Experimental v1.3

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Pantera, Dec 1, 2020.

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  1. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    I will even say more - turn = 40 m / s for HV is very small, 60-80-100 is already + -, but this requires a huge amount of DCS and space for them, which in turn greatly inflates HV.
    So in the end, when I decided to create a top-end HV for ore mining (lasers for meteorites,
    a turret for underground ores) with a storage volume of 32k (not counting the ammunition storage) and low durability of only 1 block of "Combat steel" and 1 "reinforced" block, I ended up just saying "what kind of clumsy ****" and made a large SV with a carrying capacity 1000 tons / 32k storage and six drills.......
    P.S. Yes, of course, as a sane person, I put the whole range of weapons on this HV so that I don't have to go back for a digger after finding a meteorite or ore deposit or after finding a base to go "1212121 kilometers" back for an armored personnel carrier.

    The same fate awaited intermediate HVs at levels 7 and 20 - he threw all the HVs down the toilet and made several SVs to replace them. And I think that I will not do more hangars for HV in CV at all. Although I have always loved the HV very much and I had many different models from 100 to 500 tons, and the SV always had only one model.
  2. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Both should not happen. Will change the Factory to a Space Mining trader. If you find more "overlapping" traders placed in POI in the next update (Civilian POI, Waystations and Trading stations on ground and orbits were updated), please report as a BUG (as we then need maybe create new commodity traders or adjust). Thx in advance!

    And the discounts are missing a 0, so it should be 8% not the current 80% :D
    byo13 likes this.
  3. Wayson

    Wayson Commander

    Aug 3, 2016
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    On the Subject of Wheels: if a terribly run company like "The Fun Pimps", the publishers of "7 Days to Die" can make fairly functional "wheeled" vehicles within the same Unity System - Voxel Based Game Engine that Empyrion uses, then I ask why can't Eleon do the same or better? IMO Eleon's Staff of creators are lightyears ahead of the hacks working for The Fun Pimps and their "Meathead" of an Owner Joel Huenink!!!! I believe in Eleon! Make it work, make it happen, give us functional wheeled vehicles!!!!
    Sofianinho and Kassonnade like this.
  4. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    Ah, It makes sense. :D

    Some traders could offer a greater range on some items for a more trading variation. It would give the player a reason to explore POIs in search for the right traders.

    Something like this:
    Item14: "ErestrumGel, 0, 0 , mf=0.5-3.0, 500-1000"

    But, for that to work properly, the next time the stock refills the initial price set on the instance creation shouldn't change.

    So different instances of the same POI will have traders that can buy a given item for a lower or higher market price. This would make finding the right POI to trade something very strategic, don't you think? And players could memorize or write down some interesting trade routes. :)

    Now that the market price info is displayed in the item description (awesome idea btw) the player would know if he's doing good or bad business.

    Or maybe just a wider range:

    { Trader Name: MiningT1
      SellingText: "Our mining company is selling basic ores for a good price!\n<DISCOUNTTEXT>"
      SellingGoods: "trwArmorBoost"
      Discount: 0.08
      Item1: "IronOre, mf=0.5-0.9, 1000-1500, 0, 0"
      Item2: "SiliconOre, mf=0.5-0.9, 1000-1500, 0, 0"
      Item3: "CopperOre, mf=0.5-0.9, 1000-1500, 0, 0"
      Item4: "CobaltOre, mf=0.5-0.9, 1000-1500, 0, 0"
      Item5: "TitanOre, mf=0.5-0.9, 1000-1500, 0, 0"
      Item7: "PromethiumOre, mf=0.5-0.9, 1000-1500, 0, 0"
      Item8: "RawDiamond, mf=0.5-0.9, 1000-1500, 0, 0"
      Item9: "AncientRelics, mf=0.5-0.9, 1000-1500, 0, 0"
      Item10: "SpareParts, 0, 0, mf=1.1-2.2, 1000-1500"
      Item11: "AutoMinerCore, 0, 0, mf=1.1-2.2, 1000-1500"  
      Item12: "RadiationBoost, 0, 0, mf=1.1-2.2, 1000-1500"
      Item13: "OreScanner, 0, 0, mf=1.1-2.2, 1000-1500"
      Item14: "AlienNPCBlocks, 0, 0, mf=1.1-2.2, 1000-1500"
      Item15: "HumanNPCBlocks, 0, 0, mf=1.1-2.2, 1000-1500"
    Thanks a lot.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2020
  5. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Don't sit on the fence mate.... Say what you mean about 'the fun pimps'......
    Wayson likes this.
  6. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    The Colonists faction is not displayed in the Factions screen so I don't know how I can raise my reputation with them.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    There ARE Faction with which you cannot get into good relations or gain Faction Points.
    Such as the Legacy or the Civilians.
    byo13 likes this.
  8. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Already noted. Should be fixed soon.
    byo13 likes this.
  9. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I don't fully understand "Decals", but I like the implications. It sounds like something I've been hoping to get for some time. I hope when it reaches the rest of us, it won't be too difficult to implement.
  10. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    PORN/HENTAI SHIPS!!!:D:rolleyes::cool:
    Sofianinho and Spoon like this.
  11. Alhira_K

