What did you do in Empyrion today?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Slam Jones, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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  2. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Sometimes I wish there was more of these block shapes that we could use to create these little bits of custom deco. That is similar to how I use that shape, though I tend to make the middle the glowing texture instead.
    Germanicus likes this.
  3. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Impressions from the Explorations..

    V153302-210329-0805_2021-03-31_22-35-28.png V153302-210329-0805_2021-03-31_20-28-46.png V153302-210329-0805_2021-03-31_20-19-08.png
  4. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Finally managed to scrape enough titanium together to build @jrandall s helios.
    Some modifications and launched in single player as the Helios-J
    managed to dock my non warp mining ship inside the "ribs"
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2021
  5. spacegal

    spacegal Commander

    Jul 13, 2019
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    Today I've finally discovered the secret behind the Ilmarinen mission: the treasure at the end of the mission is something... woa I do not have words to describe how rewarding is the true 'gift' of that mission.

    This game is simply wonderful and long life to well designed plot such as the Empyrion one ;)
  6. DarkMaid

    DarkMaid Commander

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Meanwhile I'm all jazzed about the butterfly that was briefly in my base after replacing a floor block... :)

    Unfortunately I didn't think to take a screen-shot until after it disappeared.
    Fractalite, dpburke2 and Germanicus like this.
  7. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Took a Carrier loaded with 5 CV's onto a 4g planet today.

    I THOUGHT I had enough vertical thrust to escape...
    I thought wrong.

    After some tweaking I updated the blueprint in the workshop.
    ravien_ff, Fractalite and Germanicus like this.
  8. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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  9. jadefalcon

    jadefalcon Captain

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Jump up and down in the middle if you dare.
    Love Is Flash and Germanicus like this.
  10. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    On a follow up of @jrandall 's recent youtube video, did some test with MSRN Leviathan fully loaded with cargo only and docked on Helios RE. Adding 38 drive thrusters made it possible to escape Lava's planet 5g gravity...as shown bellow. Of course might need moar pawarrrr.

    Also realized how big Helios MSC is.

    Attached Files:

    Sup and dpburke2 like this.
  11. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    No warp drive. These "modules" have been part of a long running project of mine, tracing its roots and evolution to interactions here on the forums and the evolution of the game over the years.

    To maximize the specialized nature of the modules, I skipped the warp drive. Now they still have enough thrust to lift themselves with a full cargo hold under gravity, but that is because I want to be able to take and use the modules where I want without worrying about whether they can handle themselves. To this end, I need a separate means to move them that did include warp.

    On the workshop, the Raven CV is the first of my module movers, a warp capable CV meant to move around my warpless CV.


    Origins of the Raven actually predates my modules. It just never made it to the workshop and has undergone several complete redesigns. At one point it was going to have a couple large cargo SV dock to the underside of side brackets, but as the tasks I wanted the Raven to accomplish changed, so too did the design. Now it has a somewhat universal pad for what will become my M1 series modules. You can also dock to the front and back panels, so it is possible to create the illusion of stacking the cargo SV that eventually descended from that original SV concept. Even added a little extra to the top edge of the barrier so the modules for the Mojura could dock. So it isn't just my own creations that the Raven can carry about.

    If you go to the workshop page for the Raven, you can see a list of the modules/containers by other players that I currently know of that the Raven can move.

    Of my own on the workshop today, the Raven is designed to move:

    Fabricate (M1) - factory module
    Cultivate (M1) - farm module
    DC Ease (M1) - cargo module
    Care - farm CV without warp
    Pekin - cargo/mining with its own warp option

    The following are WIP published to my workshop that are also designed to be carried by the Raven:

    Courage - factory CV with option for warp
    Gunwing - CV with atmo turrets and no warp
    Carri-On 1U (sv)
    Carri-On 2U (sv)
    Carri-On 4U (sv) - all smaller than the original Carri-On SV prototype....

    And while I have been experimenting with means to use the modules with space BA and CV, so far my only BA published that can use any of my modules is the Frontier Perch.


    However, I have started the Fairywren and Junglefowl CVs, to actually use my modules as the modules of a CV.

    Fairywren (WIP)
    Pondering LG Modules_2021-04-05_14-47-27.png

    Pondering LG Modules_2021-04-05_14-47-06.png

    Yes, the Fairywren is pictured here above the Junglefowl, but with the bays in complete shadow I didn't think it would be clear that the CV had slots for the modules. And, yes, the Junglefowl is more of a skeleton intended to become something more someday.

    And with the recent XCal Anvil challenge with modular CV, well, it seems to have ignited an ambition to expand my own modules.

    Pondering LG Modules_2021-04-05_14-53-16.png

    On the far left is the originals, which will be the M1 series.

    The middle column is the M2 series. The M2 series started as just concept boxes where I tested if I could conceivably get the thruster system, power, and specialty into the proposed space. As you might notice, the M2 series are no longer plain boxes. I reshaped the boxes, moved around the proposed components and started making them into functional modules. These are my transitional modules. With the same height, depth and placement of side doors as the M1 series, the M2 will be able to side dock to the Fairywren and Junglefowl. The M2 series are typically more capable than two of the equivalent M1 modules combined. I call them the transitional modules because although smaller than Helios modules, the cockpit and "front door" are placed so that the M2 modules can dock with the Helios by @jrandall. So something between. Now these are incompatible with the Frontier Perch, so I am going to re-evaluate my planned bases going forward. Can I figure out some transitional base(s) that work with both M1 and M2? Either way, since I have no CV with warp yet to move these new modules, I probably won't be releasing the M2 modules to the workshop until at least the Fairywren or the Junglefowl is published. I am not sure someone using the Helios (or related CV) will really want smaller modules like these....

