Story Part II - Chapter 7: Sigma Fulcrum

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Hummel-o-War, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Yep, that dependancies are a bit of a problem. We plan to add a way for all factions where you can "pay" your reputation back to neutral at least .. but this will be costly .. or you gained a token for doing some missions (so you later can use the token o exchange it for a better standing in case you messed things up). But I am not sure if this will be ready for the next EXP release or the public release. (I am currently adding commodity traders to a lot of stations/POIs (not only trading stations) so you have more chances to make credits without fighting)
    Foofaspoon and Robot Shark like this.
  2. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I was walking around the pirate base when I suddenly started leaning to the side.
    I had a suspicion, so I went into god mode and checked the underside of the base.

    Yep, I was right, there was a pirate CV underneath the BA trying to fly through it and I was caught in it's gravity generator.
    I guess that also explains the time I suddenly started weaving around like I was drunk.

    Suggestion, program the pirate CV's to stay away from the pirate base.
    Or, at the very least, do not let them get stuck trying to fly through it.
  3. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Yeah we know, I got two...
    Sigma Fulcrum_2020-12-05_11-58-10.png
    Issue is, PVs are also supposed to come to the rescue if anyone attacks the station so the AI will need a few tweaks but not sure if that is in for this release already....

    Attached Files:

    Robot Shark likes this.
  4. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    The thing was, it happened before I took out the core.
    I was at the terminal after killing Yarrod when it happened.
  5. Numonar

    Numonar Commander

    Dec 31, 2018
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    I'am at the Core, blew up the floor "redecorate" as the AI suggested. but the Core and the Loot barrels are still there unharmed, Inspecting the Core ... it's Admin Core, wich cant be damaged !?
  6. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Sorry can't quite understand what you mean....

    You blew up the floor before or after destroying the core?

    If you blew up the floor, it's very unlikely that the core or the alien loot containers would survive, usually the whole floor and parts of the above and below floors go out with the explosion....

    The Core is Admin but was damaged as well as the Alien Containers so they can be destroyed and you lose all loot if that happens...

    You should first get the hatch open, destroy the core, place a new one and then you can redecorate, but with the multitool, using weapons in that room is highly unwise...
  7. Numonar

    Numonar Commander

    Dec 31, 2018
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    thats the problem, i cant damage the core at all.
    Yes i blew up the floor with C4 before dealing with the core, i thought that would destroy the core as well, but only the floor in that room got destroyed, not the explosive blocks not the core not the containers.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2020
  8. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    Ok, I have no idea how could that have happen, the vanilla files are still correct so what I can tell you is to run the validate game files option on the steam game options to see if it corrects it for you

    And if you're still playing in the Experimental Version try changing to the Public Version as all of this is already in there

    This will all require you to start a new game but if you want to keep playin in the current one you can use console command 'GM IV' then use the multitool to remove the core and place a new one from the containers
  9. Numonar

    Numonar Commander

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Thanks for trying to help, i will start a new game soon and try again, because it was one hell of a fight. I was hostile with the pirates "Fun Times" !
    J'ee likes this.
  10. Kaeser

    Kaeser Rear Admiral

    Aug 17, 2015
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    lol, that's the spirit..... :)
  11. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Until then, we'll call GLaD, "GLaaD"
    Oh! Bad J'ee. Back to your corner.
  12. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Nah, no warning. That's how I like my Empyrion--boobytraps. Maybe, they can set the core's blast damage equal to the exploding block adjacent to it. Yeah! That would even better Empyrion! Hmm, I guess a damage state of the exploding block would do the trick... shoot the core, everything blows up. I like it!!

    Besides that, let me get this straight--you infiltrated a Promethium asteroid fuel processing facility, and you did not expect explosions? I'm confused.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2020
    cmguardia likes this.
  13. Aleroy

    Aleroy Ensign

    Jun 16, 2020
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    На пиратской базе надо активировать консоль и уничтожить ядро пиратской базы, если уничтожить пираты становятся агрессивными, но возле ядра есть рычаги, которые надо активировать (или не надо, я так и не понял), после того, как я активировал рычаги правильно, так что над входом зажглись 3 зеленых лампочки - но ничего не произошло. Так и должно быть?

    (En - google) At the pirate base, you need to activate the console and destroy the core of the pirate base, if you destroy the pirates become aggressive, but near the core there are levers that need to be activated (or not, I still don't understand) after I activated the levers correctly, and 3 green lamps above the entrance - but nothing happened. Is that how it should be?

    И во теще что: после того как над входом в комнату с ядром зажглись 3 зеленых огонька- и ничего не произошло, я вернулся на свой CV и совершил прыжок в систему во владениях (Zrx)
    в этой системе я атаковал базу Зиракс и уничтожил ядро этой базы, и о чудо - квест засчитался - как будто б я уничтожил ядро той самой базы которое надо уничтожить по квесту.
    Так же я проделал еще один эксперимент после перезагрузки, если полететь к точке интереса в космосе обозначенном как Wreckage и если там есть ядро, то уничтожив это ядро - тем самым квест на уничтожение ядра пиратской базы будет засчитан. Наверное так же можно удалить и свое собственное ядро на какой ни будь своей базе, и наверное тоже квест будет засчитан.

