Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    More signals stuff
    6. Levers need a new signal receiver - 'Sync'. This would cause the lever position to follow a signal, that way multiple switches could stay in sync and control the same signal and reflect the same state.
    mr_road and cmguardia like this.
  2. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Hit bounds really need a major rework:
    - thin walls for eg appear to obstruct the entire cube in play (for eg fully obscuring a firing line), not just when placing.
    - retractable items (turrets, landing gear) still fully obstruct their extended space when retracted. This current makes retractable turrets completely useless.
  3. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    (Yes I've been busy building its throwing up some thoughts ;))

    - Point or spot invisible non-clipping light source that we can place co-incident with existing blocks so we can make light texture actually work without having to bury lights elsewhere (which never looks right).

    Of course, I can immediately see a complication with this in this if its invisible and has no hit box, how do you select it? Its going to need a build menu debug toggle I guess to enable it to be visible and selectable while building. Might have to be creative/blueprint only.
  4. .TGHS. Gabriel

    .TGHS. Gabriel Ensign

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Literally, bombs that drop and follow the dynamic path that physics and the RNG decided would deliver unto the world below :D
    I don't mean from orbit (not yet at least) but an ammo that can inherit the inertial force while taking into account the gravity of the closest relative object (usually a planet/moon but could be a ship or station with a gravity generator too) to deliver a delightful package of fail in several flavours: Neodymium splinter devices that would cause EM issues, Sath/Mag/Prom devices that could cause AOE DOT plasma dmg or even Zasc/Pent ammo that doesn't do any actual damage but generates an invisible radiological emitter for a stackable but also limited time?

    Flak, 15mms, pulses - all can knock these things out if coded properly but imagine playing "Ride of the Valkyries" at full volume as you swoop down on your foe delivering love and good-will for their 'retirement' at long last? :D
  5. RedSamurai

    RedSamurai Lieutenant

    Feb 4, 2020
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    I really need this, and so that you can configure activation during the attack of drones:rolleyes:[​IMG]
    mr_road, bluemax151 and jesterjunk like this.
  6. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    - flickering(or blinking function) holo lcds (for wrecks,abandoned structures)

    - bigger hanagr doors (with cv to cv docking and the shields turned off, you want to pack the other ships inside to be shielded by the carrier, the currently "small" hanagr doors compared to cv sizes prevent this)

    - upgraded thruster versions (t2 etc) on hv+sv as a sloped and inset version, like the medium ones have or like all the cv thrusters have
    bluemax151 likes this.
  7. RedSamurai

    RedSamurai Lieutenant

    Feb 4, 2020
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    it would be nice to have passenger seats in the wall
  8. RedSamurai

    RedSamurai Lieutenant

    Feb 4, 2020
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    and displays on the fence:D
  9. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    I would like the ammunition to be recovered in mounted weapons when you pick up the weapon with the multitool, since you currently lose it hopelessly.

    Me gustaría que se recupere la munición en las armas montadas cuando recoges el arma con la multiherramienta, ya que actualmente la pierdes irremediablemente.
    mr_road and Germanicus like this.
  10. kingesckay

    kingesckay Ensign

    Nov 2, 2017
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    I would like travelators things are stating to get too far apart for walking around
  11. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    hover motors to create 'permanent' hover bases (flash gordon style floating cities)
    hover motors to create dalek style flying platforms in conjunctionnwith standard motors

    ground transport.

    wheeled vehicles - bike style movement
    different wheels for different planet styles

    environment - hot

    cooling lasers - to withstand hot environments
    ultra refactory materials for hot environment
    base cooling heatsinks

    environment - cold

    heaters (some time to power up)
    insulation blocks

    drones tech tree.

    allow attack/defense drones tech tree
    fixed shell sizes with configurable weapons (or captured drone shells)
    own tech tree for small components
    (could be like space empires shell with things you can add)
    configurable behaviours eventually - may start with defense or attack.
    drone ports for bases
    drone ports (smaller?) for cvs - but high cost to add (ie can't be both battleship and carrier)
    dromes that can collect from auto miners ?

    power sources.

