Why EGS bad game. Comparison of games.

Discussion in 'Other Discussion' started by cgw 2, Nov 20, 2019.

  1. Samoja

    Samoja Commander

    Jun 6, 2019
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    I would guess they were not added for a simple reason that they would be expensive in terms of memory, we have one sea creature but that's rather rare, i never saw more then 3 in the same general area. Each entity increases CPU consumption and any entity in the water(that is a 3d environment) is probably exponentially more expensive in terms of CPU resources then land based creatures(you will notice there are no flying creatures either, likely for the same reason), thisis just a conjecture on my part tho.
  2. [TKC]olT3lo

    [TKC]olT3lo Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Yeah it could be something that has to wait until they can do more optimization, it might also be that they have just prioritized everything and haven't gotten to that part of the list.. who knows.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Yes, I can see that, as long as it's not another set of half-baked mechanics just to chek the " Aquatic Life : Done" box.

    We already have birds we can't shoot and plants we can't harvest, so there could be some small fish swarms and jelly fish, maybe a random predator, but like @Samoja mentioned they will cost performance, would require specific pathfinding solutions, etc. Since the "water bodies" represent a somewhat important percentage of land + vertical space, having AI swarming in there would impact the overall performance significantly, and players would also require to be able to use weapons underwater.
    Sofianinho likes this.
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I'd just like water to be a little less foggy so you can see a bit further (even if it's not entirely realistic) and the ability to use local special effects underwater like schools of fish.
  5. Supay

    Supay Captain

    Feb 23, 2019
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    Sorry, but the translation I guess made it seem bad? I am all for water life/base/vehicles and hope it is added after they kick space up a notch!
  6. cgw 2

    cgw 2 Commander

    Oct 19, 2016
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    EGS Cannot become, he must become the best.
    After all, many hard things are not needed. Agree, they can be neglected, the main thing is to be interesting. *

    But already there are cpui9 + 128gbOzu + GTX2080-11Gb cars
    And in the future the equipment will be even stronger. It is the matter of time.
    After all, you can always lower the computer graphics and get more performance. I do not see this as a problem.

    Yes, Eleon is small, but an outstanding super company. Already done a lot.

    * For instance:
    And I would like as in the ARK SE underwater world. (Animation fish no needed)
    Underwater world also heavily populated as on land.
    In general, grass animation is not needed in the game.
    Also build ships (or rafts) on the water. (Just add a core to the water ship.)
    And a starter planet with an aquatic biome.
    And also to plant and collect more plants.
    And also the Wind generator(There is no need for it to spin, just a wind generator that does not spin.) + Underwater generator electric.
    And the ability to install solar panels on ships (they say it is not realistic, but I say it solar panels realistically ).
    And also to catch and breed (give birth) animals when they are nearby.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2019
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Future is depressing. Players are mostly disconnected from reality, so please don't "teach" me about "the future".
  8. cgw 2

    cgw 2 Commander

    Oct 19, 2016
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    I do not teach you(and there was no thought). I just answered the question of how I see it.
    You want to say that the bulk of the players play on pen4(Atom) / 4gbOZU / without a video card?
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2019
  9. Samoja

    Samoja Commander

    Jun 6, 2019
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    Have you ever tried to do something, anything, in this field? I did, i did coding, i did 3d design, i messed with Unity, and believe me, it's a lot harder then it looks, Empyrion is already doing well enough for what it is, AAA game it is not, but for an indie game(which let's be honest, Empyrion is) it's doing fantastic.
  10. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    For a more accurate comparison, just look at the reviews.
  11. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    The comparison with SE is fair, but not sure about any of the others. I play some of them and would never think to try to compare them with this. Sure, look at them for stealing ideas, but that's it.

    Re space engineers, I do think they should maybe take a closer look at space engineers - there is a lot of good in that they could learn from (but I don't mean the laggy glitchy physics). I am not implying that space engineers is overall better, it isn't in general (hence I'm playing this, not SE these days), but that doesn't mean there isn't a lot from SE that I miss when playing this:
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Most of the games on that comparison chart I've never played and/or have no interest in playing.

    But Elite.. I know that one well, and I'll chip in two cents there - the community there makes Rust look like paradise.
    If anyone is a fan of Radio Free broadcasts, and knows The VonAldren Report they ran a segment last night with a rather astonishing reveal. The way they treat people is, well, astonishingly bad - and that's at the official level.

    Glad to be here for sure!
  13. Gillwin

    Gillwin Lieutenant

    Dec 4, 2019
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    I cant stand minecraft. Please dont make this game anything like minecraft.

