What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. jepbindawernoch

    jepbindawernoch Commander

    Dec 19, 2017
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    The bridge looks great. It reminds me of a lot of sci-fi films (even if there is no iron, like in the Orion spaceship o: ).
    Die Brücke sieht schon mal klasse aus. Sie erinnert mich an viele Sci-Fi-Filme (Auch wenn da kein Bügeleisen ist, wie im Raumschiff Orion o: ).
    Yep, I suspect that too. So I built some blocks (half bubbles) under it in a somewhat inconspicuous way. But I also suspect that they resized the blocks when they changed the air permeability. The blocks don't all work like they used to. I've been tricking around (generally "fudging") before.

    Many things were only half-implemented here. SI is one of them. With some buildings, I have the impression that they have written down the cohesion as if in a row. It has to be connected and calculated in a three-dimensional matrix (I am not a programmer, but consider myself a logician o :).
    Jep, das vermute ich auch. Daher hatte ich die Gebäude etwas unscheinbar unterbaut. Ich vermute aber auch, dass die die Blöcke neu dimensioniert haben, als sie die Luftdurchlässigkeit geändert haben. Die Blöcke funktionieren nicht alle so wie früher. Herum getrickst (allgemein "gepfuscht") hab ich ja schon früher.
    Hier wurden viele Sachen nur halb umgesetzt. SI gehört dazu. Bei manchen Gebäude hab ich den Eindruck als hätten sie den Zusammenhalt wie in einer Reihe nieder geschrieben. Dabei muss es in einer drei Dimensionalen Matrix verbunden und berechnet werden (bin kein Programmierer, halte mich aber für einen Logiker o: ).
    Yep, I can agree with that and much more :)
    If you are honest with yourself, this game is garbage.
    But it is just as honest that this game is great.
    ... and unfortunately, you can (may) only change something by complaining, criticizing, etc.
    Jep, dem und noch viel mehr kann ich zustimmen :)
    Ist man ehrlich zu sich selbst, dann ist dieses Spiel gleich Müll.
    Aber genau so ehrlich ist, dass dieses Spiel klasse ist.
    ... und leider kann man nur durch Meckern, Kritisieren usw. vielleicht was ändern.
    I built different things underneath and right now there are three square irons under the locking plate. Yesterday and today I tested the POI again. Level 10, with the soldiers, is pretty tough. I reduced most of the spawners by half as many enemies. I died 7 times after all. Heavy armor with 4 armor reinforcements can only withstand 2 hits. The third bullet is fatal. I have now downgraded my test planet to 5. It doesn't hurt that much anymore.
    Ich hab verschiedene Sachen darunter gebaut und momentan sind da drei Vierkant-Eisen unter der Verschlussplatte. Gestern und heute hab ich den POI nochmal getestet. Level 10, bei den Soldaten, ist ziemlich hart. Die meisten Spawner hab ich um die hälfte an Gegnern reduziert. Ich bin dann doch noch 7 Mal gestorben. Eine schwere Rüstung mit 4 Rüstungs-Verstärkungen hält gerade 2 Treffer aus. Die dritte Kugel ist tödlich. Meinen Testplaneten hab ich nun auf 5 herab gestuft. Das tut dann nicht mehr so weh.

    While testing, I noticed something about the floating CV. It shoots at the base underneath all the time. How do you assign a faction to the patrol ship, does anyone know?
    Beim Testen fiel mir etwas am schwebenden CV auf. Es schießt die ganze Zeit auf die Basis darunter. Wie kann man dem Patrouillienschiff eine Fraktion zuweisen, weiß das jemand?
    jadefalcon, Track Driver and Khazul like this.
  2. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    I tryed to build something like a hyperloop and hit the 255 block brickwall :mad:

    now i have a ruin, but maybe i just cut the supports and let it colaps, the blocks will disapear, not like in the other game i have where you can build as much as you like and each and every block stays forever... (like the remains of my former base are burried under a landing pad:p)
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I left the decals frenzy aside for the time being, trying other stuff...

