INFO & FEEDBACK [Alpha 11] CPU Points and Tiers - How does it work?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 26, 2019.


Did you understand the EXPLANATION on how the CPU and CPU Tier system works?

  1. Got it!

  2. Not really

  3. Do not care / do not see why we need CPU

  1. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    TRUE. I'm not buying into the "godmode' op ship. Block limits and W/V is enough to fix that. People using the excuse that it's a "survival" game and it's based on realism are kind of wrong on that. SCI FI movies are full of multi role ships that do multiple things. Also although we do not have real life Star Ships, today's Navy warships are multi purpose ships that can do more than one thing. I just watch Spanj play 10.6 on twitch today with the CPU and after what I saw today I believe a lot of players won't be using it. With the way it is now, if you want to build a decent size cargo ship it won't be able to defend itself and with the CPU, Weight and Value combined creative freedom is pretty much gone in this game. You can build "A Ship" but nothing you'll enjoy. Even Spanj admitted in it's current State he can't see himself using this feature.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2019
  2. gamer1000k

    gamer1000k Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Thanks for clarifying, I keep forgetting that merchants are a thing when I play the game.

    Maybe add a Robinson Protocol mission to highlight merchants for new/returning players?
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  3. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    My question is, why are the DEVs against us having CVs on the planet? For some of us CVs are mobile bases. So the only way we could have large CVs or CVs that are actually enjoyable to play with is if we keep them off the planet? I thought once the larger planets were added to the came the DEVs would be ok with CVs being planet side.
  4. sillyrobot

    sillyrobot Captain

    Aug 21, 2016
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    I can buy them if and only if I both have credits and manage to find a friendly vendor who sells them. I don't generally expect either to occur too frequently. I almost never have meaningful amounts of currency. While EXP might be easy to locate a trader, I'm not concerned about EXP.

    As for missions, I run a few early ones, but I am terrible at shooting things and surviving being shot at; that's why I don't raid. When I was last around, a later mission was literally too tough for me so I abandoned it (something about sensor towers or something). The worst POI I will tackle is the abandoned mine and that's after I've geared up a lot. Adding the parts to missions is likely not going to be much help for me, especially since you need 4 T4 for every base and vehicle you want to maximise.

    As for the rest of your answers, they are variations of "it depends". Which is my point. Without examples and without experience, I cannot understand the ramifications of the CPU system. Knowing I can get 160,000 points is meaningless unless I can contextualize what 160,000 points means inside the game; are they more like Euros or Iranian Rial in relative value?

    Though you missed the point of the CV question. Since it appears thrusters are very expensive, it looks like my CV base would be stuck in orbit. Which means it is outside the planetary playfield and thus in stasis when I go planetside. Since the base is in stasis, stuff doesn't happen there. I generally rely on my base being modestly self-sufficient with respect to food production and such. Since the CV won't grow food while I'm planetside, I expect I'll need to sit and wait for food growth and construction churn when previously those would occur while I was busy actually playing the game.
  5. jmtc

    jmtc Captain

    Sep 29, 2016
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    Agreed. I am not against the basic idea of CPU limits at all, but I am not at all convinced that the change will have net positive gameplay effects for me when combined with adjoining game systems. I'm also not sure that the impact of the CPU system has been thoroughly considered in combination with things like the M/V system, the new flight model, or the new thruster dynamics.

    For example, when M/V was introduced, it mandated the use of multiple additional thrusters and RCS units on ships - not for purposes of speed or maneuverability, but just to make vehicles be capable of moving under their own power with cargo. The dev response to this has been to state that they want to make thrusters less powerful, and to mandate the use of fewer of them via the CPU system. Do any of the dev staff actually play their own game?
  6. gamer1000k

