No apparent exit to an unexpected situation.

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by cmguardia, Nov 23, 2019.

  1. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Hello intrepid galactic explorers.

    I hope this is understood.

    After a long week and a half of hard work I was able to sit down to start a new game in version 11.0 (This is a few days ago).
    And something interesting happened to me.
    Start the first mission of the Polaris faction. With an SV I arrive at the station and accept the mission and go out in search of the lava planet.
    In the first jump I reach a planet with many green clouds.
    One detail is that planet information is not enabled (the box is not selected). So I decide to review. It is a planet with radioactive clouds, lots of sand and lava. It is not the planet sought, but I decide to take a testimony from the trip. Much sathium and neodymium. I am friendly with Polaris and I pass through a trading station (I enter it and walk through it) and I follow the planet's journey. I find an Unknown Artifact levitating and I decide it is a good booty as long as I don't take a chance. With the SV shot and I make a hole in one side at the top.
    Here my bad luck of being attacked by a pair of drones from outside and falling into the structure between nightmares and scorpions of the last level where the nucleus is. The obvious is that I end up dead ...
    This is where I have the first serious problem.
    1st I was not given the option to regenerate at the station where they have a regeneration station.
    2nd As the option to regenerate is in the vicinity, I will regenerate on the ground under the device. Without the possibility of recovering anything and without being able to reach the SV. Just being able to run before the drones attack me.
    Now I notice that the planet lacks copper. No copper! If it has iron and silicon but no copper ore.
    Now what to do? Building a survival tool is possible, but making a builder is impossible since the builder of the suit only accepts minerals. Does not accept rocks to be able to transform as necessary.
    I came to the Polaris area and I was disappointed that the builder can not be used because if I open a container to deposit rocks I lose the "friendship" of the Polaris.
    Then I think ... a motorcycle! I buy a motorcycle and return to the device and try to take with the SV resources drone.
    Mmm ... I can't buy a motorcycle but parts to build one. But I have no builder! And I can't get one !!!! Without a builder there is no motorcycle! Without copper ore there is no builder !!! If I open a container to deposit materials and use the Polaris builder, I lose friendship with them!
    I can buy components and ingots but they don't help me!

    So how to get out of this dilemma without using the plans? I can buy materials and generate a small SV but it breaks my immersion ... I want science fiction not magic.
    Submissions to continue the game without using God mode or any trick.

    Thank you very much.

    Pd: I can't sell anything at the station because they don't accept basic raw materials. Before you could sell and buy alien and vegetable thorns or other simple things. Not now.
    If there were fiber plants I could make bandages and sell them but there are no fiber plants, nor trees!

    Maybe if I eliminate animals and spiders, I can be honorable and maybe I can use a container and the builder. But I see it difficult only with the survival multitool.

    My credit is not enough to buy weapons and ammunition.

    Hola intrepidos exploradores galácticos.

    Espero que esto se entienda.

    Despues de una larga semana y media de trabajo duro pude sentarme a iniciar un nuevo juego en versión 11.0. (Esto es de unos días atras).
    Y me sucedió algo interesante.
    Inicio la primer misión de la facción Polaris. Con un SV llego a la estación y acepto la misión y salgo en busca del planeta de lava.
    En el primer salto llego a un planeta con muchas nubes verdes.
    Un detalle es que no se habilita la información del planeta (no se selecciona la casilla). Asi que decido revisar. Es un planeta con nubes radiactivas, mucha arena y lava. No es el planeta buscado, pero decido sacar probecho del viaje. Mucho sathium y neodymium. Soy amigable con Polaris y paso por una estación de comercio (entro en ella y la recorro) y sigo el recorrido del planeta. Encuentro un Artefacto Desconocido levitando y decido que es un buen botín siempre que no me arriesgue. Con el SV disparo y hago un hoyo en un lado en la parte superior.
    Aquí mi mala suerte de ser atacado por un par de drones desde afuera y caer dentro del la estructura entre las pesadillas y los escorpiones del último nivel donde está el núcleo. Lo obvio es que termino muerto...
    Aquí es donde tengo el primer problema grave.
    1ero No se me dio opción de regenerar en la estación donde tienen estación de regeneración.
    2do Como la opción de regenerar es en las cercanías, me regeneré en el suelo bajo el artefacto. Sin posibilidad de recuperar nada y sin poder alcanzar el SV. Solo poder correr antes de que los drones me ataquen.
    Ahora noto que el planeta carece de cobre. Nada de cobre! Si tiene hierro y silicio pero no tiene mineral de cobre.

