What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Probably - even my Orion (only class 10 @ 9M CPU) is around 800 fusion cells to fill it up, but that does give a decent flight time (unless you fly it around on a 4G planet) at least and its quite agile for its size (even when full of components, ore and loaded up with other vessels) with all the thrusters switched on.

    But fuelling it up for the first time in survival is a right pain in the backside, but by that stage I normally have a mining CV and a huge number of constructors spread over various ships and bases to throw at processing the needed ice/water and promethium (and ideally some slaves to help collect the promethium ;))
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  2. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    No, for that task I'd take my Sephrajin Carrier, class 83 (again, was 80 in A10) -> 1000 T3 fuel tanks :D:cool::rolleyes:

    I had a look at my 10.6 semi-patch, I'm down to 10'0xx'xxx cpu (99% efficency) without RCS, just armored hull instead of CS, and only 12 instead of 44 XL thrusters.
    Meeaning, it might be usable for space only - which isnt as bad as it used to be.

    I'd have to test it with MV/CPU on - though, not tonight.

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  3. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    delete RCS ;)
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  4. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I think that the CPU cost of the T2 RCS units is way too high, you need a CPU T3 just to support one of them.

    The T2 costs more CPU points than 16.6 T1's while providing as much torque as 15 T1's.
    So it's more economical (from a CPU standpoint) to stick with the T1's.
    Then again, you really loose from the energy usage perspective. 15 T1's would eat 375 PU while the single T2 eats 50 PU.

    Just some things to keep in mind while building.
    Tyrax Lightning and Sephrajin like this.
  5. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    Today in Empyrion I made a pretty:


    at some point it is going to end up shooting at you and causing all sorts of curse words and much sweating, but for now, it is just nice to look at. :)
  6. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Easier to keep in mind "CPU Off" until it's fixed... :p
    Tyrax Lightning and Pach like this.
  7. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    Slightly off topic, I'm a cable installer. Yesterday on a job I got to talking with a dude about what games he plays after seeing his obvious gaming rig. Talked to him about Empyrion, and I think I got him over the edge to actually buying it. Even got to see him hit the final buy button on steam. He'd been holding off on because of all the angry reviews after the CPU update. I thought it was kind of interesting, as I explained the system to him compared to what came before, that his first reaction was "Well that makes sense", in reference to having some limits and a tiered system.

    Out of curiosity do you still actually use rcs for anything but hovertanks? I haven't found a need for them after the flight controller updates.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    It's not within the Game that CPU has to be fixed. Its rather the mind setting of the Player that needs to be fixed.:rolleyes:
    ELEON can tweak the numbers as much as they like - the gamer is still the problem.:(
    If someone like to play without CPU - so be it.;)
    If others prefer to have M/V and CPU on - also their choice. :)
    Eleon did the right thing to have it be default off :cool: so no complaining about "being forced to use it".
  9. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Utter bollox!

    If this game had given any thought at all to thrust, power, mass balance etc, CPU would not be needed at all (except as a server side performance costing system) and instead builds would naturally find their own balance.

    I expect it was conceived as a server side CPU cost of the functional part of the ship (perfectly reasonable), but along the line, it got hijacked by someone in the dev team to become a badly screwed up nerf bat and tiering system that they could use to band-aid the balance lacking elsewhere.

    They mess with it all the time breaking builds with no other positive impact to the game. They use it as a knee jerk reaction to whatever crap goes on in PvP with the fall out massively damaging co-op and solo and creativity in general. It massively limits builds to fit in with the tiers, often leaving very samey (maybe not so much visually as we have some good block choices) or compromised designs, like thrusters getting removed or whatever to fit in with the tier, and effectively removing the option to use RCS on more interestingly shaped vessels (not that RCS in their current form are that great anyway on a larger vessel - they are too weak).

    All the time you keep blindly supporting these decisions and insulting us by telling us we are the ones at fault. Sure, some designs don't make best efficient use of what is provided - but do they have to? Even vermillion seems to think this is a complete fucking mess on the basis that he has changed it all drastically in RG. I may not agree with his choices (around his idea of CPU balance which I think he has just made worse), but at least he see this mess for what it is and had the balls to try and do something about it instead of blindly supporting it regardless of what stupidity is inflicted upon us.

