
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Note:This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further.

    You pays your money and you takes your chances.

    Again: I remind people that survival, while a component of gameplay, is gonna take a backseat to exploration. Still way too early to be worried overmuch about balance when we're not even able to leave a solar system.

    Then again, after 1200 hours, it shouldn't surprise anyone that you'd burn out a bit. Take a break, play a different game for a while while EGS updates.
  2. Alchimeriste

    Alchimeriste Commander

    Aug 8, 2015
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    Thank you not to pollute again again again about things I have not say.
    I'll create another topic to answer you because if you want to mess this topic, does elsewhere and lets developers take note of our views.

    Here I talk to devs, its a feedback and I am a alpha tester. This the exact copy of my post, I dont believe it was for another personn.

    Rapid and general feedback for Eleon studio. Of course I do not talk to players in this post.

    Eleon, I have over 1,200 hours of play and experimentation. A hundred creations of all types of vehicles and bases, finicky, precise. I created cities, industrial areas, race circuits .. I theorizes and applies concepts of constructions, dozens of ingenious discoveries. Tricks that sometimes I give in MP and are loved. I am not exaggerating, you'll be amazed by certain blueprints or my solo savegames, most are now incompatible but I have screens. I'm not exceptionnell, I am content to exploit that allowed the game.
    +800h in solo, especially on Omicron, not on Akua the casual survival area for dummies.
    In short I think I have enough perspective to have a profound review of the current prealpha gameplay.

    Everything was fine.

    But the latest patches limiting the possibilities of the player without making any sense or interest have definitely ruined my desires to start solo parts: bases disappear, drilling limitations, reduced difficulty, too many resources ..
    Before I had to survive veins with 300 units of ressources, now I find veins of 6000 ..

    In a new game I have not access to basic tools from the start, and conversely I lack nothing in terms of resources.
    I have to start at zero when I know very well what I want to do, what my goals, what I want to try for this new game.

    The game takes a casual orientation.

    Some hijack the debate by saying that criticism is pointless because the game is in a preAlpha version.
    In reality, I say as I feel the game with plenty of experience to say the game has become boring : due to tech tree but not only with that.

    I bought a survival game project, I end up with something which I do not know what to do : solo or MP, its boring with the recent updates. A solar system may not change that if nothing better will be modified about technologies / skills / too much ressources..
  3. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    And I'm giving feedback that contradicts yours. Deal with it. You bought into what you THOUGHT was a survival game project. Sorry you were mistaken, but Empyrion has made no secret that it's about exploration.

    You're free to try to hijack the game with your views and desires, but don't try to complain when other folks don't agree with you. I've been supporting Empyrion since before it was on Steam...perhaps you'd understand a bit better if you'd read the lore and background?
  4. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    Nice post above. But just one question. What exploration? The POI'S because there isn't any thing worth exploring. As in caves, old city's or towns, waterfalls (oh ya water don't move lol). Just wondering. Maybe you know something the readers don't. About exploring. I asked this question before. The answer I got back was this. So maybe I mite find a new butterfly!!
  5. Sacksquatch

    Sacksquatch Captain

    Oct 17, 2015
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    What in the world are you talking about? Why would anything take a back seat to exploration? Exploration is something that has the least longevity when it comes to fun. Even in the best space game I've ever played, exploration got down to "another colored ball with stuff on it" within the first day. I would definitely never have made this purchase if it were called Empyrion Galactic Exploration. Are you trolling?
  6. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    Sorry I do not agree.. exploration is one of the most important part of survival... without exploration , which is rewarding , survival would be just doing same boring stuff again and again (like hunting and eating, some mining now and then. I have plenty of food and oxygen and other stuff, yay, I am alive, nothing else to do)
    as you post the link to the back story, I urge you to read it again and also read the "about us" section of the same would find there the reason you leave earth is to explore, finding Empyrion is a adventures exploration, and your final goal (return to earth or find empyrion ) needs exploration...also the devs view for this game is

    So as you can see exploration should not be in backseat and survival is in the front...they go hand-in-hand... which aspect get developed first...that's entirely devs chose but it is not an either-or scenario...
  7. Sacksquatch

    Sacksquatch Captain

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Sounds like you're talking about exploration for necessity, eg: I am out of resources, I need to move and find more. I'm talking about exploration as a source of "fun". I don't need to read the website, I grew up disappointed in space games too (lived it!). The simple fact is, unless they manage to find a way to make the procedural generation so interesting, and the life on those planets so varied that you have no clue what your about to get into, "exploration" will be about as fun as a 10 hour car ride. It will be a necessity sure, fatty gotta eat more iron, but will it be worthy of pushing anything to the backseat? Naw, not unless they have some major **** planned!

    I've always wanted to land on planets in space games, get out and walk around. Build bases and ships and walk around on my ship. I'm totally with ya! But like i said, it gets old fast without variety in appearance, and most importantly to me, variety in mob aggression. Survival does not get old for me. 7 days to die, and even Minecraft with the Better Than Wolves mod, have very little in the way of exploration, but they've captured my attention more than most games.
  8. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Did you even read what I said? I said exploration was going to take precedence over survival. You're agreeing with me.

    Right. I enjoy exploration so I'm trolling. Pull the other leg man. I'm sorry you don't enjoy it, but it's never been any great secret that Empyrion is going to have a massive exploration component to gameplay. I'm sorry you've made a purchase that you're not going to have as much fun with as you thought.

