
Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Tiberius, Feb 13, 2021.

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  1. Tiberius

    Tiberius Ensign

    Feb 13, 2021
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    I'm not sure where to give the following suggestions, so I am just going to do it here.

    1. Empyrion needs actual modding instead of the current scenarios specific nonsense. Let players mod the dang game. Forcing players to put creations into scenarios only is frankly just silly, and is ruining the modding diversity Empyrion could have.

    2. Stop balancing the game for PVP and make fuel and solar work properly. Currently, items use fuel, instead of the generators that are producing power... It's ass-backward. And solar is basically pointless. You guys are forcing players to make tiny builds, to micro-manage power and CPU in a completely unrealistic way. And frankly, it ruins the game-play.

    3. Fix the Unity Engine issues with players playing in the same household. Currently, the game sees two different people playing on the same IP as the same person. Meaning they can't be in the same ship and warp anywhere. One or both of the players must constantly be re-logging after to fix the game's confusion as to where each player is located. It's sloppy code, plain, and simple.

    I am saying all this in a frustrated manner because these are all things players have been begging for for years, and we get no response or anything is done about it. The game could be ALOT more fun, and frankly, the Dev team just keeps holding it back.
    piddlefoot and stanley bourdon like this.
  2. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Welcome to the forums, Tiberius!

    Almost unanimously, modders have asked to be able to include all modding capabilities into scenarios, so these would be protected from problems after updates, and also allows trying different setups in "isolated" environments, preventing (when possible) conflicts between different mods. So this was not a developer's one-sided decision at all.

    We can disable Mass/ Volume/ CPU in the main game menu, we're not forced to use these at all, and at worse we can modify values ourselves if we really insist in playing with these enabled. And yes, these are obviously "limiting" features, there's no hiding it, so once again for players who don't want to play with these limits then they can simply disable them.

    Regarding "fixing Unity" this is not Eleon's job to fix the game engine. It's hard to blame them for something they only have limited control upon. Unity has been having bad network system for a long time now, to the point the Unity devs decided to opt for something completely new.

    More on this here:

    Track Driver likes this.
  3. Tiberius

    Tiberius Ensign

    Feb 13, 2021
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    This is my throwaway account, as I am not risking my main account here. I've been playing and modding Empyrion for years.

    First, no modders did not ask for scenarios almost unanimously to protect them from updates. As a modder myself, what you are saying is completely wrong. We were pretty much told the Devs didn't want mod support, and scenarios were the dumbass workaround. The Dev team has taken the stance of total micromanaging what players can and can't do with modding. That's extremely clear and has been made clear many times before.

    Sure you are right that there are options for volume, mass, and cpu. However, this isn't even what I was talking about. So let's not distract from that. Currently Solar is all but useless. Let's be real. And it's completely unrealistic. A battery bank and full solar can not power a base by itself for any reasonable amount of time. And there are no settings to allow players to do this either. And if you are fueling a large base for a group, good luck. You are constantly mining which takes away from the game, just to keep the lights on. Generators should produce power and items use the power. If you actually knew what you were talking about, you'd know currently generators are basically a decoration that does nothing, and items are using fuel. Which also makes no sense.

    Regarding fixing Unity. What I meant to say was fix the sloppy game software coding. This is a Developer made an issue. It's not actually a Unity issue. It's once again an issue with the Devs balancing for PVP. And once again, if you knew what you were talking about, you'd already have known.

    If you want to fanboy it up, by all means, do so. I refuse to coddle a development team that keeps refusing to listen and make basic changes. So unless you are a Dev. I will not be replying further.
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2021
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Maybe you should stay clear of the forums if your intent is just to troll and start flame wars. If you're afraid of a ban and upfront say you're using an alt account just so you can throw sh*t around and you don't assume it in your next post then you may get what you're looking for soon enough.
    ravien_ff and Sofianinho like this.
  5. Taelyn

    Taelyn Guest

    Locked. I advice you to read our Community Rules
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