A12 EXP - The Galaxy

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    Warning wasn't what you initially and mostly suggested.

    You suggested "make an asteroid here, a safety net, something".

    And then later added the warning.

    Warnings are fine.

    Safety nets to hold hands? No thank you.
    Germanicus likes this.
  2. VISION305

    VISION305 Rear Admiral

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Yet aren't you all for the bike, the drone, the oxygen generators etc.. Kind of odd to be for some hand holding but against the others. In this case, dying from lack of oxygen isnt really game breaking. But the time where there is a possible game breaking issue you are adamantly against it.

    An asteroid near the sun is pretty believable considering the gravity. But hey, lets just be adamantly against it because of no real reason. In my experience talking with you in the forums, you never seem to give real reasons behind your arguments. Preventing a situation in which the player can be permanently stuck is not "hand holding" it is game design that makes sense. Letting the player get stuck in a situation where they have to restart their game is not good game play. Unless we want to turn this game into a rogue like. I am all for it. Perma-death mode? Sounds great but not everyone will be for that. Anyhow, I highly doubt the devs will let this be as it is in the release of the game. They have added all kinds of things to hand hold the player which I have not really thought necessary. A player being forced to restart because they are stuck in a star is not really something you want in a game like this where countless hours of work will be lost. Unless the player was all for it and expected it from the start like "permadeath" mechanics they chose. Anyways I have said enough. My original intention was just to make awareness of the situation. I will go ahead and give you the last word Pach. I suggest you take advantage and give actual real reasons to be all for allowing players to be permanently stuck at a star.
  3. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Well as we have experienced well at least I have so let me speak from that point of view.
    The best thing the Dev's can do is to give a disclaimer right at the start. :eek:

    WARNING Some seeds may result in dead ends with no way to escape. Play at your own risk. Good Luck and Safe Travels.
    Pach likes this.
  4. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    The bike and the oxygen generators aren't "handholding". If you are playing on an oxygenless world, O2 generators are a necessary part of the survival game. Kinda hard to breathe without it. :) And just last night, my buddies and I went to trash a POI on an oxygenless world... and realized we had no hand-held bottles (we started on a temperate world for our server), so had to make some.

    The bike is a "stepping stone" for transportation. Most games have "pocket mounts": something where you move faster then the default run, that you can carry in your pocket, but that's pretty much all it does. That's how I view the motorbike. It's faster than slogging on the ground, because... running is slow. At some point, you want a way to "upgrade" your run speed. Right now, the only way to do that is... the motorbike. You start with the bike, then move on to HV, then SV, and eventually CV for better transportation. The bike is easily shot out/destroyed. HV's and SVs are more durable, and CVs even more, etc. So you build up. The bike is just one step, that if you do get shot out of your SV later, you aren't completely back to the start: you still have that motorbike you made early on. Creating your own safety net isn't the same as one built into the game.

    The drone is just part of your personal equipment, just like the suit constructor. Which, by the way, you have even when wearing no armor suit at all. It's a tool you have at all times. A "starting point". Unless you meant the whole bit about making the drone out of blocks? That's different.

    I certainly wouldn't mind say, a quest to unlock the drone's abilities. But that wasn't the focus of the previous discussion. The previous discussion was that you were *requiring* that it be made out of blocks. You suggested SV blocks, which of course would remove some of the utility of the drone (being able to move into small spaces on SV/HV builds to place/repair internals, where the player cannot easily go).

    Customizable skins for the drone would be nice, but again, that's not where you were going with the conversation. You wanted it made of blocks. Considering how tough it can be to place some of the smaller blocks for the SV/HV, adding a new, even smaller block type would be very difficult to build anything without adding whole new mechanics, like magnifying glasses and such.

    I don't see the value in that.

    Thanks for the last word, I appreciate it, considering you had the first word. Makes everything equal. :)

    Because they can get permanently stuck in a whole lot of places. It's one of many.

    Go to land on a planet, and oops, your ship gets shot out. You may or may not be able to access resources to get out. STUCK! Even worse if it's a moon with no air...

    Warp into an orbital zone and your warp drive (or your whole ship) gets shot out. What if it's a zone with no asteroids, or very few? You are stuck there, too. Not every planet has penta. OOPS!