    gamer1000k Commander

    Jun 26, 2017
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    I can't speak for the devs, but from my perspective mobile base CVs capable of planetary landing (especially on high-G planets) are pretty much an endgame vessel. Now that HV/SV docking is a thing, it's entirely feasible to build a space-only mobile base CV with a SV shuttle/dropship to bring HV miners/POI busters down to planets. It's also not difficult to set up a temporary base on a planet if you plan on being there awhile and cleaning up all the POIs/resource deposits anyways.
  7. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I have two more questions. With the new limits on building , does this mean the block size increase that was talked about 2016 with having 500 blocks on each side of the core instead of 250 on each side will never happen ? I started assume the answer is yes but it would be nice to hear a straight NO. Also does this mean the devs won't be optimizing this game for larger CVs. I could assume YES but I would like to hear a straight NO on that as well.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  8. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I think that CPU, with the new flight system/ mechanics, draw a much clearer picture now : these 2 combined sets of features will undoubtedly promoted ship variety. That is pretty clear, and who can can complain : we can virtually make 1-thruster "gliders" now, which was impossible before. We can also go faster... because bricks will not be allowed to go as fast as well designed arrows - and not to the "engineering tech" level : it's all "simulated" physics & constraints, but the goal is now clear. I can't wait to try stuff now. The whole set of "wing blocks" were completely useless until now, but now they will be part of designs with a purpose !
  9. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    Ok i think this can be great but i am worried about my project "Size Class 200 CV" which is close to the final stage.
    Tyrax Lightning and Germanicus like this.
  10. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Well it's most probably a "late game" CV type, that can't go down on a planet but has no problem in space as "mobile base".

    I think it's important to note that the game has never been "set in stone" for ship design, because builds can be adapted "on the fly" facing different situations. For example, if a player really wants to take his huge CV down on a planet knowing it is risky, he can shave it off a few devices to lower its CPU score and put more engines just for that event, and "repair-to-template" when back in space after the planetary adventure. Players could simply build a mini-base in orbit with just crates to keep stuff inside while they go down on the planet, to be picked up upon return.
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2019
  11. casta_03

    casta_03 Captain

    Sep 3, 2019
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    T1 specializations:
    - moving forward
    - moving up
    - landing
    - having cargo boxes
    - turning right

    T2 specializations:
    - warp drive
    - shield
    - a gun
    - grow plots
    - any 2 T1 specializations

    T3 specializations:
    - hangar
    - advanced constructors
    - flying in atmosphere
    - moving fast
    - any 2 T2 specializations

    T4 specializations:
    - mounted weapons
    - drill lasers
    - operating with weight & volume enabled
    - turning left
    - any 2 T3 specializations

    T5 specializations:
    - feeling like this isn't the most underwhelming change thus far
    - flying a ship that doesn't handle like a shopping cart
    - any 2 T4 specializations
  12. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I don't know if I'll like the system overall until I see how it is balanced, but I don't really agree with this viewpoint.

    First, at least since 9.0 it has been super-easy to get auto miner cores, armor, and weapon upgrade kits. I don't even raid that many POI at all yet I have cargo boxes stuffed with all of these things. You can get them from traders if you don't want to raid POIs. Just buy some gold bars and make EVA units, sell them back to the traders.

    I am not sure how a person would not have a plentiful supply of them. I will guess that it is people that mostly play PVP that have this problem. In that case it seems reasonable perhaps that they could do something specifically for PVP, so that people that win battles get some rewards for it, for example.

    But I am a strong proponent of Eleon giving us a reason to explore and clear out POI. I like the idea of some blueprints or materials only being found in POI. Without that, it becomes pointless to clear any of them out, other than if they're causing an immediate problem (like a drone base). A lot of POI are interesting but can be disappointing to clear out a large base like the Abandoned Factory and get basically nothing interesting for it. Particularly when it is a POI you've been too before. As it is now, the most productive way to get stuff done in single player is just to fly between a bunch of autominers and collect ore.
  13. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I generally agree with your post.

    But I also am not sure I completely understand the CPU system intent and if any other changes have went along with it. I always thought the CPU system was intended to replace some of the other limitations like how many turrets and how many solar panels can be attached.

    If that is the case, I think it is a good approach to replace it with one coherent system.

    If that is not the case, then I do think there's just getting to be too many levels of complexity.
    • Mass affects level of thrust & torque
    • Volume limits
    • CPU limits
    • Device limits which differ by device on weapons, solar panels, etc.
    • Arbitrary vessel-type limits, for example "no solar panels on CV", or "no drills on SV", or "CV drills don't work in atmosphere"
    It isn't that any specific one of these is bad, but if you add them all up, there are many different reasons a design someone might want to make doesn't work.

