Feedback Required Your TOP3 MOST WANTED feature addition or change?

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Sep 26, 2019.

  1. RedBlackPaws

    RedBlackPaws Ensign

    Jun 15, 2020
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    1. Please create a Bounty Hunter Guild. Allow players the opportunity to gain credits and loot through contracts eliminating random NPC's of varying level. Also allow players to put bounties on each other (great for multiplayer servers).

    2. Increase the amount of weapons and armour available. Potentially creating weapon levels to match higher level npc''s.

    3. Give us giant creatures to slay. I am talking dinosaur sized monsters lol. A Raptor 10x the size.

    That is all.

    Great work on the game guys. One of my favourite games.
  2. Ente

    Ente Commander

    May 20, 2021
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    1. An area selection interface for the gravity generator. Similar to the one for the Signals.

    2. More control on buildable Light sources. Be it as simple as more values for the light range, or even better some way to optionally limit it to an area with size sliders.

    3. Walking in flying ships. Just let me set a course, or even better a target for the ship to go to and stop at, and then let me leave the bridge for the kitchen to immersively get my Pizza.
    RedSamurai, Sup and me777 like this.
  3. tmajibon

    tmajibon Ensign

    Jun 7, 2021
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    1. Turn the ability to copy/paste parts of a build into it's own blueprint system for modules (this can facilitate modular builds in the workshop, as well as create a middle ground for designers where someone may not want to build block by block but instead build room by room)

    2. Optional logistics systems / production pipelines (ie. for the constructor to work with a container it must be connected in some way, likewise for power/fuel/signals). I mostly like this because builds for this setting would require more logic to how they're constructed as currently the placement of everything can be pretty arbitrary. These pipelines can even potentially create more interesting drama when broken (between signals not working, to fire/radiation spilling from a broken pipe)

    3. Docking magnets: blocks that can be used to force position/alignment when docking, ie. they get close and pull the ship into position, making it easier to get clean docks (such as making for really nice airlocks)
    atomicskicarver, altairdark and me777 like this.
  4. RedBlackPaws

    RedBlackPaws Ensign

    Jun 15, 2020
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    Can we have a capture the flag game option under the multiplayer section?

    Have just seen Spanj do this with other players on his YouTube channel and I think it would be an epic addition to the game.

    Check it out devs. Think this would be great for multiplayer.
  5. Backfire

    Backfire Ensign

    Jun 8, 2021
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    Hello, first of all, excuse me if I do not express myself well since I am using a translator, thank you for the great game, almost a thousand hours played says it all, I keep recommending it to my friends and family, my question is if in the future You will implement in the game a physics of destruction by collisions for the ships and vehicles, without a doubt it would give much more realism, thank you and never abandon this spectacular game adding if possible more content, animal fauna, textures ...
    atomicskicarver likes this.
  6. Kostriktor

    Kostriktor Commander

    Jul 31, 2019
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    1. realistic reload mechanics - if you reload with rounds still in firing chamber you dont pull slide, bolt, action, etc.
    2. customizable weapons - not coloroable ones ... im talking about add-ons; scopes, silencers, longer barrels, bigger magazines, lasers, comfy-stock, etc.
    3. hit-feedback - let me feel that im shooting lead into aliens !!
    atomicskicarver and RedSamurai like this.
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    Pull a NEW 2. Wish out of your Pocket:D because this is already on the to do list of the Devs ->
    (Find in there the info's the Moderators gave)
    Sup and Kostriktor like this.
  8. Mr.Void15

    Mr.Void15 Ensign

    Jun 9, 2021
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    1. folding and rotary joints (wheels if really possible),
    2. more shapes for glass blocks, slanted landing gears
    3. better NPCs, CV weapon working in atmosphere. WARP ANIMATION
    atomicskicarver likes this.
  9. ArchV

    ArchV Ensign

    May 27, 2018
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    1. A Pick Block hotkey for Creative/Freedom mode. Point a block / object, hit the key, the block or object replaces the hotbar slot with that block with the shape and orientation pre-selected.

    2. A ton more texture and decals options (bonus points: add more via mods)

    3. Moddable UI and Sound. Let the mod community do your art pass for you, easy mode!
    atomicskicarver and Sup like this.
  10. Mofa

    Mofa Guest

    Dynamic Buildingblocks
    Incubuzz likes this.
  11. Banquo

    Banquo Commander

    Apr 14, 2016
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    1) Landing gear that can adjust to level capital ships.

