FEATURE INFO Spawn, Respawn, Destruction settings of AI Vessels

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jul 28, 2020.

  1. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    There are 4 types of vessels you mention in post #1.
    Therefore 4 lines in the Setting screen. each with the name of the vessel, next to that an tick option if you want it not to despawn, and after that another option to put a time in (if you want it to despawn)
    If you want it to go to 20 pages long then ok, go with 20 pages... :rolleyes:
  2. dichebach

    dichebach Captain

    Oct 26, 2016
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    Is that a "trick question!?" :p

    . . I mean . . . you really CANNOT play this game without some degree of "PVE" can you?

    Certainly, there must be "PVP-focused" servers out there, but based on my limited experience, the way those work is: players log in and start from some permutation of the standard singleplayer start scenario. Depending on the culture of the server, they might immediately join a faction and get picked up and swooped away to faction HQ for orientation and equipping . . . or they might play lone wolf or somewhere in between.

    But apart from admin intervention, all the resources that are accumulated to allow players to build bases and ships still have to be gained through "PVE." I suppose a server owner/admin could perhaps configure some sort of "Arena" type of server in which everyone just starts on a pre-configured base and is given a certain amount of resources/credits to buy and build stuff.

    So, what this little thought experiment shows to me is: PVE _IS_ the foundation of this game, even on any ostensible "PVP-centric" server that might exist.
  3. Mikiy

    Mikiy Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2015
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    No your right i didn't destroy all thrusters, but does destroying all thrusters remove those invisible walls ? Cause that would sort of make the invisible walls then look like they are an intentional design choice rather then some collision model desync.

    Since my return to this game, i've had 2 encounters with patrol vessels, one was on a planet and i thought it would be more efficient to just poke a hole in its belly and gun the core or its generator down as i didn't have enough ammo with me to take on all those thrusters and i actually had plans to salvage the thrusters.. and it did actually work, killed the generator, ship fell, i killed the core and got the thrusters that i was after. But i did notice a lot of invisible walls inside the ships belly, which i found irritating when exploring.

    The other time i killed all the guns on a space patrol vessel but had accidentally a collision with it which made my small ships fuel tank explode and to my surprise the patrol vessel completely stopped moving right there. Gladly im prepared for accidents with a box of emergency spare parts, so repairing was no issue and since it had already stopped i thought i'd hop on and take alook if it has an interior, but invisible walls stopped that plan.

    Tbh if those invisible walls are meant to stop us from exploring and are there intentionally there to force some sort of progression through killing all the thrusters first (which seems to be the way to go as i read here) then i guess my feedback about that would be, that they should consider making that wayyyyy more intuitive in the actual game, as one can't expect players to search around on the forums first to learn how to attack something in game.

    Especially the detail that those walls are invisible is some kind of bad design choice, i'd much rather see some indestructible but clearly visible forcefields and some helpful popup to explain the situation/progression when boarding. However even better would be if they would finaly add walking-on-moving-ships and magnetic boots.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
  4. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    that is my understanding. the one and only planetary patrol vessel I have stopped moving had those invisible walls It also had a glitched core visually there but not showing on the multitool. Others on the server said that has been a bug from way back. I found out about the thrusters from this video. to see the mention of this start at about 15 minutes into the video

    I think the "bug" self-destructing freighters has been "fixed" again
  5. Apple

    Apple Ensign

    Jul 31, 2020
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    I tend to agree with players like Doc Aze - storming a patrol vessel and conquering it was/is an awesome experience, specially in a more hardcore-minded survival guide. The feeling to be completely outgunned and outclassed, trying and finally getting to the patrol vessel - just to have it make *poff* in the moment of your (at that point) greatest victory is rather demotivating.

  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    What do you expect them to tell us ? "We have no idea if what we're doing will work, but thanks for waiting" ? lol

    Whatever bit they will throw players they will be criticized by some. Can't please everyone, repeating myself again.

    They are the ones treating the cow, not us.
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    you are talking about tomorrow I am talking about next year
    Kassonnade likes this.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Developing a game cannot be compared with sharing information's for better knowledge in other areas of life.
    As I once pointed out: Sharing a Roadmap, more or less detailed, gives other companies a Clue what a Developer is up to and may STEAL this idea. It happens all the time. So. Not telling the Testers what will come in the future is their prerogative.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  9. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    not a roadmap a vision
    Kassonnade likes this.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    visions leads to plans and plans can be copied...
    Kassonnade likes this.
  11. stanley bourdon

    stanley bourdon Captain

    Oct 7, 2018
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    I see you have provided me with a possible explanation for volumetric lighting.

    A feature so bad no one would copy it.
    Germanicus and Kassonnade like this.
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    If you can find out the defunct "Kickstarter" page, there is a video where they explain this "vision", and we're clearly beyond that by far now.

