Filed / Tracking Recycled blocks don't turn off emissive light textures [00155]

Discussion in 'Tracking / Filed' started by Daedalon, Feb 8, 2021.

  1. Daedalon

    Daedalon Lieutenant

    Jan 12, 2021
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    Build: v1.4 3259
    Mode: All
    Mode: Both SP & MP

    Reproducibility: Always
    Severity: Minor

    Type: Textures

    Summary: Recycled blocks don't turn off emissive light textures

    Description: If blocks are painted with a light texture, and the vessel or base is powered on (so the lights are on) and then unloaded from a playfield, when another base or vessel that is powered off (so the lights should be off) is loaded in, some or all of the block lights are shown active. During gameplay, this results in the player seeing random blocks with texture lights activated on bases and vessels that are powered off.

    Steps to Reproduce:

    The simplest way to reproduce this should yield a vessel where 100% of the emissive lights are enabled even though the vessel itself is off.

    1) Start a Creative game on any planet (you could use space, too, but it would take longer), but make sure Empty World = Yes to limit the number of blocks that Empyrion loads up.
    2) Access the Blueprint menu and place a capital vessel. I recommend the ZeroG Malo for this test, as it's one of the stock blueprints that has light textures on it facing every direction. Whichever blueprint you use, make sure you only attempt to place one kind of ship; previewing the placement of any other blueprint before or after the one you place might throw off the reproduction results.
    3) With the vessel placed, go over and switch its power off completely.
    4) Now use god mode and change the playfield by ascending into orbit. Don't place another vessel to travel with, as this can cause your reproduction results to differ.
    5) Once in the other playfield (space), place an identical vessel to the one you placed on the planet (again, be careful not to try to place/preview any other blueprint). Make sure the new vessel is powered On and that all the lights are on.
    6) Return to the ship on planet using god mode. You should find the first vessel you placed, despite being powered down, shows some or all of its lights on.


    Ship placed and powered off on planet:

    Same ship placed in orbit with power on:

    Returned to planet, ship still off but light textures are on:
    ravien_ff, DarkMaid and Darinth like this.
  2. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Related: Odd trivial bug: Sometimes newly applied light textures will stop lighting up. Ie. I'm going along spraying and they are lighting up (because my base power is on) and then suddenly the one I just finished spraying doesn't light up (but the ones I sprayed before that one only seconds ago are still glowing). Any more spraying results in more non-lit blocks (the texture gets painted on but it doesn't light up as if it thinks the base power is off). Yet "older" blocks remain lit.

    Exiting the game and restarting fixed it. Of course I didn't know that reloading the game would fix the problem: I thought maybe there was some range limit from the center of the base to how far I could use emissive textures and still have them light up. Or maybe I passed some limit as to how many are allowed. But on a hunch I did a reload and they ALL lit up. Just glitchy I guess.

    Just mentioning it as something else for the devs to be aware of regarding these textures.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    This also happens with devices. For example, placing a lot of elevator blocks on an active base (powered on) will show the blocks' lights up to a certain number of blocks (+/- 256 for me), after which additional blocks placed will not show light. Restarting "solves the problem" because all blocks states are read from memory, while when building the ship the structure is constantly updating and sometimes even blocks don't show up after being placed (when CTRL-drag) but are there after a reload == memory related.

    If you want to see glitches just make a huge windows cube and try various things from there. That is why they made the blocks and devices limits on servers. ;)

    I followed the procedure in the OP and I can reproduce it, so I started a new game (this is in the creative playfield "blank canvas", right ?) and placed that ship again, turned it off, and while the first time the ship just stayed mid air this time it fell to the ground in approximately the same delay. I removed some blocks in a corner, then god mode to space and placed the same ship (powers on by default) and god mod back down on planet. The first ship was not on the ground anymore, and was powered on, but with the correct missing blocks.

    Since this is creative, the power on/ off and lights states are not big issues, and "changing playfield" in creative is something that may not be considered as a relevant component because creative mode is not made for travelling : there are no other playfields, no galaxy, just a basic orbit to avoid crashing the game when flying too high (change playfield instead of crash). After coming back on the planet and looking in the console, it shows only "loading / spawning 2 structures" and this illustrates that apart from the game start, creative was not designed to load/ unload playfields during "gameplay" while keeping track of everything. Problem could be if we save the creative game in a state and it's not the same when loading it (apart from when it solves a display problem of course).

    So a simple "cure" for these problems in creative would be to prevent players from changing playfield, but personally I think we're looking at edge cases here.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
    DarkMaid likes this.

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