    - make generators specific to fuel type (ie silly both biofuel and promethium use same technology)
    - solar should be more dependant on light quality, quantity and colour.
    - add radio-active thermal generators - low but fixed power where plante too far from sun (mine in radio-active zones)
    - electron teathers to gather electricity around jupiter type planets
    = seed algae in lakes to grow biomass
    - can create power plants in radio-active zones - you can refill crafts at


    - add more critters
    - add speargun
    - add topedo thing to pull you along
    - when get waterworlds add propellors to allow submersable hv


    - make mechanic available - requires vey exotic materials
    - very short distance - on planet only
    - short planet to orbit (only nase to base)
    - long - to next star - forcing you to make and maintain multiple bases if you use these
    - but hackable by zirax etc so need to be well protected

    cv/sv hacking

    - device to allow tou to remotely control your sv/cv

    hiring personel

    - hire friendly factions to maintain/defend your base
    - requires base to have resources ie assigned room/kitchen/shower etc to support them
    - more hires require more resources - ie chef/bank/ambience - use those deco consoles as required resources.

    base camoflague and anti-hack technology

    devices to make bases less likely to be detected
    amd if etected seem to be elsewhere

    camoflague sweet (dependant on planet type - up detection difficulty)
    counter detection sweet (makes base quieter electronically - harder to detect)
    electronic warfare sweet (fools enemy targetting - especially smaller drones)
    detection (base can power up if under attack, and go back to sleep when safe)
    mr_road likes this.
  12. KRanKO5

    KRanKO5 Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2019
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    I don't lnow how feasible this would be, but I always thought that the Factory should be changed for some other more inmersive experience.

    Imo it would be great if we needed to build a dry dock with some building devices, or maybe have some building drones todo the job

    Just spawning whatever has always seemed too easy I'd like to enjoy the building process even if we could just watch a sequence or something like it.
    xiaojie233 likes this.
  13. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    1. Small (SV/HV) xeno metal blocks
    please please - xeno metal blocks for SV/HV s so i can make them compatible with my base /SVs

    1. Shield genertion suggestion

    Link shield generators to capacitors.
    Have Capacitors which buffer the power from the generator(s)
    only when there is enough power in the capacitor can the shield 'spin up'
    the capacitors trickle charge with whatever power is spare otherwise.

    more capacitors - the quicker you can get those shields up.
    something similar could be done with the warp drives
    and eventually laser weapons perhaps.

  14. cmguardia

    cmguardia Captain

    Mar 4, 2018
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    This has already been requested at some point before or another thread, but it is good to repeat.
    PAUSE the game when dialog pop-ups are launched.
    The most annoying example is when you arrive in the presence of the aliens, at the end of the ACIENT REVELATIONS mission, and there is still a nightmare behind you!

    Esto ya se pidió en algún punto antes u otro hilo, pero es bueno repetir.
    PAUSAR el juego cuando se lancen los pop-up de diálogos.
    El ejemplo mas molesto es al llegar en presencia de lo aliens, al final de la misión ACIENT REVELATIONS, y todavía hay una pesadilla a tus espaldas!
    tony hug and Germanicus like this.
  15. Banquo

    Banquo Commander

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Nuclear fission and/or fusion reactors. The "put gas in the tank" model seems ok for low tier ships, but we here like to build BIG. Need something with a bit more oomph! to give us powah.
    Siege Inc. and mr_road like this.
  16. Camelman912

    Camelman912 Ensign

    May 5, 2016
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    Unsure if this has already been requested...

