Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. Arthmoor

    Arthmoor Commander

    Sep 30, 2020
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    I wouldn't even mind so much if they made the salvage operation require a separate block with its own resource cost, just so the "Repair Bay" remains accurately described. Call the new one the "Salvage Bay" or whatever.
  2. Lordmoore

    Lordmoore Ensign

    Nov 2, 2020
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    Automated ships/drones
    Modding tools
    Improved AI
    Darinth likes this.
  3. ukd777

    ukd777 Ensign

    Mar 19, 2017
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    when Pause game, please mute all sounds
    Deadalready, Bollen and Germanicus like this.
  4. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    OK, I reassessed my prioritys:

    1.) better visibility / clarity: the crosshair, ore symbols on the system map... being hard to see, the overlays of waypoints blocking view... the reflections of the (blocked) sun blinding view in windows and all those litle disturbing visuals
    2.) better modding suport (we are on the right way here, still stuff like access to energy values in solar devices, the status of constructors, maybe even control of constructors is missing)
    3.) better block manipulation: make a tool for cutting stuff off a block, and we need a tool to copy/mirror existing blocks/groups of blocks that is easyer then the menu thing that is there, better undo/redo bound to keys, not in the menu. also saving/sharing of blocks or block groups and combining some blocks/devices in one spot, like a chair and wall or wall and lcd. (I played dual universe, it has nice controlls for the building part, but feels empty; i guess the fine rotation and fine voxel controll wont be possible)

    runner up:
    less anoing sounds. (water extractor and such)
    support for walking in moving ships
    better optimization, it should run a bit better (even when i play in 4k) on a high-end machine...
    Crao and Spoon like this.
  5. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    About walking on moving ships: From the Depths (also a Unity game) has a system where you can "attach" to the craft you're standing on. It works brilliantly. You can walk around in flying planes, ships on the move, spacecraft, you can even stand on a nuke and ride it into an enemy Dr. Strangelove style. Now FtD is more complex in building craft and how they work but, it is far more bare-bones than Empyrion in all other aspects. But it is still voxel-based Unity game. Maybe Eleon can get some ideas from it and try something similar?
  6. Mireigi

    Mireigi Ensign

    Nov 7, 2020
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    1. Gravity generators no longer increasing gravity if overlapping.
    2. More half blocks, particularly the rounded and holed ones.
    3. Build-in railing options for (long) stairs.
  7. Bollen

    Bollen Captain

    Mar 22, 2017
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    Or better yet... Shows us the gravity field in the Configure menu...
    Yubogolfer and Smithor like this.
  8. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    1) Previously - Zirax soldiers got disorientated when they received damage! It helped to survive! now - somehow it disappeared! I shoot the soldier Zirax, but he does not react, and like a robot he shoots at me! this is death ... please bring Zirax's reaction back to retaliation!
    2) automatic landing of the vessel (autopilot) upon landing on the landing platform.
    3) Magnetic boots on the character - to move around a moving ship! Anchor point (coordinate system) - ship's core!
    4) drilling stones that are on the surface - so that x1 stone falls out, but the amount of available ore - as before - for x2 stones! ... because picking up x1 stone is EASIER than looking for x2 stone!
    5) for HV and SV - add a medical station with a spawn point!
    6-1) a fishing rod and a fishing net - to fish in any body of water,
    6-2) respectively - new food - dried fish (does not spoil), fried fish, fish with vegetables, fish with vegetables and wine, canned fish with vegetables.
    7) Repair compartment and repair console - updating the vessel FROM THE BLUEPRINT - if the drawing is "updated" - new blocks and modules are added to it in the TVore mode - then the VESSEL REBUILDING will take place -> ACCORDING TO THE NEW BLUEPRINT .... In fact - this method can be used - for example - just SV -> turn into a "flying elephant" (also based on SV) :)
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2020
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ and Bollen like this.
  9. HexCaliber

    HexCaliber Ensign

    Aug 7, 2015
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    1. More blueprints, not purchased through skill points, but found during the course of gameplay. Such as harvesting unknown techs, in rare crates, sold at faction vendors and so on. Boosters to current technologies and equipment would be most welcome.

