The Problem with Turrets

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scoob, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    I have real issues with turrets, be they on my Base, a CV or HV/SV - they'll often simply either not fire at all, or there's a long delay before they start firing. This has been a problem for ages, and would usually get worse the longer the player session is. However, in v1.5.5 I can load my game and my turrets are largely unresponsive right away, the degradation over time isn't the issue.

    For example, I just loaded into my game, took out some turrets on a POI using a shielded light SV, taking some fire from ground troops in the process. After the POI's turrets were down, I flew back to my CV parked nearby, and slowly advanced on the target POI. Now, this CV has four Minigun turrets and three Sentry Turrets, all with good LoS on anything in front and slightly below the CV - i.e. all those ground troops. However, as I'm moving slowly over the terrain - giving my turrets every chance to fire fire due to their superior range - they simply do not.

    I was sat, with troops firing at me, for a good twenty second before just one of my turrets started firing. This is all no more than ten minutes into loading the game. Turrets are HOPELESS vs. ground troops! My CV is not shielded, but due to the Turret coverage and range it should not be vulnerable to ground troops if I advance slowly. However, as they simply don't fire a lot of the time, it totally negates their supposed advantages.

    Do others see this still? I'm just single player - so no server-related issues - and fps is great. My CV's turrets simply either do not fire at all - six out of seven turrets did not fire - or they takes ages to respond and fire - one of those seven turrets with good LoS actually fired. That's awful!

    Note: to be clear, this isn't a range issue. I can jump into the turret myself and engage the ground troops before they can fire at me. I can even get out of the CV while it hovers and take them out with a Sniper Rifle - all the while zero response from the turrets.

    What are your experiences with turrets? Do they respond really poorly (if at all) for you too? Does their response time degrade over time played, or are they bad right away? I get this in both vanilla games - my last play-through - as well as my current Reforged Eden Scenario game. Ground troops should never even get remotely close enough to an armed CV to be a threat, given decent turret coverage.

  2. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    If turrets don't fire it's because they are misplaced or they lack ammo, all turrets have a fire arc and a rotation speed which will seriously limit their fire rate and speed, look in their description. For example if you place them high on your base they can hardly fire below etc. You must carefully place them and set them to active in the control menu, plus set them in the device menu to fire on specific targets.
    Then, most ship-mounted turrets are made to fire only in space, not planetside.

    Taking account of all that I don't have any problems, some turrets perform miserably against certain target types, especially if you are moving while firing, but you can find this out by reading their description and use the right turrets for the situation, so you need to make separate entries in the device menu for a turret type (space, artillery, planetside). Generally I leave the turrets alone after setitng-up their targets and fire my manual weapons to speed up the job.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  3. It never went away for me. It's been like this in every single game version for years now.

    Up until now it usually only presented itself after a half hour or more of playing, but like you, I'm now seeing it immediately upon loading the save sometimes (but not always).

    No, this is a long standing issue for many years now that has been noticed by dozens upon dozens of people.

    It's not an ammo or firing arc issue, the AI frequently just stops working for extended periods of time.
    It's an issue with the AI failing to aquire it's next (or first) target even though it has a clear line of sight.
    Khazul likes this.
  4. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I cannot confirm this, everytime a turret of mine doesn't fire, I go in the device menu and I see that a box for a target type is not ticked, or the turret is the wrong one for the situation, e.g. an artillery gun should not be used against a moving ship etc.
    But I will watch out for such bugs in 1.5.
  5. Balthazod

    Balthazod Lieutenant

    Mar 3, 2020
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    I have this problem as well, I built s ship specially to combat this which has maxim um LOS and still they do not fire, Like you said if I manually use the turret it can fire but I can not do this in space battles when the ship needs to be piloted. Even the mining turret has problems giving error msg as if I am aiming at my ship even though it is unobstructed and has clear LOS.
  6. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Sometimes the turret AI just stops for a bit. I don't know what causes it, but it's NOT lack of ammo or wrong targeting settings because this can happen in a controlled testing environment.
    Balthazod likes this.
  7. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I think I've been around long enough to eliminate the valid reasons why a turret won't fire lol. Remember, in my original post, I mention how I can take direct control of the turret myself and the target is well within range and firing arc. I.e. the turret won't automatically fire at the target, but I can use it just fine.

