Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. ProcyonLotor

    ProcyonLotor Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    1x2x2 or 2x3x3 cargo boxes with volumes 32000su or 64000su or more
  2. Amicus

    Amicus Ensign

    Oct 9, 2020
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    1 x 1 x 2 or T2 Fridge that can hold more volume.

    A scanner (not manned) or a scanner station (manned) that scans and shows target ship/base's generator, shield generator, or warpdrive by the player aiming at the target (or the closest target).

    Weapon station
    A weapon station seat (manned) or device block (not manned) that lets players to manage all turrets' targeting priorities at once. So fire priorities can be switched fast.

    Cryo Chamber:
    (This is duplicated request; but I provide more details.) Make Cryo Chamber similar to cockpit and players can stay in it. When players log out while staying in Cryo Chamber, it saves their locations. And when players log back on, they reappear in Cryo Chamber (in case if ship is moving).

    To add a 2x1x1 CV cockpit that has captain chair positioned in center. Just like the design of armored double door opens at center.

    Beam weapons:
    If Multi-tool turret can exist in-game, so can beam weapon/turret. Beam weapon can't do any damage when target's shield is up. Either they have lower DPS without cooldown, high DPS with cooldown, or both.
    Vermillion (6/20/2020)
    Attempts have been made on beam weapons. Unfortunately, due to render distance they only reach to a maximum of 150 meters before the beam just stops. Which is why the mining and tool turrets on CVs only have a 150m range.

    Tier 3 and up. More shield points. No need to explain.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
    AmicusJose and Et3rnalPho3nix like this.
  3. KnowItAllDM

    KnowItAllDM Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
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    I like the Star Trek method of weapons to hull/shield damage:

    Beam Weapons and Laser Weapons (Laser only) damage both shields and hull, but cannot damage hull until shields are down.
    Projectile Weapons (minigun and Cannon) do no damage to shields, but high damage to hull, and can only damage hull when shields are down.
    Rocket Weapons (Flack, Rocket, and Artillery) ignore shields, and deal damage directly to hull, but only deal 1/2 damage when shields are up.
    Plasma Weapons (Plasma only) damage both hull and shields with a single hit, dealing medium damage to hull and low damage to shields, but deals high damage to hull when shields are down.
    Et3rnalPho3nix and Amicus like this.
  4. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    These have probably been posted before...

    Sensors, switches, logic and LCDs:
    - Lever switch with 2 LCD projectors built in.
    - LCD projector block with at least 2 and ideally 6 LCD projectors built in (but still small like current LCD projector)
    - Push button (for use with latch logic, timer etc to compliment sensors), including variants with up to 6 LCD projectors built in
    - Timer with MUCH longer timeout - several hours
    - Lever switch to be able to follow a signal - ie it physically changes in response to a signal follow.
    - ANYTHING that can consume power to have an on/off signal input.
    - Fix buggy signal delete (have to reload game / restart server to get the deletes to be accepted)
    - Fix buggy LCD text editor.
    - Fix play field unloading so that sensors trigger when the player leaves the area via a teleporter.

    - Variants of the CV 2x2x5 thrusters that are only 2x2x2 or 2x2x3 with about half the thrust. Maybe same for the XL as well. Even large CVs can struggle to accommodate the existing ones for lateral thrusters.
    - Variants of the 2x2x5 and 3x3x7 SV/HV jets again with about half the thrust (they dont even need to be jets).

    - PLEASE!!!!! Can we have a gravity generator where we can set the volume (same way we set up sensor fields). Lack of this is a build killer for some larger builds.

    - At least make the limit 16 or 20 - not 15!!!

    Or just open source this so we can fix stuff, quicker, easier, FAR less frustrating.
    Amicus and tony hug like this.
  5. ibGumby

    ibGumby Ensign

    Apr 24, 2019
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    I can't be the only one wanting more rounded shapes, multi-block curved pieces that would encompass both large radius loops and different sized domes. Along with this we'd need the obvious pipe sections missing filled in, matching the skinnier pipe connectors.

    So many more but I think they've all been covered.
    Track Driver likes this.
  6. ProcyonLotor

    ProcyonLotor Ensign

    Jul 24, 2020
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    Binoculars. I have to go almost in firing range to check what defenses is on a base and it would be nice to have a way to look closer to plan an attack. The Sniper doesn't look far enough
    Track Driver likes this.
  7. Hazard0814

    Hazard0814 Ensign

    Oct 3, 2019
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    -Small cubes/devices usable on lrg surfaces. Maybe have it placable on an "Empty" space, so long as it has collision on the side it's facing/on?
    -CPU racks, allow X number of logic operations per rack, such as.
    -The ability to set X Crafter to maintain Y block.
    Trap floors/walls that go off with "Close" proximity, the block in front of them upto X distance, along with slightly modified wall painting, so you can learn to see them, if your paying attention.