    And yes - everything I have ever done is CPU compliant (or at least was until some random pointless change screwed it over, forcing some function to be dropped).

    TBH - I don't ever think that even Eleon have a real clue or vision around CPU - after all WTF do we have advanced cores in the game? They should not exist if they have a consistent vision for this. It aint that hard to make a little combat CV and hike over to legacy space and trash a bunch of freighters for the advanced cores.

    The only thing that is ever at a premium is resources, even then that is just a matter of time with late game resources being far too easily accessible. Power and thrust never is (except as artificially imposed by CPU tiers and access to gold and level unlocks for the extender and their lame attempt top make power more critical by making generators explode - all that did was to force people to double up on generators, consuming yet more of this bollox CPU). Power should have been the ultimate balancer, and from that thrust vs mass. However, sadly I don't think they can do a proper rebalance because the flight model (how vessel responds) is inherently broken as well - something is definitely wrong with thrust acceleration response and until they fix that, I don't think they can fix anything else.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
  10. elmo

    elmo Captain

    Sep 26, 2017
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    I was on a planet think it was called Epsillon arid planet in different system to starter planet with @jlego in a coop yesterday. I had been saying for a while that I was bored with same old content all the time while raiding bases but not yesterday. We came across a radar station but not like they used to be. Had control stations in the area but the radar station was something else. Well done to the person who thought out and built this base. Loads of rocket men inside and corridors to go along. We died loads of times but we couldn't help but admire the work that went in to designing this base. Sorry I don't have pictures but I'll just say be well armed when doing this base, it sure was a challenge for a change.
  11. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Our Part in this Developing Game is to be Testers! Not constant complainers!

    We paid an Entry Fee to test a Game in Development - not the full Game (which might be charged at 3-times as much when Finished)
    Until this Game-Design reaches BETA - we have to Test what the Devs come up with.

    CPU/MV/Blocklimits/Enemy difficulty/...
    Switch OFF what you don't like. Switch ON what you prefer. Simple as that.
    The "Advanced Core" might be a necessity for being able to fight AND beat the final Enemy....

    These two Gentlemen here ->
    @Vermillion - RG is a way to show whats possible within the boundaries of the Game design AND whats not. On a tactical Level.
    @ravien_ff - PE shows whats possible on the grand scale of things - by creating a whole Galaxy - on a Strategic Level.
    Both are Masters in what they do. Both have their quarrels with features of this games, i.e., CPU, M/V, Flight Model, and so on. But they keep going - and create even more fantastic stuff!

    Structure/Vessel-Designers work feverishly in the Background to create even more stuff to be put in the Game so the Devs can focus on Game Mechanics, Bug-Solving and giving a helping hand to those who report issues (not fixing performance issues)

    Building Big does not always mean building good or suitable for a Task. Many, me too, like to build monstrosities of Vessels. Without any limitations. That is the Performance-killer for the Game engine. Instead of building Moderate and keep it in line with Performance...
    Questions can be heard quite often such as "why do I have such a low FPS? What is wrong with EGS? What did the Devs again to this Game?"
    It is not the Tester who starts with first reducing the Graphic settings to a low amount and build it up, step-by-step, no way!
    Most common Out-Cry: "ELEON! Please Fix!"

    Quote: "They mess with it all the time breaking builds with no other positive impact to the game"
    I had build a large CV - I wasn't able to bring it into the CPU limit - so I left it alone - of course I wasn't too happy with that after a hundred hours of work - and I said it loud. Today the Vessel is well within the CPU limit and performs rather well. Also a Base was beyond CPU limit. Now its ok.

    Building stuff and sharing it on the WS is a nice show of the abilities of the Creator who must be aware that from time the BP has to be updated to a changing Environment or has to state, clearly visible, if his/her BP is CPU Compliant or not. But features change, always.

    ...and all is only my Opinion.
    End of Message
  12. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    We had a weird base yesterday. It was a Zirax fuel storage base that was decide to simply go and trash as part of trashing the cluster of bases that included the drone base and some defence installation just to eradicate Zirax from the planet.

