LCD Projector Unity Setting Sugestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Belzar, Aug 17, 2020.

  1. Belzar

    Belzar Ensign

    Aug 17, 2020
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    I think you guys are using Unity Canvas TextMeshPro for the LCD Projector and are using the default material instead of the Overlay, witch is why you had to offset the text from the wall as seen here

    Unity Default Material Setting

    And then With the Overlay Material
    this would make it more flexible to have the LCD Projector Usable at any angle and opposite walls, as a "Projector" would.

    hope i'm not completely off the mark...:)
    But if i am, then you could add the wall offset after the rotation of the LCD Projector so it offsets in the right direction.

    hope this helps.

    Attached Files:

  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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  3. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I've experienced that Default Material Setting issue many times. Very annoying!:mad:
    I don't understand the solution depicted above, but I'm all for implementing it as long as it doesn't require excessive input from me tp accomplish the desired results.
    The little grey cells aren't what they used to be.:(
  4. Belzar

    Belzar Ensign

    Aug 17, 2020
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    Well the solution is to select an "Overlay Shader" witch are made specifically to offset the geometry based on complex math and camera position, what the developers of Empyrion seam to have missed and offset the mesh instead of using a proper overlay shader. and if they can't use an overly shader witch have some limitation and do not always work depending on the scale they use for the scene, the least they could have done is to calculate the offset after applying the rotation of the Projector mesh. at the moment if you place an LCD Projector and move it to show on the opposite wall by changing the rotation and XYZ offset then the Mesh would be inside the wall.
    this is an image with the problems.
    The floor one is offset along the floor and the one on the opposite wall is inside the wall.
    hope this clarifies things a bit.
    P.S. this post is aimed at the developers not the players.
  5. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I get that it's for the Devs. I just wanted to remind them that whatever they do, I'd appreciate their keeping MY end of the solution SIMPLE.

    I thank you.
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Forums are for everyone. If this is only for developers you can start a private conversation with any of them and post links and images on that channel just like on regular forums, and players will not get in your way there.
    Track Driver and krazzykid2006 like this.
  7. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I'd be happy with just a little more precision in movement and placement of LCD projections. The current +/- .25 is a bit restrictive. I've run into plenty of times where a +/- .05 would be far more desirable. This might also be a viable solution for the OP.

    See, there's a reason to leave things like this open for the players. We can think of other things too.
    Track Driver likes this.
  8. Belzar

    Belzar Ensign

    Aug 17, 2020
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    I still don't understand why everyone is getting so offended by me saying it's aimed at the developers. AIMED not LIMITED TO, am i the only one that thinks this way ?
    i get that English is my 3rd self taught language, but still, English isn't that complex for me to be this misunderstood.
    or maybe i'm too aggressive with the language, witch i'll grant you guys.
    but i don't go to tampon forums asking for clarification on tampons, i'm a guy and have nothing to do with tampons.
    i'm guessing this post wont live very long based on it's aggressivity and useless content. but i need to say it.
  9. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Really? You look quite lovely for a guy.
    But that's neither here nor there. I understood your intention. My posts aren't always where they are supposed to be. You apparently have a greater understanding of the technical aspects of the software than I do. A great many people do. While I don't think it matters, I would suggest, respectfully, you preface similar posts with "For Eleon". All will read, but will be aware of your intent. For the less informed, like myself, we won't feel so fricking sensitive. ;)
  10. Belzar

    Belzar Ensign

    Aug 17, 2020
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    You have me there,
    i'm not a forum person myself, only posted this because my brother plays the game and he asked me if the behavior of the LCD projectors would have an easy fix.
    I know enough programming to get myself into trouble so i decided to investigate and found the stated problems with the projector, and i know that most developers will run over a problem with a quick fix to keep the projects momentum.
    So i decided to post this about a game i don't play for the developers that i don't know hopping that this information could boil up to the developers and get fixed for the people that do play the game.
    I know that forums have Dos and Don't , and i guess i should just post and forget. but in this case i noticed that the information i posted could need some extra clarification in it's content and in it's target.
    i guess the target was something i should have left out based on forum ethics.
    And then the fact that i got butt hurt for someone pointing out that i violated forum ethic is all on me. and have nothing to do with a single individual.
    So my not so straight Apology witch will most likely also be taken as aggressive since i didn't just say sorry and left it at that.
    and for my Lovely appearance i cant remember the origin of the image or the game and i chose it based on what i see everywhere and what i want to see everywhere and my face isn't it. :)
  11. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Not me.. I'm horribly insensitive. No need to apologize or agonize over it. You said your bit. Anyone who wants to complain about it is free to do so and be skimmed over.
    Belzar likes this.
  12. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Now that that's settled, can somebody actually fix this?
    Again, keeping it simple for us less informed. :confused:
    Belzar likes this.

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