Empyrion too much like Space Engineers?

Discussion in 'Site / Forum Help & Feedback' started by Axios, May 11, 2015.

  1. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    Due to recent updates on both tames, i feel like the games are way too similar. Space Engineers is supposed to be more on the creative side while Empyrion focuses more in survival. But with recent ideas, updates, and what not. Empyrion has mimicked Space Engineers thruster system while Space Engineers mimicked Empyrions Oxygen system, and now soon to be planet systems. While there are still plenty of differences which make the games different from one another. I feel like Empyrion was at one point leaning towards space exploration rather than survival.

    Persay in my honest opinion, i would rather enjoy Empyrion to focus on the planetary survival aspect of the game rather than space aspects of the game.
  2. The_Director

    The_Director Commander

    Dec 19, 2014
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    Well the main difference is the engine, art style, community, focus, and quality.

    SE has a weak engine, that has been modified to work for SE and ME.

    Emp however uses unity 5, the latest version of Unity, a powerful program, there are better engines out there, but unity beats Vrage. (Keens engine)

    Keen has a low profile, clean design while Emp appears to be going for a more detailed look. (I repeat, appears they have a long way till alpha)

    The community of SE was built from the ground up, same with Emp, though many Emp molders had originated from the SE modding community.

    The focus is day and night here, while keen has produced a update every Thursday (time zone dependent) they fail miserably in the bug fixing, and as a result the game is badly broken in many areas.
    Emp on the other hand have almost promised to make each update to be major bug free, while its not even alpha yet I've heard good things so far.

    The quality of the two games will soon be viewable, SE again I'll note their major bugs, though to be fair Emp could go down the same road, but most likely not.

    Though to stay on topic it will be interesting to see how Emp plans to exactly pull ahead of SE. Planets and advanced AI, hopefully some cities or towns perhaps, and of course, the elusive hunt for Empyrion.

    Turboxide likes this.
  3. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
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    Emp' also contains NPC which SE does not. ME has a few but they are very early in on this and have not worked out all the problems.
  4. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    I'm also hoping for a larger focus on large player servers and groups, SE can barely handle 4 people at once. Empyrion promises at least 20 to start, but considering unity, that number could go up significantly.
  5. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    Im hoping for at least 64 players on a server...
  6. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    64 still seems a bit low to me, a couple hundred would be more like it for larger space battles.
  7. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
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    A fill blown 64 person ship battle would be crazy to watch.
  8. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    I actually would enjoy 100+ servers for my Star Wars RP server... but 64 would be great to start off with.

    I do plan on having 1:1 scale versions of all clone wars era ships and having them battle each other like this:

  9. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    64 players is probably doable but it would be like playing on SE multiplayer now, slow laggy and boring, I expect at the beginning the optimum number to be like they are planning around 20, But remember EGS will be a game where you start off crashed and work your way into orbit by building a station to do mining and refining and building a small ship, then get to orbit to begin building your big ship, EGS has restraints in place to limit what you can and cannot accomplish, I like that, it gives you goals without actually saying "Now you must build......", Having a food and oxygen, and health from the start will also make the game more objective, you can't just go into survival, sit in a chair and recharge, you need to find food, grow food, make oxygen, actual proper survival, and they have given us multiple plants and animals already, so not just general eat this food, but actual options on what to go out and actively look for, like going out and hunting down a dino for its ribs which then need other ingredients aswell in order to be cooked up into a Dino Rib dinner.
    EGS is way different than SE, and hopefully Eleon will make sure not to simply add stuff each week because its become a regular thing, they will actual not if its not ready, but still come on and give us a news update each week about it, or fortnightly if thats the way they plan, I would rather be told that an update is being delayed rather than simply being given it and it breaking half the game, especially as it might break something important in EGS like maybe the survival cooking side. I envisage Eleon being a bit more careful considering all the implications a bad update could have, and I hope they plan on doing rollbacks if the update is a bad one and breaks an important aspect of the game, learn from other game mistakes LOL....
  10. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Axios I think you will be waiting a good long while before you can build 1:1 scale starwars ships AND battle them, Although I envisage EGS having a better performance system for building BIG ships so building one or two of them on different games in the beginning might be possible, and definately a step up from the get go than SE.
  11. VoicesDark

    VoicesDark Commander

    Dec 25, 2014
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    Thought this issue was long dead and buried but apparently not so I'll regurgitated this once again.

    While the community decided that they wanted to have the more realistic approach of having thrusters thruster on each side of the ship, the way the thrusters actually function and the number of thrusters needed are completely different, they really are two totally different systems.
  12. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    The games are set in different era. One is 70 odd years in the future so you could basically say present day tech, and the other is massively set in the future, that difference alone will give us a huge amount of differing features, both of these games compliment each other.

