Incorporate these new .ecf files for more balanced market prices

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by RedScourge, Feb 25, 2021.

  1. RedScourge

    RedScourge Commander

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I made another thread previously talking about suggestions that I had made to help rebalance some of the base item prices in a few ways, but that thread kind of went off the rails. After figuring out that the best way to proceed was actually to change both the base prices AND some of the trader min/max quantities, and then actually going through the files and doing so, I have come up with a modified ItemsConfig.ecf which changes base prices, and TraderNPCConfig.ecf which changes buy/sell quantities, which I believe are solid enough to be placed into the base game for the default singleplayer and multiplayer scenario.

    Any feedback regarding these proposed changes is welcome, as I may have got a few things wrong, and if we could ensure these are solid enough that Eleon devs only have to replace the ones in Empyrion/Content/Configuration with these, that would be great.

    To easily see what I changed, you can check these vs the vanilla files in a tool like TortoiseGit's Diff viewer against te originals, etc, but here is a summary of what I changed:



    iron copper sili platin 3x
    cobalt titan sath xeno 5x
    prometh neo zasc eres pent alum magnes gold 10x
    all energy cells and hydrogen tank: 10x to match promethium
    Gold coins: 2x
    Because they were WAY too cheap in proportion to store quantity, basically defeating the purpose of ever mining

    Components: multiplied basics so they are worth a bit more than the value of their ingots, and advanced so that they are worth a bit less

    Armor boosts: ~1.5x
    EVA boost: made proportional to new gold ingot price
    Small/Large Optronic Bridges/Matrices: multiply price by about 5-6x (low end of IvD Epic Store prices in the IvD scenario)
    T1 weapons: ~0.7x so it's a bit less easy to rack up tons of credits selling a ton of low weapons to traders
    multitool t1, t2, night vision, misc tools: ~0.5x
    Player ammo: ~1.5x but varies, as it was like 1-5 credits per round which is a bit low for some of them
    Epic armor/weapons: multiply by 5-10x (low end of IvD Epic Store prices in the IvD scenario)
    Fixed that Epic Light/Medium/Heavy armor prices were lower than their non-epic varieties

    Raw fruits, harvested resources, wildlife drops: ~10x as they were like 1 or 2 credits each, now some may be viable to farm for profit or at least worth selling the excess
    wood: ~5x
    Egg: 1 -> 50 as it's a fairly valuable medical ingredient
    Water Container/bottle: ~2x to reflect the hassle that it is to collect
    Food and meds: ~2x
    Raise perish time of Grilled Steak from 54m to 80m to be a bit more competitive with other cheap foods like Bread
    Health Pack: ~2x (or 340 -> 700 )
    Trauma Kit: ~6x (or 160 -> 1000, as it should be more expensive than Health Pack as it also cures many conditions)
    Auto Miner Core: 7500 -> 9000


    Auto Miner Core:
    - change min/max buy/sell 10-50/55-150 to min 10-20/20-30 in QuantumSTAR and MACorp
    - change min/max buy of 1000-1500 or 500/1000 to 50-100 on mining stations and warehouses
    - change min/max sell of 1000-1500 to 100-150 on factories

    Because a player clearing out the stock once is probably more autominer cores than they'd ever use, especially in single player

    Large/Small Optronic Bridge/Matrix:
    - change min/max buy/sell of 10-50/55-150 to 10-50/55-65 in QuantumSTAR
    - change max buy of 150-500 to 15-50 in Bertrams
    - change max sell qty of 1000-1500 to 0/100-150 across the board on factories and warehouses

    This is to prevent players from easily becoming millionaires in minutes and billionaires in under an hour

    o2 bottle/hyd bottle/npcblocks/npcblocks/forcefield/ores/ingots/alum/plat/pentaxid/magnesium/prometh ore (but not pellets):
    - change min/max buy/sell qty of 1000-1500 to 100/150 across the board on mining stations, Forger, etc
    - change min/max buy/sell of 50-100/100-500 to 50-100/100-200 at MACorp and Resources
    - change min/max sell of 1000-1500 to 100-150 at Recycling and Dealer

