Project Eden (WIP massive random scenario)

Discussion in 'Scenarios' started by ravien_ff, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. Stampy

    Stampy Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2020
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    First, massive thanks for this massive mod. I play reforged eden in SP and on a server, and it's just great. I have a question, looked on the forums and didn't see an answer. Has anyone set up a Wiki for all the things you can find? I was considering building one based on my explorations, documenting what I encountered and wondered if anyone has already done this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Thank you!
    No, I don't have a wiki set up or anything. Just no time to make one.
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Something isn't right here... it say's 16:45 min until Sun Set....but its pitch Dark and the Sun Rise is still minutes away...

    and no, it isn't the Rogue Planet which i am on:rolleyes:

    V1.2PEB3109_2020-09-18_10-36-23.png V1.2PEB3109_2020-09-18_10-36-38.png
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
  4. Dave The Rave

    Dave The Rave Ensign

    Sep 23, 2020
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    I'll start by saying what a great Scenario this is. many hours spent playing with friends but a problem has occurred.

    I think this storyline might be broken, I did the 4 survey missions in alfa beta delta and epsilon, upon completion should get a mission according to the description but just got an error! and an option to send an email. nothing found relating to the next mission in PDA. Then I jumped to a system with legacy data cores in it (to do with the object 82 mission if I'm not mistaken) and just as I come out of warp same error msg! Am I missing something could it be related to the server or have i just not delved deep enough into space?
    Germanicus likes this.
  5. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    If it's on a server it's hard to say where the problem would be. As long as the server owner followed the install directions and is running the live version of the game it should work.
    If they didn't follow all the directions then it will cause errors.
  6. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    My wife and I are currently doing the dead planet survey (visiting type K & A stars and get a unique token based on Dead type 1-6) and can't find a type 6 dead planet anywhere. After visiting over fifty dead planets after finding 1-5's I tried creating a "probe" ship and then did a drunkard's walk (ie "drank a can of Lucille IPA while jumping star to star in type K/A systems") hoping that afterward I could use a "select * from Playfields where planettype = <fkey>" sort of thing to create a long-range sensor probe via query solution. Sadly the Playfields table does not provide the T=1-6 granularity required.

    Does anybody have a console command / look at yaml files / "the magic mustard is ___" cheat I could employ to this "really tired of killing boars in the forest while Rosencrantz and Guildenstern keep flipping heads" dilemma?
    Germanicus likes this.
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Sorry there's no cheat to do it.
    Dead type 6 are the rarest of them all. I just adjusted them so they all have more of an even spawning chance but it won't take effect until the next update to the scenario.
    Next update will also include the second part of that mission, since right now the mission ends after you find all 6 so you're not missing anything yet.

    Just remember they are more likely around K and D class stars (if the mission says A that's a typo!)
    imlarry425 likes this.
  8. GlitchedVision

    GlitchedVision Ensign

    Aug 30, 2020
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    I'm looking forward to the next update :) I love the rebalance of resources and all the new content :)
  9. Karstedt

    Karstedt Ensign

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Just finished the infected on a Sienna start. Really like it, great work on the POI's and love all the details on the colony ship, was still noticing and admiring little touches as I cannibalized it for my CV.

    Not sure how fine the control over the Sienna start you have, but it requires a good sized patch of taiga and an iron rock within 1-2km (on hard) of crashing depending on how much space you have to chase the sun. I had several doomed starts due to poor random luck. The arbitrary decision of Eleon to make thermal regulator a level 3 unlock is part of the problem.

    I use the drone extensively to avoid inescapable death traps... thanks to some of Eleon designers... I triggered the decontamination room in the Lost Colony with the drone and locked myself out

    The Colony Ship is missing a CPU extender, or at least a spot where it got exploded... for continuity. At least on Reforged, it is waaaay over what a core alone can operate. The ambush leading to the bridge is pretty close to 'haha, game master killed you'; it should probably trigger a block or 2 closer to where you enter.