    Fly down onto a planet with gravity greater than your engines can handle. Whoops! Maybe you have resources to make more thrusters and get out... and maybe not! STUCK!

    You ALWAYS have the option to die and restart in your homing capsule again, so you aren't ever completely and utterly "stuck". Lose your ship(s)? yes. But that can happen just flying around and getting shot.

    I have given plenty of real reasons. However, they are not ones you personally accept. I have observed that you refuse to see anyone else's thoughts or reasons at all. So therefore, no matter what I say to you, I have no "real" reasons, even though I give them. You just ignore them all and discount them, because only yours matter.
  5. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    I don't remember if anyone has already suggested these:

    It would be really nice if in the screen where you see who all is online, you could see what galaxy they were in, as well as which sector.

    When you are in the sector map, you can see how many asteroids are in each orbital field. But when you are in orbit, you just have a list of names (not the icons yet). The numbers would be nice when you are looking at that local map as well, similar to how you can see all the number of nodes on planets.
    Germanicus likes this.
  6. If you are referring to other players I don't think that would be a good idea. Knowing where the players are kind of ruins things really bad for PvP.
    Anything more than knowing they are online is too much. You should have to put in the effort to find people and not just be given that info.
    This is just my opinion of course.

    Keep in mind that server owners can still use small galaxies just like before. They don't have to choose to have 10k+ playfields.
  7. Pach

    Pach Rear Admiral

    Dec 16, 2017
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    I didn't think of PvP, because I play in PvE.

    In PvE, it's the reverse: you WANT to know where your friends are, to go join them.

    Perhaps a setting to display/not depending if PvP or PvE?
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. VISION305

    VISION305 Rear Admiral

    Dec 17, 2016
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    I think that would be a nice thing to have for your faction.
  9. The Salty Snake Chef

    The Salty Snake Chef Captain

    Apr 18, 2020
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    I believe that messing up in the game and the game letting you mess up is part of the fun. I enjoyed Fallout: New Vegas for allowing you to fail missions due to incompetence. Same with Empyrion: Galactic Survival in a survival sandbox allowing you to soft lock a game via warping into essentially empty space with no way back is fun to me. It's a survival game and I failed at doing that in the playthrough.
    Pach likes this.
  10. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    If it were down to me - jump drives would be gravity based jump drives with the following implications:

    The mass of the origin body (star/planet/moon, black hole) determines your maximum range and travel speed.
    The mass of the destination body determines your ability to stop before ploughing to it and dying with loss of vessel.

    It would be up to the player to choose a jump range compatible with origin and destination - or else be lost in space (destination too far from origin), or die due to impact (destination mass too low for range) :)

    This would also mean out of solar system jumps from a planet would be impossible because the planet wouldnt be big enough to support a jump to another system, instead you have to fist jump to the star to get the needed range. Indeed small planets/moon may not allow the jump range to cross a solar system anymore. OTOH red giants, black holes etc may have massively long jump range. Jumps in/out of nebula zone may have limited range or risk ablation damage.

    Just be nice to make exploration a bit more interesting then select, jump, scan, yawn, repeat.
  11. VISION305

    VISION305 Rear Admiral

    Dec 17, 2016
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    I agree that there could be more unique gameplay when it comes to jumping if they really wanted it. One idea would be a mini game where while you are jumping to the system, depending on how you did in the warp tunnel, you could end up at any one of the playfields in the system. Or even a malfunction causing the warp jump to fail. However I do not think it's good gameplay to make the player potentially be destroyed losing all their work in the process. A game like empyrion has the player gather and build up their supplies over time. Losing all of it in one small mistake is more in line with Rogue like game play. If the player expects this then it is part of the game. Otherwise, if you suddenly find yourself in a situation where your ship has exploded because you failed to perform a proper jump, that is a bit too punishing for the average player.

    For the most part I am happy with the current system even though as I have mentioned, it leaves the possibility for being trapped at a star, which I consider not good game design even if it doesnt affect those of us who are paying constant attention and have back up plans in place. I honestly dont see a problem with there being things near the star like asteroids. I dont see why it needs to be just a star with nothing else to do there.

