First Missions: Not enough resources provided

Discussion in 'Experimental Features Discussion' started by Apostolos, May 30, 2021.

  1. Apostolos

    Apostolos Ensign

    Aug 14, 2015
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    Upon first starting up a new game and following the mission quests at the very beginning, there comes very quickly (within the first day or 2 of landing) a mission to interact with a teleporter. When it explodes and 2 enemies show up, the next mission is entitled "Fight" with the objective of defeating 2 drones that show up. However, if you are just following the first initial mission, you were sent to a crashed ship where you find a pistol and just a few rounds of ammo. That ammo is not enough to destroy both targets. You are able to destroy 1 before running out of ammo and are then stuck being chain stunned by the remaining drone until you stop the game and start over. There is no recourse as your tool does not have enough range to damage the drone. There must be more ammo provided at the prior PoI or some sort of lead in warning to make sure you are established and producing your own ammunition before following the story.
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    That is the reason why there is a Test running on Experimental with significant changes to the Starting Missions.
    Not only you get introduced to the Basics but also you learn to build your Weapons yourself and their proper Ammo.
    A Survival Game of this type does not provide things in ample amounts. The Player has to go out and find resources to build it him/herself by referencing with the Recipes in the Constructors which tells you the amount of Material that you need.

    Over Time you'll do it automatically but as a 'Fresh to the Game'-Player it was so far lacking a lot of Introductions.
    Last edited: May 30, 2021
    Miznit and Pach like this.
  3. Deislyn

    Deislyn Ensign

    May 31, 2021
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    I must have missed that handgun, I took them out with the survival tool. took a while but running back and forth between 2 hiding points just enough so they can see you brings them down low enough to reach them with it
    Pach and Germanicus like this.
  4. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    You are playing the Experimental? Acutally the exploding teleporter (on the starter world) has been removed in 1.5
    Pach likes this.

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