    This is to make it a little harder for players to completely avoid ever having to mine again after the first one of these stations that they come across

    tools/guns/kits/armor/armorboosts/CannedMeat/VeggieBurger/MeatBurger/CannedVegetables/EmergencyRations/all medical supplies, particularly MediKit01/02/03/04:
    - change min/max buy/sell of 50-100/150-500 to 10-20/30-50 at Bertrams and OkyMedical and Food and Medic (except bandages min 20-30)
    - change min/max buy/sell of 10-50/55-150 to 10-20/25-50 at BasicWeaponTools and AdvancedWeaponsToolsKits and ArmorAndBoosts
    - change max buy of 1000-1500 to 100-150 armor/armorboosts/tools/npcblocks at mining stations and Spaceport
    - change max sell of 1000-1500 to 100-150 meds/armorboosts at Science
    - change max sell of 500-1000 or 1000-1500 to 50-100 or 100-150 at Warehouse and Settlement

    This is to make it a little harder for players to completely avoid ever having to farm or manufacture food/medicine again after the first one of these stations that they come across

    - change max sell of 500-1000 or 1000-1500 to 50-100 or 100-150 GeneratorMST2/armorboost/EmergencyRations at Powerplant and Archeological

    Notes: did not change most places that have massive max quantities, but which only buy from player

    Attached Files:

    stanley bourdon likes this.
  2. RedScourge

    RedScourge Commander

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Note: The only apparent difference between Default and IvD scenario's versions of TraderNPCConfig.ecf is the last two traders, "Epic Dealer" and "Bob", and then commenting out all the token items in the PaxPurgatory trader's item list, so to apply this to IvD you'd just need to copy across those extra two trader definitions from the end of IvD to the end of this TraderNPCConfig.ecf file, and comment out those token items (about lines 351-364, items 13 through 26 inclusive.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2021
  3. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    When I read the purpose of your changes, this should be a challenging game modifier, thank you for providing this. Must I start a new game mode after replacing these files, or will the changes apply immediately in my current game mode?
  4. RedScourge

    RedScourge Commander

    Feb 12, 2016
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    I don't think i would be a great deal more challenging, it just would make it a lot more difficult to become exceedingly rich fairly quickly, as is possible with the default base prices. If you're seeking more challenge, you might want to just use a mod like Reforged Eden, which adds a whole lot of new things and a great deal more rebalancing. I mostly just made this so that the devs could drop this in, and most new default scenario and IvD scenario games going forward would have substantially less exploitable market prices.

    I believe you'd have to start over again, as I believe it only loads these files once at the start. Alternatively, I hear you can go into godmode, point at the traders, and alter their trades with some sort of console commands, however this would not change the base prices of the items, so you'd have to essentially modify every single trader. In that case it would probably be easier to start a new game with the exact same seed but using these prices, then just spawn in the structures, ships, and resources that you had on your old game. It would probably be best to make a copy of the scenario your game used, then throw these files into Scenarios\CustScenarioName\Content\Configuration so that these changes do not get wiped out if a future update changes these files or just reverts them with the originals for some reason.

    However if you're running a dedicated server and using EAH, there would probably be a way to alter the base prices in an already established game, perhaps even while running.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2021
  5. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Thanks for your explanations, I just play single player and I'm not running a server. Reforged Eden is surely a scenario that I will look into soon or late, but in the meantime it's nice to see a different economy at work.
  6. RedScourge

    RedScourge Commander

    Feb 12, 2016
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    Whoops, looks like I had 4 errors in the TraderNPCConfig.ecf file, a few mins were below the max due to forgetting to backspace a few zeroes. You'll need to replace that file with this one instead.

    Attached Files:


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