EPG is not related to EPD. EPG has its own topic here: https://empyriononline.com/threads/tool-emp-playfield-generator-epg-v1-06-x.7029/ And all I can say about that: we are working on an update...
UPDATE (v1.92.4 b2479) is out added missing A11 items to FixedPlayerStart and TraderConfig. Download: https://empyriontools.org /jmc
Wanted to say thanks for working on this tool so much. You've made playfield editing a truly more attainable skill for everyone working in this area of Empryion. I worry to think how difficult we'd be having it without your tool. You've done well
Homepage (empyriontools.org) will be offline a day or two due to a bot attack. Latest Version Direct Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/88qwo3x1raabqne/EPD_v1924b2479_public_exp.zip?dl=0 Sorry for the inconveniences. /jmc
Damn thats bad :x But did you know there are some bugs... like: EPD says planet difficult = 0 playfield.yaml says = 2 EPD says there are "Biome 'Desert' referenced in 'CreatureSpawning' could not be found" .yaml says its there and the playfield is full working! the same here like: ⚠ 'AlienTowerDMG' used in Spawn Zone No. 1 ([CaveWormGreyHerd, Spiders02] @Always @ Artifacts, AlienTowerSmallStory, AlienTowerDMG...) could not be found ⚠ 'AlienWatchtower' used in Spawn Zone No. 1 ([CaveWormGreyHerd, Spiders02] @Always @ Artifacts, AlienTowerSmallStory, AlienTowerDMG...) could not be found (did you maybe delete it?). ⚠ Biome 'Desert' referenced in Random Resource No. 2 (CopperResource) could not be found But its all working fine and visible ingame ... This is very confusing :x
Hey, thanks for the report: Strange, can not really reproduce. It COULD happen to any input box, if you happen to see a red border around the input after changing a value and leaving the input field. That means "not a valid input" and EPD will then pick the closest valid value, if possible. But you always need to make sure that the red border is gone before saving. Click into the field again and re-check the allowed min/max values (tooltip), leave the input once again (click into another field or hit tab) and the error border should be gone. ONLY then it is safe to save. The other thing that comes to mind is: If you change a value you always need to leave that specific input field (with tab or a click into another input field) to make that change permanent. If you just type in a new value and leave the cursor inside the input, the change will NOT be written to the yaml, when you click save. Those ARE indeed playfield errors. So EPD is right about bringing those up in the preflight. And yes, some of those also exist in playfields that were made by the devs. If you ignore those errors in EPD and save anyway, of course the yaml will still list all those 'errors' anyway. The yaml exporter just writes out everything you have in EPD, including the errors, if you don't fix them before saving. So the yaml will always look like a yaml. Sometimes the game can handle those 'missing references' errors, others on the other hand can lead to crashes (COQ errors). So, as I don't know, when or why Empyrion chokes on such missing references, it's best to take those errors seriously and fix them. If you absolutely know what you're doing and know that they're not a problem, you can risk it and save. But it's really hard to find errors afterwards. /jmc
Info: Empyriontools.org is up again. Might still go down from time to time to test a few things out, but I think the worst part is over. Wiki stays deactivated for now. Wasn't that much useful info in there anyway, especially since version 1.9.x is out. Let's see if the bots get tired anytime soon. /jmc
Think I discovered a bug tonight (v1.92.4 b2480) When editing a biome with a texture property of 0, saving causes the EPD to wipe the Texture entry from the biome data in playfield_dynamic.yaml, which results in Null Reference errors and COQ ingame. Ex: Spoiler Code: Name: Water Color: [0.2, 0.2, 1] SelectionCriteria: - Height < SeaLevel - 7 Grass: - Name: Seaweed05 Density: 0.5 YScale: 1 Preset: GrassDense - Name: GrassType01Red Density: 0.4 YScale: 1 Preset: GrassDense - Name: GrassType03Red Density: 0.4 Preset: GrassDense Decorations: - [AlienPlantPod2, 0.001, Free] - [AlienPlantReef2, 0.001, Free] - [AlienBushRedFronds, 0.001, Free] - [AridRock01, 0.001, Free] - [AridRock02, 0.001, Free] - [AridRock03, 0.002, Free] - [Mod_rocks_grey01, 0.002, Free] - [Mod_rocks_grey02, 0.002, Free] - [Mod_rocks_grey03, 0.002, Free] - [Mod_rocks_grey04, 0.002, Free] - [WeepingPalm1, 0.002, Free] - [WeepingPalm3, 0.002, Free] - [CrystalsPyramidOrange, 