A good pvp server?

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by Wakfu, Mar 14, 2021.

  1. Wakfu

    Wakfu Commander

    Apr 19, 2017
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    I started playing this game in alpha 5. I had the most fun experience in all my gaming ever but it was short lived. never was able to re-create it.

    So I had learned the game and everything was peaceful. Then met some guys who had beef with some other guys. i Joined one guys faction and we prepped all kinds of pvp assets to engage them. needless to say how hugely layered armored ship died to a lagshot to the core which I knew nothing of at the time and all our pvp vehicles were crashed on the battlefield sandwiched between the bases we were attacking.

    no one expected to lose a 20 layered combat steel ship in one second right...so anyway we piss off for the night and log off somewhere after much whining. the next day i realise my allies who i had joined being way better had set up a prebuilt staging base. within a few hours i was just afking at home and i got a steam msg we under attack.

    i log in to see the enemy building to wards our staging base. what followed then was a couple hours of intense gameplay only empyrion could provide. spawning multiple hover tanks, small vessels and trying to run helter skelter aorund the place to put down gun emplacements. and dying and cant reach your back pack, and the amount of broken, dead, half destroyed hover tanks and small vessels littered across the battle field in a line leading direct to where they were attacking from.

    Dodging from wreck to wreck with your character, repairing its holes while under fire, replacing the core and then going back into battle with one half blown off but just sealed quickly with a couple blocks. or to get ammo from one wreck and transfer it to a working tank. it was awesome.

    I never played empyrion again since version 6 because i couldnt find any meaningfu pvp. Its like all the resources everyone needs is in pve, i dont know what they do just sitting down counting all the millions of erestrum they have...but whatever. id like a server where the main resources were located on pvp planets. that level of emergent gameplay along with the mechanics empyrion provides, i never found again in empyrion or any other game.

    any pvp servers out there:)
    Don't Panic and ZipSnipe like this.
  2. fa_q2

    fa_q2 Commander

    Oct 30, 2019
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    ... and no reply yet :(

    The sad state of affairs with MP in this game. I, too, am looking for a good PvP server. Anything outside official seems to be laggy af and has excessive downtime. Official is not really PvP.
  3. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    You guys would have loved the old days 1.8 to 3.5. The golden days of pvp battles !!!! The devs and crybabies took a lot of the pvp out of the game. And sadly the game really only can handle about 4 vs 4, once its past that its soo freaking laggy.

    Rather than tackle the lag issues I guess they figured it was easier to go PVE route.

    Let me know if you find some action, I might load the game back up
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    The pvp community is still alive and well on some servers, and there is nothing preventing pvp. The game still allows it and servers can set up pvp however they want.
  5. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    I guess I should say that the method of pvp in Empyrion changed sooo much for the worse over the years that its not near as fun as it was back then.

    Example: Tunnels battles gone, Tunneling to a enemy base gone , view distance of bases and ships reduced(we used to be glued to our screens looking for a tiny little specs) and the worse culprit of it all was how the guns changed to this auto aiming BS that started back in 3.5, that totally made the way the game is played changed(people had to build giant ugly ships to culp with the auto aiming weapons)

    Before the auto aiming we had awesome sv fights like you see in the movies in between cap ships but now you have to have a massive sv to dogfight near a cap ship

    So yeah thats the fun that got sucked out of the game and the players also developed into two camps PVP'ers and PVE'ers. Unfortunately PVP'ers were outnumbered and thus the pvpless changes were made in the game :-(
    Don't Panic likes this.
  6. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    There is GOODo_O PvP?
  7. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Almost everything you mention can be set at the scenario or server level.
    It's up to each server to set things up how they want to. Has nothing to do with the developers or other players.
  8. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Yeah its the default settings that is a problem as many admins don't like to deviate and I don't really know how much its changed in the last 4 or 5 years since I have played.
  9. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Actually most servers, certainly the most popular ones, have some highly customized content. It's just that pvp isn't a big draw for the game and doesn't have a large enough community here to really support many pvp focused servers. But it absolutely could be done.

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