Hover Vessels

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. wrenchinator

    wrenchinator Commander

    Jan 6, 2016
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    My personal HV, a HP version of the WVW Scorpion. WVW-Scorpion-HP.png

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  2. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Here is another blueprint for those who want to import a pre-designed vessel.

    This is a fairly minimalist HV that is still useful for mining and exploring. It is short which optimizes hill performance. There is a spotlight on front and lights on top and back to help illuminate your workspace.

    Underneath there is a constructor which can be used to process ores while you're mining and flying around. It also includes a cargo box for storage.

    The "MG" version includes a minigun turret and an ammo box between the constructor and spotlight.

    Cost: Base model/ MG model
    Fe    210,        210
    Cu    180,        190
    Si    130,        140
    Co    100,        110
    Time  24:38,      25:49
    Note: the fuel tank is covered by the yellow block at the back of the cockpit. You will need to remove that yellow block to fuel up. I recommend replacing the block afterward. With 7 hours of flight time and over 43 hours of idle time you will probably never need to refuel it.

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  3. Dovahkiin Chaos

    Dovahkiin Chaos Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2015
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    This is my Hauler MK 2, designed and built in survival for sole purpose or the long haul across planet and accumulating enough resources to build anything i need. It has evolved from early game to lvl 20 req i belive. On side note has small problem, I am unable to make it confirm docking with my CV Intrepid which i have posted here, http://empyriononline.com/threads/capital-vessel.1500/page-15#post-33418

    (PS I know not best screenshot but was parked in garage and i wanted to get this on here to see if any1 can figure out why it wont dock with my CV. I have tested it with another one of my CV designs and it docks there but for some reason no matter what I change here it will not dock.)

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  4. soup238

    soup238 Lieutenant

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Are both Hauler and CV set to private/faction
  5. Dovahkiin Chaos

    Dovahkiin Chaos Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2015
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    Yep, and seems today it will cooperate and confirm docked. I spent hours trying to get this HV to dock with this CV yesterday. Was there a bug fix over night?
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
  6. MrPac

    MrPac Ensign

    Dec 29, 2015
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    A Heavy Tank (Ground Vessel) designed for assault, especially good in long range.

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    khajjah likes this.
  7. wrenchinator

    wrenchinator Commander

    Jan 6, 2016
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    I noticed that there were a few starter models being submitted and I thought I would offer up my own version of a pure level 3 starter HV. This craft comes in at a lightweight 2.75T, she is sporting a single genny with dual fuel tanks so she has loong legs. She sits lower than my previous models but still has 3 docking points that are completely armored. She has the smallest foot print yet at 5x11x4.

    1 constructor
    1 o2 tank and station
    1 generator
    2 fuel tanks
    4 directional thrusters
    1 rcs
    1 hover engine
    1 core
    3 landing gear
    3 cargo boxes

    86 blocks
    iron 180
    cop 160
    sil 120
    cob 100

    0-full speed in 12 seconds abaout 5 seconds for a complete stop. Access to al systems while landed. Easy to upgrade as you level, the can be faster, armed, armored, bottomaus.png fightpostaus.png sideviewaus.png and have an extended cargo bed easily. You would be hard pressed to come up with a more efficient vehicle to start with and this ship would make an ideal self powered CV Turret with slight modification. I give you the WVW-Austere.

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    pag42 and Krenios like this.
  8. Dovahkiin Chaos

    Dovahkiin Chaos Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2015
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    Nice, small and to the point, hows it handle on rough terrain? the current starter they added fly's on akua, haven't tested on omicon. Don't know if u can make it much smaller with sufficient def for critical goodies :)
  9. wrenchinator

    wrenchinator Commander

    Jan 6, 2016
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    She handles well, better with more thrust of course. I have got her stuck in omicron crevices but a little terrain adjustment got me out just fine. You can't drive like a crazy person but Akua is a breeze to travel.

    As for Defense, well lets just say that I put the fighting spot there for a good reason, I have taken out 3 drones without losing the ship (73% damage to cockpit), while not taking a single hit myself in that spot. Plus if you enter the cockpit while already in the fighting spot, you jump back out ready to shoot. Plus, its so small you could load it up on just about anyone's SV :)
  10. Frederick Taer

    Frederick Taer Lieutenant

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Inspired by cailean_556's "Patrol Boat" frome page 6.