    A CV block (similar to a bed/chair... maybe a "Cryo-Sleep Chambr") for CO-OP games that a player can attach to to be able to log out and still be on the ship if your faction-mates move the ship.
    Amicus and tony hug like this.
  17. Don Fintoni

    Don Fintoni Ensign

    Jul 25, 2019
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    I Wish a T-block and centered Block for the blast- Windows
    My English is very Bad

    Ich wünsche mir einen T-Block und zentrierte Panzer Glas Blöcke
  18. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Well a few diverse wishes

    1. Functionality (1)

    I would really really like to be able to point at a block and know not just what it is (as at present)
    But more importantly Which one of the block variants it is.
    Reason :- It can take me forever to repeat a block or replace a block trying to find the right variant again even if
    there is one near it (embedded in stucture) i could use to work out what it is (if i just knew which variant that was)
    Even if its a list of numbers like Variant page : line : item on line (or just line would be easier)

    2. Functionality (2)

    There is probably a secret <cmd> to do this, but i would love to be able to copy and paste in Survival
    Example - i have a ship with a complicated outer shell , but in i can just pop out the gubbins from the shell
    change and pop it back in in creative -- but in survival it becomes a nightmare to remove and replace outer blocks
    when i've forgotten which variants they are, and the original shape once i've delved inside.

    2. Functionality (3)

    Ship Upgrade (um .. maybe you can do this already) but using the repair feature on a ship to use all its resources
    to build it into another ship from a template.

    3. Stargate

    Now we have teleport -- now a Ring we can build (its alwats a ring right)
    - so that once we have found a system we can teleport our SVs there directly
    to a reciever station we have to build, so we create a network. (there should be Pentaxid cost involved)

    4. Blocks

    Clear Glass block versions of steel blocks.

    5. Gravity

    i have noticed when building large stations that gravity generators can clash with each other
    It would be interesting if this was featurised - ie you can program an area the gravity generator operates over
    i am intrigued by the idea of Esher type mazes that could be created.

    6. Domes

    I so so want to create arbitary round dome type structures - is there any way of doing this without destroying the game performance

    7. CPU

    To get a shield on an SV - i usually end up using about 24-25K cpu points on a ship (shield is 16500)
    that is between the 15K (T2) and 40K (T3) - and at the early game stage T3 is way too expensive - and ships way too
    fragile (carbon substrate) -- probably wrong forum for this.

    8. Subscribed star systems

    Now we have an entire galaxy - we needs a new class of user content subscription.

    Like scenarios - but one or a handful of player made/ designated systems that
    can be downloaded from steam workshop and incorporated into your current game
    (perhaps replacing unexplored stars ) or adding to addendum galactic regions or as
    sub-spaces (pocket mini-galaxies - entered through black holes maybe)

    sort of idea is to quickly allow the galaxy to be populated without Eleon being blamed
    for any faulty content added.

    9. Again Drone type control

    Say allow access to a slaved 'Tank' HV - whilst you are flying your attack CV
    to say get it to retreat.
    or possibly a programmed behaviour - si -Ai - retreat if shield low or advance now.
    tied to a switchy.

    9. LOGIC

    Ohh the ability to copy code sections !!! - even within just one base/CV/SV
    and come on - not all feedback is Unstable!
    if you could give an Up/down counter block - so much more could be done.
    (on low to high transition of an input maybe)
    admittedly probably few others have got to several hundred statements.

    ps - i'm sure none of this is paticullarly original ... but
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020
  19. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Probably already been said a fair few times and then some. But would be cool to have some hard light bridges/walkways. So think of the energy fields doors have when you open them, same thing but make a version where you can walk on them :)
  20. Michael Dale

    Michael Dale Ensign

    Feb 27, 2018
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    I have seen one or two comments for this, but thought I would throw in my two cents. (I figure the more times it gets asked for the more likely it is to happen *Grin*) A Speaker Block that can be programmed to utter specific phrases or sounds. i.e. an alarm klaxon that when activated will play a warning klaxon, or Say 'battle stations'
    tony hug likes this.

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