    When it comes to exploration, I believe that the tech three should be directly affected by the player exploring and finding new things.
  12. GoldDragon

    GoldDragon Captain

    Jan 25, 2017
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    I hate mini-games.
    Khazul and Pach like this.
  13. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Not a fan of RNG or mini games.

    I mention the gravity based warp a) because it open up some possibilities and b) because it introduces some deterministic perils (ie easy to avoid if paying some attention). Random perils? No thank you.
  14. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    I don't see why that should be a problem wither TBH. Half of us are making space stations there anyway. What is special about the star as opposed to any other playfield? Oh - I get it - you could jump to a star and end up stuck there because never any resources there. Same with any system anywhere that doesn't have any pentaxid at all, so people want to preserve the stars as idiot traps?
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The only problem with the warp arrival playfields is in order to warp back to them, you have to warp to a different star that's in the correct direction and then warp back.

    This could be solved by just allowing you to warp to the sun arrival locations from within the system somehow.

    But otherwise they seem like standard space playfields. I'm not 100% sure they can make use of space_dynamic though I'll have to test it, but if they can then they can have resources, POIs, etc just like any other playfield.
  16. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Not quite - select solar system map, place waypoint on star, align ship with waypoint and jump. You cant lock onto the star, nor can y9ou align with the star. But jump to waypoint works and I don't know when, but it seems now you can place waypoints on the solar system map.

    I wish they would just treat the star like everything else though. You can jump there anyway, you can build there, why not have POIs there too?
    iliapugach and ravien_ff like this.
  17. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Good hint, they might fix that though but we'll see.
  18. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Oh how I wish this was the case, especially in the faction space. Solar arrays, automated manufacturing , rare resources, and that's only the beginning... you can have a ton of things near the sun - Dyson's shell is probably better handled as a "type" of star instead as a POI mechanically, but some satelites as part of the "Dyson's Swarm" would be awsome to see near some suns...
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    So one thing I was able to do in my scenario is give a one-time mission popup the first time you enter a sun warp playfield. It explains how the sun warp playfields work, the fact that you can't build there and will have trouble warping to it, and gives you some extra pentaxid (in case you did warp too far to warp back). I figure that will help prevent new players from getting trapped, since after that warning (plus a warning on the playfield map itself) if people get trapped it's entirely their fault. :D

    Maybe some tutorial type thing could be added to the main game too.
    VISION305 and Pach like this.
  20. philigusforgotPW

    philigusforgotPW Ensign

    Apr 27, 2017
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    Guide on how to have a Random Galaxy with a Unique Starter Solar System and Name your own Sun.

    Here is How:

    Start a single player game in default multiplayer scenario. Save the game and exit.

    Navigate to the save game folder: Empyrion>Saves>Games.
    -Copy the save game and rename it. Paste it into your Scenarios folder at Empyrion>Content>Scenarios.
    -Open your new 'scenario' and do the following:
    -delete the folders Players, Shared, Stamps, PDA and the files game.dat and global. forget those.
    -open the playfields folder and delete the planet folder in there. For me it was named Saubacun.
    -open the templates folder and Find the folder named Ellyon. Rename this folder to the name you want for your starter system.

    -now your Scenario should have folders Content, Playfields, Sectors, Templates, description text file and game options .yaml file.
    -if you don't have the description text file just copy it from the Default Multiplayer Scenario. open with text editor and change words.

    Navigate to Empyrion>Content and do the following:
    - Copy the folder Configuration and paste it into your Scenario under the Content folder.
    -If you did not have a content folder just a configuration folder that is okay, just create a Content folder and paste it all in there. Path would be Empyrion>Content>Scenarios>scenarioname>Content>Configuration. There are lots of files to play with. The only one we care about for this guide is the GalaxyConfig.ecf, but if you are planning to tweak other settings you will want to pull all the other files in the configuration folder in to this folder. When Empyrion updates you will lose all the changes and tweaks outside of your scenario folder.

    Navigate to Empyrion>Content and do the following:
    -Copy the folder labeled Extras.
    -Paste this folder in your scenario at Empyrion>Content>Scenarios>scenarioname>Extras.
    -This will keep all the faction missions on your multiplayer server as the default multiplayer scenario does not automatically pull these in. There is a reason for this. Its so servers can have their own PDA missions with factions and intrigue, but the ability to actually implement it, and the philosophical discussion of it, is beyond the scope of this guide.