    I made a prop in Blender to use with the player model (instead of the snowman's head) with a quick skinning :


    I wanted the head to stick out a bit more, but the props don't "replace" the head, they just "cover" it (if big enough). One problem is that the moment I change tool in the quickslots bar, the "prop" disappears... And it needs some adjustments because when the player is seated at a cockpit he has that stupid posture and look :


    I just need to cut the neck a bit, but it's just too bad because I liked my old-style astronaut's suit, and the tiny neck was part of the design to make it look more... fun ? Anyways. I will try making some "blocks" to appear in game, as it looks like it's easier said than done, and the "procedure" seems very sketchy.

    My Blender file :


  4. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Sort of looks like a young Jimmy Durante. :confused:
  5. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    And fun with structural integrity building an oasis base...
    Siege Inc., Khazul, ravien_ff and 4 others like this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Track Driver likes this.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Starting a new game today, Vanilla Survival, testing if a certain bug has been 'ironed out' which would have caused a very loud Outcry from the community...I believe.:rolleyes:
    Also a chance to test out my recently reconfigured SV. If all works out I can focus on my 'Land-ship'-sized HV;).
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2020
  8. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Some progress on Project Eagle Moon Base.

    ENGINEERING (w.i.p.)
    2020-12-30.png 2020-12-30 (1).png 2020-12-30 (2).png 2020-12-30 (3).png 2020-12-30 (4).png 2020-12-30 (5).png 2020-12-30 (6).png

    I've sort of prepared a space for the Med Bay. I've also started on living quarters, I'm both pleased and disappointed. My disappointment stems from a lack of appropriate furniture selections. Being a former plumbing designer, I take particular exception to the current toilet, shower and vanity/lavatory selections. All are much too large and out of scale even By ADA Standards. Given the 2meter size of the block frame, toilet and sink or shower could be combined in a single, properly scaled block making it much easier to arrange, or at least to provide some options,
    2020-12-30 (7).png
    Sup, Khazul, bluemax151 and 8 others like this.
  9. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    A further note:
    A smaller vanity or a stand-alone sink (also good for other areas) would be really nice.
  10. jepbindawernoch

    jepbindawernoch Commander

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Eine Toilette mit einem Boden, einer Decke und vor allem einer Türe (kann offen stehen) wäre gut. o:
    A toilet with a floor, a ceiling and,
    above all, a door would be good. o:
    Germanicus and Track Driver like this.
  11. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    Like James T. Kirk, I prefer the rank of Captain even though I knew promotion was inevitable.:(

    Btw, I figured out how to make in-game videos, but not how to post them here. :confused:
    Germanicus likes this.
  12. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Upload the Video to, i.e., Google Drive or YouTube and put the link in here
    jepbindawernoch and Track Driver like this.
  13. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    More progress on Project Eagle Moon Base.

    2020-12-31 (1).png 2020-12-31 (2).png
    That floor section has since been repaired.:oops:
  14. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    And we continue (no party tonight).

    MED BAY (initial concept):

    2020-12-31 (8).png
    2020-12-31 (9).png


    2020-12-31 (5).png 2020-12-31 (4).png 2020-12-31 (7).png 2020-12-31 (6).png

    I haven't quite decided what this is supposed to be. I just had an urge to place a raised platform with some stuff on it under a dome.
    2020-12-31 (3).png

  15. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    The door has to be a different block, else how would we use the toilet ? We can only activate 1 block at a time, and the toilet/ corner shower/ small sink all provide some "buffs" (we can regroup them on 1 block), so the door needs to be activated separately. Unless we can make the door itself provide all the buffs, and have the rest of the small room be simple deco ? Mmm...

    I'm not sure we can make "door blocks" yet, as we need a way to know how they are animated (axis/script).
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2021
    Germanicus and Track Driver like this.
  16. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    I wonder where that leads?
    a very long.....shaft.....

    Attached Files:

  17. jepbindawernoch

    jepbindawernoch Commander

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Naja, ich bin halt kein Programmierer. Die Tür kann ja erst einmal nur Dekoration sein, wie der Vorhang in der Dusche. Aber nach meinem Verständnis sollte es auch mit einer Animation möglich sein. Berührt man die Tür, öffnet sie sich. Befindet man sich im Toiletten-Block bleibt sie auf. Setzt man sich, dann schließt sich die Tür. Wenn man nicht da ist schließt sich die Tür.
    Der Bewegungssensor arbeitet ja ähnlich. Stühle, Bänke und Toilette funktionieren ja schon richtig. Wenn man sich setzt, dann wird man von Sensoren und Feinden nicht erkannt. Bei der Toilette ist dies sehr gut. Wer möchte schon mit herunter gelassener Hose erschossen werden.