    Wanted to build an hovercarrier and decided to start with something small.
    Here is the "Patrol Cutter" prototype.

    Two accessible rooms under the deck (you can get to cockpit from there).
    A hatch for engine service.
    Antidrone missiles and antipredator minigun.

    She turns like the ship she is and that is intended.
    Not for mountains, cause ships are not.

    Question about hover mechanics: even if I put whole line of hover engines underneath and move her up for 3 meters - nevertheless she can hit the rought terrain by one of the hover engines (!) and get stucked. Is there any conventional way to avoid this?

    Hover-Ship-(protoT).png 2016-01-28_00003.jpg 2016-01-28_00004.jpg

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    Rayah and Krenios like this.
  11. Dovahkiin Chaos

    Dovahkiin Chaos Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2015
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    I recommend looking up back few pages on hover craft the Glaive. I think its design and how its hover pads will answer your question :)
  12. Frederick Taer

    Frederick Taer Lieutenant

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Well, the Glaive is a very usefull concept, indeed.
    But in no way it answers my question. o_O

    Going onto the hill is not a problem.
    Problem is that we hit an uneven ground with no other block, but the damn hover engine itself.

    If you tell engines to be 3 meters up - what does that means?
    Highest engine will be 3 meters up? Lowest?
    Or the first one you placed on your craft?
  13. Yolofessional

    Yolofessional Captain

    Aug 13, 2015
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    as creator of the glaive, i will say it is a relic of a time before the 3m hover increase, the flip, and the actual mechanical changes that have been introduced. honestly, hvs require no special piloting or engineering to perform very well now, even on harsh/ high grav worlds like asteus (where i still do my creative mode HV proofing) @Frederick Taer , i will download and test your cutter in creative, and share any findings.

    i don't have access to the devs or understand much of the code, but i have experimented a bit with hvs, and from my experience can offer a few thoughts to your questions now. first, about 3m, my working understanding is that this is measured from the highest part of terrain to lowest part of hover engine/ block which hover engine is mounted. when/ if multiple instances of this occur, i believe now the "highest" is chosen. second, tmk, hover engines don't take terrain damage other than collision. an interesting proof i shared earlier (again before the changes) was the horizon. it had hover engines (if memory serves) mounted 3 blocks below any physical blocks on the vehicle. basically built on legs, with hovers at the bottom, and the legs were later removed, producing a vehicle frame, and 2 hovers floating 3 blocks underneath. the hovers would clip through the terrain, never damaged, and the frame would float like a proper hovercar should. while landing or powering off, the hovers would disappear underground, and the frame would rest on the terrain. this could be problematic upon loading a game, as we all know "the shake." third point is about piloting. i will use the example of akua, but it applies to all atmospheric playfields. on akua , surface terrain comes in variations of 2 colors- green and brown. ignore water and sand, as they are not problematic to hvs. so while ascending a grade, you have green, and sharper brown features. if you avoid the sharp(darker brown) edges, you greatly minimize the hovers triggering a collision, getting "snagged," as you have described. last point is about mp, and latencey (ping) when i visit friends and i have high ping, my hv will oscillate while traveling over water. this can result in my vehicle becoming submerged, as if power off over water, and requiring a shift+space boost to correct. this effect can make travel over rough terrain under said circumstances frustrating.

    sorry it's so long, hope it helps!
  14. Dovahkiin Chaos

    Dovahkiin Chaos Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2015
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    Glaive still works wonders on all planets, with the new 3m height it can climb near vertical planes lol, I still use it, I jsut modifyed the back sides 1 more block out for little more storage and fuel. And ofc 3 plasma turrets, 1 top 1 on each side :)
    Yolofessional likes this.
  15. feartechnition

    feartechnition Ensign

    Jan 1, 2016
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    the problem is vehicles get their hover point moved in blue printing. someone else said its two blocks back from original starter blocks haven't tested this. I know for sure when blue printed it moves to the center of vehicle. haven't tried it yet but if you built it longer you could possibly move the hover point and just tear the front off to have it more towards the front because that's what happened when I shortened my flatbed build in this post http://empyriononline.com/threads/changes-in-center-line-known-bug.4153/#post-34974
    eninrebmun likes this.
  16. Yolofessional

    Yolofessional Captain

    Aug 13, 2015
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    it's kinda sad how proud this makes me. you just made an old man's day! if you get a chance, would love to see pix of your modifications.

