What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    That's where I started too....... It's possible to survive on a few acres of coffee, or not. You always have to decide if you want to freeze to death or die of a heart attack...
  2. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Today I made a small prefab resource base for use on my co-op server.

    It's end-gamish and pretty complete. Designed for placement in co-op games with a loaner SV so it can be teleported to.

    It does not have a shield so it's probably not appropriate for planets with an active drone base.

    • Unlock level 20
    • T2 CPU
    • Airtight and ventilated
    • Single 320 kSU ammo container (all purpose storage)
    • Teleporter, motion sensor activated
    • Advanced Constructor
    • Wireless
    • O2 Station
    • Armor Locker
    • Nine Grow Plots
    • Fridge
    • Food Processor
    • Clone Chamber
    • Medic Station
    • T2 Repair Bay
    • Four cannon turrets
    • Eight sentry guns

    20200730162823_1.jpg 20200730162840_1.jpg 20200730162852_1.jpg Resource_Base-info.png
    Cased, jadefalcon, byo13 and 6 others like this.
  3. Atomino

    Atomino Captain

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Here, for example.... I told her, at least put a helmet on, it's really fucking cold out there........

    Screenshot (417).png

    I don't know if she heard it. I have to play a few more hours to find out if she made it back. But it would be really sad if not.
    Cased, Love Is Flash, byo13 and 6 others like this.
  4. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    All security measures have been taken already, as you're looking sideways when using the sink. :p
  5. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    Finally about done with the first pass, big shape stuff. Figured I'd take the USSF Oracle, designed as an expeditionary fleet mothership, for a spin in survival to see how she handles M/V. NewGame_16_2020-07-30_20-47-09.png
    Slapped down 5 USSF Barrages(heavy fighter sv), 2 USSF Mammtohs(multi-purpose carrier sv), 2 USSF Marathons(utility hvs), and a main battle tank that didn't turn out as effective as I wanted but looks kinda cool. May revisit that later.
    The USSF Flapjack(Planetary POI smasher, mini-carrier, current starter cv) fits snugly in the bottom hangar, with 4 USSF Duffels (320k box with thrusters) parked in port and starboard alcoves.
    Below the Flapjack is a storage hangar for 2 sets of USSF AD Pods(area denial), that can be carried by the Flapjack or Mammoth.

    I filled everything 320k cargo container with cv combat steel blocks. 7x320k total, with very little effect on speed. Until...


    I haven't built a dedicated combat cv yet, that's next on the list, so I parked JRandalls Skarr (... forget the rest of the name, sorry, also, this thing is amazing) CV on top of her. And filled it's containers with combat steel. Turns out it has 4 of them. I had forgotten. Top speed went from 100 to 37 in a blink. Took the oracle planetside, and she ended up fully landlocked. If structural integrity and damage were a thing for ships, I think she would have vaporized.

    As far as I'm concerned though, she'll do what I need. Flying around with every cargo hold full of combat steel cv blocks isn't on my agenda, well, ever., and she isn't really intended to go planetside anyway. She doesn't have quite as much hangar space as my last attempt at a mothership either, but then, that's why I started a new design. It wasn't fun for gameplay to have to jetpack across a massive hangar to get to the bridge. I might put that ship on my workshop along with this one when she's ready though, as is. Maybe some multiplayer types could use it.
  6. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Worked on a HV that had been planned for some time. A complete re-envisioning of a cargo HV that initially was created in alpha 6. The only part that is almost a copy of the original is the cabin window and automated doors with ramps. Otherwise, even the cabin changed by adding room for a couple passenger seats--that has more to do with avoiding a repeat of my son's earlier trip in Empyrion nearly freezing to death when I picked up his character from the other side of the starting world by slapping a seat on the outside of my HV back then. Just because it was a temperate planet didn't mean the trip wasn't dangerous for an exposed passenger. So now I have a HV option that has passenger seating in a comfy, airtight cabin. The bulk of the HV is a vast expansion over the original from alpha 6, but the original was built when SV/HV cargo boxes could each hold just as much as a CV cargo box despite their smaller size. A lot has changed since then. So now the HV is CPU compliant, and built for upgrades to tier 2 and 3. Since I tend to build to 2.0 gravity mass-volume standards, there are several upgrades to thrusters and hover engines that would also need to be completed when upgrading the two containers to their intended 5k SU each at tier 2.


    A12 Creative_2020-07-30_23-34-50.png
  7. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    And tonight, I am trapped in a treasure room in a Zirax Orbital Refinery. It looks like I'll have to resort to godmode to escape. Seriously, wtf? Nice death trap, POI designer, whoever you are. The POI has an admin core so I can't just chew through a wall.