    An addendum to this issue, and also something that has been around for a while, where the player is standing relative to the Turrets and their target matters. I.e. My CV is landed, enemy Zirax troops are shooting it, but not advancing, they're attacking from what I assume is their maximum range. My CV turrets are not firing. I get out of my CV and approach them on foot - gonna shoot 'em inna face lol - and, as I approach my turrets suddenly all open up. At all times the Turret is well within its reported effective range for the current environment, but it only fires when I personally get closer to the target. Where I am matters.

    I've seen this before with Drone attacks vs. a base, if I'm at the other end of my base vs. where the Drone are approaching from, my turrets won't fire - though the Drones will. If on the other hand I walk towards the Drones to part of my base that's closer to them, my Turrets will fire first.

    The Bridge on my current CV is just fore of the centre point, on top with all Turrets ahead of this point. I suspect my positioning is affecting things here, but all my original points still stand. In summary:

    1) Turrets sometimes don't open fire at valid targets that are in-range and well within their firing arc.
    2) Turrets often exhibit a long delay before they start shooting a valid target - they are not reloading (verified)
    3) Turrets reaction to targets varies based on where the player is standing relative to the target. i.e.
    - Turret and Target are 100 metres apart, well within the Turrets firing range.
    - Player is standing 100 metres behind the turret, relative to its target, so 200 metres from the target. Turret does not fire.
    - Player is standing next to the turret. Turret might fire.
    - Player is closing on the target. Turret almost certainly will fire.

    Indeed. This is certainly something I've observed many many times before, particularly over longer play sessions. For example, I could save a game where my CV's turrets simply are not firing at a target. I make the save (not firing) wait thirty second (still not firing) then wait some more and they might eventually open fire, assuming the Turret / CV is still alive to do so. I then take that save - where turrets did not fire for over thirty seconds or more - and the turrets open fire the moment the save loads. That's been normal behaviour for a very long time. What's not so normal, for me at least, are turrets failing minutes after loading. It was very much an issue observed during longer play-sessions for me.

    In essence, this is a core element of the game which often simply does not work. Automated turrets are great when they work, but sadly they often do not - at least not in an acceptable manner.

    Note: I observe that sometimes the Turrets on POI's and Patrol Vessels (both planetary and space) can also exhibit a delayed Turret response. However, it seems far far less pronounced that the delay Player turrets suffer from.

    KRanKO5 and Balthazod like this.
  8. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    Ok, 'scuse me, from what you elaborate here I've yet to see all that, I never noticed, if I hear the 'bang' for me it's alright, I never went in any precise tests.
  9. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I have a very big rectangular platform for CVs on my planet with 1 canon turret at each angle, the far away turrets placed on the other side from where I'm standing (about 100m) will always fire , I can watch them doing so if the drones happen to come-in from that side where obviously they are in-range; as for your description they should not fire, but they do.
    I also have to activate my planetary turrets on my CV because it's not docked and can be damaged, they also fire, but only once drones get nearby.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2021
  10. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It's easy to not notice if you aren't specifically watching them as you might think any pauses are due to switching targets or reloading. It's rare enough even when I'm testing, but I have noticed it. It will also affect AI turrets on NPC faction owned ships.

    I haven't gotten around to reporting it as a game bug, however.
  11. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    No worries, glad you're not experiencing it as I do - it's a bloody pain in the rear lol.

    I've done testing where I've had the Core of my base in the side of a hill, so Drones can only realistically approach from one direction - or get stuck. I have turrets near the hill and turrets further away from the hill. When I see Drones or a Troop Transport approach from the right direction - it's somewhat random now attacks no longer approach from the Drone Base (I miss that) - I can see the issue manifest its self. I.e. NO turret fire until I personally move closer to the enemy. I did do a bug report demonstrating this issue back during the Alpha, which showed it quite clearly. Things haven't changed overly much since then.