    Navigate to Empyrion>Content>Scenarios>Default Multiplayer and do the following:
    -Copy the folders Prefabs and Random Presets and paste them into your scenario. Prefabs is where you will drop any POI blueprints for your scenario. Random Presets has solarsystemconfig.yaml. You need it for this to work. There are several cool tweaks you can do with this, but it is beyond the scope of this guide.

    Navigate to Empyrion>Content>Scenarios>scenarioname>Content>Configuration and do the following:
    -open the file GalaxyConfig.ecf. You will need to download and install Notepad++


    It is free, and if you do not use it, your game will implode. The why and how of NotePad++ is beyond the scope of this guide.

    -On the left you will see numbers. Those are line numbers. Look for line 29. It will look something like this:

    # General Galaxy Settings

    { GalaxyConfig, Name: General
    StarCount: "15000, 20000" # random value between these two
    Radius: "0, 500" # inner and outer radius of galaxy in LY (no random!)

    NebulaCount: "50, 100" # random value min/max

    StarterSystemLYCoord: "134, 25, 126" # X, Z, Y
    StarterSystemName: Ellyon
    StarterSystemStarClass: G2

    - Change the StarterSystemName from Ellyon to whatever you want to name your starter system star. It is my humble opinion you should name it the name of your server so that I can remember which server I am on! lol.

    (It would be cool if just that one thing was automated under gameoptions. I could input the name of my server next to undergroundturrentcheck etc.)

    7. Navigate to Empyrion>Content>Scenerios>scenerioname>Sectors and do the following:
    (please note that working with .yaml files in notepad++ might take a minute to become comfortable with, but it will get easier-ish;)
    - Open the Sectors file with Notepad++ and watch your face melt.
    -On the left there are numbers. you should see a 1 and next to it it should read GalaxyMode: true. The Sun has 7 sets of coordinates going into Alpha 12 so far and rather than being frightening or terrible it is, Awesome. It should look something like this:

    GalaxyMode: true
    Sectors: []
    - Name: Ellyon
    Coordinates: [134, 25, 126]
    StarClass: G2
    - Coordinates: [0, 0, 0]
    SectorMapType: None
    - ['0,0,0', Ellyon, SunRandom, '']
    - Coordinates: [2, 0, 0]
    SectorMapType: WarpTarget
    - ['0,0,0', 'Ellyon [Sun Right]', SpaceWarpTarget, '']
    - Coordinates: [-2, 0, 0]
    SectorMapType: WarpTarget
    - ['0,0,0', 'Ellyon [Sun Left]', SpaceWarpTarget, '']
    - Coordinates: [0, 2, 0]
    SectorMapType: WarpTarget
    - ['0,0,0', 'Ellyon [Sun Top]', SpaceWarpTarget, '']
    - Coordinates: [0, -2, 0]
    SectorMapType: WarpTarget
    - ['0,0,0', 'Ellyon [Sun Bottom]', SpaceWarpTarget, '']
    - Coordinates: [0, 0, 2]
    SectorMapType: WarpTarget
    - ['0,0,0', 'Ellyon [Sun Front]', SpaceWarpTarget, '']
    - Coordinates: [0, 0, -2]
    SectorMapType: WarpTarget
    - ['0,0,0', 'Ellyon [Sun Back]', SpaceWarpTarget, '']

    -As always .yaml files are temperamental, it is best to use the find replace command. In your sector file on Notepad++ click Search>Find>Replace.

    --Under Find, put whatever the name of the sun is. Default is Ellyon. Under Replace type the name you used earlier for StarterSystemName. That should change all the repeats of Ellyon to whatever you choose.

    8. Navigate to Empyrion>Content>Scenarios>scenario-name>Playfields and do the following:
    -Open playfields folder in your scenario and delete all files inside. We only want to keep the folder.

    9. Navigate to Empyrion>Content>Playfields and do the the following:
    -Copy all the Starter folders. At the least you should copy AridStarter and TemperateStarter and if you want a custom POI in space to respond to PDA calls you need Space Orbit Starter.
    -Paste all these files into playfields. Now you can change all the parameters in the .yaml file. for your starter planet.

