This confirms my experiences of the various weapons in game. Thank you for taking the time to investigate this.
Fav Weapons = Minigun & Rocket Launcher. Been screwing around with the Laser Rifle too figuring it'd come in handy as a long range weapon, but it's ended up disappointing me... I think I might leave it behind on Akua as a backup weapon before too long. Its Max Range is useless when ya can't bullseye stuff other then Drones flying straight at ya from 200+ Meters, & Minigun does up to 260 Meters, so might as well Minigun them. Can't even use it as a 'Pulling Gun', cause if ya get lucky shots on Drones from 300+ Meters they're too stupid to react to the getting hit. I still think it's Dino Pie for the Rocket Launcher T2 to have worse reload time then its T1, but been finding its faster firing rate of use vs it's biggest prey, Enemy Turrets. I also still think the Rocket Launcher is the funnest way to deal with enemy Doors. I currently consider the Minigun my top Weapon at this time. Still would love a Upgrade Version someday cause the Devs might eventually re-Code Armor to quit refusing to reduce damage it fails to outright neutralize, then will need a T2 Minigun with stronger or outright Armor Piercing Bullets to avoid the Minigun being outright hard countered by high Armor. I love the Minigun's performance so much I don't mind spending four entire Inventory Slots on holding its Ammo. It's awesome to have Ammo for so long a sustained fire before needing a Reload. I'm even considering adding a Cargo Box to my future Vehicle Builds dedicated to holding just additional supply of Minigun Ammo so I can go to my Vehicle to restock on it as needed without having to go back to my Base as often in the future. I even Hunt Dino dudes for food with it! Any of ya use the Minigun & feel like Heavy Weapons Guy from TF2?
Ok... seriously... this is a cool Topic yet it hasn't been responded to in so long? My apologies at this Double Post, but this Thread's too good to die in infancy, so a suggestion to the OP: Extend the Thread Topic to all Weapons, Character & Vehicle alike. I'll start the show... Is there ANY reason at all to use ANY Power Coil using Vehicle Weapon other then the SV's Rail Guns or the CV's Pulse Laser & Rocket Launcher?
Yes it's called game filler. To get players to go to different planets to get special ore's. That's all.
Hope it's just a band aid fix till they are eventually able to get serious on working on it then. Still, I think there's room here for tactical discussion on if at least some of the Weapons may have use for different tactical situations, like dogfighting, bombardment, special strategies us others might not have thought of, etc.
& not just Bombs for Vehicles, but also stuff along the lines of RL's C4, & those special ones built to focus the Blast in one direction, for Player use too!
Like me. I want my Bases to be nightmares to Invade, but it'd be unfair if such Bases were completely utterly invincible too. (In PvP Areas.) Fair is fair.
Meh, i'll just stick my Helmet on & use my stockpiled Oxygen Supply, plus the Machines get to be Waterproof for no reason at all whatsoever. Lava on the other hand... > : D (This Forum seriously needs a Devil Emote.) This gets me thinking... if we ever get to move Liquids, I wonder if we could also get a Machine that could protect our Liquids from enemy Access so Enemies can't suck up my Lava & use it against me? Also, it could be fun to be able to make & drop literal Lava Bombs onto Enemy Bases from a SV. (Then it'd become good Building Practice to make the Base Entrance a kinda Umbrella to fight this Strategy with... till the 'Umbrella' gets blown up.)
Heck minecraft can re-route lava and water. Our water is just a mesh. We have lava about 100 feet down but it's harder than rock. Can't do anything with it. Unless your on a lava planet it's on the surface. Even the dirt on a lava planet looks a little like lava. I must be bored wrighting this stuff.
Umm... dude... that's not Lava, that's Bedrock... the best Base Foundation possible.* (Unless Aestus is different from Akua's Moon.) Some of the best lookin Bedrock i've ever seen too. A LOT more aesthetic then the Minecraft Bedrock. Shame no one will really have any reason to USE Empyrion's Bedrock Aesthetic. For the Topic: Later on down the road I wonder if it'll someday become possible to Orbital Bombard a Planet Surface? & have Base Weapons that can fire on orbiting CVs from the surface? *I know this for a fact & can vouch for it cause I once went into Creative Mode & went to Akua's Moon & drilled all the way down to the bottom & test-built some Underground Base there to test current viability of a Underground Base. I know Creative will give ya invincibility, but surely anything acting like Lava woulda still tried to hurt my Infinite HPs, & this stuff didn't... & also it drilled exactly like Rock until it gets totally flat then won't drill down further, but it does push around like Rock while drilling around its proximity. Bedrock even flattens perfectly flat with the Drill, no need for the F&F Tool! The only minor bummer atm is that I can't get a Base Starter to sit down perfectly onto or sink into the Bedrock at least a little & at best still have it floating at least a tad above the Bedrock, which irritates my OCD.
