DEV BLOG Version 1.5 Dev Blog: Factions

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hummel-o-War, Apr 23, 2021.

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  1. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    Either you again did not understand the essence of the thought because of the crazy google translator, or now it became clear to me that active PVE players on this forum are promoting PVE ideas and are trying in every possible way to discriminate against any PVP, thereby dividing the community into "good and bad" falling into hysterics every time someone says the word "pvp".
  2. Genza

    Genza Ensign

    Apr 30, 2021
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    I really do not see what changing CPU limits will improve in this scenario. You can build "realistic" ships now, they just can´t be as big as you would like. Increasing CPU will let you build your nice looking big ship but also let the brick builders build a bigger brick that will still smash your teeth in. Nothing changes in the end, no matter what CPU limit you set, the ship that uses it all on offence/defence will always have an upper hand over a ship that uses part of it on looks. Not to mention any detailing and lighting just balloons size class like crazy, giving you instant disadvantage.

    Sure your psyche will be just dandy. Right up until the moment the now twice as big and twice as armed, yet still as ugly, mountain of steel wrapped generators covered in turrets wipes the floor with you. Because your increased CPU limit allowed the brick to grow that much more guns and that many more layers of armor....

    Not what i meant at all. I meant setting rules for deployed vessels that will require them to have a "realistic" layout policed by admins/mods. Some semblance of this exists out there where server rules prohibit for example covered thrusters and turrets, but that requires dedicated trustwotrthy human element and that is always a problem.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  3. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    ----------------- Let's try this with Ice Cream ------------------------------

    You like ice cream, I don't, for various reasons. You try to convince me that I should like ice cream.

    - If I disagree with you (ice cream not good) it must be because I did not understand your arguments, and it's not clear for you if other people who don't like ice cream are doing discrimination towards people who like ice cream ;

    - If I disagree with you (ice cream not good) and I understood your arguments, then it's clear for you that other people who do not like ice cream are doing discrimination towards people who like ice cream.

    Since I do not like ice cream, I must be part of these people who discriminate the people who like ice cream, so I'm bad too.

    ( But if now I'm convinced that I like ice cream, are the other people who don't like ice cream still discriminating or are they not discriminating those who like ice cream ? )


    Google translate does not introduce that kind of error. That is just plain manipulation, and it doesn't work with me. Now it's going to be a bit hard for you to make us believe you're not trying to force PvP upon anyone, despites you writing the contrary just a few posts above ( I can quote you).

    I understood perfectly well all what you wrote. I am not "The active PvE Players on this forum".

    Edit : I think what @Genza wrote up here makes a lot of sense.
    Last edited: May 1, 2021
  4. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    The number of turrets and without a CPU is limited by the number allowed for each type. 10 for lazer / plasma, 10 for anti-aircraft / missile, 12 for atmospheric. If you forgot about it or didn't know.
  5. CyberMech

    CyberMech Commander

    Jun 23, 2018
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    Facepalm. Consider what you think, I don't care - eventually I have played this game for a long time and it will soon be 5k hours. Let's see if your interest was enough for the same number of hours and where the game will come during this year. If you want to turn this game into one solid bog-pve and completely tweaked it, then this is sad, because PVE never in any game could captivate players for more than 1k hours, even if we talk about games like the legendary and epic TES series. I finished.
  6. Beasthammer

    Beasthammer Commander

    May 4, 2018
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    Well... You are rare. I think not every player can allow themselves 5k hours of gameplay in regular basis... What is the argument here? If you read my previous post, there i try to explain that this game is hardly capable of handling or simulating any combat...
    Do you really think there could be enjoyable fights with 3v3, 5v5, 10v10, NvN?
    This is a system issue, when we hit a state where high paced combat is manageable then you should talk about pvp tweaks... Until then keep dreaming.
    Kassonnade likes this.
  7. Genza

    Genza Ensign

    Apr 30, 2021
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    True, depending if the vanilla limits are used/turned on or not and assuming those limts would not increase with the CPU limit (which i would hope they would since allowing twice as much CPU output and keepping the same weapon limits makes no sense).

    Would not change the fact that you would still be going against 40 layers thick monstrosities with no regard for realism or looks.

    Considering your 5k hours you seem to be quite fine with things as they are. The fact is that the vanilla game really is not geared towards PvP in any way. If Eleon wants it this way that is their choice, they provide the vanilla tool you can use to build PvP experience if you wish to, but given the engine you have to work with, that is a futile effort if you ask me. Maybe upcomming changes will help in that regard, but given it runs on Unity I would not hold high expextations.
    bluemax151 and Kassonnade like this.
  8. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    This game is not a First Person Shooter. PvP is and should remain trivial. It is a space survival game. Frustration comes from failing to understand this principle.
    bluemax151 and Kassonnade like this.
  9. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I'm still playing Dungeon Keeper 2 and Minecraft sometimes... I don't count hours, it's not relevant : I know you did not PvP for 5000 hours, you did lots of Creative and some PvE too.

    I play when I feel like it, either brand new game or I come back to one of my favorites. Empyrion sits in there comfortably, and the only thing that could prevent me from playing it at any time in the future is the very remote possibility that they realease a patch that completely breaks the game with no means to even use an older version, and they leave it unfixed. Or Steam goes bankrupt and they let the players deal with dead accounts and servers. Or worse.

    I think it helps me putting this game in perspective for the longer term, and stop panicking about the current state of this and that. I know you want to make big nice ships that both fit PvE and PvP but this is utopia ( nice =/= efficient for PvP), as was well explained by other players here.
    Beasthammer likes this.
  10. Joij

    Joij Lieutenant

    Nov 24, 2019
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    The maximum CPU allowed in game is already higher than you think. The only reason you find the max CPU to be too low is because many private server owners reconfigured it that way.

    So even if Eleon added more CPU tiers, server owners would still keep it limited to the lower tiers. The only way to stop that would be for Eleon to prevent server owners from configuring CPU settings to lower values on their servers. This would not be a particularly popular idea, as many server owners want the freedom to limit lag (as well as balance their player base) as they see fit.
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