Not sure if this is a bug or a "feature" so posting here first. I can adjust that option on a solo game, and a local coop game through my own client. But I cannot seem to find or get it to work on a multiplayer server (Nitrado). Since it cannot be found in their settings page (like somehow their version isn't up to date enough for it to exist?) I have gone to the gameoptions.yaml and tried inserting it directly in several combinations of location(s) and it still seems to never engage when I load the game and die. Please do not tell me this is not available for default multiplayer games and something others have gotten to work (the how would be nice to share) or a problem I can take to Nitrado that they can fix. Attached yaml from Nitrado present right after a reinstall, before any alteration or loading of the game.
I am curious about this. Was tinkering with SP today and noticed that there was an option for drop everything, keep toolbelt only, or drop nothing. Would love to set it so the toolbelt remains on our server.
It goes in the mp section of the gameoptions.yaml in the save game while the server is shut down. If this does not work then you'd have to contact Nitrado support.
I have tried, have you successfully gotten that to work? I have yet to find anyone that has gotten it to work other than in solo or local coop.
I have, but right now I am trying to see if anyone else has been able to at all and if so how. I am beginning to think this might be broken for dedicated servers.
Why would someone contact a third party server host support for a broken config option in a game? Seems one would want to contact game support instead.
Because it's the third party host that is running the server. Empyrion developers have no control over what third party hosters do. It's up to them to enable their clients to change the various game options.
I don't think so that there is anything to do with Nitrado or any other host. The only question is: Does this option works for a dedicated server or not. I also tried to put that options inside gameoptions.yaml under MP and also nothing happened. Would be nice to find somewhere a list or a table with options for all game modes, simple, true/false statement if it works or not (if there is, my apologies)
Thanks, after reading this and with the knowledge that it works, I went to check my gameoptions.yaml again if I made a mistake and ofc because I just copied and pasted the values from another file, yaml structure was not set correctly. I had tab in front of the option and yaml is sensitive about spaces and tabs. After correcting my mistake and uploading the file to Nitrado server everything works. As a suggestion, please use an editor like Notepad++ who has YAML syntax highlighting. You can also use online yaml syntax checker like YAML lint I attached my gameoptions.yaml for the reference. I also added pictures of both good and bad gameoptions.yaml how they look like inside the Notepad++, picutre of the error how it looks like inside YAML lint and finally the location of the file inside Nitrado server. Because the game was in progress, I stopped the server, uploaded the file to Empyrion\Saves\Games\YourGameName folder, in my case Eden, and restarted the server. I hope this will prevent you to make the same mistake I did.
I have configured it on our server and tested it. Seems to be working fine. Was fun to be able to adjust this, because drop everything seemed a bit severe sometimes.
Huge thanks. I actually got miffed at Nitrado's "Let's wait and see if Empyrion fixes it in the next update" attitude and went over to a server. Your yaml has some of the degradation settings and difficulty set separately but they should be usable in a dedicated server scenario. If I edit those will they work or be ignored as your yaml states at the bottom grouping?
No problem, if you want to disable something then you need to add # and space in front of the parameter Original: DiffBpProdTime: Instant # DecayTime: 24 # default value disabled DiffBpProdTime # DiffBpProdTime: Instant # DecayTime: 24 # default value and ofc vice versa, remove # and space in front of the parameter to enabled again. Just be careful with spaces. Hope this helps.