    Robot Shark and dpburke2 like this.
  8. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    did you check the Core if it is "pre-demaged"? I mean Admin Cores have about 250 HP so it will be shot at once to show 240/250HP
    Could you check it? if full health - yeah than you are right. if not - well you can blow it up it just takes several shots with the Shotgun
    Bigtoad likes this.
  9. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    After I used godmode to get out of that room, I eventually found the core and it had a self destruct switch, so I used it. That wasn't helpful when I was trapped in that room, though. A blast door sealed shut behind me after I entered, and there was no way to open it.
    Germanicus likes this.
  10. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Today my Laptop -its now 8 Years old - gets its only Hardware Upgrade possible. 16GB more RAM. Better now than later as it is possible that such RAM will be removed one day.
    dpburke2 and byo13 like this.
  11. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Or gets too expensive.
    I'm still waiting for my 16GBs (2x8) RAM to arrive. Bought them a couple of days ago.
    Since I wanted to have the same 2666MHz frequency as my current RAM, I had to pay a little more than those of higher frequencies, more recent ones. Better now than when it becomes a rarity later.
    johnietoth1967 and Germanicus like this.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Same here. Ordered on Wednesday yesterday it was packed up today was the delivery.
    All works fine.
    byo13 likes this.
  13. Love Is Flash

    Love Is Flash Captain

    May 26, 2020
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    Today I...
    Yes, I just went to the forum to ask how are you doing?:)
    is everything okay?:rolleyes:
    but in the game for two days I have not been doing anything ... resting, looking forward to the wild new setting in the release and fixing all the bugs:D
  14. zertali

    zertali Captain

    Apr 15, 2017
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  15. Deadalready

    Deadalready Lieutenant

    Jul 17, 2020
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    20200801195210_1.jpg Server Free for All on server Venatus, our faction Outer Planet Alliance showed up in force to demonstrate how a war is done.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2020
    TRX, Love Is Flash and Germanicus like this.
  16. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Was trying out a new SV today. Took on a Zirax fuel depot
    OMG :eek::oops: was going for the last laser trying to hit me.
    Missed it by this much >| |<
    Hit the fuel tanks instead what a display of pyrotechnics. Wish I had seen it without the night vision the explosions were awesome all the static climbing to the top. When the light show was over. Well you can see there wasn't much left holding it together. :D
  17. Deadalready

    Deadalready Lieutenant

    Jul 17, 2020
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    20200802010434_1.jpg Carrying three victory trophies back from the 3 hour battle, I think we have about 8 dead ships captured for our graveyards XD
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2020
    Germanicus likes this.
  18. Bigtoad

    Bigtoad Commander

    Aug 17, 2019
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    Ha! I captured a fuel depot mostly intact today, and then I was looking at the list of devices and found 181 explosive blocks. I was planning to just shoot the next one up so I could watch it explode.
    Deadalready and RazzleWin like this.
  19. Brimstone

    Brimstone Rear Admiral

    Dec 11, 2017
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    Took the pickup out for a last salvage run before leaving Dread...



  20. EternalHeathen

    EternalHeathen Captain

    Feb 15, 2019
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    Still working on the (Tentative name) USSF Oracle, but needed a break from building the internal spaces. Did some large texturing and shaping to make the superstructure stand out a bit more. Might not be a correct engineering term, but that's how I'm thinking about it. Now sitting at size class 20-something, less than 8 million cpu... really don't understand the need for an advanced core at this point. At least not with CV's. While it's certainly a big bottomed girl, she's really starting to grow on me. Hoping she does a good job when I take her into a full playthrough... because I sure as hell don't want to start over. Again. BuildYardAlpha121_2020-08-01_22-56-29.png

    Also curious if anyone has seen any good examples of a "conference room"? BuildYardAlpha121_2020-08-01_22-56-52.png
    This is located on the topside landing deck, intended as a meeting room between the captain and foreign delegates or guests. Outside of this room are several guest rooms in fact... with two sentry guns on both ends of the hall and bulkheads along said hall to use for cover when repelling boarders.

    I looked at all the furniture pieces and half blocks/thin blocks, but couldn't find any combination, normal or crazy, that didn't look weird compared to that chair by the tables. It just looks so... pedestrian. Not the kind of seating arrangement to suitably charm/intimidate others. Thinking of maybe playing with led's for it, or it just dawned on me I might get a better result if I popped a captains chair in there.

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