    I hope that there's also some level of simplification that will happen (removing most device count limits).
    Andreykl, zztong, StyleBBQ and 3 others like this.
  14. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    I voted "not really" because of two things that are not clear to me:
    • Does this CPU system replace other systems, such as the limits on certain devices (weapon types, solar panels)? Earlier discussion suggested it might but I saw no mention of this. I feel this system should replace that.
    • What was the logic behind the progression here? I think it doesn't make sense that SV > HV, and CV > BA. There's now no advantage of a base, or reason to build one at all. You do realize you can actually build a CV on the ground with no thrusters, and use it like a base, right? And it now gets +33% CPU?
    I realize the second point is as much of an opinion as a question, but without understanding what you are trying to do, I can't evaluate whether you've accomplished it.
  15. casta_03

    casta_03 Captain

    Sep 3, 2019
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    All base weapons work in atmosphere, bases can have furnaces, deconstructors, & armored concrete. Of course, this assumes there won't be arbitrary CPU limits making using all of these on the same base unfeasible.
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Bases don't require thrusters, RCS, cockpits or warp drives, thus not requiring the same CPU cap. Evidently they are not going to make doors and fridges the most CPU-demanding devices.
  17. [RCF]Grodark

    [RCF]Grodark Lieutenant

    Mar 7, 2018
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    Sorry but no I like the IDEA of W/V and I like the IDEA of CPU but the W/V is still totally off when it comes to stuff biggest example is why dose a large constructor weigh 40 tons and the advanced is 60 tons when the components total come to much less if you can not get W/V tuened right how can you get CPU numbers right how can you make the Vdrag work right when the weight is not right or are you going to see whats more or arodynamic by the area something covers is it mass/area or something silly.

    need to tune the W/V more large things are hard to move cause they are just to large (volume not mass) just cause ya can lift 800 kg dose not mean you can move it if it's a 50'X50'X50' cube

    now another thing you lower thruster out put one some of them just so you can have a 1.5 thrust per CPU not a bad idea but instead of
    lowering the thrust why not just do the math with he thrust you have jet thrusters small you lower it to 328 from 350 so you can get a 219 CPU
    but 219 or 233 would not matter to much to players but 22 reduction in KN is a big deal (350/1.5=233) so in stead of coming up with some random number so you can times it by 1.5 you could have divide then see how the CPU numbers come out the 233 would still land with in your ranges as well but none thought of that I am sure

    most places have it turned off cause it dose not work right, hurts early game, and is almost ignored in late game, so lets see from a new players view (we will take a slightly above average joe with out a space ship design degree
    first I can only hold about 30 ores and my basic equipment so I need a base fast but to make a base I need mats can not hold enough mats to make a base need to set up my personal constructor make blocks all the time limited food limited transportation none helping starve to death 5 times before I get a starter block and some blocks for a base (if he has not quit yet he might be ok) now first HV has no clue about center of mass has no clue how to make it function right might take him 1-3 hours to figure out the basics. if this is in single player and he has not reached out or looked up videos he is probably fustrated .
    now his first sire craft single engine it takes off it flys it crashes cause it takes time to to figure out that you can not invert and slow or over or anything good with out other thrusters oh no flying in space is hard just a rear thruster no quick stopping screwy angles and dizzy finally gets back to his base on planet (if he has not quit yet he is about to) then he adds a few thrusters and poof he has what should fly in space ok
    dose the o2 tank cause he is smart and takes off oh no it will not fly why the CPU limit has been exceeded by to much damb it (quits)

    probably never plays again

    a game should be enjoyable not having to do complicated math and experiments to get stuff to work that's called a job
    thin line between game and sim and your on the edge
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Most mass values have to be adjusted, no question about that.

    One thing Eleon could do is to write in big red letters on the store page that players can try previous versions of the game (5 is a good and easy start) to get the hang of basics, while having some fun not requiring lots of stuff to learn.

    There will always be times in a game where players die an "unfortunate death" : falling in a trap, underestimating enemies, etc. There are 4 game modes to start, and players can try "freedom" mode or creative to try building, if they find it too hard in survival. That is also a point I would make clear to new players, but they can already see it when starting a new game. It's not perfect, but it's already better than what many other games offer.

    But I don't agree with Mad Raven that there should be no opt-out options for features, if it's easy to make for Eleon.
  19. banksman45

    banksman45 Rear Admiral

    Jun 6, 2016
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    I know some people believe this game is just made for them. So the idea of there being a OP OUT of these limits is unthinkable to them. Oh well.. ELON did the right thing by making these limit's optional because there just isn't enough gamers who want these limits to keep a game like this going and there other games out there that don't have them. The op out feature is why I'm still willing to play this game and continue testing it out.
  20. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    My most memorable unfortunate death was running away from some spiders backwards firing at them as I went. Ok so I forgot I had drilled a mine out with my drone and didn't cover the hole backup. Fell in and the spiders decided to join me. Humm 5 spiders and big hole and no way out. You can guess how I felt. Death was swift!:eek:

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