Holy moly, I did not like Ancient Revelation's Endgame mission

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Average Spearman, Mar 27, 2021.

  1. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    At the moment the NPC 'hitbox' routine for assigning health decreases are too much distance-related, you don't need to stand right in front of a creature to get infected or have your health reduced, a couple of steps away is enough which will add quickly to a possible death if there are many creatures. That's odd and needs to be changed I think.
  2. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    I've had infected assassins in the swamp infect me from 100 metres away as I was sniping them with the epic sniper rifle - yeah, that infection distance is badly bugged.
  3. skuriles

    skuriles Ensign

    Nov 21, 2018
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    I had similar experience than TheGazbeard.

    Compared to the missions before it is really a hard mission.

    Worst points:
    • The "spawn" of enemies directly in or on top of the player. Enter a room, a alien drops on my head and kills me or it spawns 1-2 meters to a dead spot. Especially when you are using jetpack it sucks do find an enemy when flying around.
    • The hitbox of the abomination creatures sucks. If you not exactly hit them with a (epic) shotgun they kill you with 2-3 bites (with heavy armor - didn't check my EVA and repair status to be honest). I would suppose to have a bigger spread for the shotgun at this point. AND their melee range is quite big.
    • The infected all have very heavy weapons and can kill you on a big range before you can even spot them
    I think it is a good POI in general, but at some points it is just a little bit "too much" and the continous spawn is really annoying, espcially compared to the missions before. You need tons of medipacks and bandages and ammo.
    I've ended up with save and reloading countless times.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2021
  4. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Likely your armor was broken.
  5. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    Nope - at least not until the dozenth time of dying, though whenever I threw it in the repair station it still had life left on it (took a ship with armour locker when heading there, then found one in the docking hangar too).
  6. TheGazbeard

    TheGazbeard Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2021
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    Having an "orphaned" player drone roving the wreckage and occassionally (sp?) coming up to you and bleepbooping to say "follow me if you want to live" could be a way to fix any lack of signposting. You could also have the drone go mental if you're about to throw a switch out of sequence to your progress.

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