    (En - google)
    And what about my mother-in-law: after 3 green lights lit up above the entrance to the room with the core, and nothing happened, I returned to my CV and jumped into the system in the possession (Zrx)
    in this system, I attacked the Zirax base and destroyed the core of this base, and lo and behold - the quest was counted - as if I had destroyed the core of the very base that must be destroyed according to the quest.
    I also did one more experiment after the reboot, if you fly to the point of interest in space designated as Wreckage and if there is a core, then destroying this core - thereby the quest to destroy the core of the pirate base will be counted. Probably, you can also delete your own core on whatever base you have, and probably the quest will also be counted.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2021
  14. Aregnar

    Aregnar Ensign

    Jan 1, 2021
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    I had some major issues on this quest. To begin, the bartender wouldn't advance my quest progression at all, even after I spoke with all the other NPCs in the area and adjoining rooms. I had to force-check the quest requirement.
    Next, when speaking with Yarod I was assaulted my one of the cyborgs which killed me while I was in dialog. The quest was marked as completed when I respawned, but I have no idea was Yarrod said to me or wanted me to do.

    I spent a long time looking looking for the station console I was supposed to be using (clearer instructions would be helpful).
    Once I had the mission to speak with the quartermaster, he gave me his dialog about keeping prisoners, then the mission objectives jumped to "Access Station Consol in CORE Room" and "Destroy Core".

    I feel like there was a missed bridge somewhere, as there was no explanation as to why I was doing this, or how to find it. I tried looking for some red door, but couldn't see one. Finally, after half an hour of running around this maze of a POI and dying multiple times to respawning cyborgs, I thought I could see a red door through a locked armored door at the bottom of the elevator shaft across from the quartermaster.
    Since I could find no other path to the red door, growing frustrated, I destroyed the armored door. Pretty immediately my CV outside began warring with the POI turrets, guards were shooting at me, and my faction went from Friendly to Hostile.

    After dying in the elevator shaft and spending the entirety of the despawn time of my backpack trying (in vain) to return and loot my backpack inside this hostile fortress, once it despawned I took my CV and left. I destroyed the backup corvettes (giving me credit for destroying the CORE of the POI), then came back and systematically destroyed the turrets of the base. However, after losing my epic guns and tired of re-killing respawns over and over to try and find the CORE room, I decided to leave and fix my faction standing.

    I activated the Pirate reputation quest, hopped to another galaxy, and destroyed a Polaris Gas Refinery, as my mission required. Except I did not receive credit toward the mission. Fully irritated at this leg of the quest, I finally admin commanded my reputation with Pirates back to neutral, returned to Sigma Fulcrum, and Godmoded my way through this headache of a mission.
    I never was able to find the console which I needed to interact with to complete the final leg of the mission. I spoke with the AI in the CORE room, activating the security response, and still didn't have credit. In godmode I ham-fisted my way through the switches, destroyed the core, replaced it with the nearby admin core, and force-completed the quest.

    This mission was an exercise in futility and frustration. I wanted to complete the story before jumping into Project Eden, but after this one I think I'll just give up on the story missions.
    cmguardia likes this.
  15. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    The Sigma Fulcrum POI will be changed in one of the next updates
    - Only the enemies on that station that will shoot at you are having weapons, so you can easily identify them = if it has a weapon, it is an enemy.
    - The station will be in the CIV faction, so you cannot ruin your standing anymore while accidentally shooting at a non-enemy (which also avoids the station turning against you).

    For the other issues: There are always HUD/RADAR markers that should show you where to go. It has been reported that in MP they are not 100% reliable, but in this case I cannot say what happened (would need more details I am afraid)
    Kassonnade likes this.
  16. MentalDeo

    MentalDeo Ensign

    Feb 26, 2021
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    I Arrived at Meaen Omicron, but the POI Sigma Fulcrum is not here. No waypoint, only 5 asteroids, some wrechage and some COL ships

    v 1.4.2 3266

    How can I continue?
  17. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Do you remember which version you started the savegame with?
  18. codem

    codem Ensign

    Mar 19, 2017
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    I'm in Story Part II and the text of the mission tells me to go to Sigma Zero. However, when I try to do a system search for it, I find no system call Sigma Zero.. there are no system that start with the name Sigma. Bug? or did I miss something up ?
  19. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    I am afraid in default random I cannot set system names. Check the galaxy map > in the edge between tha Polaris, Trader, Zirax there should be a white territory with only one star system which in ( ) there is (Sigma Zero)

    Hope the devs can improve that, but currently this is a technical workaround I have to use..
  20. codem

    codem Ensign

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Hi.... I'm having the same issue as MentalDao. I've been flying around and can not locate the Sigma Fulcrum base. I find a several wreckage ships and 4 COL ships fly around and 3 or 4 asteroids. Not sure where else to look.

    I'm on version 1.4.5 3279. I've been playing this particular "save" since Feb 4, 2021.. so about 2 months. I do not know what version it was at the time I started.... but if I look at the release history in the forums.. looks like that was the day version 1.4 was released.

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