Feedback Required Three things you absolutely DISlike about Empyrion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 9, 2020.

  1. TRX

    TRX Commander

    Apr 23, 2020
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    1. The technology tree ... what year is it? 27oo something ... and you have to "level" in order to "learn" how to make a shotgun? a thruster? a bigger generator? The system needs to be along the line of Discover -> Deconstruct -> Learn New Pattern -> Gather Materials -> Build New Item .... I personnally like the idea of different technology bases (carbon based, silicon based, estreum based, etc. ) with each having a unique set of pros and cons and the player "discovering" the ability to build new items thru POI raids/deconstruction.

    2. Lack of a Defined End-Game goal and short term objectives (I think that's why Project Eden is soooooo popular :) ... or is this planned to be a "perpetual on-going scour the universe forever until we're bored of developing new items" game? ALL games have an end goal!!! What is it? How do we get there? What should we be preparing for????

    3. It's getting better, but the use of CV/HV items on either platform ... and this also refers to having to learn / spend points for the same technology (e.g. gatling turrets) in both the CV tree AND the HV tree or the BA and CV trees as well. Once you know a technology, it should be accessible for any platform.

    There - I've limited it to 3 :)
  2. arcticsnowyt

    arcticsnowyt Commander

    May 5, 2018
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    @TRX While I agree wholeheartedly with 90% of your point #1, I would hate to see anything locked behind the prerequisite of POI raids. I had played WoW for years (like back to Burning Crusade) but once they started to lock certain items, gear and then flying mounts behind dungeon requirements, I quit. This went for a lot of other folks as well. The WoW forums blew up after this was implemented with a lot of unhappy players. People should not be locked out of earning rewards behind a "firewall" of sorts.

    If this type of system were to be implemented, there would really need to be a secondary way to achieve the discovery.

    Just my $0.02 worth.
    TRX, GoldDragon and jones99306 like this.
  3. Splendid gentleman

    Splendid gentleman Lieutenant

    Jun 30, 2020
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    LOVE the idea of a mining drone carrying HV (slightly longer range, takes power fro mthe HV like a mobile drill turret?). tbh they could do with HVs having massive pulling power to carry tons of stuff. mining drones and that would make HVs very desirable again vs SVs
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    But... I... we're just...
    Germanicus and runlykhel like this.
  5. johnietoth1967

    johnietoth1967 Commander

    Jun 15, 2020
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    I personally like the tech tree. Not every playstyle is one that relishes fighting or taking over POI's. Is the tech tree unrealistic? yes. But it works. Don't forget there is another limiter to building a shotgun or laser pistol. Materials. Just because you know how does not always mean (and often does not mean) that you can build it due to lack of materials
    tony hug likes this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    There is for me not really ANY function within EGS that I would really dislike. If I take the word of the Devs that most of them are "place holders", "Frameworks" and "start items" to work with which will be improved over time, tweaked up or down...I say only: Patience.
    tony hug and johnietoth1967 like this.
  7. Olestro

    Olestro Ensign

    Jul 29, 2020
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    POI's in space exploding....then despawning. This makes them frustrating/pointless/waste of time/ect.
    Pretty much everything has been covered in this thread I think.
    stanley bourdon and tony hug like this.
  8. DeSahd

    DeSahd Ensign

    Feb 7, 2018
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    1. Use of the factory bypasses the tech tree and thus much of the early game is too easily skipped.

    2. Ships exploding as soon as the core is removed (rather than a longer despawn timer), preventing looting, especially if your ship took significant damage and you need those supplies to repair your own.

    3. Inability to "capture" enemy ships for your own use by placing a core. Ships self-destruct and despawn anyway.
    Ambaire, stanley bourdon and tony hug like this.
  9. johnietoth1967

    johnietoth1967 Commander

    Jun 15, 2020
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    1 non-issue (for me) as it seems that the game gives so many tech points that I can learn them all anyways (at least what I need)

    2&3 are the same issue and was done on purpose
  10. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    The thread is about dislikes mate.
    If you read mine in post #3 they are about the crosshair & can't put autominers on asteroids. There features were 'done on purpose' but I still dislike them.
    Ambaire and johnietoth1967 like this.
  11. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    1. Balancing using artificial fake metrics (CPU) instead of properly using power, thrust (force), mass etc. CPU is not need in its current use. It could be better if it was purely a technology tiering system and everything else was properly balanced by natural physics instead.
    2. Being unable to get even basic high school physics correct in the current flight model.
    3. Top speed limited by mass

    I know you said 3, but I was never good at following orders so...