    So what I wrote 6 posts above is the closest I can get to what they may be thinking now.
    stanley bourdon likes this.
  13. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Germanicus: so why we could not use the cleanup settings aready in the dedicated server? Wouldn't be it a good idea to expand upon that? There is a pretty good exampe of needed switches in Space Engineers settings.
    Also putting these settings in menus aren't necessary, there are good people who can create scenarios with unexploding vessels - so they will be in the menus.
    The ideas in the game could be stolen by simply playing it. I mean you know it better if it's a problem, but man, you devs are making a fine piece of work, and those sady people can't copy that - and that is what matters.
    And oh,. I wish so much to go thru 20 pages of description about the settings, please do so!

    Kassonnade: I have problems with understanding your communication.
    You write intelligent and consistent sentences of your viewpoint, which are so good they can emotionally sway the opinions of people. But the same time a lot of times they are so much out of context of the comments you are replying to, I wonder what is the cause of it?
    Are you a developing AI personality? If yes, I'm totally fine with it, just refine your processing more.
    Or don't you really just skim over them before writing, not really check on what you believe they are writing? Then please stop it - if you haven't got time to understand, just postpone your reply, because you will seem to be strange.
    Okay, I am strange too, but you catch my drift?
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I know, I can do better. We all can, can't we ?

    Well thank you very much.

    It might be a simple perception issue on your part, mostly because you have no way to know what I am thinking, and I'm not going to write everything I'm thinking about each time I reply. So sometimes I can address each point if they are vastly different, as it is complex to answer otherwise, and other times I will simply address the "spirit" of the message, which can revolve around a principle easy to distinguish in the message, even if it's a wall-of-text.

    I also want to avoid post inflation, if possible. There is not a "set rule" here, it always depends of context.

    Not sure about what you mean here. I need more details. An AI personality ?

    I usually take care to read everything, but I don't make inferences further than what is written, like many people do around here: " So you think that... " or " What you are really saying is that..." are common ways to divert from the subject, for examples, and these are not honest ways to discuss as they refer to unknowns or "untold". Those are "conclusions" and we get to conclusions by asking questions to gather facts (when possible), not by making inferences.

    And I make typos sometimes, being a French speaker and lacking all the subtleties of the English language and culture (as if it was monolithic... lol)...

    lol... such entitlement. You could at least apply for Moderator jobs before telling me what to do. Besides that, thank you for caring about how I could be "perceived", but frankly you should care more about yourself. But thanks for the advice, I'll put it in the box beside my desk with all the other similar "Here's what you should do to comply with my vision"...

    You chose the word "strange", not me. I have no such feeling that people are "strange" just reading at text on a (game) forum. Emotional ? Entitled ? Irrational ? You name it. But "strange" is just too general, and I try not to judge people, only their arguments. I even let pass insults and personal attacks many times before reacting, and then people will get furious being served their own medicine when I have had enough. But they will not "change", even if we all wish others to "change" to fit our own fancy.

    Like you try to do here with me. As an adult, you should know better.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2020
    Normal69 likes this.
  15. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Yeah, the message got thru, and was meant for exactly that, not to change you to my fancy.
    It feels happy in any box you can provide (it prefers deep red ones with black velvet inside covering).
    No typos were perceived on your side whatsoever.

    But pushing the grok aside, can you provide some insight why the usual cleanup settings aren't good for this partol-seppuku problem, why these and these alone need a separate mechanics to be handled?

    Before (and if) answering please accept that I like to be a jolly scrapper-asteroid miner in this wonderful game. ;)
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I can, but I would only repeat what I have written already in this thread. It's not worth repeating if people ask again expecting to get a different answer. Like Hummel wrote at some point, "this is due to change and get some adjustments at some point". The rest is just an emotional response from some players, and a waste of time until they get out of that state.

    I did notice that long before you mention it, you know. But I am not trying to "comfort" players by siding with them saying the devs are (insert negative word here) because it only makes matters worse. And it can comfort the developers into thinking that they have to force things a bit because players will always react the same when facing gameplay changes - they have seen this for 5 years now. They didn't change, and neither did the players. Sometimes they backpedal, sometimes not. Roll the dice here.
    Normal69 likes this.
  17. Normal69

    Normal69 Lieutenant

    Jul 14, 2018
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    Yeah I cannot say bad things about the dev(s) here.
    A lot of interaction with players, it worths the bugreports and ideas we post.
    DJNOOB and Germanicus like this.
  18. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    I want (even if it is fantasy :))-
    1. Disable the enemy vessel, be that thrusters, generators or what ever.
    2. Board the vessel
    3. Fight the crew!!
    4. Take down the core
    5. Loot
    Happy with a ship destruct , as long as it is an explosion, not a blinking out of existence. With warning countdown to destruction (think the flashing lights as Ripley prepares to abandon the mothership in Alien). The debris should be lootable though...

    Also happy with persistence of wreck, but probably best for Solo/co op PVE games

    Happy with one time only event (probably in single player/co op) or timed respawn/repeat (probably in MP).

    It would also be good if the immobilization of the vessel, or a time after your attack commences, that a distress signal is sent by the vessel, triggering some form of reinforcements... (I think I would rather the reinforcements be so powerful, that you are going to flee, as a mechanism for getting us away from a wreck, than just blinking out of existence.