    -Cinematic camera trigger for exploding buildings? o_O
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2020
  8. SpaceRanger

    SpaceRanger Ensign

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Missing shape. Might have already been mentioned idk. Didn't see. The two shapes in the back almost match.

    Siege Inc. likes this.
  9. Devildog3543

    Devildog3543 Ensign

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Device - I'd love to see security cameras so I can sit in my base and watch what's outside via LCDs and Hinges so I can say "opening bomb bay" as I fly by the unsuspecting
    Track Driver and Siege Inc. like this.
  10. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    The last time Eleon genuinely asked what shapes we want, they also asked us to do some legwork and provide a CAD file of the actual shape so they can import them precisely the way we want. An interface for approvals of new voxels, so we can just upload them and Eleon can just load and approve them for import with the next game patch, would be great and would be used. A lot. Many of us are familiar with .JT, .CPA, etc., and may be or may have friends who are actual graphical designers capable of making complex shapes for submission to the game developer for review.

    Eleon, just tell us what format and dimensions you prefer, and we will create the shapes ourselves for you to import. No reason for you to do so much work on creating shapes from scratch when you could be optimizing the game and etc. You've seen our response when you asked last time, so go ahead and streamline this process given the volume of requests, please. So you can continue optimizing. :)
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2021
  11. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    a camera is a nice idea. maybe add zoom? (back in jumpgate there was a device you could use to zoom right to the next jumpgate and that was really far away)

    also a gravity normalizer / mk2 gravity generator that normalizes gravity to 1g (or as far in this direction as its power allows) adding gravity up is a problem on large bases with more generators or when having a ship docked on a ba both with a generator turned on...
  12. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    Separate ore->ingot processing to its own specific device. It doesn't feel right a constructor can do everything, especially as you can have an unlimited number of portable constructors that can do the refining for free without even needing energy...

    Would make it more interesting if you actually had to build a production infrastructure. There already is the Furnace, so keep that as the high tier version of ore processing and add the low tier choices. For example: Ore Processor -> Refinery -> Furnace. The first tier could do the basic ores, the second tier adds the uncommon ones, and the last one can do them all.

    As for the very start of the game, allow the portable constructor to only refine stone but have it refine them directly into ingots (keep the total output ratio the same, though). That way the player can start to build stuff. This also makes him *want* to process his ores in his actual base instead of placing down a farm of 100 portable constructors...
  13. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    Well if you're going to exploit the placeholders for maximum potential, try placing four of the portable constructors down close to each other and jumping into the center. You could get catapulted a hundred meters into the air. :D We've seen this happen with Spanj on a multiplayer server.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2022
  14. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Refrigerated Container Controller - Allow us to make bigger mass storage for food.
    Bigger/More Options for Doors/Hatches/Hangars - Please add bigger Hangar doors for use on large capital ships and bases/space stations. Also, we need options for all sizes, incremented up and down by one block in every direction.
    Lights, switches, LEDs, Deco don't count as one block - I know this is major, but allowing more than one block per block for these small things could do wonders for design of ships and bases and POI's.
    DoT Block - Going through a few POI's you can see the designers trying to emulate things like molten metal or lava. It would be really nice to have a configurable block that builders could use that damages the player over time if they come into contact with it. I'd even go so far as to link it with signal logic.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2021
    J'ee likes this.
  15. J'ee

    J'ee Lieutenant

    Dec 18, 2018
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    A different design of very large hangar doors is probably called for, at some point. Hard force fields is what I'm hoping Eleon will settle for due to its versatility. Adding to the flow of Empyrion's tiered scheme for devices and polarized shield abilities for vehicles and bases, this would be like a Tier 2 Forcefield, which acts a bit like an isolated polarized shield. I'm hoping we have something like that, so I can make Halo-like energy bridges, already.

    The problem with overlapping voxels is the massive lag it causes as the two mesh together, besides visual artifacts like bad flickering which some players can't physically tolerate. But there may be ways of tightening up a few voxel wasters. Multiple LCD displays should definitely be handled by a larger voxel "LCD controller" or similar block, which can display more than one LCD hologram, notably useful for animated LCDs or LCDs which change state based on a circuit, which are becoming increasingly popular. If LCDs are interactive at the point of the hologram, the LCD could replace a switch, if Eleon includes LCD tags for that function. I know designers would jump on being able to code their own interactive LCDs with LUA. If Eleon adds a LUA codebase for LCDs, we will readily use it. Some players are already experienced doing just that, in similar voxel games where they had to learn LUA or copy-paste it from other players, to fly their ship. We know which games those are. If LCDs produce actual light, which I feel they could through a LUA codebase, then they could replace light devices, too. This would allow for a more dynamic lighting experience. LCD holograms already mesh with other voxels just fine and may be the answer you're seeking, or partly so. You'd just set down one "LCD controller" type device, and it could replace all the lights and switches, let you put together voxel-efficient animations frame by frame instead of an array of individual LCDs, and through LUA, maybe even make those cool screens you made or got from the workshop, actually do something, report something, are interactive, produce light--and finally, have an option to produce hard light, allowing the player to effectively craft their own block shapes, on some level, which they can't walk through, to make forcefields and energy bridges, or to fill in a shaping gap on the hull of their ship or its hallways, which they couldn't with regular block shapes.
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2022
  16. Darinth