    - Structural integrity - good idea, but implementation is nowhere near good enough to be reasonable for a futuristic game and instead building is more like ancient egypt era. Would like a switch to disable this entirely until it can be done much better.
    - Cant move in moving vessels - really puts a damper on assaulting PVs
    - Cant dock when you have a docked vessel
    - Way too many things now explode or despawn very soon after core them - makes looting pretty much a waste of time thus making a significant part of the game pretty much pointless.
    - Shields don't protect externally docked vessels
    - Lack of a means for players to go AFK, or follow the ship they or on while offline (ie equivalent to SE's cryo chamber functionality).

    - Limiting this discussion to a top 3 - cynically it seems like a way to sweep many many major issues under the carpet for those who have played enough to suffer them.

    However, credit to you for at least having the balls for ask for this kind of negative feedback.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2020
    Arguro, Ambaire, TRX and 3 others like this.
  12. johnietoth1967

    johnietoth1967 Commander

    Jun 15, 2020
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    I agree wholeheartedly about cross-hairs and the auto-miners. Especially cross-hairs. I mean that will take like 1 line of code to change the value from white to cyan or something? maybe another to make the lines thicker?

    If you don't have the time to make these changes, at least give us the option to change them ourselves (like you have for many things which I appreciate)
    Ambaire, Bansheedragon and Spoon like this.
  13. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    4. I absolutely dislike some of the streamers who are outright gibberish about this wonderful game.
    johnietoth1967 likes this.
  14. ZoltanBlake

    ZoltanBlake Ensign

    Jul 31, 2020
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    1. That defeated vessels explodes and leave nothing but some loot crates in space.
    2. That you can't capture and take over defeated vessels as your own.
    3. There is no way identify the name of the block shape on a existing vessel with the multitool or even debug tools, making manual repairs more painful than they need to be.
    stanley bourdon, tony hug and Ambaire like this.
  15. Kogenta_Frost

    Kogenta_Frost Ensign

    Jul 31, 2020
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    I have more than three but in order
    1. I cannot board and capture a zirax destroyer or frigate in space. It would be amazing to take out their top side guns, get close and get into to their ship to board and take it by swapping the core out. It would be further cool, if that claimed ship could fool zirax until you attacked.
    2. Respawning POIs no longer being claimable and reverting back to their original even if they are claimed. It would be nice if when placing a core, the player had the option to conquer or claim the base/POI as their own an stop the respawn/reversion of the POI to the original.
    3. CPU system. The limits are so low. I love building giant bases, but when a ton of my CPU is taken up by my blocks alone.. I might as well just use an advanced core and ignore tiering my CPU at all
  16. RavagedSociety

    RavagedSociety Ensign

    Jun 25, 2018
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    I'm with the past few replies.

    Number 1 dislike right now? SELF DESTRUCTING SHIPS IN SPACE. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

    2. The motorbike. I seriously don't even bother building it anymore.
    3. Player character models look like something from a late 90s/early 2000s.
  17. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    1. Self destruction. It should be completely removed. If its a mp server and jump away 3 days after the ship should despawn

    2. The weapons need overhauled bad.

    3. Warpdrives don't need a jump limit if I have 100 light years worth of fuel I should be able to make that jump

    4. Yes I am breaking the limit sorry but we need a fast way of salvage it takes so long i hate doing it alot. Maybe add a wide area effect to the multitool turrets
    Paladin69 and stanley bourdon like this.
  18. Lichtbold

    Lichtbold Lieutenant

    Jul 16, 2020
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    1. The one and topmost "feature" that makes me shake my head in disbelief each time I have to deal with it must be the warping/teleportation mechanic.

    Limiting the distance to an arbitrary value of 30 LY along with the requirement to switch off shields for warping has ruined any enjoyment of travelling the galaxy and forced me to use the sector command exclusively.

    No advanced civilization in their right mind would use a warping device that makes a ship vulnerable at an unknown destination bringing warping close to suicide. And I don't know any transportation device of our civilization that's hard-limited to a certain distance instead of depending on how much fuel it has available.

    Makes no sense. Makes no fun. At All.

    2. Apart from the "sector" command, "weather off" is probably the command I use the most. Why you would want to spoil the great visuals of your planets with degraded weather optics *all the time* is beyond me.

    3. Lacking variety - hoping this will change in the long run now that Eleon can shift their focus from new features to moar content. I keep getting this NMS-experince when travelling to new systems - been there, done that, nothing new to be seen or done. SOS = same old soup. Planets are the same everywhere as are their Biomes as are their Pois as are their inhabitants.
    GoldDragon and stanley bourdon like this.
  19. BlackRhino

    BlackRhino Ensign

    Aug 4, 2020
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    I think my least favourite aspect of this game is the length of time that reloading takes, especially since the animation does not last the full length. I have some limited experience with the British Army issue SA-80, it literally takes a second to reload it with a full 30 round magazine.
  20. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    5. Truss blocks cannot be upgraded using the multitool.
    Paladin69 and stanley bourdon like this.

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