    Immersion and story should be a prime consideration. Especially with AI encounters.
  19. DJNOOB

    DJNOOB Ensign

    Jul 15, 2020
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    I like your thinking on this. The issue with the reinforcements though is balance for SP vs MP. That kind of scenario puts a solo player a big disadvantage. I think if a solo player has taken down the ship, killed the crew, and taken out the core, they should be able to reap all the rewards. Just like any POI. It's not a bad idea though, just very tough to balance.
  20. Dirty Bird

    Dirty Bird Ensign

    May 25, 2018
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    @ Hummel-o-war

    Whats so hard about this? DON'T Take AWay the Prize.

    It can take hours of game time to loot and or strip a ship in space Not every one, me included uses the turret tool to disassemble a ship or a POI on a planet or in space. And if you do use the Turret Tool, this still takes a lot of time.

    6 min's is no time at all as many of the cache on these structures are well hidden. The disappointment i had after fighting a LGC ship (you know the one that looks like a sea creature or shell and then having it disappear was just ) down hearting to say the least, not being able to board my prize and loot it and or get what ever i wanted from what i had achieved. The Prize if you look at that way. And was just a Waste of my time. And a huge waste of my resources. Till it's fixed i won't do it again. No satisfaction in it. And not worth the resources that i had just wasted.

    I nearly just raged quit the game.

    Here's and example:
    Your a heavy weight Boxer, you just won a Major Boxing Match against a World Contender and then when you had won all blooded and beaten up, they just took the money , trophy and title away and gave you nothing. would you stay a heavy weight boxer or move on to some thing else . If that's the plan then yes you are succeeding, i thought you had a game you wanted people to Play. and Enjoy.

    ( Understand that i'm 100% disabled and game playing is mostly what i do, my hands barely work ) I also use to mod games back in the day, ran many a gaming Server for years for DayZ , Rust, Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl, FreeLancer and many other games and admin, moderated, and owned a few also forums and Live chats. Did Beta testing of games Like Black Prophecy ( Another Space Flick )for over a year just on that one game. and some other software. now i just play the games. I'm a Warlord on Warframe and have run many a clan on many games of all types.

    In DayZ we would reset the server every 6 to 12 hours ( this depended on the player base ) for respawning of structures and things in the game. we didn't have a despawn set in the game to remove things other then the Zeds. Or the undead if you will, would despawn after about 30 min's or so. this game is based on looting, fighting to survive and building to.

    So i do understand a little about how gaming and people work.

    When you take away the mechanic that makes great gaming. what the use of playing said game.

    A simple script that when i leave the area, say warped to a new system. then a despawn could happen. Or make it stay say 8 hours in game time. say you have a base in the system and needed to unload and go back to the wreck, this would give the player time to do that. But just making it to despawn. you just took the Prize away.

    Makes it so the player goes out of their way to just not do the fight and find another way to do things or they will move on to a game that gives them the prize. Sorry but that's just plain life and human beings.

    In Single Play fields the wreck should just stay were it's at.

    Different mechanic's for a different type of playfield like in Multiplayer yes give it a couple of hours. if it's just looting a player is after if it's the ship they want then let them have it. They fought for it

    Thing is if i put a core in it it's mine. If wanted to take and make it flyable then so be it. It's mine it's salvage and i rebuilt it. You don't want people to have said tech that's on the ship make it unrepairable , already a mechanic for some things in the game. so if it gets destroyed in a fight you would have to replace the turret with a different one. Talking about LGC tech here not player or other faction tech.

    This is another problem i find in the game. I captured a POI base well it had some turrets on it. i removed them as a unit not as parts and it's come to me as a whole different turret then what i removed. That's also wrong it should be the same turret. It doesn't matter if i put that base turret on my base and use it or not.

    Lasers in the game make no sense either, they shouldn't need " ammo " they should only need " power "to operate. This would of course mean people would need to make allowances for their power needs on ships and bases. If they wanted to run Lasers. I could see Laser boats and Missile Boats in the game.

    Your already limited to how many of these you can add to what ever structure as it is. And it would free up ID's in the game for other things.
    ( Simple is often the best solution to a problem ) Making items that require power free's up stuff on the game. there are many optimizations that can be done this way to. Lasers don't do Kinetic damage, though can and do and cause electronic disruption ( Shields of which they do in the game) and do mostly heat damage.

    You know like in Real life.

    Solar panels in space well that's really simple, again a different playfield. They have to face the sun to work. you know just like on a planet.

    And by the way in real life generators don't blow up. As a mechanical engineer I have work on many a geny they can burn out which is what i would expect to see in some cases of overloading. And the radiation on the smaller ones needs scaled back. I have them one block back in the walls and still receive the same damage as if they were right next to me this is with steel between me and the generators. I know i ask a lot but being you put such a cool effect on their looks i wanted to have them showing instead of having to hide them away.

    Just a few little things that you could maybe see that might be wrong and some suggestions. Guess what i can't type either. i can only use 2 fingers to write all this stuff. took about 3 hours lol

    Keep up the good work , and know we might disagree with some things but the community does support you dev's, and do know that change does come down the path at times we least expect it.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020
    Normal69, Ambaire, dichebach and 3 others like this.

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