Help please, not sure if bug??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stanlycook1, Jun 14, 2021.

  1. Stanlycook1

    Stanlycook1 Ensign

    Jun 14, 2021
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    After the most recent update we started a new coop server twice now. The issue we run into is we can't get chapter 3 to initiate. We are stuck on updating situation on chapter 2: crashed birds we gave kexell the doctor report and received the teleporter and you are prompted to either get the sv from the zirax or teleport to the free colonists from your base since you can't teleport there due to neutral relationship we got the sv but that's it nothing else prompts? I've flown to the trading station, top distillery and the pirate base in hopes it would initiate. Happened to both of our save files. Anyone else having the same problem?
  2. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I'm on that same stage myself, but have not gone to the Orbital Station as of yet. Will update when I have a chance to check.

    Update: I was able to fly to the Orbital Station, walk up to the upper level, to Sky Guy's Lounge area and this mission was activated normally. Was able to complete the mission and advance to the next stage. Now sitting on Snow Planet, to do whatever things need done there.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  3. Stanlycook1

    Stanlycook1 Ensign

    Jun 14, 2021
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    Very strange, not sure why we can't advance
  4. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    Last edited: Jun 16, 2021
  5. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Confession: I did miss that this was a Co-Op venture - that very well may have everything to do with it, as noted, Story and Multiplayer are not fully compatible at this point. Hopefully this can be worked out without having to rebuild the story-support portion of the game, because Empyrion is a lot of fun to drag a few friends through, but it can be rather tricky as well, as it's not terribly hard to "break" the story mechanisms in Single-Player, let alone multiplayer. I managed to break a part of the Illmarlarian (or however it's spelt) story myself last night by flipping a switch at the wrong time (Level 5 "Fix the problems").
    Kassonnade likes this.

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