    The destroyed station has some issues with creatures falling into space... not your fault, just kind of makes for sillyness. I felt like the top 2 levels needed an alternate path. It's pretty unsurvivable so I was relegated to elevator luring which felt cheesy. Maybe it's intended for better equipment, I could have gone to another system and picked up materials for rockets to clear the upper levels, but I was kind of following the whole limited resources feel of Sienna.

    Anyway, looking forward to the continuation, great work!
    ravien_ff likes this.
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Glad you liked it and thanks for the feedback!
    I have already made an adjustment on that section before the bridge that will be included with the next update that should help a bit more. I'll add a CPU extender to the ship too since I had made it long before CPU was ever a thing. :D

    I'll also replace the doors on the decon chamber with ones you can easily shoot through.
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Heads up for the experimental branch:
    Having multiple of the new asteroid rings in a single space playfield causes an error loop. I'll be updating the scenario to remove those multiple rings from playfields but it will only apply to new games.
    I'll also file a bug report on it in case it is a bug so hopefully it can be fixed.

    It affects the playfields associated with Object 82 and some of the Progenitor Core sectors, so if you're on the experimental branch do not warp to those sectors or you'll lose your save game.
  12. Stampy

    Stampy Lieutenant

    Sep 17, 2020
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    Ravien_ff, any plans to add single player missions like the team missions? Specifically looking at the "attack POIs and get 4 epic sniper rifle" quest. Also, not sure if it's PE or RG related, but it seems that the POIs have been renamed, for example the Epsilon Fortress is now just "Fortress" so it's hard to find the right POIs to get credit.

  13. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I do plan on adding a lot more missions in the future. :D
    The poi renames are a default thing.
  14. Karstedt

    Karstedt Ensign

    Sep 25, 2020
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    On the Dead Starter 2 planet is that first POI 'unknown signal' supposed to count toward the destroy ruins core objective? I made it there, destroyed the core and it didn't count.

    Also had some issues with the explore 4-5 different ruins objectives on the Dead Starter 1 planet. They did not trigger as complete but when I quit and load while next to a POI of that type it completed on load, so I just went to the different types, quit, the restarted.
    ravien_ff likes this.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    No that one won't count I believe.

    That is unfortunately a game bug. The PDA sometimes only counts the closest POI to you when you took the mission as being a valid objective. Reloading the game will sometimes fix it like you noticed.
  16. Astrée

    Astrée Lieutenant

    Oct 8, 2020
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    First, wanted to thank you so much for this awesome mod :) Can't wait for the next part of the quest.
    I also have a very hard time finding the 6 types. I visited more than 50 dead planets and only found 4 types until now. Yes, it's really hard to find some dead planets, because I didn't find any way to know how to recognize the type of a dead planet. Do we really need each time to go right to the POI spot and get the item before knowing we found a new dead type, or more than often just learn we found again the same as before ?
    imlarry425 and Germanicus like this.
  17. imlarry425

    imlarry425 Captain

    Jan 10, 2019
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    >Do we really need each time to go right to the POI spot
    Actually no, once you enter the planet's playfield you can see the type in the map view but it isn't available from orbit/in-system. We found ours too. 8^) After all the "not here" it was pretty cathartic!
    Astrée likes this.
  18. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It looks like a bit of a bug with it not showing the type of planet. You can tell by what color it is too.
    I can add the types to the description so you can see it from within the solar system.

    The spawn chances of them were set so type 5 and especially 6 were very rare. Next update they should be a lot easier to find them all.

    The second half of the mission is hard but a lot of fun. :D
    Astrée likes this.
  19. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    You'll also get a unique weapon that's good for clearing groups of alien bugs. :D
    Astrée and Wellingtoon like this.
  20. Astrée

    Astrée Lieutenant

    Oct 8, 2020
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    Yes yes yes ! :D

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