The general loader must do Eleon. So do in many games. Now, many mod developers are creating their own loaders - this is a bad influence on performance and convenience.
Could you please provide HTTP REST API for in-game C# API or something similar? Or at least telnet access for it, please? I'm Linux Python/Golang developer, and want to install new public server, and have several ideas, which can improve improve game process I bealive. For this ideas I have to write a bot/daemon, with access to in-game mechanics and events. Because it's volonteer activity, I don't want to write in C# and for Windows envinronment (usually I receive money for cloud developing, it's my specialization, and no Windows and/or C# here, even in Microsoft Azure Linux instances is more popular, I have no reasons to study it for myself) Ideally, for me, it will be REST API with events hooks.
I'm not a C#/Windows developer. Usually I receive money for python/golang code for clound environments/Linux. Also I don't want to install visual studio. I'd love to study new technologies, but invest my time in the c# platform looks like a waste of my time - it will not increase my price in the market. Also, I'll not write a telnet API, server wrapper, and or REST API implementation in C#: if I write it, I will commit to support this interface. And commit to launch the Virtual studio, write a C# code each major game release. It's also reason why it's a bad idea to write my code using another implementation if somebody else already made this(way to get network access to game server) in one unpopular mod - it will be broken at once, and turn into brick my own code. It should be in vanilla game, or in the very popular mod like EAH. If it will be telnet access to game API, or in your mod, I ready to write opensource bindings for python and/or web API(if somebody else needs it). Can commit to support it each major release. Looks like it will be not a difficult commitment for me.
Would like to have a feature which will emergency rescue someone (not a warp disconnect) should a teleporter not work and/or for some reason their warp didn't work correctly. I would ideally want to be able to select a cooldown for this as well, as to not be abused.
Set start planet size? Kind of a major thing when setting up a server, especially since now setting large planet size is a "thing" for MultPlayer in 10.5. Something I want to do now that 10.5 alpha is "non-experimental version"
Hey, not sure if I missed that option, but where should that option be? Isn't that something you set in the playfield yaml?
There appears to be a playfield.yaml for EVERY planet (folder), and some also in the scenarios. When you do a server wipe (as I did to start the server fresh with 10.5) and then start a new game (on a starter planet) it seems that you get a random selection of a few planets to choose from to start on. So I have to edit like 15 yaml files to make them all large? When you start a (non) dedicated server in single player, you get a simple selection screen to choose weather the starter planet is large or not. I'm just saying this perhaps should also be a thing in EAH when setting up a server, as it is now supported in MP 10.5. That's why I offered that opinion / question on this feature request forum. Without having to resort to editing 15 different files (I dont really know how many of them are temperate planets to be honest, which would reduce the amount of those planets playfield.yaml files to edit, but you get the point). If we can have a simple setting in the GUI for SP already for this, and now it's supported in MP, a dropdown to select planet size in EAH seems appropriate. Hense, the suggestion EDIT/UPDATE. I did find (after some looking in the folder structures) the playfields folder, temperate starter and starter 2 . I changed the dynamic.yaml planet sise from 3,4 to 4, 5 and we indeed got large planet on startup. Still would be nice to have a simple EAH setting for this, but for now..were on our way...
Hmm, the problem with batch changing planet size in yamls would be that other playfield properties like some stamps or also the temp, humidity masks only work with certain planet sizes. There are stamps for class 2-class 5 planets, others only for class 4-5. So simply changing the planet size could change the appearance of a planet and maybe even cause COQs (not sure about that though or if the game filters those out that don't work). /jmc
Thoughts about the verbiage regarding your master/slave terminology for EAH. While there is a lot of discussion in some places about the words usage, I am more for suggesting a word change because the terminology is very old tech terms (I haven't heard it used since 80s/90s). I am sure your usage of the word is merely coincidental, and I'd like to suggest a different phrase that's more intuitive to people (specifically some non-tech users). When I explain the logic of master/slave to someone, they never understand why it's called that. Instead, I think words like 'Controller/Remote' or 'Main/proxy' would work better, as people have a better understanding of what these words mean and how it relates to the architecture of EAH. I wouldn't use something like 'server/client' though, because those words might mix them up with the dedicated server application itself.
With the new version, there is arisen a new need. On all player infos, its referred to the playfield they are on, and as i have been forced to "rescue" a load of lost players, i would like to see not only playfield name, but system name listed in all infos. Also we now need to not only have sector lists, but also system listings. I would like to have a feature where i could list all playfields without any player structures, so i know which ones i can wipe totally to regenerate with new features.
First of all, compliments on all your work @Jascha , you are fast and efficient. Cant thank you enough for a great tool. I would however throw in a little feature request, it is not something very important, but something I myself have done using scripts, but I got a feeling many others would love to do it as well. (have published my script here in the forums as well). I am thinking of a map template rotation. As you today have either the root templates (/content/playfields) or if you run a scenario from /content/scenarios/<name>/content/playfields , or finally in a static setup you have the /saves/<name>/content/templates folder. In these there is the playfield yaml for the different planet types. But using this single location means for example an Arid planet is most of the time just the same planet, with minor modifications. Same amount of resources, creatures and POIs. By rotating the files in the templates folder you can add massive variations to un-discovered planets. Personally i run with 10 versions of each template, and some of them are nightmare planets and some are trasure planets. My script rotates in timed intervals so the templates gets replaced. So newly discovered sectors at that time will maybe be different. I would love to see EAH have a small simple system for doing that on a scheduler. Just a simple at <time> cope from <source folder> to <target folder> , maybe with a bit different intervals on the types. Well I am just throwing this out, so see what you think. I include my powershell script here as well, so you can see what I am talking about.
Well thanks anyway for just looking at the idea. It is not really something important, but I do think it could add a lot in the way of variation to the game, that it with the new massive galaxies is lacking a bit. But I understand you have a lot on your plate, and kudso for all the good work.