    Ahora que hacer? Construir una herramienta de supervivencia es posible, pero fabricar un constructor es imposible ya que el constructor del traje solo acepta minerales. No acepta rocas para poder transformar a lo necesario.
    Llegué hasta la zona Polaris y me llevo la decepción de que tampoco se puede hacer uso del constructor ya que si abro un contenedor para depositar rocas pierdo la "amistad" de los Polaris.
    Entonces pienso...una motocicleta! Compro una motocicleta y regreso hasta el artefacto e intento tomar con el dron recursos del SV. puedo comprar una motocicleta pero si partes para armar una. Pero no tengo constructor!!! Y no puedo obtener uno!!!! Sin constructor no hay motocicleta!! Sin mineral de cobre no hay constructor!!! Si abro un contenedor para depositar materiales y usar el constructor de Polaris, pierdo amistad con ellos!
    Puedo comprar componentes y lingotes pero no me sirven de nada!!
    Entonces como salir de este dilema sin uso de los planos? Puedo comprar materiales y engendrar un pequeño SV pero me rompe la inmersión... quiero ciencia ficción no magia.

    Sujerencias para continuar el juego sin uso de modo Dios o ningún truco.

    Muchas gracias.

    Pd: no puedo vender nada en la estación porque no aceptan materias primas básicas. Antes se podia vender y comprar espinas alienígenas y vegetales u otras cosas simples. Ahora ya no.

    Si existieran plantas de fibra podria hacer vendajes y venderlos pero no hay plantas de fibras, tampoco árboles!

    Quizas si elimino animales y arañas pueda llegar a honorable y quizas pueda usar un contenedor y el constructor. Pero lo veo dificil solo con la multiherramienta de supervivencia :/ Mi credito no es suficiente para comprar armas y municiones.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The planet might have copper surface rocks.

    You can also try using the registry to turn off power to your SV remotely. *sometimes* this will make it fall to the ground so you can enter it.

    You could try dying and respawning at your home base and coming back in a new SV, if you set your base as your home spawn.
  3. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    If anyone asks why there is always a text in Spanish in my publications. The reason is that I use a translator and if the English text is not clear there is always the original text in case someone wants to read and better understand what I try to imply. ;):)
  4. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Well, it still happens to me that if I turn off the SV it is still in the air.
    Only if I enter the cabin does the SV rush to the ground.

    And I haven't found copper rocks in 3.5km of travel from the device to the Polaris area.

    If I thought about dying and starting from scratch. But I also consider that a small trap ... Since it would be instantly on the initial planet (magic!).
    Here is precisely the dilemma of what to do in this situation while maintaining continuity in the game.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    What type of planet is it? Barren? Lava Nascent?
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  6. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    I am trying to reopen the game. Here I am with a beautiful thunderstorm that has left the area without power for a few minutes.
    stanley bourdon and ravien_ff like this.
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Eek! Don't risk frying your computer for it! :D
  8. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    It's Barren, of extreme difficulty.
    Planet Shankara playfield seed 484956
    I correct myself. They are 5.4km away without seeing copper rocks.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2019
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  9. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    Ok. Following the topic.
    Looking around I find ingredients to make some medicines and thus sell them. Buy materials and enter it at the blueprint factory. Only then did I get a very light SV, I also bought a rifle and ammunition. I smiled the fate that a drone travels through the Polaris area and noticed me. So when I knocked it down I got fuel (2 small batteries).
    I flew to the device and recovered my SV with missing cargo boxes. I lost ammo, various suits and suit add.
    Now back to my base for repairs in the SV.
    11.0_2708_2019-11-23_03-15-49.png 11.0_2708_2019-11-23_03-15-35.png