0.002, Free] - [CoralBig01, 0.01, Free] AmbientSound: Swamp2 IgnoreForcedBiome: True Texture: [0, 0, 0.25] UndergroundLayers: - [0, 3] - [9, 2] - [11, 3] - [10, -1] - [15, 1] Radiation: 0 ...after saving, becomes Spoiler Code: Name: Water Color: [0.2, 0.2, 1] SelectionCriteria: - Height < SeaLevel - 7 Grass: - Name: Seaweed05 Density: 0.5 YScale: 1 Preset: GrassDense - Name: GrassType01Red Density: 0.4 YScale: 1 Preset: GrassDense - Name: GrassType03Red Density: 0.4 Preset: GrassDense Decorations: - [AlienPlantPod2, 0.001, Free] - [AlienPlantReef2, 0.001, Free] - [AlienBushRedFronds, 0.001, Free] - [AridRock01, 0.001, Free] - [AridRock02, 0.001, Free] - [AridRock03, 0.002, Free] - [Mod_rocks_grey01, 0.002, Free] - [Mod_rocks_grey02, 0.002, Free] - [Mod_rocks_grey03, 0.002, Free] - [Mod_rocks_grey04, 0.002, Free] - [WeepingPalm1, 0.002, Free] - [WeepingPalm3, 0.002, Free] - [CrystalsPyramidOrange, 0.002, Free] - [CoralBig01, 0.01, Free] AmbientSound: Swamp2 IgnoreForcedBiome: True UndergroundLayers: - [0, 3] - [9, 2] - [11, 3] - [10, -1] - [15, 1] Radiation: 0 (note 'texture' is missing after IgnoreForcedBiome check)
Thx for the report, There are some known cleaner issues in the current public 1.9.x version. I already have a testing version that hopefully will fix this bug (as well as a few others). But I will re-check your issue in my test version. if nothing comes up, I'll release this version later today. /jmc
UPDATE (v1.93.0 b2542) is out Fixes for some nasty cleaner bugs. Download: https://empyriontools.org /jmc
Youtube tutorial? The website has no basic guidance as to how to use this application and any info on what it does not do either. Any fans out there who can sell it?
I consider in making big Tutorial sessions about everything for the game in 2020. Nevertheless, what do you want to know? What is unclear? There are already some videos about EPD out from spanj I believe.
There was a simple wiki on the website before spambots killed it, so I had to take it down. This will stay that way at least for a while until this attacks ebb off a little more. But basic usage should be pretty straight forward. EPD is a playfield editor that gives you a GUI to edit playfield.yamls, playfield_dynamic.yamls, playfield_static.yamls without the need of editing the yamls by hand in an editor. There is also a preflight check during saving that should prevent you from making the biggest mistakes, but this is not complete yet, as I still don't know all the dos & don'ts in playfield yaml creation. Additionally there is also a TraderConfig Editor and also a basic terrain editor to edit the terrain.ecf files. This is the most recent video I could find on youtube, maybe this gives you a basic idea on how to use it. Here's one from @spanj Although the current version is 1.9.x, basic usage did not really change, only the random playfield editor and its usage changed and also the main UI and layout a little. One big advice, at first, only edit small things on existing playfields and don't start from scratch. Save often, EPD will create backups on every save. If the game crashes you can go back to an earlier backup. Hope this helps a little. if you have a specific question, just ask here. /jmc
I wish you the best. You have done so much for the players already and you planning doing more. It is a taxing task but in the end the community will thank you.
Ok Im pretty at this point i know whats is suppose to happen but i can not for the life of me get this poi to spawn on this planet. can some one have a look at it for me ?
Try and remove 'Any' from 'Biome Occurence'. No entry at all in the list of biomes means 'Any' anyways. Not sure, 'Any' is allowed in that biome list. Sorry, but that varies from biome-list to biome-list, whether 'Any' is accepted by the game or not. Also you don't need to check the 'Player Start' setting in the POI settings. Just make sure you have placed a player spawner in your POI. Try that and if it doesn't fix it let me know. Then I'll do a more thorough check. Maybe also check to console for any POI related errors when you load up your playfield. PS: I also highly suggest using the latest version of EPD (1.9x) , as I won't update 1.64 anymore. PPS: Removing 'Any' did the trick, I just set up a quick test scenario with your playfield and POI and it works fine now. /jmc
Ok Well i used the default ssg generated planet that was a starter planet it worked from the get go. all i did was add the poi so maybe the ssg is doing something it shouldn't THank you for helping me OH sorry I didnt know there was a updated tool i will update now ty