    Note: A more simple example of this is to build a small base with a turret (Minigun will do) in a wide-open are in Zirax territory. There will be enemies all around. The turret - all going well - will fire at closer targets then stop. You'd assume that any additional targets roaming around were out of range - a fair assumption. However, start walking towards those assumed out of range targets and the Turret will start firing. The question is, does the turret simply not "see" the enemies until they are closer to the player or are these enemies not "active" (a valid target) until a player gets closer to them. It makes sense for an NPC / Critter to not be active if no player is present to see them of course, but when said enemy can fire at the player / player assets, it breaks things. There was a time when enemies would become visible but not be active, they could be shot by the player with a sniper rifle, but not actually die until the player got closer. I.e. you could shoot a target indefinitely and they'd not die (or move or anything), but upon approaching them they'd become active, and realise they're dead. I find the progression of the weirdness interesting, as I suspect there's more to this.

    Indeed. It's easy to assume a reload is going on or perhaps the turret has locked on to a target it cannot shoot currently due to LoS. It was rare in that I'd need to play for a longer session - a couple of hours - before it became obvious there was a problem. However, getting it within a few minutes of loading the game is new to me.

    I don't know whether PC performance has any bearing on this, though considering I went from a 2600K to a 3900X and the issue remains, I suspect not. I also have 32GB of RAM on both systems, so I'd doubt memory was an issue.

    Sadly the turrets not firing issue is one that cannot readily be demonstrated as is does not persist in a save. Save with the issue obvious, reload and it's gone. The whole "where the player is standing" thing can and has been demonstrated in a save though previously.

  12. japp_02

    japp_02 Commander

    Feb 11, 2021
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    I just want to add that what I said above about my rectangular platform does not contradict in any way Scoob's data about the turret behavior. I will watch out for it. Next time I will pay more attention about who is posting a thread, sorry again for my naive first response.
  13. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    No worries, you're points were all valid things to look out for when a turret isn't firing. You weren't to know that I'd already dismissed any known valid reason, I should have been more clear in my post.

    The whole "distance from player" issue with it impacting Turret firing was just an additional observation on the topic of Turrets not firing. I thought it quite interesting on how the player's location can quite clearly - I've demonstrated it in a prior saved game - impact Turret firing. With this in mind, I was pondering how my Player position seated in the CV might be having some effect on the turrets. I'd usually have the Pilot's Seat right at the front of the CV, so I would be close to anything the CV is approaching moving forwards. However, this build has the Pilot's seat much further back and on the top of the ship, which might be impacting things, based on the prior distance to player observations. It's largely speculation based on observed events.

    Regardless, turrets no work so gud :)

  14. MoronWMachinegun

    MoronWMachinegun Ensign

    Aug 5, 2021
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    Wait, turrets obey LoS? I've not seen this. Turrets will drill through a POI for internal targets or targets mounted on the far side of a POI. They kind of have to do this, or else they would never be able to hit generators.

    I guess I haven't seen this specifically for ground forces, maybe LoS matters there? But I've seen a turret placed on a small breaching SV sit there and continuously try shooting through voxel dirt to get at an enemy.
  15. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Turrets will shoot at internal devices, but will NOT fire through one structure to shoot at something behind it, nor will they fire through your own ship.
    MoronWMachinegun likes this.
  16. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Also bare in mind that blocks often occupy the entire cube for LoS and some collision detection purposes rather than just the visible part - for eg thin blocks near a turret may not appear to block line of sight, however they do because you have to think what the line of sight would be if it were a full cube there instead. This does not seem to apply to all blocks as I suspect some blocks simply have no collider.

    I dont think affected This does seem not impact manual firing (last time I checked which was ), so I guess there are two collision meshes in play... (?!?).

    I also think a different collision mesh/mechanism is used for LoS can fire check vs what happen when you fire manually (which doesn't need a can fire check) vs that used for hit detection. All very messy.

    As for the turrets going to sleep issue - I have also experienced this alot.

    There are also ranging issues with turrets as well where some will target and fire way beyond their range and sometimes wont fire until well within their range (I think it has to do with the location of the origin of the structures). This can be a pain pain in the ass when taking on a zirax dreadnought that start shooting at you from 1-2-1.4Km away while you own turrets will not engage until within 800m or so. Kind of **** really.
    MoronWMachinegun likes this.
  17. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    I had a good example this evening of Player proximity impacting turret firing. I was up on the roof of my CV - there's a landing pad there - and, looking over the railings I could see one of those Telorapod (sp?) thingies wandering about that they do. Now, my CV has Sentry Turrets covering that direction, set to predators and I wondered why they were ignoring it. I walked up to the rail - getting just a couple of metres closer to the 'pod critter - and the Sentry Turret that side started firing at it. I stepped back about two metres and it stopped, forward, started again, backwards stopped, forward shooting resumes! My movement stopped the Sentry Turret shooting!

