praise, wishes and an idea how to replace the factory

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Udo, Jul 14, 2020.

  1. Udo

    Udo Ensign

    Jun 7, 2017
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    At this point you have more to do and things you do are more meaning full in Empyrion than Star Citizen.

    Okay Star Citizen has nicer graphics, but it is not voxel based.

    Eleon pleas (My Wishlist):
    • make it possible to walk and build in the ship while flying.
    • Let HV’s, SV’s and CV’s crash to the ground on planets if the active cockpit is destroyed or the pilot dies.
    • Let the palyer disable the inertia damper (auto brake) while in logistics range (to bring the “to dam” hi parked HV, SV and CV down)
    • Give us an auto pilot for the long fights
    • Flesh out the story with more npc and side quests (with items or block recipes only obtainable by special missions)
    • Make a setting for dropping items on death like 7d2d (drop all, drop backpack, drop belt, drop all ink. armor)
    • give us the ability to duck, lean, sneak, crawl and creep [? liegend kreichen]
    • make it possible to tow CV’s and space BA’s including warp jumps (t2 wardrive on a cv required much higher energy and planaxid usage)
    • Replace the factory and the repair bay as with something new. (idea below)
    • Space BA’s should need an anchorage drive per XX blocks or tons which allows minor adjustments to the position. (like bases in “from the depths”)

    To replace the factory and the repair bay I have got a tiered idea

    Tier 0 blueprint ghost
    • Only a ghost image of the blueprint will appear. So that you can rebuild from it.
    Tier 1 blueprint aid damage highlight
    • After obtaining the multitool t1 the player can see damage blocks highlighted.
    • When the Player places a blueprint ghost, he can place blocks from inventory or the logistics network semi-automatic block by block with the multitool.
    Tier 2 the Bay block T1 for all structures
    • Must be connected to a container.
    • For repairs works so what like repair bay t1 but only will user material form the container
    • For Blueprints Blocks will be pulled out the container
    Tier 3 the Bay block T2 for BA and CV
    • Must be connected to a container where a constructor is connected.
    • For repairs works so what like repair bay t2 but only will user material form the container and use the connected constructor to create the blocks.
    • Blueprints Blocks will be pulled out the container if not existing the bay use the connected constructor to create the blocks.
    Tier 4 the Bay block T3 for BA
    • Must be connected to a container where a constructor is connected.
    • And must be connected to a container where a deconstructor is connected.
    • Can deconstruct all entities with the same faction. Will use the connected deconstructor to breakdown blocks.
    • Can retrofit all entities with the same faction to any blueprint.
    • Blocks will be pulled out the container if not existing the bay use the connected constructor to create the blocks.
    • No longer needed blocks will be breakdown with the connected deconstructor

    I know tis are only ideas from one player, but you might get some inspiration for what to do next.
    I can live with the factory as it is rigtnow. but it dosn't feels like that is "in lore".

    cmguardia likes this.
  2. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I've always thought the Factory should be a construct - some neat looking, high-tech, animated structure built on the ground (or in space), rather than the F2 menu function. That function should be moved to the activation of said structure, rather than simply being a menu function.
  3. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    There is a cruise control.
    See below quote I pinched from @Brimstone in this thread

  4. Udo

    Udo Ensign

    Jun 7, 2017
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    @Spoon and @IndigoWyrd
    Yes in know about the cruise control but it is not a Autopilot, even Tesla had it to learn on court this week in Germany.
    What I've got in mind is something which avoids obstacles like trees, mountains, Aroids, POI's or planets and can follow way points and give an alarm when it is near the destination. So that you can go from the hanger, farm, crafting arears or kitchen to the cockpit. Or starts an alarm when there is a enemy drone, POI near.

    Yeeeer this even would be nice if it is like the max level Assably Station in "My time at Porita". ()
  5. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Ehhhhhh... what I might find more reasonable would be a "Flight Recorder" device, that when initialized, recorded the flight path (or ground path for HV's) and then could reproduce and/or reverse that course. I don't want to play a game that doesn't need me to play it.

    So, I loved their first major, though too-soon release of Planet Explorers. That was great, with so much potential, but they bailed on it before it was really done, to make My Time at, and well, I just couldn't give them any more money after pulling that.

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