
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Ambedrake

    Ambedrake Commander

    Nov 29, 2015
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    Water should flow a bit before this happens =P But I agree if there is realistic water flows I would love such a thing to happen would be great way to increase the thought that has to go into mining by the users!
  2. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I would love it if water could be collected and stored in Big Water tanks. This water would be unprocessed, usable for use with BA and CV O2/Water Generators if implemented.
  3. Muffinman

    Muffinman Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Hm, no I think water flowing is mute just for the sake of watching it flows. The volume that the computer can deal with physically is not useful for anything but a novelty. If water is made to "flow," then it is done so we can make hydroelectric dams. This actually would be useful, but then we would need a place to hold all of the water that flows down. So we would need rain to replenish the source and evaporation to keep the drain a reasonable size. Evaporation can be coded to kick in if the water depth is less than a block. We can get a rain maker block that consumes some silver iodide and a bit of energy to increase rain chance over a certain radius around the block. So you have natural rain and artificial rain. The latter is more important to keep the source water filled to keep your hydroelectric dam working. The computation problem for water flowing can be reduced using some sort of cellular automata working in 3D.

    As for storing water for use in CV For productions, I think that is unnecessary. There is more watery ice in space that you can mine then all of the water on the planets. So the best thing is to introduce ice as a new ore that we can mine from the asteroids to be reprocessed in the constructor to undrinkable water. This can then be fed to the water, the O2, or H2O2 generator to make the end products that we have now.
    Rafe Andedare likes this.
  4. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    @Muffinman: I think he was suggesting that if you dig a hole under water (or at the waterline inland, for that matter) water fills the hole. Right now that does not happen.
  5. Muffinman

    Muffinman Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I know. But to simply create volumetric water just for the sake of visual effects is, to me, unnecessary. If such thing were added, in my opinion, it should have a use outside of visual effects. Thus I crafted that elaborate response instead of a terse one liner.
  6. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I don;t know what if i want to dig a mote around my base or a channel so I can have water closer to my base.
  7. Muffinman

    Muffinman Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    That is fine. But the ability to make a functioning mote is just a product of a functionality intended for something else much more grand. What a waste of time to add a feature that only resulted in functioning motes...
  8. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    Again, if you are talking about actual flowing, moving water, I don't think that was the intention. I have dug underwater and once you drop into the hole you are NOT in water. The water does not fill the hole. the same is true if you dig near the shore in such a way that the hole dug should fill from the water. There is no actual graphics implied to watch the water flow, just mark the hole as being water.
  9. Muffinman

    Muffinman Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    That's because the water right now is just a mesh with textures. Like the ground that you are digging. Water is not volumetric, nor is the ground, btw. When you dig the ground, mesh is destroyed and new ones generated to adjust to the new geometry, which is how you fall through the world if the new mesh is not just right. You can't do the same to water and have it look right because water is not a static mesh like the ground.

    For water to enter a mote or a hole, it must be made to"flow." There are ways to cheat to not require volumetric water, but that, I think, is lack luster for such a nice feature.
    wllcapmax likes this.
  10. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    Yep, I understand the shell concept having fallen through the ground on numerous occasions.

    It sounds like you probably know a lot more about this than I do so I'll just leave it here.
  11. Nedrith

    Nedrith Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2015
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    I'm pretty sure what it means is that the map currently says on the starting planet for me 6/6 iron ore veins meaning I found all 6 and 6 exist. when one gets below 10% the map will read 5/5. when all 6 reach below 10% it will read 0/0 and meteorites will be triggered. So yes if every ore vein is <10%. it would be annoying to have to find every single last drop of ore.

    In regards to the discussion of solar panels and such I would personally say that they better not produce a ton of power. I would rather see automated methods of producing reusable power that requires a bit more thought than just plop down item anywhere and have tons of power.

    Hydroelectric dams would be interesting, as there locations could be restricted though. Crops that can be processed into something that can produce power would be interesting as well.
    Ambedrake likes this.
  12. Ambedrake

    Ambedrake Commander

    Nov 29, 2015
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    I like the idea of dams, especially if we get some flowing currents going. Would make terrain modification more useful as well as certain spots on the map more sought after. As a side note flowing currents could cause some beautiful scenery as well such as waterfalls off cliffs etc =D
  13. Brix

    Brix Lieutenant

    Aug 12, 2015
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    I think that there is too much in a deposit now. I wouldn't mind if there were more deposits, but at the moment, I'm finding that a single deposit on a planet is enough for me to not need to find any others in SP. Maybe if I played for a lot longer in a game (i.e. if the updates came out less often, as I always delete old games and start anew with every update, so the install is 'pure' for bug finding) I would need more.

