[HELP TOPIC] How to recover lost or stuck vessels

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    There are a few things you can do to recover your ship, because any ship or base in the game has a unique ID. If your ship just vanished or got lost entirely, you can use this ID to re-spawn the ship.

    Note: BOTH METHODS ALSO WORK ON MULTIPLAYER SERVERS. But you may need a Gamemaster or Admin (with FTP access) to perform these actions!


    All ships, lost or not, are stored in your savegame (or the server savegame). You can easily move them to the playfield again by using this method.

    Part One - Prepare the re-entry point

    Step 1: Spawn a new Starter Block of the same kind (If your lost ship was a SV, spawn a SV Starter Block)

    Step 2: Open the ingame console (Ö or #) and type in DI. This will add an info overlay on top of your screen

    Step 3: Go close to the starter block and note down the ID of the block, shown in the info screen after ID=

    Part Two - Finding the lost ships ID

    Step 4: Quit the game and open the SHARED folder withing your savegame folder:

    ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Empyrion - Galactic Survival\Saves\Games\YourSavegameName\Shared

    Step 5: Within the SHARED folder, you'll find files like SV_Player_223.txt. These files contain every change on your vessel, including its NAME, ID and the LAST POSITION/Location.

    Open the files until you find the file with the name of the ship you lost (if you did not rename your ship, this is a bit more complicated. Watch for the CREATION TIME of the file.)

    Step 6: In the same folder, find the associated FOLDER with the same name! SV_Player_223.txt -> Folder with the name SV_Player_223!

    Part Three - Respawning

    Step 7: Copy all the files from WITHIN this folder

    Step 8: Paste the files to the folder of the NEW starter block you created and overwrite its contents!
    Note: The ID of the starter block you wrote dwon in Step 3 is the ID of the folder! Example ID 334 = SV_Player_334)

    Step 9: Resume the game. Your "lost ship" will have replaced the starter block!


    Sometimes, your ship might not be lost or deleted, but just got visibly stuck in a wall or barrier. In this case, you can use a console comand to relocate the vessel easily.

    Note: If your ship is not existing on any playfield anymore, this Method will NOT work. Use the File Copy Method instead.

    Step 1a: Preparations for ships on the same playfield (when you see it "stuck in orbit" for example)

    There are 3 possibilities on how to prepare for the relocation:

    A) You need to know the ID and LOCATION of your ship for this method to work! If you can go close enough to your ship, open the console and type in DI. Approach the vessel until the console overlay tells you its ID. Proceed with Step 2 if you were successfull.

    If this is not possible, for example when ships got stuck in barrier or in a orbit, please read on.

    B) If you can not reach the ship, and given you did not rename your ship to something other than the default, then you might first need to run STEP 4+5 of the File Copy Method and find out the ID of your vessel. If you have done so, proceed with Step 2

    C) IF you did rename your ship, but just can not reach it, just use the FIND command in the console to retrieve the ID

    Type in: find 'Name of Your Ship'
    -> Note: If your Ship name has empty spaces, you need to include it into ' '

    This will give you a line like "Found 'NameofYourShip' at (600, -67, 100): id=15"

    D) If this is your ship and not set to public, open the REGISTRY in your inventory (Tab) and finde the ship in the REGISTRY list. Use the button STATISTICS to open the Info card of the vessel. The ID you need is noted on the top area of the info card!

    Note down the ID

    Step 1b: Preparations for ships not on the same playfield

    If the command does NOT return a result, the ship MIGHT have been relocated to another playfield OR there is a typo somewhere. You just need to go to the correct playfield and run STEP 1a again

    If you do NOT know WHERE the ship has been relocated to, you can either go to any playfield and run STEP 1a OR you need to run STEP 4+5 of the FILE COPY METHOD and find the playfield AND the ID in the .txt file of the ship.

    Go to the very last entry in the .txt list and you'll find the last location of your ship in the first column.