    Alhira_K Captain

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Anime was a mistake and so are decals.
  12. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Meaning what?
  13. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    They are flat 2-dimensional planes that we can place anywhere we want in an admin POI or AI vessel, on which an image or short animation can be projected, with some options like transparency, collision, bump map, etc. The main difficulty is to place them precisely, but like every other feature that is not pure "block building" it just takes a little practice and attention to details.
    Sofianinho, ravien_ff and byo13 like this.
  14. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    I guess it isn't what I've been hoping for. I was thinking being able to put symbols of my design on my vessels and bases. The mention of
    "mp4 files" made me think I could maybe have a movie in the dayroom. Oh well. maybe next year.:(
    Kassonnade likes this.
  15. Jawatraders

    Jawatraders Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2016
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    Sorry if I missed a response elsewhere, but will we ever be able to upload our own decals in singleplayer? (and maybe Co-op as well)

    I understand that it might not be a great idea for multiplayer, but I don't think there could be any harm in letting solo players use this feature.
    Sofianinho and Kassonnade like this.
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    @Track Driver and @Jawatraders

    Decals do not work with Structural Integrity presently, that's why it was aimed towards POIs and AI vessels with an admin core (indestructible). The other reason is that the procedure to get decals on a structure requires to create specific folders in a scenario where we put the decals image and settings file. So when making a custom "player" blueprint there are no such folders and files linked to it, and the player blueprints are in the savegames folder where the game will not look for the images/ decals.

    That being said, it is still possible to have decals on a green-core player structure, provided the Structural Integrity is disabled in game :


    Now this is just one of my silly tests, because that's obviously not what decals were designed for, but we're pretty much free to do what we want provided we know what we're doing, and mostly : don't go bug the devs because silly tests like these break the game (it did not, but still...) . ;)

    So if players don't mind playing with Structural Integrity "off" then it's entirely possible, but the problem is the risk that a structure/ ship simply collapses spontaneously when starting the game, for various reasons, before the player might be able to access the console to disable SI.

    The other possibility is to make the player structure with a blue core in creative (like I did for my screenshot here) and place decals, then start a game, use the console with "sbp" to allow spawning of blueprints, spawn the ship/ structure and change it to player faction with the console. You should now have a personal "indestructible" ship/ base with decals. That is, of course, only for single player games.

    Also note that decals can not be removed in game, another reason why they were reserved for POIs, since a players ship / base could be dismantled (ex. with SI off) but the decals would remain floating around...

    krosbonez, Fisch050, byo13 and 4 others like this.
  17. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Very well explained. ;)
    byo13, Kassonnade and Germanicus like this.
  18. Sofianinho

    Sofianinho Captain

    Sep 7, 2016
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    Or Planet Nomads, also a Unity game.

    Wayson and Kassonnade like this.
  19. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Another balloon busted! :(
  20. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Well sorry for that...

    They are aimed at making the game's challenges and environment more interesting to visit. And it's only a first "draft" of the feature, maybe they will solve the SI problem later down the road, who knows ?

    Edit : almost forgot about this, but if they allow decals on player ships/ bases, they will also have to solve the "indestructible" problem, because they could be used (with collision) to render a ship invulnerable...
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
    Track Driver and Sofianinho like this.
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