Previous predator Creatures toggled to factions kill all survival spirit

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by El_Globo, Aug 15, 2020.

  1. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    I really don't get the point of the way developpers set existing predator basic creatures toggled to factions (KRIEL), or others.

    On my starter planet and furthermore on the lava planet where I landed, all these alien assassins wandering around me and set to friendly because of my reputation with the kriel faction. I could scratch their bellies, like a puppet dog..... The night before I had to run in the dark....

    I find it totally unlogical, not immersive at all, and lore killing to "toggle" basic monsters as intelligent species. It kills the feeling of the game and the spirit of basic survival.

    I really hope that the developpers will make some efforts to make new intelligent species and basic predators, and revert these modifications.

    Even if I find it easy not to say lazy to make basic existing monsters tamed as bio weapons to a faction (like legacy supervisors, nightmares), there should be a sort of chain of command and hierarchy....(look at games like X-COM, UFO enemy unknown). There's also a french comic series named "SILLAGE" which depict a massive space convoy of intelligent species crossing the galaxy to find some ressources. Take a look on the species, their specific role in the whole chain of command... It is much more immersive.

    Empyrion team has made a good starting playground, but it needs now to improve greatly interraction with species, populate species and factions, and make the living more immersive, otherwise it will stay a fun creative sandbox craft making, like a nice house which basic foundation would have been constructed and then the work would be stopped or cancelled.

    Please, don't screw it all. It is already a good game in his current state, but it could be much more...
    Ambaire, Love Is Flash and Sofianinho like this.
  2. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    To which creatures are you referring? Alien Assassins and Hexapods? So they became a faction that did not previously exist either. Do you know the primary function of survival is adaptation?
    Seems like you need to adapt your tactics to survive here.
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    "Do you know the primary function of survival is adaptation?" & "Seems like you need to adapt your tactics to survive here"
    Yes, thank you very much.... for nothing !
    And I'm speaking of alien assassins and other creatures which were hunting me on my swamp starting planet at night. They were hostile as they should be.....
    Then long after I landed on an high G lava planet to prospect deposit and they were a dozen literaly at the hangar door of my CV doing nothing .... I just came close enough to scratch their bellies (would have done it if the option existed). They were now tagged as KRIEL and KRIEL were friendly with me...

    It looks like if the alien creatures from the movies suddenly became tagged and friendly....

    So why do you write such *** things ? There's no need of adaptation when the fear of predators goes away.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2020
    Ambaire likes this.
  4. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I want to say "just to annoy you", but that would make this about you, and it's not. I had a similar "Oh, really?" moment, when I saw Alien Assassins on my starter world too, and my instinct was to shoot them on sight, as countless previous play-throughs have made me think of these as Hostiles - but I noticed they didn't come charging at me, and I held my fire and read their tag - Kriel. A quick check, and they're Neutral with me. Ok... that's... different, but I can deal with that. I didn't shoot, they remained neutral, at least, until the Zirax started pestering me, then I noticed my rep was improving, and in short order, we were Friendly. I found their traders to be useful, their structures quite interesting, and I'm still perfectly happy shooting Legacy things for XP.

    It really is about adapting, because despite having removed the "Early Access" tag, resetting the version to 1.x, Empyrion is still a very much growing and developing game. This is no different from the fits thrown when Mass/Volume were introduced, or when CPU was introduced, and people found they could no longer put 1200 RCS's, 96 Generators, and 32 of each type of turret and weapon on every ship they built.

    I had zero sympathy then, and I have none now. Expect things to change. Expect things to change drastically, and adapt to those changes. It's less stressful and avoids confrontational-seeming posts like this. I don't care for the "new" Oxygen Station mesh. It clashes with most of my previous designs. But I'm not demanding it be changed, or berating anyone for changing it, I just modified my designs a bit to accommodate the change.

    I didn't care for Phoenix Fern Fronds being removed from medicine recipes, but I adapted. I did like the change from Plastic blocks to Carbon blocks, and the removal of grain from the recipe. Maybe there's someone out there who still laments the change from Plastic to Carbon, and found themselves the owner of huge wheat fields formerly used to manufacture plastic. I rather hope not, but hey, we get hung up on whichever minute details we like.