    I was going to snag a quick save, but the 'pod died that last time I stepped forwards, so I was too late. Note: the critter was in full LoS of the Turret's arc of fire and range at all times.

    LoS and hit boxes of objects can be a HUGE issue when on foot. Just this evening - as many times before - I've had enemies in POI's lined up perfectly in my (Sniper) sites. I fire what should be the perfect head shot only to get "you cannot damage this target with the current weapon" or words to that effect pop up. It's exceedingly frustrating.

    The thing is, when an object isn't a simple shape and the hit box doesn't perfectly match it, I understand. It needs to be fixed still, sure, but I understand a more simple collision mesh has been used. However, when the block is a full block and the collision mesh is bigger than it, that seems a little more daft.

    It's not uncommon - Skyrim suffered hugely from this for example - but it is frustrating when you get the "perfect" shot on a dangerous NPC, only to have your bullet hit another block. Insult added to injury when said NPC turns around and shoots the player with ease...

    These are on-foot issues of course, but I've no doubt they also impact turret firing. Turrets appear to try to aim for the centre of the target object, so, will never fire at certain objects, even if they're 49% exposed to LoS.

    MoronWMachinegun likes this.
  18. Thor'sHammer

    Thor'sHammer Commander

    Jul 11, 2020
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    I'm playing Solo and I've definitely observed this behavior. I'll be in my SV and approach within range of a target, be it Prey, Zirax on foot, or a Drone guarding a resource and my multiple Turrets do not engage when they should.

    I have also noticed the "Oh NOW I see the {fill in the blank}" as I personally approach on foot. There's a definite delay while the AI figures out if there's a valid target. Seems to wake up if you advance on the creature.

    There is ALSO a delay in updating the Turret's list of valid targets. Example:

    If I'm in Talon territory I don't want it shooting Prey, I'll turn it off. Occasionally I've forgotten, and when it opens up on a Prey, I'll quickly turn that off, but it doesn't stop (actually actively selecting ANOTHER Prey). If I just kill all Turrets, it shuts off instantly, but if I change 'allowed targets' there is a definite delay.

    Same if I SELECT to activate the Turrets to kill Predator or Prey. There can be a whole mob of them and the turrets just sit there for a while.

    I've also noticed if there's a family of dinos it will kill one parent, then do a long pause before acquiring the second parent (who is now charging me), repeated delay for the young ones. If I'm in my HV I've had to rapidly reverse to avoid being attacked and it just takes it's time thinking. So long a delay that it's normal for two of the young to get out of range alive (>200meters!).

    So it happens in HV, SV and as reported by @Scoob in a CV.

    This is broken, and has been for a long time.
  19. Garaman

    Garaman Captain

    Aug 23, 2020
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    I'll add a few observations:
    • I think we've all seen turrets continue to fire at ships for a few seconds after they're dead. Very rough with end-game ships as you watch one or two additional salvos of plasma torch your salvage. Apparently this indicates that the firing evaluation is not instantaneous, but operates on a delay or some fixed interval.
    • Player position also seems to influence NPC turrets too. At times I land my ship in an abandoned POI and try to park it where the sentry guns stop shooting at it. The moment I exit my seat though, those sentries suddenly "see" different parts of my ship and start shooting again. Don't know if that's related to some of the comments above, where the "targeted position" of parts of your ship may move depending on where the player is or where the cockpit is mounted.
    Thor'sHammer likes this.
  20. Aaron(Wakfu)

    Aaron(Wakfu) Commander

    Jun 1, 2021
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    this happens periodically and when i enter the turret, there is ammo there but its sitting at 0 in the magazine. so it will say 0/1500

    they arent reloading properly. or loading properly the first time by themself when you first put ammo in the container
    Thor'sHammer likes this.

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