    10. Navigate to Empyrion>Content>Scenarios>scenario-name>Sectors and do the following:
    -Open the sectors file with Notepad++ . In an earlier step I had you delete a file in the Playfields folder which contained information related to a specific, though randomly generated, starter planet. For me it was 'Saubcian'. In the Sectors file it will still be referenced right below the 7 sun entries and look something like this:

    - Coordinates: [-23, 0, -63]
    Color: '0.04,0.8,0.1 : 0,0,0'
    - ['0, 0, 0', Sabcian, TemperateStarter,'Human:1', '', '', '4']
    - ['11988, -8871, -1612', Sabcian Moon, MoonStarter]
    - ['0,0,0', Sabcian Sector, SpaceOrbitStarter, '']

    -You are going to use that find replace command again and replace the name of the planet, Sabcian with the name of a faction. For example I replaced 'Sabcian' with 'KillallHumans' and that would look like this:

    - Coordinates: [-23, 0, -63]
    Color: '0.04,0.8,0.1 : 0,0,0'
    - ['0, 0, 0', Killallhumans, TemperateStarter,'Human:1', '', '', '']
    - ['11988, -8871, -1612', Killallhumans Moon, MoonStarter]
    - ['0,0,0', Killallhumans Sector, SpaceOrbitStarter, '']

    -Now, when you select a temperatestarter, the name of the starter planet is Killallhumans and you still get the Random Galaxy.

    11. Navigate to Empyrion>Content>Scenarios>scenario-name>Sectors and do the following:
    -You need to add the AridStarter. You are gonna have to type in the document. and it must be perfect. or the scenario will fail. So the AridStarter... lets call that faction... Garbagebeauty. The section of sector file we want is Cordinates/Color/Playfields. we want to copy all of that but not the Cordinates below it. then paste right below the killallhumans bit. when you paste, Cordinates will be in the wrong place every every every every time! scroll up and backspace the dash of -Coordinates inline with the dash of -Coordinates. Vertically they should be on the same column.

    - Coordinates: [-23, 0, -63]
    Color: '0.04,0.8,0.1 : 0,0,0'
    - ['0, 0, 0', Killallhumans, TemperateStarter,'Human:1', '', '', '4']
    - ['11988, -8871, -1612', Killallhumans Moon, MoonStarter]
    - ['0,0,0', Killallhumans Sector, SpaceOrbitStarter, '']
    - Coordinates: [-23, 0, -63]
    Color: '0.04,0.8,0.1 : 0,0,0'
    - ['0, 0, 0', Killallhumans, TemperateStarter,'Human:1', '', '', '4']
    - ['11988, -8871, -1612', Killallhumans Moon, MoonStarter]
    - ['0,0,0', Killallhumans Sector, SpaceOrbitStarter, '']

    Once you put it in line change the faction name. Number them to make them different factions. Or Like I did Killallhumans and Garbagebeauty are different factions. Human:1 for Garbagebeauty put Garbage:2 as the second faction. Then Adjust the TemperateStarter you copied to the AridStarter as below.

    - Coordinates: [-23, 0, -63]
    Color: '0.04,0.8,0.1 : 0,0,0'
    - ['0, 0, 0', Killallhumans, TemperateStarter,'Human:1', '', '', '']
    - ['11988, -8871, -1612', Killallhumans Moon, MoonStarter]
    - ['0,0,0', Killallhumans Sector, SpaceOrbitStarter, '']
    - Coordinates: [-23, 0, -63]
    Color: '0.04,0.8,0.1 : 0,0,0'
    - ['0, 0, 0', Garbagebeauty, AridStarter,'Garbage:2', '', '', '']
    - ['11988, -8871, -1612', Garbagebeauty Moon, MoonStarter]
    - ['0,0,0', Garbagebeauty Sector, SpaceOrbitStarter, '']

    -I took the number out of the last set of quotes. Everything seems to be working for me. The TemperateStarter and the AridStarter have the same coordinates which means they will fail. Try adding 10 and subtracting 10 from the first and last numbers of only one of those.

    - Coordinates: [-23, 0, -63]
    - Coordinates: [-33, 0, -53]

    I hope this information helps anyone and everyone.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2020

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