Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. bbk.3164

    bbk.3164 Commander

    May 17, 2016
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    Missing block generator:
    when 2 of ANY units are installed at positions 1 and 3, then by setting the "generator block" to position 2 - we will achieve AUTOMATIC FILLING - with smooth transitions from one border -> to another border!
    And it will be EASIER than waiting for a long time - when the developers create the missing blocks (!) :)))
    Sup likes this.
  2. byo13

    byo13 Captain

    Jul 13, 2020
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    I posted this on Discord but will copy it here so it doesn't get lost:

    1. POIs offering missions/contracts
    If most of the POIs that offers no player interaction like "Alloy Synthesis Factory" or "Mining Station" would have a couple of characters each offering small missions (or as I'd put it "People of Interest"). This would make visiting those places very replayable and a good form of earning reputation. Right now those places seem only good for attacking if you're not friends with the faction. And the missions could be simple, random and editable in configs like "bring me X ores", "get me a special item","Kill x enemies (revenge)"

    Maybe the contracts list could be added to the Station Services screen. But I agree that having a trader offering you missions would be a better idea so the player would need to visit the place and find the right person at the right spot.

    2. Better trade profit
    The current profit you get from traders is more directed towards the new player. Middle to end game trading should be more balanced to allow the player to become rich, selling a commodity of his choice. It makes no sense to allow the player to get rich on materials really fast while mining asteroids or disassembling conquered POIs and not rich by trading. No one would travel systems to sell something for 20% profit.

    3. Capture enemy vessels
    I know we can capture bases but capturing enemy vessels in space and immediately docking your new acquisition to your CV would be a dream come true. Much more than walking on moving ships. :D
    khulkhuum and Bollen like this.
  3. Damian Ramirez

    Damian Ramirez Ensign

    Dec 12, 2020
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    1.Interplanetary missions
    It would be cool to have missions between solar systems (and territories) , that would give a reason to move through the galaxy.
    2.Dynamic factions
    factions should take more action on the game , adding more things like : changing territory size on planets and galaxy ,
    have more consequences depending on whether you are ally or hostile than just an attack on the base. it would be nice if they sold different ships or drones , type of blocks or skins depending of each faction , that would make the money worth something i guess.
    3. more resources
    i've already said this on steam before , have more resources like minerals and gases depending of the biome ,
    It would be interesting to have a gas condenser, to be able to take specific gases and use them as fuel, or to fill a room with gas and for the plants to grow with a specific type of gas.
    With new minerals, new blocks could be made, lighter / heavier, or to make different type of fertilizers,money,etc.

    Smithor, khulkhuum and byo13 like this.
  4. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    They operate at higher costs than HVs and SVs, but you should get what you pay for, no?

    Agree. The trick with connecting, getting the resources, dropping the resources on the ground (hopefully it wasn't on an incline), and picking them up/chasing after them down a hill, is a little disappointing. The interface is a throwback to pre-Alpha 6. Then I run out of space on the connected container. What kills me usually is the water generator. So heavy...

    Crouching. I lament the pins in my character's spine each time I see a Zirax crouch behind cover or duck when I'm trying to shoot a Zirax in the face. And please, hitboxes. The hitboxes, they are not correct. Cover would be great but only if it actually covers. :D
    khulkhuum likes this.
  5. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Try Project Eden. Or Reforged Eden which answers some of the requests previously asked for. Most delightful.
    Sup likes this.
  6. andresdebuenr

    andresdebuenr Ensign

    Jul 10, 2019
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    1. QUICK ACCESS TO TURRETS (Hotkey them in the tool bar, like CTRL+1, 2, etc. Multiple turrets? go through them with mouse wheel, or specifically designate a turret for human control via custom access in the control panel. Or make a turret control seat block)
    2. SHORT RANGE TELEPORTERS - No loading screen (Allows players to teleport within the same structure only - Specially usefull for huge CV's. This could be done by linking a teleporter to a reciever block)
    3. BETTER BASE ATTACKS (Dont send me 3-5 drones. Send me a whole platoon, with footsoldiers, and small vessels. Make it seem like they really wanna take my base)
    Smithor, Act and Bollen like this.
  7. Act

    Act Lieutenant

    May 24, 2020
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    3. BETTER BASE ATTACKS (Dont send me 3-5 drones. Send me a whole platoon, with footsoldiers, and small vessels. Make it seem like they really wanna take my base)

    This in combination with "own" NPC that you could give some order to, like guard, patrol and such, would devinitively be my number 1B request ;)
    CyberMech and tony hug like this.
  8. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    Simple quality-of-life enhancements:

    1. Keep showing the distance to markers in the HUD even if they're not in your field-of-view (currently turn into arrows). This missing always frustrates me when dog fighting enemy ships! If you think it would clutter the HUD too much then simply have it as an additional HUD mode you can cycle through.

    2. Remember my difficulty and game setup choices. I like them the way I want so why not save them. If I want to change some option for variety I can do so.

    3. When I'm selling an item to an NPC trader do *not* sell the one that I have put in my toolbar. Sell the one that's in my backpack.
  9. Darinth

    Darinth Commander

    Jan 11, 2021
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    1. Allow multiple simultaneous access to all devices. I play almost exclusively on servers I run with friends, we're constantly stepping on each other's toes trying to get stuff done because someone is in the constructor or the container.

