In response to - Maxcount for Detectors set to 1 (A12.3exp)

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Karghen, Jul 21, 2020.

  1. Karghen

    Karghen Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Not sure what the purpose of limiting this module is, but I know I like to have redundant systems when they are not overly costly to do so. Aside from redundancy, I'm unsure how having more than one of these is in anyway advantageous in a PvE or PvP scenario so placing limits on it just seems silly.

    Furthermore you are going to take one of the more interesting looking devices, and force people to bury them away in order to keep them safe. I know on several of my CV designs I'll often use more then one simply for the aesthetics of the device. If there is a compelling gameplay mechanics issue to be resolved by this, could you at least add a Decorative item that looks the same.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    If you have more than 1 detector, how do you manage the minimap ?
  3. Karghen

    Karghen Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Not sure I follow you? The detector is a device block that adds an ability to your hotbar while in a vehicle to send out a scanning wave. Having more than one does nothing to the functionality. The minimap is unaffected by the usage of a detector, aside from the objects scanned showing up on the minimap.
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Actually it does not "add an ability to the hotbar" but it does scan in a "spherical" wave around the device.

    Well if you have more than one device then obviously you have more than 1 spherical scan wave now, each emitted from their respective device.

    The minimap is centered on the player, not on the devices. If you are in a 50 meters long ship with one device at the front tip and one at the aft tip, which one would the minimap show ?
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. Karghen

    Karghen Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Either you are thinking of something else altogether, or you are ignorant on how the Detector functions on a ship. Below is a screenshot of the Detector CV block, and the hotbar ability it adds to a ship, so right off the bat, you are mistaken.



    Unfortunately, without spending the time to capture video I can't show it here, but with my test ship set up in the manner you describe, when I send out an active scan, there is 1 pulse that originates. Whether that is from both detectors simultaneously or not I am unsure of, but as it is graphically represented in the game by an expanding energy pulse bubble, it would appear as 1 source.


    And it results in marking targets both known and unknown within the active radius of the scan which differ depending on the class of vehicle with HVs having the smallest range I believe, and CVs having the largest, along with other differences that occur as part of being in space or planetside.


    So given all that, with the current mechanics in play, I see no reason to LIMIT the number of these devices. It's not like these are shields that you could stack for oodles of HP, or guns that cause severe gameplay balancing issues. They're simply detectors, that let you see what interesting things might be around you. And if you could build a ship large enough to put detectors far apart from each other in order to expand your detection range from each detector to be meaningful, the ship would have to be hundreds of meters long for a mere 5 to 10 percent increase in radius, and to be honest any ship constructed like that is likely to be a bulky unwieldy mess in the first place.

    So unless the Devs have a compelling gameplay reason as to why there should be a limit on these devices, I'm objecting to that experimental limitation in A12 experimental ever making it to live.
  6. Escarli

    Escarli Rear Admiral

    Dec 13, 2019
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    Maybe they can add it to the list of items to add when the lack of ID number issue has been resolved, add the model to the list of deco items.

    It honestly doesn't bother me either way whether it's restricted or not, they're easy enough to make and replace.
  7. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    First you wrote that the detector added an ability to the hotbar, now you write that it adds "hotbar ability to a ship" ... ok.

    Obviously, if it was expanding from 2 devices with some distance between them, it would not be a sphere anymore, so it must originate from the ship's core, from what I saw.

    But you still can't tell me if what is shown in the minimap is the result of the action of 1 or 2 devices, and if the radius is calculated from the devices or from the ship's core. Your explanation is that it's some kind of "skill" that the ship now has.

    Given what ? You can't provide an answer, and you have no clue why they could have decided to restrict detectors to 1 device.

    Maybe it's not a "gameplay" reason, but a "programming" reason. Maybe even both. If having many makes no difference to the amount of things detected, and cause no problems in the code, you're free to spend your CPU points as you want. I just suspect it's more complex than just an "ability" added to a ship, because it has to show something in the minimap. If the detector is actually the center of the detection radius, then when there are 2 it means that detected POIs and items will have an offset depending on the detector that registers them.

    If it comes from the core, then redundancy is not just in the cuteness of the device, it may also be in the code, where a function is called twice for no reason, or even more. This is like asking to have 2 cores for a ship just because the block is cute, while it causes a coding headache.

    While you may see my answer as annoying obstruction to your cuteness demand, it is just another way to keep this thread alive so the devs can notice it. Maybe at some point you will even get an explanation! Who knows...
  8. Karghen

    Karghen Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Now you are just being a pedantic troll. What I said first was
    and second
    The fact that you conveniently clipped my quote to try to push a point you've so clearly lost, is just sad at this point. It's ok to admit when you are wrong. It's usually actually pretty healthy

    What is shown in the minimap is the contacts that have been detected. This works whether there is 1 detector or 5. The minimap appears to be centered on your person from what I've been able to see, and there has been nothing shown to me that it is something else. YOU are making the conjucture that the devices might originate 2 waves of scanning pulses, but you provide ZERO evidence to back your claim. I show a series of screenshots demonstrating how they work in the current live build, and that seemingly they do not seem to be causing any issues, with the mini-map or otherwise. Now granted there may be a problem "under the hood" that needs to be addressed, and a simple answer from a dev explaining as much would sate my concern, along with perhaps a Deco block for builders to use for stylistic reasons.

    No kidding? MAYBE that's why I started this thread in the first place. I brought it up as a concern cause I read through the patch notes for experimental, and since they like to get feedback about experimental features I'm providing that feedback, and asking for them to either not go through with it, or provide an alternative.

    Again more unproven conjecture from you. I am perfectly aware that there MAYBE could be a valid reason, or 2 dozen valid reasons. But as of my original post, I asked for 2 possible solutions to the problem with this patch item. 1 don't limit to one. or 2 if you got to limit them, can we have a replacement Deco block so we can easily swap these in to preserve our ship designs.

    Either option is fine with me. I'd prefer 1, but 2 is acceptable.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Not what I wrote : if it were 2 waves it would not spread in a sphere (visible circle only), but you have no answer on all other points, and I just asked a simple question about the minimap.

    That's the point. But if I was the developer, I would just not answer you, so you could keep on thinking I make silly decisions to force people to hide nice looking devices.

    And all this because I , too, suspected that there may be a problem "under the hood" and dared ask a question. You went through a lot of trouble just to say that finally, you don't know the reason behind the silly decision.
  10. cGeternal

    cGeternal Ensign

    Jun 20, 2018
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    Some people just want to argue. And while it is healthy to admit when a person is wrong it's also healthy to not look at everything as an argument or a need to win.
    arcticsnowyt and Germanicus like this.
  11. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Some people just want to know why the first thing that a player can find to try to get the developers to consider their suggestion is to imply that they make silly decisions.

    Maybe the "silly" ones are not who they think...

    There are many "suggestions" and "question" threads with 0 replies on these forums. Don't wonder why.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2020
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. tachyon

    tachyon Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    You could just emit the pulse from the core when > 0 detectors are installed. Problem solved.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  13. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I think it's aleady the case, seeing from where the pulse starts.

    But it's just a silly decision from the devs, better leave it to die. They purposedly went through fancy coding just to make things complicated instead of doing the obvious, easy thing that all and any player knows about without even looking at the code. Plus if we keep on upping this topic, either it will get the devs attention, of we'll get insulted by some random guy from the deep internet.

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