Help needed.Looking for yellow ships I can not find them in WS

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Myrmidon, Jan 25, 2020.

  1. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Hello everybody

    This might seem a little out of the ordinary. I am looking for two ships colored yellow mostly. The one is CV for sure and can mine. The other one is cargo I think. I am not sure if it is a CV or SV. Both where published the last 3 months or so. Their main photos on the WS where shoot on space with planet in the backgroud.

    I know this post is strange, but I did search for CVs and SVs with no luck. I went back till August. So this is my last resort to find them. Saddly I do not remoember the author either.

    Last two months for me where a little crazy going between my place and my parents for Christmass and beeing between 3 PCs and 5 configurations, since 2 are all dual boot Linux/Win and one is a tablet I used to search the WS and the forums here. Oh and I lost the Linux gaming one due to bad disk, separated from the system itself.

    The steam WS does not autodownload any blueprints you are subscribed between PCs. Any help appriciated.
  2. Are you still subscribed to them at all, even with a different PC?
    If so then they are easy to find. Head to the Empyrion workshop main page.
    On the right hand side is your profile picture and some text that reads "Your Workshop Files". Under that is a drop down.
    Highlight over it and select "Subscribed Items".

    If you never unsubscribed and it's not listed in there then the author probably pulled them from the workshop.

    If you had unsubscribed then that complicates things. Your best bet in that case, since you said they were both published in the last 3 months, is the hard route. Sort by most recent, go back a few pages at a time until you get to around 2-3 months back publish date or whatever, and start looking one by one.

    Happy hunting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2020
  3. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I have done that already....No luck. Maybe the builder retracted them from the WS. I have searched CVs HVs and HVs until back to August.
  4. I would say that they were most likely removed then.
    I do know there were a few builders that got upset with the changes to CPU and flight mechanics, and instead of fixing them or just leaving them for players to fix themselves, they instead decided to pull all their uploads from the workshop.

    There were a couple discussions on the Steam forums where a couple builders wanted to tell everyone they were doing just that. They supposedly got tired of the comments asking for them to be fixed so they pulled everything, including recent uploads that did work.

    That is the only reason you wouldn't find them in your subscriptions anymore unless you unsubscribed yourself.

    If you did unsubscribe and the only thing we have to go on is the color....Good luck with that. You could have even looked at them but maybe they were repainted and updated and you just didn't notice.
    I've said all the help I can offer here. Maybe someone else will have better news for you.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2020
  5. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    I found them both. Searching CVs with the word "cargo" in the search helped me find them in seconds. Behold.....

    Kith'saa - RC 01 & Cargo Pod - CM-6XL

    Names do not help much hence I could not remember them at all. But seems the word cargo, I did remember the role of the second CV, is the key...

    bluemax151 and krazzykid2006 like this.
  6. It seems luck is on your side today then! You found the needles in the really big haystack.
    I'm glad you found them.
    Myrmidon likes this.
  7. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Thank you.
    krazzykid2006 likes this.

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