    2. Dynamic Faction wars, with the ability for players to side with an AI faction.

    3.More dynamic building blocks allowing automation of bases and cv's in particular. Automated mining and production loops, etc.
    PYROHYDRA likes this.
  10. ibGumby

    ibGumby Ensign

    Apr 24, 2019
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    Radioactive fog should act like fog and hug the ground.When I'm a few hundred meters up the side of a mountain, why am I still in radioactive fog?
  11. idx64

    idx64 Lieutenant

    Jul 25, 2019
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    1.- Modify the size of the gates as you wish. (Very necessary) .-
    2.- Automatic landing. as in NMS.-
    3.- Possibility of teleporting to the ship from an enemy base or an adjustable close position.-
  12. Gnasha

    Gnasha Ensign

    Jul 30, 2020
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    Hi, big fan - great game. Would love it of the little orange arrow that shows the warp direction after it was selected was larger please.
    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ likes this.
  13. Ranzeth

    Ranzeth Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    1. Walking around on ships. Super annoying that Empyrion doesn't allow for this.

    2. Developers focusing on MP stability and feature development.
    J'ee and nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ like this.
  14. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I had the idea last night of custom blocks made by combining two existing blocks in a new interface. These could then show up as custom dual blocks, in the flavor of our custom decals, now. So for example, if you wanted to create a truss L-shaped wall, you'd then combine two truss walls into an L-shape and use and rotate that as you please. Use the greater hitpoint value of the two, or do some fancy math. Some blocks can't be combined, like most devices, but I know somebody out there wants to put that door on that bathroom as one block, so they could put the new and improved bathroom in narrow hallways such as created by the fancy corridor block set. Pretty please, because we have custom decals, now?
  15. Dragon

    Dragon Captain

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Something similar to mimic blocks in From the Depths could also work. Mimic blocks can mimic the appearance of any block or device in the game, the player can then adjust the offset, size and shape of the block. It works brilliantly for finer detailing or filling up spaces where other blocks won't fit.
    J'ee likes this.
  16. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Or just let us use CAD programs to create blocks for importation, those of us who are determined enough, now that Empyrion lets us import other things, namely decals for the new 1.3 update. Why not whole shapes, too? I know jrandall knows a couple CAD programs (does it show??) and others may also be 3D designers. That could make Empyrion stand out from the crowd, or at least compete with these "Mimic blocks," interesting.

    In the least, it may lift a burden on Eleon for creating block shapes. They are always getting block shape requests, obviously by people who actually care enough about their designs and artwork, who may be said 3D designers who could then make the blocks themselves. Some of their pictures of what they need, are created in CAD!

    For anyone who balks, I should remind them that Eleon also gave us the ability to use complex code in our LCDs, and many designers, like CrazyZ, have used that to great effect because wow, it looks just like HTML code and signs can be placed floating next to or even inside voxels (I like trying to place LCD stuff inside heavy windows). That was a smart design move, because thanks to the Workshop, it doesn't take many designers who can use the tools efficiently for their creations to be enjoyed by everyone who plays, yes?
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2020
    tony hug likes this.
  17. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I'd like to see ambient G levels, like ambient temperature, and in space, ambient gravity planes, as well. When these things overlap, it's bad enough, but when two ships get near each other at different angles, it's really bad.
  18. Brehon

    Brehon Lieutenant

    Sep 15, 2019
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    My #1, #2 and #3 is address text chat. Being a space game having the ability to set a few frequency chats would be amazing coupled with a local chat. Local being it can only be heard at x distance or shorter. There are a good deal of people that would flock to the game and rp various universes if they could do so without it all having to be in global where is just irritates folks.
  19. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Careful your requests aren't mutually exclusive. Eleon did ask us, before the update that gave us shields because that's what people voted for, if we wanted automated ships which you could walk around on. I didn't say yes to that as a primary, because I was thinking that while cool, it might be rather unstable, especially in multiplayer, for a long time until fully refined. If we get automated ships (and we should, I've made suggestions about it, too, on a couple levels), it may have to be an option that the admin turns on for their server for the players to test, or else leaves off if they want more stability.
    Ranzeth likes this.
  20. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    1. CVs should not be the strongest moving structures on planets and moons.
    HVs and SVs are almost useless for fights in atmophere!

    2. Proper UI /GUI for Water Generators, Autominers and others.
    The current one is just awfulwhen M/Vis activatedas you need a connected toolbar to move a decent amount of items, so how about instead of our backpack we can send the items to the connected box?

    3. Better avatar combat.
    NPC aim, NPC combat behavior, crouch, prone, modular weapons, proper modulation of armors, proper recoil and spray and etc. There are lots of options to improve avatars combat and it would really improve the feeling of the game as raiding POIs is an important part of the gamefromthe start on.
    khulkhuum likes this.

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