    Example - today I found one iron deposit near where my tin-can landed and it's given me 2,000 ingots so far, and isn't even empty yet. the promethium deposit gave me even more than that.

    On the plus side, it gives me something to do all night, and it provides enough room for a good sized underground base, once cleaned out. But still...

    Other point - when mining this iron deposit, i suddenly fell through the floor! there was a large, empty cavern underneath the deposit. Design or bug? There was no problem with it - it was just an empty cave.

    Last point. When I dig a deposit up, on Akua, it tends to fill with various forms of alien wildlife. Sometimes, I can barely move for the durn things, and they are always walking in front of me when I'm trying to excavate ore!
    Then, when I leave the 'mine', within a short period all the creatures leave it, too. If I go back in, guess what? Yup - it's zoo time, again.

    Really enjoying the new update, though. And those installations really provide some good, suspenseful action. The factory is not bad at all, but my fave so far, after the drone base, is the mining installation. So many levels going down and a turret or baddy hidden around every corner.
  14. wllcapmax

    wllcapmax Ensign

    Jan 9, 2016
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    I agree with all of your points and they are very well put, covering many of the additions that I would like to see in the game. I would go even further and request some sort of hover planet miner and deep space free-floating miner vehicle types. In addition, on the initial planet I agree that the resources should be limited but also Incomplete, and placing the remaining resources in moderate amounts throughout the points of interest. This would make for a more rich initial planet experience and very much more interactive. To this effect, however, it would be very important to handicap the enemy base defender AI on the initial planet to create an effective learning curve for base conquering.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
  15. wllcapmax

    wllcapmax Ensign

    Jan 9, 2016
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    These ideas are very interesting and would make for a greater sense of planetary realism in the game. As the planet maps themselves are fairly small, so there should be a certain small number of scale meters before approaching the core.
  16. wllcapmax

    wllcapmax Ensign

    Jan 9, 2016
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    It would be a nice feature to create different shapes to the resource deposits.

    I have mined many resource deposits in-game and they appear to be all the same oblong shape. Some resources, especially in deep space one would presume, do form in this symmetrical fashion. However, solid mined resources typically appear in Veins. In these veins are varying qualities of the material based on the individual vein itself and how close the miner is to the center of the vein. If Elyon wishes to appeal to realism in mining (which they have already done a significant job by making all landscapes moldable and creating layered topsoil and substrate) they would vary the size and shape of resource pockets, paying special attention to the resource vein concept, as well as the quality of output in individual pockets.

    Continuing on the variability of resource output, I would also remove the marker which indicates the exact amount of raw material present in each pocket. If the resources present on any given map can be moderately to extremely variable in individual pockets, there should be a certain amount of guesswork by players in deciding if the pocket is worth mining or not. This can be done, as it is done in many current mining outfits, by creating an exploratory shaft and scrutinizing the quality of resources within (in this case determined by ore popping out when using tools).

    If players are made to estimate resource pockets, there should also be additional tools available to the player to assist in this process. One tool I would propose is a exploratory core drill, which is automated, free-standing, and can be used on planets and in space. This core drill will be an advanced tool to discovering the true quality of any resource pocket and can be freely moved like the worklights. As a downside, it requires energy, is destructible, and requires a certain period of time to finish working.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
    Yolofessional likes this.
  17. Dionysos

    Dionysos Commander

    Jan 24, 2016
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    - Deposits are ok for casual shipbuilding; larger projects and fleets will have their problems...
    - Lets research drills eg like HO2 generators u put them in a mine and they will do the mineral grind for you and consume fuel. Would be a nice option
    - hard to find all deposits eg some drones would help; send them out for prospector work.

    - Despite you can produce a hughe amount of fuel it will end one day. - With advanced tech i want to have solar pannels to power my base. Also (see food section) use alien flora to produce regenerative fuels.
  18. Neil

    Neil Captain

    Jul 1, 2015
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    If you assume that this system is the only one we will ever have. I suspect the number of systems will be pretty much infinite, so once resources are gone simply move on.
  19. bobislost

    bobislost Ensign

    Jan 28, 2016
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    Surprised this isn't top of every list but can we auto pick up ores? For the sake of my T key and now one very muscular finger, having to either tap it continuously or let it pile up enough without despawning is a pain and needlessly tedious

    Or I'd settle for a selection of T2/upgradeable tools where the drill now collects resources as well as drills
  20. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    You're not alone. That request has pretty much been an ongoing discussion on the forums since early access started. LOL.

    It has been months since I used the T key while mining. One solution is a gaming mouse with programmable keys. Below is another solution.

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