    Like the M2, the M3 modules are Helios compatible. As you can see, two of them are still the plain concept boxes. The outer hulls of both will be re-sculpted to tie into their predecessor M1 and M2 modules. I couldn't bring myself to actually make Helios modules, so these are about 6 blocks longer and won't be shaped to the reflect the Helios hull line or the colors either.

    Yes, I have tested docking both the M2 and M3 series to the vanilla version of the Helios. You can see the Helios off to the side in the next picture.

    While the M2 modules will work with Junglefowl and Fairywren as planned, the M3 are really an excuse to add compatibility for the Helios modules to one of my other old projects. I will be replacing the proposed aft hangar of the Limpkin WIP and replacing it with two bays (stacked) compatible with the Helios modules, or rather the new M3 modules to provide the excuse for Helios compatibility.

    Pondering LG Modules_2021-04-05_15-19-17.png

    My project for the current ZeroG challenge is a mining CV that fits into my original (M1) module dimensions--as well as door alignments. A miner without warp itself.

    Spiracle WIP
    Vanilla Creative_2021-04-05_15-32-39.png

    Pictured hanging in one of the lower module bays of one of the Fairywren WIP.
  12. Track Driver

    Track Driver Rear Admiral

    Jun 28, 2016
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    There's been a lot of talk about wheeled vehicles for EGS. Whether to have them or not is open for debate.
    However, lately, I've been watching a lot of late night You-Tube space videos and frequently wheeled rovers are featured either by NASA or sci-fi films.
    So, I've started on my own version. Still WIP, all thrusters are concealed (while that's still possible).
    2021-04-05 (2).png 2021-04-05 (3).png 2021-04-05 (2).png 2021-04-05 (5).png 2021-04-05 (6).png
    A departure for me as this one is primarily an exploration vehicle.
    Kassonnade, Noob42, Sup and 3 others like this.
  13. Fractalite

    Fractalite Rear Admiral

    Aug 10, 2016
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    I like the frontier perch. Might I borrow that and once I am done with a project or two convert it into a pirate thingy?
    dpburke2 and Germanicus like this.
  14. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    You are welcome to.
    Fractalite and Germanicus like this.
  15. Carldwen

    Carldwen Ensign

    Feb 7, 2021
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    This has been more like the last little while, but im startin to get more miles on it now. I love stargate, and Empyrion seems the perfect game to recreate the iconic ships. I found some nice looking projects in the workshop unfortunatly they all had issues, either unlocked CPU's meaning they couldnt be used legit.. or worse, size class 70+ ships... And I wanted to use it on a server..

    Solution, make my own from scratch keeping an eve on the class size constantly. Behold The first version of Atlantis! From an ariel view I can see the 3 small piers need redoing as they are pathetic! but this beauty doesnt exceed a size class 5 so works on servers and has a CPU efficiency of 100%!

    Some may look and say, thats way larger then class 5. And your right! The core in the center is a class 5. Each of the 6 piers are either class 3 or 4. made to dock perfectly with the core giving the iconic view you see. The center has a massive overkill of propulsion allowing it to act as a carrier for all 7 ships. Each ship also is full built for a purpose and is detachable. Each with room for a tank. Maxed out on turrets and weapons as well as thrusters able to move 10 times the ships hull weight.

    The 3 large piers are currently configured as Hydroponics ships but can be redone inside for ground assault or more Armour for ship-ship combat. The smaller piers will be redone again and serve as warships and salvagers. Capable of planetary assault with heavy tanks on board, all stored centrally on the core in a large hanger at the back.

  16. Carldwen

    Carldwen Ensign

    Feb 7, 2021
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    A slightly better version, the little one was bugging me a LOT!

    bluemax151, Kassonnade, Sup and 3 others like this.
  17. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    The Spiracle is now "completed" and on the workshop.

    Vanilla Creative_2021-04-08_23-49-06.jpg

    Now to work on the modular CV, interspersed with the M2 modules. Part of me almost can't wait to deploy some of these CV for myself. But I really want one of the CV designed to really use these modules and this miner.
    bluemax151, byo13, ravien_ff and 7 others like this.
  18. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    dpburke2 likes this.
  19. dpburke2

    dpburke2 Captain

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Well, I did take time to trim a ton of CV and give it a new paint job.... A lot of work to reuse the same drill pattern as the Perspiration CV.

    bluemax151, byo13, Noob42 and 2 others like this.
  20. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Moded the original EVE Online Tyra blank to a true hauler capable on carrying cargo in 100x320k containers, totaling 32Mil SUs, both on vanilla and Reforged Eden scenario.

    Maxed cargo statistics while hovering over a 4g planet.
    Mass volume per gravity test_2021-04-10_13-30-20.png Reforged gravity tests_2021-04-10_13-29-07.png Reforged gravity tests_2021-04-10_13-28-46.png Mass volume per gravity test_2021-04-10_13-43-54.png
    byo13, ravien_ff, dpburke2 and 2 others like this.

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