    But the game could use a dash of "rising world" on the building part of game.
  14. StyxAnnihilator

    StyxAnnihilator Captain

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Seems a score of 124 (subjective) makes EGS the best of all, where still keeps improving (added functionality and diversity). Not sure if having "everything" in a game would actually make it "best". If a game becomes too complicated and "real", then many probably will drop off.

    Space Engineers do not have real physics, just simple simulation with clang (bugs/issues). SE have stagnated it seems, even if added some improvements. Seems some peoples like fiddling.

    Most of what games allow you to do would be very difficult to do IRL, assume know the basics of physics/technology/biology/medicine/...

    Can ask yourself what makes some games popular (enough). Should it become an esport game? How many have to play a game to assume it is "popular"? Of course at least so popular that it pays for the bills and can keep improving (to a +1 version).

    If I like a game, then do not need to be that popular, since do not care much about interacting with (many) others. If I play a game close to eSport level, then it becomes repetitive and boring to play (might still be fun to watch though), like StarCraft II or PUBG. World Of Warcraft is another example, where grinding and doing much the same gets boring, PvP requires you to do it.

    I have played MineCraft for several years, until got a repetitive feeling. Even with the adding of new stuff the last couple of years did not help, just more of the same. For me it just got more messy, you already had mods as "Mad Pack" and other enhancements, making it more complicated and fiddly than "Factorio" and similar. Elite: Dangerous I just have looked at by streams and YouTube, I call it Elite: Grinderous. I'm old enough to played through the original Elite and enjoyed it, even if with vector graphics.

    If I want changes in a game, I try suggest it. If not added, then have to see if bother play more. Probably no gamers are so important that a "rant" from even a "famous" one will have much impact.

    I have probably said similar stuff before, so not much new to this post.

    EDIT: No Mans Sky with 111, right ... What about Fortnite, have building and resource collection? Missing some weighting/prioritizing of the score system. EGS is far ahead of most other games then, with 124 total score if to take this a bit seriously.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2020
    xiaojie233, Germanicus and Khazul like this.
  15. john.dire77

    john.dire77 Ensign

    Mar 9, 2020
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    Thanks for share. It seems very interesting and useful.
  16. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Notice we are not on this list.

    The best games are usually gauged by how many sales they make.

    Click on the ''see full list'' to check.


    Not on this list either,


    What does incredible success look like in this genre,

    Minecraft , 180,000,000 copies sold.

    Anyhoo, not on this list either, 2018 best sellers steam,


    AnD , not on this list either, 2019


    Maybe you wanna check month to month,


    Ok maybe you just want to see whats played the most and not what sells the most, so here ,


    These are the lists we need to crack, Empyrion seems to have a good average for sales but nothing super special, the game needs to mature into those higher categories and become something that truly lasts the tyranny of time.

    It is not that yet.

    We should think alot harder about things like proper specialisation for this game, we can do better.

    Some of teh games on those lists, man, Empyrion just smashes them for fun, the game is missing something......We need to attract more of those players from those games.

    And I add this just for interesting reading about voxel destruction in games.

    xiaojie233 likes this.
  17. xiaojie233

    xiaojie233 Commander

    Dec 2, 2016
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    I think that EGS should now focus on expanding the basic gameplay instead of changing it frequently. EGS is currently not doing very well in the sandbox part.
    Minecraft's success is largely from mods, and part of the content produced by the community, EGS still has a long way to go
  18. Sofianinho

    Sofianinho Captain

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Unpopular opinion: I think it's time to for Eleon to start thinking about a new project, maybe a new Empyrion, or something similar but with the same principles and goals, I feel like they're chasing their tail lately, but imagine if you could start fresh with all the experience and lessons learned in the last five or six years ? how many choices and decisions would you make differently ? (and hopefully for the better), basically all the benefits of the knowledge aquired so far and the freedom of having a blank canvas to start with, as said in the beginning it's just an opinion.
  19. KRanKO5

    KRanKO5 Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2019
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    Hey! I just wanted to express the opposite opinion I'm a luthier appart from an space explorer, and paint in my spare time... And i must say: Don't you ever leave your musical instruments unfinished!

    The same with paintings... Sure i could start a new one everyday but the good ones take time
    Sofianinho likes this.
  20. xiaojie233

    xiaojie233 Commander

    Dec 2, 2016
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    Eleon may not have so many people to manage two tasks at the same time:D
    Sofianinho likes this.

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