    And there are still plenty of predators to be afraid of out there... the Zirax are still innately hostile. Horrors are still hostile. You're never more than 10 feet from a spider. Creepys still hate us too - and who knows, this could simply be paving the way for even more bio-diversity that is really needed here - which may very well include all new predators and worse things.
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    @El_Globo quote: ".....There's no need of adaptation when the fear of predators goes away."

    Just SHOOT at one of them (because your are hungry or just Triggerhappy or whatever) and within Seconds your Fear of Predators is back;)
  6. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Yes ! But you know, I'm trying to maintain roleplay : I already screwed all my relationship on my first play with talon because after having completed one mission, night raptors ran after me in their camp and bite my asses while I was debriefing with the chief. So, I did what you said with the shotgun and my reputation dropped because I killed innocent creatures (don't know why because killing predators normally increase you rep ?)
    Ambaire and Germanicus like this.
  7. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    If you were using a shotgun, you could have just as easily damaged a building, or even a block making up the floor. Been there, done that, only it was a spider, not a raptor. Took me a whole... 20 minutes to restore my rep a couple hundred meters away.
    Germanicus likes this.
  8. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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  9. Taemien

    Taemien Ensign

    Jun 22, 2018
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    The Alien Assassin and Hexapods are sentient creatures. They have their own ships, stations, and all that. That's why they have a faction. Is it weird that they start out neutral? I dunno, depends on the lore.

    As for RP and Immersion. If your character would shoot a monster, then they shoot what they think looks like monsters. Nothing wrong with that. Its not wrong to play an ignorant character, or one with backwards thinking, one that's afraid, or just in general a bigoted jerk. Its your story, you write it how you wish. Not every character in a story is a hero.

    In my playthroughs, the Zirax are aggressive off the bat. Even if I don't do anything to them, they attack my base. The Kriel don't like the Zirax and its not hard to get friendly with Kriel by simply surviving against the Zirax. So it turns into the enemy of my enemy is my friend situation just naturally.

    Though like others said. If you want to go to war with them and treat them like the monsters they look like. Open up on them. It only takes one encounter to make them the monsters you think they should be. Its your story.
  10. El_Globo

    El_Globo Commander

    Jul 2, 2020
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    Of course, I agree with all what you said. Re-reading my original post shows that I was upset, and certainly I didn't found the right words in english (which isn't my native tongue) as I see reactions of several here. I feel somehow misunderstood.
    I won't debate endlessly on a false subject but to be clear (well trying to) :
    1) As in real life and nature, I'd like a wide panel of basic predators and preys not belonging to any faction. I can't imagine anybody can't share this fact, it is the basic of life, realism ! What can I say more ?
    2) I didn't even have a judgement nor the will to impose what creature belongs to which faction. I just thought that X-COM series showed a interesting way of different creatures/roles hierarchy. Period.
    3) Of course everybody can play the way he likes, did I said the contrary ? I never argued about that (just wanted to share funny examples), and if I'm a beginner in this game, I've been playing video games for nearly 40 years, played and mastered many pen and paper rolegames in my youth.... So I know what a roleplay is in general and what you can do with it....
    4) I never complained that I couldn't do whatever I wanted, I just wanted to share the feeling of an immersive situation : imagine "Alien 2 picture" where suddenly the surviving marines of the first onslaught meet again these terrible predators in another room where the "switch" made them neutral. You imagine the scene ? Personnaly I would check the picture script to see if it is a counterfeit version !

    And for the record, the only monsters I see in the world (the real) are humans !
  11. Taemien

    Taemien Ensign

    Jun 22, 2018
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    I think we can agree the planets need more variation in NPCs. I wouldn't mind seeing more 'Predators' as the game classes them. Dangerous non-sentient animals that can be an interesting obstacle or even a resource to exploit.

    Right now its raptors, spiders, and some plant monster for the most part. I'd like to see more variation to match the various biomes that can be found on the planet. And we kinda do. But the stuff in a forest on one planet is the same as the forest in another planet, or star system, for that matter.
  12. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    According to the lore, the kriel are not very nice and really should start out as unfriendly. Plus they wouldn't be randomly wandering in the swamp on a starter planet. You can even find them (as pol faction) on trade stations just walking around.

    That doesn't fit their lore from what I've read

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