It will be interesting to see how they will balance mass in the new system of CPU limits and HV to SV docking. Sure you might want to dedicade a lotvof that CPU to thrusters and RCS in your lifter SV but is it even possible to lift a fully loaded miner with a SV, even on high gravity planets?
M/V balancing got a lot more urgent and substantially more complex now that CPU is interlocked so heavily with mass.
I have yet to play using the mass/volume enabled, because every time I've tried it it's just silly... I want to add my vote to increase capacity of storage boxes (they're as big as me, but I can carry 3 times as much in my backpack???) and reduce the mass of everything! My small HV bike should be able to carry as much as 4-5 personal inventories...
Containers are the right size (125 L for SV/HV and 8000 L for CV/BA); it's the player inventory that's too large (should be more like ~100 L or less). I agree that the bike should have storage, of at least 125 L.
Start on vanilla server: Day two: i have a small base with small constructor....two large container, and powered with solar. The volume and player of the avatar look apropriate and well balanced. I had enought space ( and generous ) for collect resource like food, minerals, wood and random salvage....i can also carry with me a motorbike and personal constructor.. So as i say before space is very generous. I start to have problem when i start to build bigger equipment like constructor etc. But now i have container on is not an issue... First impression: On the starting of the and volume are more than enough for the early stage, and for my experience don`t need to rebelanced.
Update: I have now a full operative base, with 4 projectile turrest. Fuel propelled generator, fuel tank, 10 solar pannel, 2 solar battery, large constructor, 2 container, one armor locker and one cloning chamber. Still on tier one at around 80% of my cpu. I have also an armour and i used for the first time the container connection when i was building my base, look as it work pretty well. No issue at all after two days on vanilla server. A part some problem when i use the motorbike. Aparently my grapich card doesnt like it and the water of lake and sea just vanish, For what concerned the volume and weight no issue at all....just need to be take into account when you build...i`m think at cargo hoover for beggining. Look as it work pretty well.
i think who provide some storage for the bike and put a little bit ( just a bit ) down the player inventory is right.
Day 3 Made a design of a easy to build hoover with some defensive and attack capacity. I go to raid and i find a drone base already raided and completly empty...but they forghet a couple of multitool t2 who i have used for make salvage for my hoover. First issue.... i find i a chest a repair bay t2.....also with empty inventory i had no space for take it....only way to to basically remove all the block and bring below the poi a hoover with wireless connection and connect the cest.....quite complicate is it? what the point to put in on a chest? My new hoover after just day 3 with the new weight and volume system with just one issue.
day 4 report I start with nothing and i`m quite fine with the new cpu system and weight and volume. Today i made two raids, and my new hoover was an amazing support on it. On the first one i was making a massive lot for my new hoover but i was to greedy and i lose any prudence ( expecially with my poor compure performance) and i lost everyting On the second one i was less greedy and i don`t have go to deep on the complex. I find another t2 repair bay and my hoover was close enough to use the wireless so i did it, and beaouse my hoover is just for fight i have to put everything on is ammobox So is possible to comfortable raid with wairless and use it to put all the loot on any capable vehicle. That raid make possible the building of my new hoover...who is a specialise Cargo Hoover....t1 ofc. Is also more that specialise is basically a support Hoover because is not really good in nothing if not for is main purpose as cargo holder... Is basically design remember a train wagon because that is exactly what is it... Using the hv to hv docking that`s the result: Is main function is to be transported to the ore mines or poi and then droped on a safe place in case of raid or close to the mine if are using a miner.... It can hold 10k of valuable minerals of loot....and can stack more than one as long as i have enought power on it. That`s the final product: At the moment i`m very happy about the weight and volume work very well and bring more creativity and inspiration for new design.....and the cpu look like it made the same........i have in just for day one base and two capable vehicle... Look also who the system is quite reasonable with their limit i just get overweight when i was raiding bigger staff. In order to accumulate more resource you must need a specialise vehicle....who make sense for me...and if you have a look at next screen is really easy to made: Update Note: Change all the combat steel block of the trailer with normal one....when is full is unmovable
Time for some conclusions. Hope all my feedback can be usefull. Weight and volume system have at the moment few or no impact on the game. It have probably more on late game when you have to deal with extreme ammount of weight. Today i have full raided an alien abandoned factory and my brave hoover have destroyed by himself the core making my life easly. But my trailer was completly full so i cannot dismantle the whole poi in order to make resource. So that's the moment of the game on witch the new system work pretty well and make the player think of possible solution or more elaborated vehicle. Another consideration is about the adding weight to the trailer who make him unamovable by my hoover and impossible to move by himself as well. So the weight and volume system work to find right solution and compromise. On this case remove all the combat stell of the triler to make him work better... From 10k of valuable resource i have to trash 6k of alien block... So specialise is very important. My little suggestion is to made the life at beginning a little more harder. You can really carry a lot of staff with you. I consider player volume and weight as a result of wearing the armor. At the behinning i think you need to have half of volume and weight. At this purpuose you can just add a backpack craftable with vegetable fiber to bring the volume up. For the same equivalent of weight you neec an armor. Just a little suggestion.