    2) Environmental effects on vehicles (Frost, snow, need to heat up thrusters before takeoff on cold planets, need for coolant on hot planets, radiation causing radar range reduction, acid/fire causing block damage on basic steel blocks, water drips from rain, vehicle heat up on reentry, etc)

    3) Bigger scaling/faster speeds in space (1000km+ between celestial bodies like asteroids, planets, and moons, but ships can go much faster in space).
    Sup likes this.
  12. Incubuzz

    Incubuzz Ensign

    Mar 16, 2019
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    1. Let us be able to get up in moving ships, that would bring so much value to the game, especially in multi-player.
    2. Fill in and Flatten Asteroids to be able to build Asteroid bases or change conquered Asteroid-POI.
    3. A way to recycle or scrap a ship to get the resources without having to use a multitool block by block.
    Sup and cmguardia like this.
  13. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    1) better galaxy map, including filter and route planer (like in elite dangerous)
    2) way to control turrets without going to devices, hotkey-popup for changing to predefinded target prioritys, manually fire a group of turrets, control a tool turret, finer control over target priority for the presets.
    3) ingame scripting, like the empyrion scripting mod, but more options. also have a workshop for sharing scripts. for example open a pda and run a script -> way points for all autominers on map are generated; script that continuous refuels and rearmes ships in range of a base (maybe even including manufacturing ammo or fuel cells if they run out)
    Sup likes this.
  14. Draconis

    Draconis Ensign

    Jan 28, 2021
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    Would like to see a scaling success rate when pulling parts off POIs. something ranging between locked low chance, small chance for items at your level unlocked, and a slightly higher chance if you are higher level unlocked.

    also, quest markers or directions could use a bit of tweaking. not asking for hand holding but a better idea of where to go next would be nice in some of the story missions. they kinda just drop off at some points leaving you lost.

    would like to see the return of the "mini" ( food processor, medical) devices to better fit small bases and CV. with a much more restricted functions due to their size (1 block size. maybe have small 1 block versions.

    just some thoughts. in total love with this game.
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  15. Nerd01

    Nerd01 Commander

    Mar 24, 2017
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    While some of the recommendations for features sound good, some of them originate from basic problems.

    Proper energy management: This would solve problems related to balancing issues if applied properly. Power would be the limit for the amount of guns, +engines +etc you can use, rather than arbitrary limitations like "cv cant fire planetside" or "you can only have x number of weapons"

    Proper implementation of gravity: Acceleration should be the limit for ships, not the speed. More mass you have, slower you accelerate. And if you think "what about a huge cv, they wound move if you make it realistic" we have warp drives and gravity generators, which manipulate space-time, and therefore the mass. If you can have a device which create gravity in space, you should be able to reverse its effect to reduce the mass. And there you go, that is how a huge cv can go fast or even fly through an atmosphere.

    I think two is enough, since they cover lots of issues.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2021
    me777 likes this.
  16. Morkar

    Morkar Lieutenant

    Aug 17, 2015
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    1. HOTAS support
    2. Better enemy ship AI for combat
    3. ship cockpits with workable standard MFDs
  17. Ivel

    Ivel Ensign

    Jul 14, 2021
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    being able to be on ship that is moving while not seated

    Gravity Generators have an adjustable range

    Repair-like console that can be placed on base only, recycles ships for % of resources(I think 100% is too much, something like 50-75%?)
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  18. KRanKO5

    KRanKO5 Lieutenant

    Oct 17, 2019
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    I'm liking that last one :)

    I would add the possibility of selling your ships at the station for some good gold or a mix of gold and rss depending on availability in a particular system

    Also I second Draconis request of mini food proc. with some restrictions
    Ivel likes this.
  19. Ivel

    Ivel Ensign

    Jul 14, 2021
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    being able to sell ships to stations would be awesome!
    KRanKO5 likes this.
  20. Bronco40

    Bronco40 Lieutenant

    Dec 14, 2017
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    1. Walk around on moving ships , plenty of games have it . No reason we cant as well .
    2. A plant harvester droid / rebot . That picks grow plot plants for us . Can require full with limited storage .
    3. More Mission's , Story lines , quest . To keep us into the game . Like the Homeworlds of Factions ( Example Zirax ) Be packed with POI's ,with quest to do on them .

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