    It is going to be pretty hard for Eleon to beat the AI planned in SE long term.
    The AI in SE if you have read about it at all, is based on a module system, that modders can also access and it looks like its going to be one of the most advanced AI systems ever created for a game, BUT, getting that to work in the game will probably take KEEN 2 years because they are pretty slow at a lot of things.

    I think Eleon need to focus a bit on AI, this is where there game can really shine, some planets we want to be fighting groups of enemies, up to 30 at a time, that can do complex tactics, or an enemy that can hunt you all over a planets surface, a tactical human death squad of 6 really clever AI baddies, also AI needs to be looked at for fleet battles, this is something SE really failed badly at.
    AI that can control groups of ships in space AND on the planet or atmosphere.
    A good idea is to also have AI bots that the player can ,grow, buy, build, or steal, so they can order an AI bot to go and do a task, like patrol a border in a frigate.
    I don't thing AI should be made to be capable of mining , make the player do that and focus on really intelligent AI for all areas of the game mainly tactical warfare tactics for the AI.

    Players could be forced to send the AI bots to be trained to do a task, ie become a pilot, the training facility could be something Eleon put in that's like trading shops, the player cant own them, so if forces the player to build a ship for transport to takes his bots to be trained to do specific tasks, and of coarse the higher level of training the more expensive.

    Right now KEEN just look a little embarrassed by the way there announcing all these features we players have asked for for two years that they said were very unlikely and or impossible, that Empyrion has said will have all these features in the game, and the timing just is hilarious basically.
    To be fair, both teams have learnt valuable knowledge from the other teams mistakes or problems, and that is really an advance for both games , and we players will be the benefactors of this knowledge they have obtained !

    One could say, SE, to much like Starmade. Starmade , to much like Minecraft ! Minecraft, to much like a headache.
  13. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Well we can all agree that Currently EGS is not going to be like SE.
    EGS already has a basic AI system, Planets, Planets based life form which player can hunt and defend against, A Food system, A Fuel system, All SE Currently has is a similar building system as EGS will have and an Oxygen system in place possibly better than EGS has, KEEN's other game has alot of features which will hopefully go over to SE soon like block in block placements and Small on Large grids, but basically in comparison to EGS Both games can't really be too much like each other as the date part aside they all contain differing features.
    To sum up I do not think EGS is too much like SE atall, Honestly I feel that EGS is something SE is going to try to emulate, and thats a good thing really as currently SE has no goals or drives to get you involved in the game, its basically just build a ship, fly around, mine.
  14. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    I think Empyrion is not like Space Engeniers.
    Reasons are yet simple because the different enviroments.
    In SE you have ONLY Space. (Yes yes they wanna add planet sbut I doub they will be real planets like here)
    SE has too still no real enemys (I did not find even one, ignoring now the new special scenarios).
    In my eyes the graficstyle is (now) very different to Space Engeniers.
    I see (let say hope) that this game will be more (at least a bit) like Starbound in 3D. Or Planet Explorers with... Space.
    Oh and let not forget the terrible performence of the SE Engine.
    What the super AI belongs..... let`s wait. How often did we hear this.... .
    I think it is more important to give good content than (at begin) a modable AI. I mean Se did to not begin with this stuff.

    SE (for me personal) gety very fast somehow borring. (sorry). I tried it now 5 times and it did never entertain me longer than 2 weeks.

    But again the old Argument:
    We can not judge this game yet. because we have only a few screenshots. As long the Pre Alpha is not running, and we can real see how stuff behaves "life". We can not say anything or compare.
  15. Xentor

    Xentor Captain

    Jan 10, 2015
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    Related to the topic: (impressive)battleships:

    With the now displayed "waterpistols" you can so or so trash the idea of real respecfull battleships.
    That needs some mutch mutch more impressive Weaponsystems like the tiny cannons ther.e
    I say still, we need (minimum for the big ships) a customiseable Weapon System, outof elements (like in StarMade oder From the Depth)
  16. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    Talking about Star Made, check out my full scale build

  17. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    Sweet, I hope you come one visit my group one day for some collaboration.
    Last edited: May 14, 2015
  18. Axios

    Axios Commander

    Dec 27, 2014
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    I plan on making a full scale version for empyrion... would be easy if there was creative mode, or debug menu where i can build it easier
  19. Brokenshakles

    Brokenshakles Rear Admiral

    Feb 14, 2015
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    Well, I hope you would move on to original works instead of straight reproductions.
    Xenophon likes this.
  20. The_Director

    The_Director Commander

    Dec 19, 2014
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    Naw there is a place for both. but dibs on the originals first :D

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