    Darinth Commander

    Jan 11, 2021
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    The following are shapes that would be nice to be able to put the finishing touches on the current vessel I'm working on.

    1. 20210127214503_1.jpg 20210127214508_1.jpg
    These are the same spot from two different angles. This shape actually surprises me that it's not present. There's a shape that goes from the 67.5 degree slope down to the 45 degree... but not one that goes from the 45 degree to the 22.5 degree slope.

    2. 20210127214247_1.jpg 20210127214250_1.jpg 20210127214306_1.jpg 20210127214401_1.jpg I've got a wing that is swept back and down. I can generate the 45 degree filling along the middle portion of the wing and the top portion... but not along these corner bits anywhere.

    I'm familiar with CAD and can submit STL (or any other file format the freeCAD will export to) and can generate these shapes. I'm terrible at making models, but I can easily at least put together these. Of course, the mirrors of these connectors would all be needed for the other side too.
  17. Kaloriaa

    Kaloriaa Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    ETA on small vessel furniture? I really want beds and deco for small vessels. I made a SV boat with look alike beds in it with block textures but its still not beds. I would like to have the following.

    1.)Beds- Small bunk beds, Roll mattresses. (SV)
    2.) Small Couches and Chairs. (SV)
    3.) Small toilet shower. (SV)

    I would like to have Small Vessel Furniture. SV's can still have furniture while being different then CV's.

    Also on the list is camping furniture you can place on the ground.

    1.) Campfire makes some light at night and keeps you warm.
    2.) Folding Chairs.
    3.) Ice box or a Cooler to keep food and drink fresh. Uses Ice or Snow to keep things cold.
    4.) Camping Stove. To cook food on perhaps some camping recipes like S'mores, Hotdogs maby can be cooked on it. Or we can use the Campfire to cook stuff on.
    5. Lanterns a both ground and carry light to luminate the dark.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
    Track Driver likes this.
  18. Amicus

    Amicus Ensign

    Oct 9, 2020
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    - Size: 1 x 2 x 1 block size but looks much smaller
    - Shape: torpedo shape
    - Drone-like entity
    - Spawned by Torpedo Launcher
    - Speed: 120m/s or up
    - Range: 1.5km
    - Long reload time
    - Massive area damage to ship hull
    - Torpedo wreckage disappears 1.5 second after impact

    Torpedo Launcher:
    - Size: 2 x 3 x 2 block size and can be placed on top/side/bottom of the ship
    - Has muzzle door and spawn torpedo inside. Muzzle door opens when launching torpedo
    - Max 2 allowed on CV
    - High CPU usage
    - Long reload time; has load/reload sound using decal (customed) system
    - Target lock from map (press M), or from manned Weapon Station (read my previous post)
    Application: Torpedo Frigate, Battlecruiser, Dreadnought

    Drone Spawnpad:
    - Size: 3 x 3 x 1 spawnpad
    - Shape: Either a spawnpad or a 4 x 3 x 3 device with hanger door to release drone
    - Max 4 allowed on CV/Base
    - Very high CPU usage
    - Drone range: 2.5km
    - Very long respawn time if dispatched drone is destroyed
    - Target lock from map (press M), or from manned Weapon Station (read my previous post)
    Application: Drone Frigate, Drone Carrier
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2021
    AmicusJose likes this.
  19. Amicus

    Amicus Ensign

    Oct 9, 2020
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    Water Generator:
    - Base device, size 2 x 2 x 1
    - Powered by base
    - Device must be deployed in water to work
    - Can be assigned as construction input
    - Water containers can be taken out but cannot be put back in (or any other items)
    Track Driver and Darinth like this.
  20. JupiterVessel Corp

    JupiterVessel Corp Commander

    Sep 9, 2018
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    I would love to have hv/sv/cv direct fire multi-tool weapons. Basically they would work just like laser drills but they salvage blocks instead. Also the mult-tool turrets should be given an area of effect just like the drill turrets have.

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