    Okay. First, Pre. Alpha. Not all content is in the game yet. Still with me? Good. We're currently confined to one star system. There's supposed to be an entire galaxy to explore by the time the game is done. Again, read up on the backstory and the development roadmap and planned features.
  9. Sacksquatch

    Sacksquatch Captain

    Oct 17, 2015
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    You need not worry about apologizing to me sir. You should be busy figuring out why you are so easily entertained. Even in Elite Dangerous where they went to a lot of effort to make exploration a major part of gameplay, it was so MEH it shocked me. Name a single game where exploration was actually rewarding? I can't, because it's practically impossible to do. It takes a hell of a lot to keep a brain from recognizing patterns and similarities. Elite Dangerous is proof of concept that it doesn't matter how big the universe is, it's all really really boring colored balls ultimately. So even if Eleon creates a whole galaxy, it would all grow stale quickly in the exploration department unless they can pull off some serious wizardry in the procedural gen code and every game is a completely different experience, with completely different aliens, and those aliens have amazing behavioral and physical attribute ranges.
  10. ssbfighter

    ssbfighter Ensign

    Dec 20, 2015
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    would it be a good idea at some stage of the game add a new survival sys to make the player die from thirst (a lack of water ) by not using from the inventury the purified water bottle.
    as we know that survival is based apon food and oxygen and water.
    water is left out of this and this seems very odd to me.
    let me know of any fed back as i love to know your comments about this. thanks.
  11. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Okay,'re insulting me and trying to criticize my enjoyment of a feature that doesn't yet exist?

    Second, I'm supposed to name a game featuring a mechanic that you admit you don't enjoy, but you will still find subjectively rewarding?

    Yeah, I've wasted enough time on you. Later, sacksquashed.
  12. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    i disagree with both of yall

    survival is in the very name of this game . No reason one should take the back seat in the final product . Both survival and exploration can go hand in hand with equal importance
  13. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    though I read it...apparently I understand the opposite of what you said....:confused::confused:
  14. Sacksquatch

    Sacksquatch Captain

    Oct 17, 2015
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    You're not disagreeing with us. Of course I want survival and exploration to be equally awesome. Who doesn't? The question is one of what's actually attainable isn't it? Survival is attainable. Several games on the market have come very close to nailing it. It's a fine balance of success and failure, but it's totally doable, especially in a voxel game.

    What would it take to make exploration worth...exploring? A metric ****-ton. We're talking content on par with Star Trek and Stargate. You'd have to have myriad alien races of varying technology and varying disposition. With complex factions and governments within each, and not just faceless names like Elite Dangerous does. You'd need meaningful interactions with npc ships in space and on planets. You'd need amazing landscapes, and fantastical biomes full of deadly and beneficial creatures/substances. Until the gaming industry moves into working with voice recognition alongside AI, it's a flippin' pipe dream. What you call "exploring" is actually sight seeing. Eviscerator doesn't know that I want the same thing he does. The same things you do. I just know that video games are still in their toddler years.

    I'm not trying to be a jackass. It will still be awesome as hell to fly around solar systems, and carve your own little slice of the galaxy, but to say that the very name of this game should take a backseat to the ultimately unattainable is absurd. I think this game is far beyond kickass already. It has more promise than anything I've seen in a while, and I will enjoy it no matter how good the exploration is, as long as the gameplay is solid.
  15. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    i did not bother going thru all of the wall of texts you two exchanged ,

    but i agree with this , exploration cant really triumph survival which isnt trivial , but to be honest unlike elite dangerous , in this game exploration will be complimented by survival so i wont see them as separate features but rather both are needed to successfully survive in the galaxy , but you never know what kind of things eleon has instore for us! :)
  16. Goldschuss

    Goldschuss Lieutenant

    Sep 10, 2015
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    Hello everyone

    I highly dislike the level skill tree. Since you don't spawn in an SV anymore, it takes a while to get to an 02-Station, which makes starting on Omicron really really difficult.
    So basically I have to start on Akua, but I don't like this planet very much. I quickly want to gather some rescources and build a ship to go to another planet... would be possible if it weren't for the level tree. First you had to reach lvl 7 in order to build a functional sv
    and now you need even lvl 15 to go to another planet, and I hate grinding so much on akua. Please make the warp device available at early levels (2-3) or remove the skill tree entirely.

    Greetz Goldschuss.
  17. upsetkiller

    upsetkiller Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    But mate thats the point , survival . If every one unlocked everything very quickly it would be a problem , esp in pvp
  18. Generation117

    Generation117 Ensign

    Nov 30, 2015
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    you guys are doing great keep it up! PLEASE add this for ***NON DEDICATED SERVERS*** - Everyone gets an escape pod! thanks for all your hard work!
  19. Brain_Dawgs

    Brain_Dawgs Ensign

    Nov 25, 2015
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    I find that the factory in survival takes a ludicrously long time to build ships. To make a small fighter in my blue prints I have to wait over an hour.
    upsetkiller likes this.
  20. =TCR= Big_Red

    =TCR= Big_Red Rear Admiral

    Nov 16, 2015
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    I wonder if we could get a fast food outlet. Like Space Macs or Star Fryies? It just takes to long to grow food. Because while I'm sitting in the lineup I have everthing in the game setup on automatic. Auto mining, auto weapon reloading, auto weapon targeting. Built my Base on my last coffee break. So I have time to kill in the drive through.

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