I think that's a very dangerous game to play: one of the big reasons why all the big CV guns are disabled now inside planets, for example, is that they don't want flying CV death fortresses to obliterate bases too easily. Planets serve as a place for players to be able to hide from monstrous kilometer-long battlecruisers covered in plasma cannons and rocket turrets. Perhaps a limiting factor can be atmospheric composition: each weapon has a range of atmospheric density, or air pressure or whatnot, in which it can operate. On starting worlds such as Akua, any orbital-grade CV weapons are infeasible because the atmosphere prevents their use. Even a significant rocket or physical projectile should burn up on re-entry. On planets with a thin atmosphere, perhaps some PVP planets, then it becomes more possible - there's less atmosphere to interfere with your guns. On moons and completely barren planets with no atmosphere, it's fair game. And of course, to keep CVs from maintaining a terrible advantage, bases should have not only the weapons to counter invading CVs but also the protection. Perhaps a special base-only shield, or a super-heavy armor block that is too heavy for a capital vessel. Either way though since a base is immobile and a CV is not, it should have physical defensive advantage over a CV, and weapons with fast enough projectiles so that hitting a ship that's likely over 1km away at orbital altitude is possible. These weapons would have a very steep minimum elevation, so that they can't shoot up other players on the same planet. We also need to keep in mind that there would have to be a way for projectiles to seamlessly travel between playfields. Orbit is a different playfield from a planet's surface, and we've seen issues where empty vehicles go poof (or used to) when they transfer from one playfield to another.
Agreed, how to go about balancing Orbital CV vs Planetary Base could get tricky, but I don't think it'd be undoable. Also I agree that Bases should get stronger heavier Hull Blocks then CVs cause Bases can park that weight on top of Rock & Bedrock & that in turn could not only make the weight of the Block no problem for the Base to use, but also maybe the Rock/Bedrock could even absorb some of the shock & force of Blows, which in turn would help compensate for a Base's complete & utter lack of Mobility... especially if it's an Underground Base with not much of it poking through the Surface. Also agree on Bases getting Guns that can accurately shoot all the way into Orbit to attack CVs & those Guns being Specialized to the Task to the point of being no good vs attackers on Land, then a Base that's serious about being strong fortification should have a balanced Armament if it wants to be able to defend vs multiple invasion types. As for traveling between Playfields, my Memory keeps swearing to me that I once saw word that the Devs hoped to eliminate transition between Planet & Space entirely... can't remember where I saw or read about it though... Edit: I'm now prepping to make my second & better Survival Mode SV with Rail Guns! I've also test drove SV Pulse Lasers in Creative, comparing them to the Rail Guns, & they seem to have way more Firing Rate with the same damage as Rail Guns, but eat Ammo quite harder, while Rail Guns seem like they'd still be epic firepower against most stuff i'd wanna attack. Still pondering SV Pulse Lasers for Dogfighting use vs Space Drones in accompaniment to Rail Guns vs all else. I worry that trying to hit Laser Space Drones with Rail Guns might suck as much as trying to hit those same Drones with the old SV Rocket Launchers. Rail Gun shots travel faster then Rockets, but possibly still not fast enough... Pulse Laser Shots aren't epic fast either but at least it can be spammed real good. Feedback, or opinions?
I don't have too much to add on the CV vs Base thing since I don't do multiplayer. For me, the idea of someone coming along and destroying something I spent a lot of time building is something I wouldn't want in the game. The funny thing is if it were some prefab ship I just spent a lot of time grinding to "buy" in the game, it wouldn't be such a big deal. But when I build it myself and it's unique that's a different story. My main thought on the SV weaponry (and personal/base/ship weapons) is that there needs to be a lot more variety added in before this game is complete. And at the very least the existing weapons need to have various upgrades/improvements you can research. Improved range, damage, reload times, ammo efficiency (uses less resources to produce the same amount) and possibly even accuracy, with the more basic weapons having larger groupings. And there would be multiple levels of each of these improvements. I would love to see actual beam weapons, for players and for ships. They would do the same overall damage per second but it would be spread out across more frames. So to keep doing damage, instead of leading the target, you'd have to keep your beam on something. I think it would be as challenging but in a different way, which allows for more variety of strategies. Also a "macross missile massacre" type of weapon would be fun.
Ya'all didn't Feedback me, so I was on my own, & decided to proceed on putting both Rail Guns & Pulse Lasers onto my new Second Survival Mode SV Build. I'm gonna try using the Pulse Lasers for dogfighting stuff like Space Drones & Rail Gun everything else. Also hell yeah to Beam Weapons. I STILL think the Player Laser Rifle should be one, & i'd love Base & Ship Versions. Would also love Explosive stuff like Ship-dropped Bombs for Base bombardment & something like a futuristic equivalent of C4.
Oops, actually I derped... if we ever get to Import Water & place it wherever e want so we can do stuff like reserve 2 Squares of bare Bedrock with water fill in for a Base H2/O2 Generator & Water Generator, Bedrock Aesthetic WILL look good there, so Bedrock Aesthetic DOES have one use. My bad. Heh, my Flak Cannons will shoot the Nuke down before it hits me... unless ya can manually Remote Control it & fly it around erratically manually kinda like Unreal Tournament's Redeemer mini-nuke. Speakin of which... having that kinda Weapon in this game could be fun...