name)
    -More short warp lanes, so that warp SVs are not useless. For example, you would need a CV to reach Pandora, but then you could jump to Galactic Marketplace in a SV
    -More hostile environments on planets.
    -More planet variety
    -Rare resource asteroid (Erestrum, Zascosium) to be more spread out, in some cases the asteroids are so close that people building bases on top of them deny all resources in the system (Like zascosium asteroids in Pandora Orbit)
    -Not sure if even possible in the current faction system,but it would be nice to have a neutral trading station in Galactic Marketplace. I had some scuffles with Polaris early on and now cant get reputation high enough to trade again.
    -More valuable atseroids in random places instead of pockets. Finding those isolated gold asteroids in previous version was very satisfying (or maybe there are already,but I can't find them :) )

    By the way has orbital auto miner been turned off after unity 2018 update?
    RexXxuS likes this.
  16. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Been playing on the US server for the past 7 days.

    Overall it has been a good experience, however there are a few things I’d suggest to improve the experience:

    1. A nice LCD in Starter locations explaining the Starter planet wipes. I’ve seen more than a few casual players quite upset to find they’ve been wiped.

    2. Navigation: I get the idea of locking people out of Starter systems once they’ve left. However this can create some painful navigation hazards - namely very long and expensive trips through PvP areas to reach what should be nearby planets.

    I propose adding asteroid fields near enough to the Starter planets that can be used both as mining opportunities as well as a hub to reach planets near Starter planets - for example, an asteroid field near Teader Reidence that provides access to Juno, Veria and M.. I always forget the name of that planet...

    3. Real Estate - there have been a few really busy people out there filling up real estate with structures, enough so that it took me at least 3 solid hours to find a place I wanted to build.

    Enlarging some of these planets wouldn’t hurt a thing! Not all of us want to live on top of each other.
  17. Empyrionista

    Empyrionista Ensign

    May 27, 2019
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    I would like to see Mass/Vol implemented on the Official Server. There are very few servers available with Mass/Vol implemented. The one place it should exist is on the server hosted by Eleon.
  18. Empyrionista

    Empyrionista Ensign

    May 27, 2019
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    I also wanted to praise you for adding in high gravity planets. Added a new dimension I had not run into on other servers. Well done!
  19. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Hm @RexXxuS should take a look at this. Iam all for it but it's not up to me alone to decide anything
  20. Empyrionista

    Empyrionista Ensign

    May 27, 2019
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    Understood, I hope it is given consideration.

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