Been using Mass/Volume for quite a while now. So far, the only thing that really bothers me is the T2 Repair Bay. Either the model needs to be considerably larger (2x2x1) or the mass should be reduced. As it stands, these are nearly impossible to move short of a linked inventory, and given they're the same size at the T1's, they must be made of depleted uranium with tungsten casings.
There is a scientific law called the Law of Conservation of Mass, discovered by Antoine Lavoisier in 1785. In its most compact form, it states: matter is neither created nor destroyed. Please explain how these blocks, constructed of one bush and some stone dust gain mass, and please explain how after picking up a few rocks and harvesting a few plant fibers I can then build a massive base.
We use to do some thing similar on my place. Hundred of years ago. We use the unediible part of the grain plant and we mix with dirty and water. Actually work as a brick. Lot of that build is still om place.
Nicely said so i gonna just remind you that polystyrene or styrofoam as example is to 95% air. And there are other molecules that simply demand more space than others. Sadly i don't know another example now. If you do please let me know.
Is always a good thing to remeber some basic. Who in this game have so much problem to understand. Volume: is a space used to fill up a container or a portion of space. Es one cubic meter of water. Mass: is the molecular or element density. Normally is for most of the substance given buy the number of neutron of the element on witch this substanced is composed. An atomic level neutron is the most " heavy" of the whole. Weight: weight and mass are correlated but not equivalent. Weight is a indirect mesurement of the mass. The right answer is who weight is the strenght of an object or substance who on a gravitational field. Weight ia basical the mass of the object plus the acelleration of gravity. Air is most composed by nitrogen gas some co2 and some oxigen. At the temperature and pressure of an eartlike planet they have gas form and no weight. But still have mass. Ofc we dont know if there are other universe ( multivers theory) and the newton law still work. What we know for sure is on empyrion universe the basic law of newton work both well on space and planet.
Just need to be more clear. Weight is a vectoria force espress on newton. Is a force who is applied on one direction to the object on a gravitational field. If the gravitational field have just one direction. The vector is linear. If there are more gravitational field the direction is the product of all the vectoria force involved. In the space gravitational field are given by object with a discret mass. More is the mass more is the gravitational field generated. More diatance you have from a planet less powerfull is the vector direct on the center of mass. More mass you have more powefull have to be an opposite vector to balance the gravitationl field strenght. But not on empyrion....
My primary concern with the weight system is that it doesn't just affect your acceleration due to gravity, but also your acceleration and maximum speed on every axis - even in space - which is extremely frustrating and makes gameplay a lot less fun. With regards to volume: I'm an energy saving nut and so I use the separate cargo boxes. While on CVs and BAs this is not as much an issue, on SVs and HVs the low capacity of the boxes can get a bit annoying at times. While I do agree that they should be low, the current volume seems just a tad too restrictive.
You are aware that you save only ONE PU per Cargobox against Container Extension? So by placing 40 Cargo Boxes you are saving 40 PU's. Better is to remove Deco Antennas who are STILL Eating Energy.
I have and never will use antenna decoration unless they stop using power or use 1PU like other deco devices. Here is a comparison of power unit per volume statistics: ----- BA/CV: Container Controller: 10PU/8000L Container Extension: 3PU/8000L Cargo Box: 1PU/16000L Example Scenario (CV): In one of my CVs I use 28 cargo boxes, which give me 32 x 16000L = 512000L. These are for 15 categories. The cargo boxes use 1PU per box. Thus, they use 28 x 1PU = 28PU. Let's presume instead I use 1 container controller that doesn't have a container extension limit. This would require 1 x 8000L + 63 x 8000L. The energy usage would then be 1 x 10PU + 63 x 3PU = 199PU. This is over 7 times the fuel usage of the cargo boxes. Now, let's be realistic and say I need 15 controllers and 49 extensions. The energy usage would then be 15 x 10PU + 49 x 3PU = 297PU. This is over 10 times what the cargo boxes use. ----- SV/HV: Container Controller: 3PU/125L Container Extension: 1PU/125L Cargo Box: 1PU/250L Example Scenario (SV): In my newest SV I use 29 cargo boxes, which give me 29 x 250L = 7250L. These are for 16 categories. The cargo boxes use 1PU ber box. Thus, they use 29 x 1PU = 29PU. Let's make the same assumptions as before. The controller with extensions would require 1 x 125L + 57 x 125L. The energy usage would then be 1 x 3PU + 57 x 1PU = 60PU. This is just over double what the cargo boxes use. Now for the realistic comparison. I need 16 categories and 42 extensions. The energy usage would then be 16 x 3PU + 42 x 1PU = 90PU. This is three times what the cargo boxes use. ----- Power usage is not as much a problem for the SVs and HVs as you can see, but it is still ridiculously high for the BAs and CVs. However, 500L per category is still pretty terrible so you'd probably want more containers in a small multi vessel. Additionally, having 32000L per category is quite decent, but not very good for storing many stacks of heavier elements. Hopefully this has shown you what I meant.