    So, after punching lots of holes in it, my team mate goes inside and we start to notice an unusual amount of spiders (both the small ones and the large ones). I first noticed a massive hoard of about 20-30 of them appearing to come out of the hole in the wall on one side, so after a bit of a WTF moment, I eradicated most of that lot with the plasma weapons on my SV and called my team mate around to come and have a look. Meanwhile he starts to hear critter noises all over the place and starts to find the smaller spiders in corridors, rooms etc - in vast numbers.

    After several minutes systematically trashing the base with an SV to kill them, we can still hear noises everywhere. That when I thing something is just wrong here and switch to god mode to have a look round inside the walls and floors, and that is when we discover:

    20200626125128_1.jpg 20200626125426_1.jpg 20200626125228_1.jpg 20200626125056_1.jpg 20200626125051_1.jpg 20200626125038_1.jpg

    … etc.

    That last little pile of them was actually a good 30+ spiders on in the same spot.

    We switch back out of gm, I trashed more of the base with my SV to expose the spiders and landed and finally we got to put miniguns to good use (went through around 4.5k of mini gun rounds via several re-arms in the cleanup). Very funny, but anyone else come across such a spider infestation? Bug? a new thing (it definitely should be!).
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    ...the previous "owners" of the land swarm back into their homeland...;)
    Tyrax Lightning and Pach like this.
  14. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Right there - that says the CPU concept is inherently broken.

    No - he is trying to rebalance thrust, power, and oddly via CPU. (Not to diminish the importance of his excellent work on other aspects).

    Yes - the easy cop out that stops people like you from having to deal with reality - because if people switch it off, then they wont complain about it.

    Imagine if this was forced to be on for everyone? This is probably the only reason there isn't all out rioting over it and/or a mass exodus.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
  15. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Tyrax Lightning and Sephrajin like this.
  16. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    I'm just happy that I've had built almost all my ships with thrusters in place so they sh/would improve turnrates.
    At least I've read this would have influences now - but I do not recall wether it was official or a user feedback as I got a bit overhelmed by they new changes.
    Not entirely.

    In A10, it WAS Eleons job to fix the CPU usage -> Mostly since they just introduced it - thus it was not balanced in the slightest.
    I mean, you could place 1 XL thruster, and you exceeded the CPU T4 (did that even exist already i A10? ??) as soon you wanted a generator to power up this 1 XL thruster, you did not even have to add a fuel tank to achieve this.

    Now, A12, CPU seems alot more plausible (thus possible).
    Though there are still some minor adjustment that would make sense, like limit the CPU usage for plain steel-/CS/Concrete/etc-blocks.
    Currently ~22k CS blocks require 480k CPU, IMO, this should go down to about 220k CPU if not just 22k CPU usage.
    I do apreciate the thought of the Blocks using CPU to 'mimik' a convoyer system, but still, not every single block would be a convoyer, so the overall 'use' should be lower.
    (Or are you saying that every single brick of the house you live in - contains pipes and electronics?)

    Speaking of possible... Mirai is now down to 9.7mil CPU !!
    She is (still) usable in space and on low (0.64) G planets.
    Now I'll need some work on her to fix the holes... this sounds wrong... :p

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    Last edited: Jun 27, 2020
    Tyrax Lightning and Khazul like this.
  17. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Was this Vanilla or Eden?

    I heard @ravien_ff did like his spiders :);)
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Nope that one wasn't me! :D
  19. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    This was modified vanilla multiplayer start (my EE mod in my sig), but none of the scenario changes would have affected this - the scenario changes were only to fully disable PvP everywhere (PvPProb: 0, PvP: False) and to enable building at stars.

    I didn't notice any spawner pads to explain this (but then we trashed the place), but having experienced it, then TBH - PE *should* include stuff like this as should some of the vanilla POIs. Definately a crazy and fun moment :)

    I just went back to that base to see if there were any more spiders there - none.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.
  20. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Well I do remember a bug once think it was before A10 and there was something like 20 spiders around the landing area. Made for some interesting starts they did get it fixed. I haven't seen anything like your photo's showed though.
    Tyrax Lightning likes this.

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