    Step 2: Ahead of relocating your ship, please go to a location where enough space is available

    Step 3: Open the console and type in DI

    Step 4: If you are in a position you would want to spawn/relocate your ship, note down the Coordinates that are displayed in the DI-info panels first line after POS=

    Step 5: Now enter the following command to relocate the ship to your position (You may want to move away from there before spawning it!)

    setposition 15 100,-100,100

    Example: Your ship ID is 15 and the coordinates you want to spawn it to are 100 -100 100

    Your ship well magically be moved to these coordinates!
  2. mgnacke

    mgnacke Ensign

    Jul 11, 2017
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    Alright, this looks great but does it still work? When I followed the file copy method to step no. 5, in my shared folder there are no text files, all I find in there is a 0.area file (attached thumbnail) ... or am I looking in the wrong place?

    please advise ...

    Attached Files:

  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    As I never lost a ship... I ask now the obvious dumb question: Is it eventually a hidden file and you will have to activate that to show up in the Explorer?
  4. mgnacke

    mgnacke Ensign

    Jul 11, 2017
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    no, it's not that ... there are no hidden files on a dedicated server ...
  5. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Just a note: the .txt files are not INSIDE the folder of the ship but in the /SHARED folder which is the root folder ONE LEVEL above. (like stated in the description above).
  6. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    Hint: A. Step 4: In the MP, it is sufficient to leave the playfield and wait a few seconds until the playfield is unloaded (there may of course no other player in it) -> then just continue as described (the server does NOT have to being stopped)

    You can do this on a running server ;-)

    Another option for admins who have the full EAH on the server and set up backups is to restore the structures from the structure list via the context menu item "Add from Backup" from one of the most recent backups.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2018
    Hummel-o-War likes this.
  7. sdfg

    sdfg Lieutenant

    Oct 19, 2015
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    I just tried this in 11.5.8. I got into my SV docked to my CV, turned it up and it jumped a big block or two to the right, and is now stuck in some railings. I tried all manner and combination of 'go that way', nothing worked. I tried removing the railings, it put them into my inventory but they didn't disappear, and the SV is still stuck in place. I found this thread, tried it (gm, di, setposition, I get the correct console output saying it's moved), but nothing happened. I'm rather confused.
  8. ASTIC

    ASTIC Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2016
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    You have to undock the SV first - use the "undock [id]" command in the console before moving the ship
  9. sdfg

    sdfg Lieutenant

    Oct 19, 2015
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    How weird, it wasn't reporting as docked, that was the first thing I checked. Thank you, that worked.
  10. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Nice guide!
    Be aware builds can be disappear by setposition, if coords are below bedrock or outside boundaries.

    Lost a vessel recently, I were playing a scenario (Project Eden), and other stuff running on the PC, so did not file a bug report, happened just once. The game froze on the warp screen and I had to kill the game process. The CV could not be found. Fortunately it had not much cargo so just spawned one from BP.

    Have a few times gotten disconnected from servers while warping. So when back into game the vessel have warped, but not my character. Why I on servers always carry "survival" stuff (some extra if warping or in orbit), also have emergency builds ready to be spawned. Waiting for admins can take too long.
  11. chimosh

    chimosh Lieutenant

    Jul 15, 2020
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    There are no txt files.

    This doesn't work anymore.
  12. This guide is outdated because of the new database that was added in A12.
    It should probably be updated or at least have the title changed to indicate it's no longer valid.
  13. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    So how do we get a lost ship back in A12? Mine just vanished. I can find it in the registry, and I can see it in the ents list. When I tt to the id, it's just empty space. The waypoint I set via the registry is there, but there's no object there. I also don't get the option to open the control panel on the SV.
  14. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    You either copy just the .area file or you do what is described here :
    Bigtoad likes this.
  15. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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  16. RatzHatcher

    RatzHatcher Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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  17. RatzHatcher

    RatzHatcher Ensign

    Aug 18, 2020
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    Here's what I have to do when my HV decides to do a Houdini act, the HV is still usually docked even though it's several Km away from you , anyway mark the position with waypoint , travel to the vicinity , then bring up console and type in DI allowing debug window to be active , take or find the ID of lost vessel , use console type undock ID of ship , then you can use console setposition ID X,Y,Z coordinates , use the debug my position cords to set your ships drop location ...
    Myrmidon likes this.

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