    2. The ability to walk around inside of moving vessels (At least CVs, but I'd imagine that the technology behind doing it for CVs would work mostly just as well in HVs and SVs). I just want to be able to go do some ship updates while I'm traveling across the sector. Or maybe go have lunch in the cafeteria.

    3. Arbitrary device sizing. A lot of devices (hangar doors, shutters, ramps, even regular doors) have a variety of sizes... but I seem to always be wanting the size they don't have. Can we just get the ability to arbitrarily size these objects?

    I had to work really hard to keep these concise...
    CyberMech likes this.
  10. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Id like to be able to name turrets from outside of the ship. Nothing more irritating than being in a ship with 60+ turrets and trying to find "That one on the front right corner".
    tony hug likes this.
  11. If you look at a turret and press P to open the control panel, and then go to devices tab, it will automatically highlight the turret you are looking at.
    If it is then in a group you can rename it.
    Works with basically everything that isn't a building block.
    Darinth likes this.
  12. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Well butter my backside and call me a biscuit...
    Smithor and Darinth like this.
  13. Spoon

    Spoon Captain

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Is that an order or a request??
  14. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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  15. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    After getting to "end game" and overcoming much of the little quality of life issues, one that I cannot seem to get a grip on is: Galactic Navigation...

    Sometimes my boys will tell me "Hey we are attacking these ships, there are 500ly away, come on down!" and I think "That is going to take FOREVER for me to figure out a path...when I try, its setting a bunch of waypoints that may or may not be the best path. I then spend time switching between maps, scrolling around the galaxy trying to get my bearings again, and by the time I arrive all I can think about it "This sucked...I am in this massive warship with advanced constructors that can build anything, weapons that fire plasma and lasers, I can teleport matter through space, and I can heal myself of all sorts of nastiness with just a pill or injection...but I dont have a computer that helps with "I am at Point A, I want to be at Point D, so you need to go to B and C first".

    The universe is a big place...I get that...and exploring is a fun and engaging part of it at times. But sheesh...what an absolute headache. I dont mind having to make multiple stops, or having a limited range on the warp drive. But >something< to help with navigation would be nice.
    Smithor, Ranzeth, Spoon and 1 other person like this.
  16. Ranzeth

    Ranzeth Ensign

    Nov 28, 2017
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    In my opinion, all 'features' of Empyrion should have a toggle on/off switch on the server. That way, when bugs, exploits of features that have unexpected consequences come up, server owners can just toggle them off.
    Smithor likes this.
  17. khulkhuum

    khulkhuum Lieutenant

    May 16, 2018
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    In my opinion the most important are quality of life improvements, so UI Rework and enhancements - Surely the UI has been here for quite a while and it could use a series of reworkings and improvements:
    1. One of the many is how you shift "items" in your inventory and between different containers (machines). Use the mouse wheel to add and substract from a stack on mouse. CTRL + click to open a popup to choose how many you want to take. There could be more, but i've seen some cool concepts in many different games, just pick and implement. More examples could go in here. In general though, i'd like the inventory to work less clunky like and more functional.
    2. Better verification of how much you can pick up (due to mass/volume). If the container is already over max volume and my inventory cannot pick the contents up, i shouldn't even pick it up (and have it on mouse) or allow me to put it back down (don't physically pick it up from the container, just move it after i place it down from the mouse). This could also help when raiding a POI or digging, to have an indicator, that you're nearing capacity limit or something. Additionally, why not add an AUTO-TRASH box on the UI, so when you put a single item there (for example an Ice Block) it will trash all of that when you dig/salvage.
    3. I understand that there were some ideas behind what should be visible when (minimap and hud not visible in drone mode, etc.), but most of the information on screen is useful most of the time and can be brought easily up(open map menu and close it to see minimap and HUD [temperature, radiation, etc.] when on drone). Perhaps rework how certain things should be presented (wouldn't mind a new hunger/stamina/o2 indicators), add some more indicators (xp to next level, some general threat incoming indicator, etc.). This could be even enhanced so that you can pick a variety of settings how you want your indicators to look on your UI (or allow using different looks, 7 Days to Die has it through mods, but i dunno if Empyrions has similar).
  18. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    1.) To replant trees, shrubs and grass. Maby with a replanter tool and some seeds.
    2.) Melee weapons. Swords, spears , axes, knives. Even in the future there is swords can make like a Tech Blade for example.
    3.) Pets and companions. I would like to see a way to tame wild life.
    sylux240 likes this.
  19. AlterDraconis

    AlterDraconis Lieutenant

    Sep 2, 2019
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    1. Add "main caliber" to CV, as superweapon on drednought in Stellaris (mass drive, superlaser etc.).
    2. Add drone bay. I want to use drones too.
    3. Add navigation computer. If i stuck in distant system, far away from my base (my ship been destroyed for example), i could call my second ship from my main base to rescue me.
    Smithor and CyberMech like this.
  20. jalore

    jalore Lieutenant

    Feb 11, 2021
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    1. Looting and salvaging of vessels after you destroy their cores. not being able to disable self destruct ruins, the time and effort put into it by removing any reward.
    2. More ambient npc's or critters.
    3. build blocks being equal hit points of different shapes of same material. borg cubes are best min/maxing right now.

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