    Bueno. Siguiendo el tema.
    Buscando al rededor encuentro ingredientes para hacer algunos balsamos y asi venderlos. Conprar materiales e ingresarlo al la fábrica de planos. Solo así obtuve un SV muy liviano, también compre un rifle y munición. Me sonrió la suerte que un dron recorre la zona Polaris y se fijó en mi. Asi al derribarlo obtuve combustible (2 pilas chicas).
    Volé al artefacto y recuperé mi SV con faltantes de cajas de carga. Perdí munición, trajes varios y add de traje.
    Ahora de vuelta a mi base para reparaciones en el SV
    ravien_ff likes this.
  10. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Planning, think what if this or that happens.
    I have several times stranded in space on a server, disconnected/crashed when did a long CV warp.
    So be aware of what's in inventory, and if to get the death pack content, maybe mark location.
    I often have a stack of energy bars and a portable constructor in the suit constructor out slots, you do not loose those. Stone you almost always can get.
    I have an emergency SV to spawn, or a base staircase/elevator, and a basic base.

    Materials you can get from loot. Worth coring a POI to Private and multitool with Retreive (and put in BP Factory). Or go to another planet or moon or orbit, if possible.
    Registry already mentioned by others.

    If SP then sometimes I do a save before testing out or try do some difficult. Maybe God Mode just to save time that way too. Some stuff get a bit boring when done them many times.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2019
  11. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    It is precisely the fact of not using blueprints or God mode.

    Leaving a builder in the suit builder slot is a very good idea. Caution man! I practically carry a small base or materials to assemble one or rebuild the SV if it is always necessary in a cargo box destined for that in the SV.
    What I wanted to leave here in view is that apparently on this planet it is difficult (if not impossible) to start from scratch if you have lost everything.
    In any case, I will return at some point and recreate (under control) the same case and look for another way out.
    It really breaks my game using blueprints if I'm not at the base because it's not logical, it doesn't feel inside the game!
    In my game the rule is not to use planes unless you are in your base and you already have all the items in the unlocked technology tree that would use that plane to generate. Or in the case of a CV just spawn the empty housing. And I'm looking for resources to complete engines and others.

    Justamente es el echo de no usar planos ni modo Dios.
    Lo de dejar un constructor en la ranura de constructor del traje es muy buena idea. Hombre precavido! Practicamente llevo una pequeña base o materiales para armar una o reconstruir el SV si hace falta siempre en una caja de carga destinada a eso en el SV.
    Lo que queria dejar aqui a la vista es que aparentemente en este planeta es dificil (sino imposible) comenzar de cero si lo has perdido todo.
    De todas maneras volveré en algun momento y recreare (bajo control) el mismo caso y buscare si es posible otra salida.
    Es que de verdad me rompe el juego usar planos si no estoy en la base porque no es lógico, no se siente dentro del juego!
    En mi juego la regla es no usar planos a menos que estes en tu base y ya tengas todos los items del árbol tecnológico desbloqueados que usaría ese plano a engendrar. O en el caso de un CV solo engendro la carcasa vacía. Y busco recursos para ir completando propulsores y demás.
  12. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Right, there can be some very difficult planets, some scenarios and servers have such as starter options. Some lava planets you need an Epic Suit or stay inside a vessel, too hot to survive else vise.
    EGS is in a fantasy universe with own rules of physics and workings. Very few things are "realistic" or "logical" compared to "IRL".
    The F5 Drone and what you can carry is not logical, even with mass & volume on. Warp and teleport likewise. Able to resurrect is definitively far off.
    Of course anyone are free to choose the way they play in SP, peoples have different opinions about what is fun and enjoyable.

    I try play with 1 life mindset, logic in this game I do not care about, just that doing things are not too fiddly. Building is fiddly for me, see little point in building everything from scratch, mostly. Now this game have issues and not finished, so see no point in starting all over again and allow myself to respawn WHEN die.
    I normally do not leave the starter system until have looted what are useful, normally have a CV and good gear and surplus of resources. Then start taking over other systems. So the first POI on a new place often is one I know I master, maybe make it a base. Or spawn in one or some defensive towers.
    I try to not think about logic in this game, just what are enjoyable enough to do.

    Good luck and try have fun!
    Germanicus likes this.

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