    @Frederick Taer i have had a chance to spawn your cutter into creative, and will offer my thoughts. first thing i noticed, was it looked like a warship, like a destroyer from ww2. very nice. i assumed from your pix that it was built on omicron, so that's where i started with it, to best get a feel for your experience. i spawned it over a large, deep body of water, and noticed immediately the nose sunk straight to the bottom. so first off, this tells me the center of mass is too far forward. the hallway was too narrow, which is only a problem if it loses power or otherwise comes to rest at an angle. the gen access door was creative, but i don't know that you need access to it. at 13.6t you likely need more hover engines, which you placed correctly at the edges of the underside of the craft. so it was time to add some fuel packs and power up. being submerged, a shift boost was required, which resulted in some unexpected results below.


    thinking this a bug, i reloaded on asteus:


    now, this used to be a thing when people would build hvs with no hover engines and (mostly) directional thrusters. usually caused by no downthruster or bouncing on the terrain. honestly, it's been a long time since i've looked into it, so i didn't even know this was still a thing. so i tore apart the ship, certain you had a few up thrusters.. but you didn't. maybe you could share the history of this build, like was it made in a previous version and some blocks have been changed? all in all, i could not duplicate your problems getting "snagged." i hope i have been some help, but i think just more time refining in creative could make this build viable.
    Hiram Abiff likes this.
  17. Dovahkiin Chaos

    Dovahkiin Chaos Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2015
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    The modifications i made are not major as i didnt want to upset its equilibriam and all, but here ya go. Pictures may be on omicron but i have taken it with me from akua and to aestus and the alien 1 starts with M (forget how to spell it). works wonders everywhere i ahve taken it :) Alpha_01_2016-01-30_23-46-34.png Alpha_01_2016-01-30_23-46-42.png Alpha_01_2016-01-30_23-47-05.png
    Yolofessional likes this.
  18. Dovahkiin Chaos

    Dovahkiin Chaos Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2015
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    It is bugged with the GV, due to its length i would imagine. It is very cool looking and floats in water very nicly. For whatever reason I can reproduce the same glitch Yolofessional showed pictures of, power on raise height, and doesnt stop going up unless i stopped it. Used to have this problem myself with GV's i made awhile ago with to many pads on same plane. Ill test.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
  19. Dovahkiin Chaos

    Dovahkiin Chaos Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2015
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    I found a solution around Frederick Taer's HV's navigational problem. Simple fix to. After i made these modifications it handles like every other over weight HV i have flown lol :) It does still react badly to certin terrain angles so dont come at a hill straight on and stick to water where possible. Some reason still wants to jump at first sign of like a spider or something lol. GV_Creation_2_2016-01-31_00-14-33.png GV_Creation_2_2016-01-31_00-14-07.png
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
  20. Frederick Taer

    Frederick Taer Lieutenant

    Jan 20, 2016
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    Guys, I want to thank you all for the help. especailly Dovahkiin Chaos and Yolofessional.

    I've made a little reserch and discovered that hovers are very broken from the start. Like rotors/pistons in Space Engineers.
    The pivot point - the point of that 3 meters hover distance - is an initial core place.
    No matter how and where you place hover engines.
    3 meters will be counted from ground to the point where the hover starter block core was.
    Like I said the very ill concept.

    Still, I don't know why my ship wanna fly to the sky. :)
    It was build from the scrap within the current build, like three days ago.
    But, I discovered, that you can have a little control with this ascent.
    By adjusting hoverheight, by surprise!
    The neutral point is about 0.55-0.65m. With hoverheight set to neutral point you can browse the sky.
    Lower - fall down like a stone, higher - get altitude quickly.

    So, it doesn't matter where you place you hover engines at all.
    Developing "the Glaive concept" further, I discovered the general scheme for all-terrain medium/large hovercraft.
    It looks like this 2016-01-31_00005.jpg .

    This is 45 degree version, but it can be built in 60 and even more to climb virtually anything.
    With 1 hover engine.
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