    Ich überlege schon, ob ich mir die Zeit nehme es mal mit einem LCD zu versuchen. Den Sensor müsste ich darüber im Lüftungsschacht verstecken. Dort dürfte ich dann auch Platz für den LCD-Projektor finden.

    Naja, so wichtig ist das auch nicht. Zu dem muss ich befürchten, dass die alte Toilette ersetzt wird und keinen neue dazu kommt. In vielen POIs hab ich unter den Toiletten Kanalisationen angelegt, in die man sich runter schießen kann. Manch einer kann auch wie Luigi und Mario so in das POI eindringen.

    Well, I'm not a programmer. The door can be a decoration, like the curtain in the shower. But as I understand it, it should also be possible with animation. If you touch the door, it opens. If you are in the toilet block, it stays open. If you sit down, the door closes. When you are not there the door closes. The motion sensor works in a similar way. Chairs, benches, and toilets are already working properly. If you sit down, sensors and enemies will not recognize you. This is very good for the toilet. Who would want to be shot with his pants down?

    I'm already thinking about taking the time to try an LCD. I would have to hide the sensor in the ventilation shaft above. There I should find space for the LCD projector.
    Well, it's not that important either. In addition, I have to fear that the old toilet will be replaced. A new one should be added. In many POIs, I have sewers under the toilets that you can shoot yourself down into. Some people can intrude into the POI through the sewer and toilet, like Luigi and Mario.
    zaphodikus and Kassonnade like this.
  18. jepbindawernoch

    jepbindawernoch Commander

    Dec 19, 2017
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    Ups, happy new year (and a better anti-virus-program then last year o: )
    Track Driver and Kassonnade like this.
  19. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    My point was that if we try to make a new block, it can not have multiple functions like open/close door + sitting on toilet + access each individual "function" in the same block. To "animate" new player-made blocks would require some knowledge that we don't have now, related to specific setup of the geometry : which "anchor point" is used in the script, on which object with what name, etc. There is no way to try to even get something "working" by trial and error, as there are just too many possibilities of how things are setup "under the hood" for animated blocks.

    Even to make a simple chair, the script obviously needs to find specific data in the "mesh" or "prefab" to know what (fixed) player model to use to place on the "seat" and "where" to place that model (axis + faces/ vertex etc). This information has not been provided to us yet, so if we make a "chair" derived from one of the existing blocks, the player who will try to "use the chair" will become invisible, and he will be "spawned" at the structure's origin, right next to the core. I tried, so all blocks that have an effect on the player position (cockpits, chairs, benches) are not working presently with custom made blocks.

    The only things I have succeeded to make were simple deco blocks that can be containers, or that can give buffs/ debuffs, make the player "sleep through the night", etc. I'm still trying things but we seem to be limited in the way we can make "interactive blocks" for now.

    So the "workaround" is something like you mentioned, making a "fake" door that the player can go through, and having all other parts of the block (toilet, sink and shower for example) have 1 set of functions, like a container that cures indigestion and lowers body temperature. But the player can definitively not "sit down" on such a custom block, for now... ^^

    jepbindawernoch and Track Driver like this.
  20. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    There's another problem with the current "tiled" toilet and shower stalls. The outside walls cannot be re-textured to coordinate with the surrounding structure. It's either have inappropriate tiled wall or cover with another block, even a thin block, that can make a 2 meter cube of space unusable.

    Is there no way to change this? Too numerous are the times this situation has annoyed the s@%t out of me.

    To sum up:
    1. The stand-alone toilet and shower should be combined either with each other or with a narrow vanity/sink or a locker. A 1 meter wide stall is quite sufficient according to most building codes.

    2. The 2 meter wide vanity is unwarranted. It is far to limiting in application.

    3. The outer walls should be blank or texturable and accept a different color (if possible) from the interior.

    If any of this is possible, it really needs to be addressed.


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